public static void Run(string sourcePath, string importPath, string outputPath, string standardOutputFilePath, string standardErrorFilePath)
            //PapyrusCompiler seems to require that paths don't start with . and that only forward slashes are used.
            sourcePath             = sourcePath.Trim('.', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Replace("\\", "/");
            importPath             = importPath.Trim('.', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Replace("\\", "/");
            outputPath             = outputPath.Trim('.', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Replace("\\", "/");
            standardOutputFilePath = standardOutputFilePath.Trim('.', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Replace("\\", "/");
            string compilerDirectory = DataDirectory.GetCompilerDirectoryPath();
            string compilerPath      = compilerDirectory + "PapyrusCompiler.exe";
            string flagsPath         = compilerDirectory.Replace("\\", "/") + "TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg";
            bool   isWindows         = Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT;
            string fileName          = (isWindows ? "\"" : "") + "." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + compilerPath + (isWindows ? "\"" : "");
            string arguments         = "\"" + sourcePath + "\" -f=\"" + flagsPath + "\" -i=\"" + importPath + "\" -o=\"" + outputPath + "\" -a";

            Console.WriteLine("Executing PapyrusCompiler.exe:  " + fileName + " " + arguments);
            ProcessStart(fileName, arguments, standardOutputFilePath, standardErrorFilePath);
            Console.WriteLine("PapyrusCompiler.exe Complete");
 protected bool PreExecutionChecks(bool requireESM, bool requireBuildTargets, bool requireGraph, bool requireCompiler)
     if (requireESM)
         string esmPath = DataDirectory.GetESMDefaultFilePath();
         if (!File.Exists(esmPath))
             Console.WriteLine("Please add " + esmPath);
     if (requireBuildTargets)
         string buildTargetsPath = DataDirectory.GetBuildTargetsPath();
         if (!Directory.Exists(buildTargetsPath))
             Console.WriteLine("Please add " + buildTargetsPath + " with all of its contents.");
     if (requireGraph)
         string graphPath = DataDirectory.GetGraphDirectoryPath();
         if (!Directory.Exists(graphPath))
             Console.WriteLine("Please add " + graphPath + " by running " + BuildInteroperableCompilationGraphs.FriendlyNameConst + ".");
     if (requireCompiler)
         string compilerPath = DataDirectory.GetCompilerDirectoryPath();
         if (!Directory.Exists(compilerPath))
             Console.WriteLine("Please add compiler binaries to " + compilerPath + ".");