Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void Join_OnToMany()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping <DataContext>();
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(AccessDbProvider));

                mapping.Map <MyCustomer>()
                .Column(o => (string)o["City"]);

                mapping.Map <MyOrder>()
                .Column(o => o["OrderID"]);

            var db = new DataContext("C:/Northwind.mdb", mappingSource)
                Log = Console.Out

            var customers = db.GetTable <MyCustomer>();
            var orders    = db.GetTable <MyOrder>();
            var q         = from c in customers
                            from o in orders
                            where (string)c["City"] == "London"
                            select o;
            var items = q.ToList();

            Assert.IsTrue(items.Count > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Delete()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping <DataContext>();
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(AccessDbProvider));

                mapping.Map <MyEmployee>()
                .Column(o => (int)o["EmployeeID"])
                .Column(o => (DateTime)o["BirthDate"])
                .Column(o => (string)o["FirstName"])
                .Column(o => (string)o["LastName"]);

                mapping.Map <MyOrder>()
                .Column(o => (int)o["OrderID"])
                .Column(o => (DateTime)o["OrderDate"]);

            var db    = new DataContext("C:/Northwind.mdb", mappingSource);
            var table = db.GetTable <MyEmployee>();

            table.Delete(o => (int)o["EmployeeID"] == -1);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void DynamicColumJoin()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping <DataContext>();
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(AccessDbProvider));

                mapping.Map <MyEmployee>()
                .Column(o => o["EmployeeID"])
                .Column(o => o["BirthDate"])
                .Column(o => o["FirstName"])
                .Column(o => o["LastName"]);

                mapping.Map <MyOrder>()
                .Column(o => o["OrderID"])
                .Column(o => o["OrderDate"]);

            var db = new DataContext("C:/Northwind.mdb", mappingSource)
                Log = Console.Out
            var employees = db.GetTable <MyEmployee>();
            var orders    = db.GetTable <MyOrder>();

            employees.Join(orders, o => o["EmployeeID"], o => o["OrderID"],
                           (a, b) => new { FirstName = a["FirstName"], OrderDate = b["OrderDate"] }).ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Join_CompositeKey()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate(Type contextType)
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping(contextType);
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(MySqlProvider));

                mapping.Map <MyOrder>()
                .Column(o => o["OrderID"]);

                mapping.Map <MyProduct>()
                .Column(o => o["ProductID"]);

                mapping.Map <MyOrderDetail>()
                .Column(o => o["OrderID"])
                .Column(o => o["ProductID"])
                .Column(o => o["UnitPrice"]);
            string conn = "server=localhost;User Id=root;Password=test;Persist Security Info=True;database=northwind";
            var    db   = new DataContext(conn, mappingSource)
                Log = Console.Out
            var orders       = db.GetTable <MyOrder>();
            var products     = db.GetTable <MyProduct>();
            var orderDetails = db.GetTable <MyOrderDetail>();

            (from o in orders
             from p in products
             join d in orderDetails
             on new
                OrderID = o["OrderID"],
                ProductID = p["ProductID"],
             equals new
                OrderID = d["OrderID"],
                ProductID = d["ProductID"]
            } into details
             from d in details
             select new
                OrderID = o["OrderID"],
                ProductID = p["ProductID"],
                UnitPrice = d["UnitPrice"]
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void Where_Drilldown()
            //Where - Drilldown
            //This sample prints a list of customers from the state of Washington along with their orders.
            //A sequence of customers is created by selecting customers where the region is 'WA'. The sample
            //uses doubly nested foreach statements to print the order numbers for each customer in the sequence.
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate(Type contextType)
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping(contextType);
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(AccessDbProvider));
                mapping.Map <MyCustomer>()
                .Column(o => (string)o["Region"]);

            var db = new DataContext("C:/Northwind.mdb", mappingSource)
                Log = Console.Out
            var table       = db.GetTable <MyCustomer>();
            var waCustomers = table.Where(o => (string)o["Region"] == "WA").ToList();

            Assert.IsTrue(waCustomers.Count > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Where_Simple4()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate(Type contextType)
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping(contextType);
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(AccessDbProvider));
                mapping.Map <MyProduct>()
                .Column(o => (decimal)o["UnitPrice"])
                .Column(o => (bool)o["Discontinued"]);

            var db = new DataContext("C:/Northwind.mdb", mappingSource)
                Log = Console.Out

            var table    = db.GetTable <MyProduct>();
            var q        = table.Where(o => (decimal)o["UnitPrice"] > 10m);
            var products = q.Where(o => !(bool)o["Discontinued"]).ToList();

            Assert.IsTrue(products.Count > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Where_Simple3()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate(Type contextType)
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping(contextType);
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(AccessDbProvider));
                mapping.Map <MyProduct>()
                .Column(o => (int)o["UnitsInStock"])
                .Column(o => (bool)o["Discontinued"])
                .Column(o => (int)o["ReorderLevel"]);

            var db = new DataContext("C:/Northwind.mdb", mappingSource)
                Log = Console.Out
            var table    = db.GetTable <MyProduct>();
            var products = table.Where(o => (short?)o["UnitsInStock"] <= (short?)o["ReorderLevel"] &&

            Assert.IsTrue(products.Count > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void InsertWithSubmit()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping <DataContext>();
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(AccessDbProvider));

                mapping.Map <MyEmployee>()
                .Column(o => (int)o["EmployeeID"], o => o.PrimaryKey().AutoSyncOnInsert().DbGenerated())
                .Column(o => (string)o["FirstName"])
                .Column(o => (string)o["LastName"]);

            var db = new DataContext("C:/Northwind.mdb", mappingSource)
                Log = Console.Out
            var item = new MyEmployee();

            item["FirstName"] = "CCC";
            item["LastName"]  = "DDD";

            var table = db.GetTable <MyEmployee>();


Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void Where_Simple2()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate(Type contextType)
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping(contextType);
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(AccessDbProvider));
                mapping.Map <MyEmployee>()
                .Column(o => (DateTime)o["HireDate"]);

            var db = new DataContext("C:/Northwind.mdb", mappingSource)
                Log = Console.Out

            //筛选1994 年或之后雇用的雇员:
            //var employees = (from e in db.Employees
            //                 where e.HireDate >= new DateTime(1994, 1, 1)
            //                 select e).ToList();
            //Assert.IsTrue(employees.Count > 0);
            var table     = db.GetTable <MyEmployee>();
            var employees = table.Where(o => (DateTime?)o["HireDate"] >= new DateTime(1994, 1, 1)).ToList();

            Assert.IsTrue(employees.Count > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void Join_LetAssignment()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate(Type contextType)
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping(contextType);
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(MySqlProvider));
                mapping.Map <MyCustomer>()
                .Column(o => (int)o["CustomerID"])
                .Column(o => (int)o["OrderID"])
                .Column(o => (int)o["CustomerID"])
                .Column(o => (string)o["Country"])
                .Column(o => (string)o["City"])
                .Column(o => (string)o["ContactName"]);

                mapping.Map <MyOrder>()
                .Column(o => (int)o["OrderID"])
                .Column(o => (int)o["CustomerID"]);

            string conn = "server=localhost;User Id=root;Password=test;Persist Security Info=True;database=northwind";
            var    db   = new DataContext(conn, mappingSource)
                Log = Console.Out

            var customers = db.GetTable <MyCustomer>();
            var orders    = db.GetTable <MyOrder>();
            var q         = (from c in customers
                             join o in orders on c["CustomerID"]
                             equals o["CustomerID"] into ords
                             let z = (string)c["City"] + (string)c["Country"]
                                     from o in ords
                                     select new
                ContactName = c["ContactName"],
                OrderID = o["OrderID"],

            Assert.IsTrue(q.Count > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void Join_ThreeWay()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate(Type contextType)
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping(contextType);
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(ALinq.MySQL.MySqlProvider));

                mapping.Map <MyCustomer>()
                .Column(o => o["CustomerID"])
                .Column(o => o["City"])
                .Column(o => o["ContactName"]);

                mapping.Map <MyOrder>()
                .Column(o => o["CustomerID"])
                .Column(o => o["OrderID"]);

                mapping.Map <MyEmployee>()
                .Column(o => o["City"]);

            string conn = "server=localhost;User Id=root;Password=test;Persist Security Info=True;database=northwind";
            var    db   = new DataContext(conn, mappingSource)
                Log = Console.Out
            var customers = db.GetTable <MyCustomer>();
            var orders    = db.GetTable <MyOrder>();
            var employees = db.GetTable <MyEmployee>();
            var items     = (from c in customers
                             join o in orders on c["CustomerID"]
                             equals o["CustomerID"] into ords
                             join e in employees on c["City"]
                             equals e["City"] into emps
                             select new
                ContactName = c["ContactName"],
                ords = ords.Count(),
                emps = emps.Count(),
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void Join_NullableNonnullableKeyRelationship()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate(Type contextType)
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping(contextType);
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(MySqlProvider));
                mapping.Map <MyOrder>()
                .Column(o => o["OrderID"])
                .Column(o => o["EmployeeID"]);

                mapping.Map <MyEmployee>()
                .Column(o => o["EmployeeID"])
                .Column(o => o["FirstName"]);

            string conn = "server=localhost;User Id=root;Password=test;Persist Security Info=True;database=northwind";
            var    db   = new DataContext(conn, mappingSource)
                Log = Console.Out
            var orders    = db.GetTable <MyOrder>();
            var employees = db.GetTable <MyEmployee>();
            var q         = (from o in orders
                             join e in employees
                             on o["EmployeeID"] equals
                             e["EmployeeID"] into emps
                             from e in emps
                             select new
                OrderID = o["OrderID"],
                FirstName = e["FirstName"]

            Assert.IsTrue(q.Count > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void Join_TowWay()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate(Type contextType)
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping(contextType);
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(AccessDbProvider));

                mapping.Map <MyOrder>()
                .Column(o => o["OrderID"])
                .Column(o => o["CustomerID"]);

                mapping.Map <MyCustomer>()
                .Column(o => o["CustomerID"])
                .Column(o => o["ContactName"]);

            var db = new DataContext("C:/Northwind.mdb", mappingSource)
                Log = Console.Out
            var customers = db.GetTable <MyCustomer>();
            var orders    = db.GetTable <MyOrder>();

            var items = (from c in customers
                         join o in orders on c["CustomerID"]
                         equals o["CustomerID"] into q
                         select new
                ContactName = c["ContactName"],
                OrderCount = q.Count()

            Assert.IsTrue(items.Count > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public void Insert()
     var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate(Type contextType)
         var mapping      = new DataContextMapping(contextType);
         mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(AccessDbProvider));
         mapping.Map <MyEmployee>()
         .Column(o => (int)o["EmployeeID"]);
     var db = new DataContext("C:/Northwind.mdb", mappingSource)
         Log = Console.Out
     var table = db.GetTable <MyEmployee>();
     var id    = table.Insert(o => new { FirstName = "AAA", LastName = "BBB" });
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void SelectWhere()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate(Type contextType)
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping(contextType);
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(AccessDbProvider));
                mapping.Map <MyEmployee>()
                .Column(o => (DateTime)o["BirthDate"]);

            var db = new DataContext("C:/Northwind.mdb", mappingSource)
                Log = Console.Out
            var table = db.GetTable <MyEmployee>().Where(o => (DateTime?)o["BirthDate"] < DateTime.Now);

            table.Where(o => (DateTime?)o["BirthDate"] < DateTime.Now).ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void Aggregate_Null()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping <DataContext>();
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(AccessDbProvider));

                mapping.Map <MyProduct>()
                .Column(o => (int)o["ProductID"]);

            var db    = new DataContext("C:/Northwind.mdb", mappingSource);
            var table = db.GetTable <MyProduct>();

            table.Select(o => (int)o["ProductID"]).ToArray();

            var min = table.Min(o => (int)o["ProductID"]);
            var max = table.Max(o => (int)o["ProductID"]);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void SelectNew1()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping <DataContext>();
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(AccessDbProvider));
                mapping.Map <MyEmployee>()
                .Column(o => o["LastName"]);

            var db = new DataContext("C:/Northwind.mdb", mappingSource)
                Log = Console.Out

            db.GetTable <MyEmployee>().Select(o => new { Item = o })
            .Select(o => o.Item["LastName"])
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void Where_Simple1()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate(Type contextType)
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping(contextType);
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(AccessDbProvider));
                mapping.Map <MyCustomer>()
                .Column(o => (string)o["City"]);

            var db = new DataContext("C:/Northwind.mdb", mappingSource)
                Log = Console.Out
            var table     = db.GetTable <MyCustomer>();
            var customers = table.Where(o => (string)o["City"] == "London").ToArray();

            Assert.IsTrue(customers.Length > 0);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void ConvertTest()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate(Type contextType)
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping(contextType);
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(AccessDbProvider));
                mapping.Map <MyProduct>().Table("Products").Column(o => o["ProductID"]);

            var db = new DataContext("C:/Northwind.mdb", mappingSource)
                Log = Console.Out
            var table = db.GetTable <MyProduct>();

            table.Select(o => o["ProductID"]).ToArray();
            table.Select(o => (int)o["ProductID"]).ToArray();
            table.Select(o => Convert.ToString((int)o["ProductID"])).ToArray();

            //var min = table.Min(o => (int)o["ProductID"]);
            //var max = table.Max(o => (int)(o["ProductID"]));
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void GroupWhere4()
            var mappingSource = new FluentMappingSource(delegate
                var mapping      = new DataContextMapping <DataContext>();
                mapping.Provider = new ProviderAttribute(typeof(AccessDbProvider));

                mapping.Map <MyEmployee>()
                .Column(o => (DateTime)o["BirthDate"])
                .Column(o => o["FirstName"])
                .Column(o => o["LastName"]);

            var db    = new DataContext("C:/Northwind.mdb", mappingSource);
            var table = db.GetTable <MyEmployee>();
            var keys3 = table.Where(o => (DateTime)o["BirthDate"] < DateTime.Now)
                        .GroupBy(o => o["FirstName"])
                        .Select(o => o.Key);
