public static void WaitUntilFileCreated(string rootPath, FileNode fileNode, DataAdaptor<DMLibDataInfo> dataAdaptor, DMLibDataType dataType, int timeoutInSec = 300)
            Func<bool> checkFileCreated = null;

            if (dataType == DMLibDataType.Local)
                string filePath = dataAdaptor.GetAddress() + fileNode.GetLocalRelativePath();
                checkFileCreated = () =>
                    return File.Exists(filePath);
            else if (dataType == DMLibDataType.PageBlob ||
                     dataType == DMLibDataType.AppendBlob)
                CloudBlobDataAdaptor blobAdaptor = dataAdaptor as CloudBlobDataAdaptor;

                checkFileCreated = () =>
                    CloudBlob cloudBlob = blobAdaptor.GetCloudBlobReference(rootPath, fileNode);
                    return cloudBlob.Exists(options: HelperConst.DefaultBlobOptions);
            else if (dataType == DMLibDataType.BlockBlob)
                CloudBlobDataAdaptor blobAdaptor = dataAdaptor as CloudBlobDataAdaptor;

                checkFileCreated = () =>
                    CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = blobAdaptor.GetCloudBlobReference(rootPath, fileNode) as CloudBlockBlob;
                        return blockBlob.DownloadBlockList(BlockListingFilter.All, options: HelperConst.DefaultBlobOptions).Any();
                    catch (StorageException)
                        return false;
            else if (dataType == DMLibDataType.CloudFile)
                CloudFileDataAdaptor fileAdaptor = dataAdaptor as CloudFileDataAdaptor;

                checkFileCreated = () =>
                    CloudFile cloudFile = fileAdaptor.GetCloudFileReference(rootPath, fileNode);
                    return cloudFile.Exists(options: HelperConst.DefaultFileOptions);
                Test.Error("Unexpected data type: {0}", DMLibTestContext.SourceType);

            MultiDirectionTestHelper.WaitUntil(checkFileCreated, timeoutInSec);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 void Start()
     Camera.main.transform.position = new Vector3(4.5f, 6f, -11.5f);
     Rawdata = DataAdaptor.ReadCSVFile("Assets/stacked_data_accident1.csv");   // reading csv file
     foreach (string item in Rawdata)
         data.Add(float.Parse(item));                                // converting data from string to float
     columnCount = DataAdaptor.header.Split(',').Length;
     rowCount    = data.Count / columnCount;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the dataset in JSON-stat format
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collection"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static JsonStatCollection GetJsonStatCollectionObject(List <dynamic> collection)
            var theJsonStatCollection = new JsonStatCollection();
            var theCollectionLink     = new JsonStatCollectionLink()
                Item = new List <Item>()

            theJsonStatCollection.Link = theCollectionLink;

            if (collection == null)

            if (collection.Count == 0)

            foreach (var element in collection)
                var aItem = new Item()
                    Href    = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}", Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig("url.application"), Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_COOKIELINK_TABLE"), element.MtrCode)),
                    Class   = ItemClass.Dataset,
                    Label   = element.MtrTitle,
                    Updated = DataAdaptor.ConvertToString(element.RlsLiveDatetimeFrom),

                    Extension = new Dictionary <string, object>()

                var Frequency = new { name = element.FrqValue, code = element.FrqCode };

                aItem.Extension.Add("copyright", new { name = element.CprValue, code = element.CprCode, href = element.CprUrl });
                aItem.Extension.Add("exceptional", element.ExceptionalFlag);
                aItem.Extension.Add("language", new { code = element.LngIsoCode, name = element.LngIsoName });
                aItem.Extension.Add("matrix", element.MtrCode);
                aItem.Extension.Add("frequency", Frequency);

Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal Workflow_DTO Populate(ADO ado, Workflow_DTO dto, string ccnUsername)
            Workflow_ADO     wAdo   = new Workflow_ADO();
            ADO_readerOutput reader = wAdo.Read(ado, dto, ccnUsername, "PUBLISH");

            if (!reader.hasData)

            return(new Workflow_DTO()
                WrqDatetime = DataAdaptor.ReadDateTime([0].WrqDatetime),
                WrqExceptionalFlag = DataAdaptor.ReadBool([0].WrqExceptionalFlag),
                WrqReservationFlag = DataAdaptor.ReadBool([0].WrqReservationFlag),
                WrqArchiveFlag = DataAdaptor.ReadBool([0].WrqArchiveFlag),
                WrqExperimentalFlag = DataAdaptor.ReadBool([0].WrqExperimentalFlag)
        public void UploadLargeObject_Nonseekable_PageBlob_Nagitive()
            DataAdaptor <DMLibDataInfo> sourceAdaptor = GetSourceAdaptor(DMLibDataType.Stream);
            DataAdaptor <DMLibDataInfo> destAdaptor   = GetDestAdaptor(DMLibDataType.PageBlob);

            DMLibDataInfo sourceDataInfo = new DMLibDataInfo(string.Empty);

            sourceDataInfo.RootNode.AddFileNode(new FileNode($"{FileName}_{1}B")
                SizeInByte = 1,


            List <TransferItem> uploadItems = new List <TransferItem>();

            string   fileName = $"{FileName}_{1}B";
            FileNode fileNode = sourceDataInfo.RootNode.GetFileNode(fileName);

            uploadItems.Add(new TransferItem()
                SourceObject  = new DMLibTestStream(sourceAdaptor.GetTransferObject(string.Empty, fileNode) as FileStream, false, true),
                DestObject    = destAdaptor.GetTransferObject(string.Empty, fileNode),
                SourceType    = DMLibDataType.Stream,
                DestType      = DMLibDataType.PageBlob,
                IsServiceCopy = false

            // Execution
            var result = this.RunTransferItems(
                new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>()
                DisableDestinationFetch = true

            Test.Assert(result.Exceptions.Count == 1 && result.Exceptions[0].Message.Contains("must be a multiple of 512 bytes."), "Verify error is expected.");

Ejemplo n.º 6
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        // Read the data from the file using our "generic" adaptor
        rawData = DataAdaptor.ReadCSVFile("Assets/circular_heatchart_data.csv");
        // Parse the data from strings to floats
        foreach (string data in rawData)

        max = 0;
        min = energyData[0];

        // Find the max and min of our array
        for (int i = 0; i < energyData.Count; i++)
            if (energyData[i] > max)
                max = energyData[i];
            if (energyData[i] < min)
                min = energyData[i];
        // Create a segment for each data point
        for (int i = 0; i < energyData.Count; i++)
            int ringNumber = i / 12;

            Mesh       segmentWedge = CustomMeshGenerator.Create3DToroidWedge(40, ringNumber + 1, ringNumber + 2, 30, 1);
            GameObject newSegment   = new GameObject("Chart Segment" + (i + 1));
            newSegment.AddComponent <MeshCollider>().sharedMesh     = segmentWedge;
            newSegment.AddComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh             = segmentWedge;
            newSegment.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = PointToColor(energyData[i]);
            // localRotation cannot be a vector3, have to use Quaternion
            newSegment.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, -30 * (i % 12));
        // Move the camera so we can see the whole chart
        transform.position = new Vector3(0f, 0f, -0.21f * energyData.Count);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a JSON-stat metadata based on a database read of collections
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collection"></param>
        /// <param name="statistics"></param>
        /// <param name="classifications"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Item GetJsonStatRelease(List <dynamic> collection, List <dynamic> statistics, List <dynamic> classifications, List <dynamic> periods, List <Format_DTO_Read> formats)
            var jsStat = new Item();

            // jsStat.Class = Class.Dataset;
            //jsStat.Version = Version.The20;
            jsStat.Id   = new List <string>();
            jsStat.Size = new List <long>();

            var thisItem = collection.FirstOrDefault();

            jsStat.Extension = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            var Frequency = new { name = thisItem.FrqValue, code = thisItem.FrqCode };

            jsStat.Extension.Add("copyright", new { name = thisItem.CprValue, code = thisItem.CprCode, href = thisItem.CprUrl });
            jsStat.Extension.Add("exceptional", thisItem.ExceptionalFlag);
            jsStat.Extension.Add("language", new { code = thisItem.LngIsoCode, name = thisItem.LngIsoName });
            jsStat.Extension.Add("matrix", thisItem.MtrCode);

            Format_DTO_Read fDtoMain = formats.Where(x => x.FrmType == Constants.C_SYSTEM_JSON_STAT_NAME).FirstOrDefault();// new Format_DTO_Read() { FrmDirection = Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_FORMAT_DOWNLOAD_NAME"), FrmType = Constants.C_SYSTEM_JSON_STAT_NAME };

            jsStat.Href      = new Uri(Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig("url.restful") + string.Format(Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_RESTFUL_DATASET"), Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_READ_DATASET_API"), thisItem.MtrCode, fDtoMain.FrmType, fDtoMain.FrmVersion, thisItem.LngIsoCode));
            jsStat.Label     = thisItem.MtrTitle;
            jsStat.Updated   = DataAdaptor.ConvertToString(thisItem.RlsLiveDatetimeFrom);
            jsStat.Dimension = new Dictionary <string, Dimension>();


            var link = new DimensionLink
                Alternate = new List <Alternate>()

            foreach (var f in formats)
                link.Alternate.Add(new Alternate()
                    Href = Configuration_BSO.GetCustomConfig("url.restful") + string.Format(Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_RESTFUL_DATASET"), Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_READ_DATASET_API"), thisItem.MtrCode, f.FrmType, f.FrmVersion, thisItem.LngIsoCode)
            jsStat.Link = link;


            var statDimension = new Dimension()
                Label = Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_CSV_STATISTIC"),

                Category = new Category()

            jsStat.Dimension.Add(Utility.GetCustomConfig("APP_CSV_STATISTIC"), statDimension);


            List <PeriodRecordDTO_Create> plist = new List <PeriodRecordDTO_Create>();

            foreach (var per in periods)
                plist.Add(new PeriodRecordDTO_Create()
                    Code = per.PrdCode, Value = per.PrdValue

            var timeDimension = new Dimension()
                Label =,

                Category = new Category()
                    Index = plist.Select(v => v.Code).ToList(),
                    Label = plist.ToDictionary(v => v.Code, v => v.Value)

            jsStat.Dimension.Add(Frequency.code, timeDimension);

            foreach (var s in classifications)
                Dictionary <string, string> dict = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                dict.Add(s.ClsCode, s.ClsValue);
                var clsDimension = new Dimension()
                    Label    = s.ClsValue,
                    Category = new Category()

                jsStat.Dimension.Add(s.ClsCode, clsDimension);

            jsStat.Role        = new Role();
            jsStat.Role.Metric = new List <string>
            jsStat.Role.Time = new List <string>

            //Values will be blank in this case, all we want is metadata
            //jsStat.Value = new JsonStatValue() { AnythingArray = new List<ValueElement>() };
        private void UploadFromStreamTest(DMLibDataType destType, long[] variedSourceLength, int?blockSize, bool seekable, bool fixedSized)
            DataAdaptor <DMLibDataInfo> sourceAdaptor = GetSourceAdaptor(DMLibDataType.Stream);
            DataAdaptor <DMLibDataInfo> destAdaptor   = GetDestAdaptor(destType);

            DMLibDataInfo sourceDataInfo = new DMLibDataInfo(string.Empty);

            foreach (long fileSizeInByte in variedSourceLength)
                sourceDataInfo.RootNode.AddFileNode(new FileNode($"{FileName}_{fileSizeInByte}")
                    SizeInByte = fileSizeInByte,


            List <TransferItem> uploadItems = new List <TransferItem>();

            foreach (long fileSizeInByte in variedSourceLength)
                string   fileName = $"{FileName}_{fileSizeInByte}";
                FileNode fileNode = sourceDataInfo.RootNode.GetFileNode(fileName);

                uploadItems.Add(new TransferItem()
                    SourceObject  = new DMLibTestStream(sourceAdaptor.GetTransferObject(string.Empty, fileNode) as FileStream, seekable, fixedSized),
                    DestObject    = destAdaptor.GetTransferObject(string.Empty, fileNode),
                    SourceType    = DMLibDataType.Stream,
                    DestType      = destType,
                    IsServiceCopy = false

            // Execution
            var result = this.RunTransferItems(
                new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>()
                DisableDestinationFetch = true,
                BlockSize = blockSize.HasValue ? blockSize.Value : 4 * 1024 * 1024

            if (!fixedSized && (destType == DMLibDataType.PageBlob || destType == DMLibDataType.CloudFile))
                Test.Assert(result.Exceptions.Count == 1 && result.Exceptions[0].Message.Contains("Source must be fixed size"), "Verify error is expected.");
                // Verify all files are transfered successfully
                Test.Assert(result.Exceptions.Count == 0, "Verify no exception occurs.");

                DMLibDataInfo destDataInfo = destAdaptor.GetTransferDataInfo(string.Empty);

                foreach (FileNode destFileNode in destDataInfo.EnumerateFileNodes())
                    FileNode sourceFileNode = sourceDataInfo.RootNode.GetFileNode(destFileNode.Name);
                    Test.Assert(DMLibDataHelper.Equals(sourceFileNode, destFileNode), "Verify transfer result.");

Ejemplo n.º 9
 public Controller()
     model = new MySqlData();
        private void DownloadToMultipleStreams(DMLibDataType sourceType, long fileSize, int blockSize = 0)
            DataAdaptor <DMLibDataInfo> sourceAdaptor = GetSourceAdaptor(sourceType);
            DataAdaptor <DMLibDataInfo> destAdaptor1  = GetDestAdaptor(DMLibDataType.Stream);

            Test.Info("SourceType: {0}, filesize {1}, blocksize {2}", sourceType, fileSize, blockSize);

            DMLibDataInfo sourceDataInfo = new DMLibDataInfo(string.Empty);
            long          fileSizeInByte = fileSize;

            sourceDataInfo.RootNode.AddFileNode(new FileNode(FileName)
                SizeInByte = fileSizeInByte,


            List <TransferItem> downloadItems = new List <TransferItem>();

            FileNode fileNode = sourceDataInfo.RootNode.GetFileNode(FileName);

            int streamCount = random.Next(2, 6);

            for (int i = 0; i < streamCount; ++i)
                downloadItems.Add(new TransferItem()
                    SourceObject  = sourceAdaptor.GetTransferObject(string.Empty, fileNode),
                    DestObject    = (destAdaptor1 as LocalDataAdaptor).GetTransferObject(string.Empty, $"{FileName}_{i}"),
                    SourceType    = sourceType,
                    DestType      = DMLibDataType.Stream,
                    IsServiceCopy = false

            var options = new TestExecutionOptions <DMLibDataInfo>()
                DisableDestinationFetch = true,

            if (0 != blockSize)
                options.BlockSize = blockSize;

            // Execution
            var result = this.RunTransferItems(

            // Verify all files are transfered successfully
            Test.Assert(result.Exceptions.Count == 0, "Verify no exception occurs.");

            DMLibDataInfo destDataInfo = destAdaptor1.GetTransferDataInfo(string.Empty);

            foreach (FileNode destFileNode in destDataInfo.EnumerateFileNodes())
                var      toBeValidateFileNode = destFileNode.Clone(FileName);
                FileNode sourceFileNode       = sourceDataInfo.RootNode.GetFileNode(FileName);
                Test.Assert(DMLibDataHelper.Equals(sourceFileNode, toBeValidateFileNode), "Verify transfer result.");

        public static void SetCalculatedFileMD5(DMLibDataInfo dataInfo, DataAdaptor<DMLibDataInfo> destAdaptor, bool disableMD5Check = false)
            foreach (FileNode fileNode in dataInfo.EnumerateFileNodes())
                if (DMLibTestBase.IsCloudBlob(DMLibTestContext.DestType))
                    CloudBlobDataAdaptor cloudBlobDataAdaptor = destAdaptor as CloudBlobDataAdaptor;
                    CloudBlob cloudBlob = cloudBlobDataAdaptor.GetCloudBlobReference(dataInfo.RootPath, fileNode);

                    fileNode.MD5 = CloudBlobHelper.CalculateMD5ByDownloading(cloudBlob, disableMD5Check);
                else if (DMLibTestContext.DestType == DMLibDataType.CloudFile)
                    CloudFileDataAdaptor cloudFileDataAdaptor = destAdaptor as CloudFileDataAdaptor;
                    CloudFile cloudFile = cloudFileDataAdaptor.GetCloudFileReference(dataInfo.RootPath, fileNode);

                    fileNode.MD5 = CloudFileHelper.CalculateMD5ByDownloading(cloudFile, disableMD5Check);

                // No need to set md5 for local destination