Ejemplo n.º 1
        public DataSet findCourses(Term term, List <Subject> subjects, string courseOperator, string CourseNo, Building building, Instructor instructor, string creditHrs, bool exclude, bool distanceLearning, bool creditcoursesprovided, bool courseOfferings)
            DataAccessEntity DataAccessEntity1 = new DataAccessEntity();

            string query = " SELECT  DISTINCT SC.CRN, S.subject AS [Subj.], C.courseNum AS [#], SC.sectionId AS Section, " +
                           " C.credits AS [Cr Hrs], SC.[enrlCap] || '/' || SC.enrlAct AS [EnrollmentTaken/Avail], " +
                           " SC.waitCap || '/' || SC.waitAct AS [WaitlistTaken/Avail], SC.title AS Title, SC.[meetingStart] || '-' ||SC.meetingEnd AS [Section Meeting Dates],  " +
                           " STP.scheduleType AS Type,  coalescE(ST.day, '-')  AS Days, ST.timeStart || '-' || ST.timeEnd AS Times, B.building || '-' || SL.roomNum AS [Building - Room],  " +
                           " case  WHEN (I.firstName)  is null  then  'To Be Announced' ELSE ( I.firstName || ' ' ||  I.lastName) END AS [Instructor], " +
                           "SC.TEXTBOOKLINK AS [View Books], SC.notes AS [Important comments about the section]   " +
                           " FROM  Sections SC INNER JOIN" +
                           " Courses C ON SC.courseId = C.courseId LEFT OUTER JOIN" +
                           " SectionTimes ST ON SC.sectionId = ST.sectionId INNER JOIN" +
                           " Subjects S ON C.subjectId = S.subjectId INNER JOIN" +
                           " ScheduleTypes STP ON SC.scheduleTypeId = STP.scheduleTypeId INNER JOIN" +
                           " SectionLocations SL ON SC.sectionId = SL.sectionId INNER JOIN" +
                           " Buildings B ON B.buildingId = SL.buildingId LEFT OUTER JOIN" +
                           " Instructors I ON SC.instructorId = I.instructorId INNER JOIN" +
                           " Terms T ON SC.termId = T.termId " +
                           " WHERE T.quarter = '" + term.Quarter + "' AND T.[YEAR]='" + term.Year + "' ";

            if (subjects != null)
                query += " AND S.SUBJECT in(";
                foreach (Subject subject in subjects)
                    query += "'" + subject.SubjectName + "',";
                query  = query.TrimEnd(',');
                query += ") ";
            if (!building.BuildingName.Equals("ALL"))
                query += " AND B.building='" + building.BuildingName + "' ";
            if (!instructor.FirstName.Equals("ALL"))
                query += " AND I.FIRSTNAME='" + instructor.FirstName + "' AND I.LASTNAME='" + instructor.LastName + "' ";
            if (!CourseNo.Equals("ALL"))
                switch (courseOperator.Substring(0, 1))
                case "e":
                    query += " AND C.courseNum = " + CourseNo + " ";

                case "g":
                    query += " AND C.courseNum >=" + CourseNo + " ";

                case "l":
                    query += " AND C.courseNum <=" + CourseNo + " ";
            if (exclude)
                query += " AND sc.isCanceled =0 ";
            if (distanceLearning)
                query += " AND sc.isOnline =1 ";
            if (courseOfferings)
                query += " AND sc.isEXL =1 ";
            if (creditcoursesprovided)
                query += " AND sc.isETIE =1 ";
            if (!creditHrs.Equals(""))
                query += " AND C.credits = " + creditHrs;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public DataSet findCourses(Term term, Subject subject, Building building, Instructor instructor, string CourseNo, string CourseType, string CourseStatus, List <string> Days, string title, string startTime, string startTime1, string CreditHrs1, string CreditHrs2)
            DataAccessEntity DataAccessEntity1 = new DataAccessEntity();

            string query = " SELECT DISTINCT SC.CRN, S.subject AS [Subj.], C.courseNum AS [#], SC.sectionId AS Section, " +
                           " C.credits AS [Cr Hrs], SC.[enrlCap] || '/' || SC.enrlAct AS [EnrollmentTaken/Avail], " +
                           " SC.waitCap || '/' || SC.waitAct AS [WaitlistTaken/Avail], SC.title AS Title, SC.[meetingStart] || '-' ||SC.meetingEnd AS [Section Meeting Dates],  " +
                           " STP.scheduleType AS Type,  coalescE(ST.day, '-')  AS Days , ST.timeStart || '-' || ST.timeEnd AS Times, B.building || '-' || SL.roomNum AS [Building - Room],  " +
                           " case  WHEN (I.firstName)  is null  then  'To Be Announced' ELSE ( I.firstName || ' ' ||  I.lastName) END AS [Instructor], " +
                           " SC.TEXTBOOKLINK AS [View Books], SC.notes AS [Important comments about the section]  " +
                           " FROM  Sections SC INNER JOIN" +
                           " Courses C ON SC.courseId = C.courseId inner JOIN" +
                           " SectionTimes ST ON SC.sectionId = ST.sectionId INNER JOIN" +
                           " Subjects S ON C.subjectId = S.subjectId INNER JOIN" +
                           " ScheduleTypes STP ON SC.scheduleTypeId = STP.scheduleTypeId INNER JOIN" +
                           " SectionLocations SL ON SC.sectionId = SL.sectionId INNER JOIN" +
                           " Buildings B ON B.buildingId = SL.buildingId LEFT OUTER JOIN" +
                           " Instructors I ON SC.instructorId = I.instructorId INNER JOIN" +
                           " Terms T ON SC.termId = T.termId " +
                           " WHERE T.quarter = '" + term.Quarter + "' AND T.[YEAR]='" + term.Year + "' ";

            if (subject != null)
                query += " AND S.SUBJECT='" + subject.SubjectName + "'";
            if (building != null)
                query += " AND B.building='" + building.BuildingName + "' ";
            if (instructor != null)
                query += " AND I.FIRSTNAME='" + instructor.FirstName + "' AND I.LASTNAME='" + instructor.LastName + "' ";
            if (!CourseNo.Equals(""))
                query += " AND C.courseNum like '%" + CourseNo + "%' ";
            if (!CourseType.Equals(""))
                query += " AND stP.SCHEDULETYPE ='" + CourseType + "' ";
            if (Days.Count > 0)
                foreach (string day in Days)
                    query += " AND ST.DAY LIKE '%" + day + "%'";
            if (!title.Equals(""))
                query += " AND SC.TITLE LIKE '%" + title + "%' ";
            switch (CourseStatus)
            case "Open":
                query += "AND SC.isCanceled=0 ";

            case "Cancelled and Closed":
                query += "AND SC.isCanceled=1 ";
            if (!startTime.Equals(""))
                if (startTime.Substring(6, 2).Equals(startTime1.Substring(6, 2)))
                    operation = " AND ";
                    operation = " OR ";

                query += "AND ((substr(trim(ST.TIMESTART),1,2) >= '" + startTime.Substring(0, 2) + "'  ";
                query += "AND substr(trim(ST.TIMESTART),7,2)  >= '" + startTime.Substring(6, 2) + "')  " + operation;
                query += " (substr(trim(ST.TIMESTART),1,2) <= '" + startTime1.Substring(0, 2) + "'  ";
                query += "AND substr(trim(ST.TIMESTART),7,2)  <= '" + startTime1.Substring(6, 2) + "') )  ";
                query += "AND ((substr(trim(ST.TIMEEND),1,2) <= '" + startTime1.Substring(0, 2) + "' ";
                query += "AND substr(trim(ST.TIMEEND),7,2) <= '" + startTime1.Substring(6, 2) + "') " + operation;
                query += " (substr(trim(ST.TIMEEND),1,2) >= '" + startTime.Substring(0, 2) + "'  ";
                query += "AND substr(trim(ST.TIMEEND),7,2)  >= '" + startTime.Substring(6, 2) + "')) ";
            if (!CreditHrs1.Equals(""))
                query += "AND C.credits BETWEEN '" + CreditHrs1 + "' AND '" + CreditHrs2 + "' ";
