Ejemplo n.º 1
    //handles ListViewUpdateEvent
    //pulls data bound in the Edit Template and calls abstract layer to change database
    //Date formats with slashes or dashes work. $ icons in number field replaces with blank spaces
    public void GoalsList_ItemUpdating(Object sender, ListViewUpdateEventArgs e)
        DataAbstract DA         = new DataAbstract();
        long         accountNum = Convert.ToInt64(e.NewValues["AcctNumber"]); //same account as before update
        string       name       = Convert.ToString(e.NewValues["Name"]);
        double       amt        = Convert.ToDouble(e.NewValues["TotalAmt"].ToString().Replace('$', ' '));
        string       des        = Convert.ToString(e.NewValues["Description"]);
        DateTime     newDate    = Convert.ToDateTime(e.NewValues["EndDate"].ToString().Replace('-', '/'));
        int          gID        = Convert.ToInt32(e.Keys["GoalID"]);

        DA.updateGoalEndDate(gID, newDate, accountNum);
        DA.updateGoalName(gID, name, accountNum);
        DA.updateGoalTotalAmt(gID, amt, accountNum);
