public void installSet(Windows.ChangeSetsProgressDialog wnd, int max, Octgn.Data.Game game) { wnd.UpdateProgress(0, max, "Retrieving xml...", false); XmlSetParser xmls = xml_set; wnd.UpdateProgress(1, max, "Parsing retrieved xml...", false); xmls.check(); bool is_spoiler_installed = true; Data.Set set = null; string path = Path.Combine(Prefs.DataDirectory, "Games", game.Id.ToString(), "Sets"); string downloadto = Path.Combine(path) + + ".o8s"; var cli = new WebClient(); wnd.UpdateProgress(2, max, "Downloading new definition...", false); cli.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(xmls.user(), xmls.password()); cli.DownloadFile(, downloadto); wnd.UpdateProgress(3, max, "Checking for existence of old definition...", false); try { set = game.Sets.First <Data.Set>(_set => _set.Id.ToString() == xmls.uuid()); } catch { is_spoiler_installed = false; } if (is_spoiler_installed) { wnd.UpdateProgress(4, max, "Removing old definition...", false); game.DeleteSet(set); } wnd.UpdateProgress(5, max, "Installing new definition...", false); game.InstallSet(downloadto); wnd.UpdateProgress(6, max, "Set installed correctly", false); }
static void Main() { Furnitures.Chair chair1 = new Furnitures.Chair(); chair1.price = 1000; System.Console.WriteLine("chair1:" + chair1 + "\tprice is " + chair1.price); Furnitures.Chair chair2 = new Furnitures.Chair(); chair2.price = 5000; System.Console.WriteLine("chair2:{0}\tprice is:{1}", chair2, chair2.price); Data.List list1 = new Data.List(); System.Console.WriteLine("list1 is {0}", list1); Furnitures.Table table1 = new Furnitures.Table(); System.Console.WriteLine("table is {0}", table1); Data.Table table2 = new Data.Table(); System.Console.WriteLine("table2 is {0}", table2); Data.Set set1 = new Data.Set(); System.Console.WriteLine("set1 is {0}", set1); }
static void Main() { System.Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Furniture Shop"); Furnitures.Chair chair1 = new Furnitures.Chair(); Furnitures.Chair chair2 = new Furnitures.Chair(); Furnitures.Bed bed1 = new Furnitures.Bed(); System.Console.WriteLine("{0}\tprice{1}\tid={2}", chair2, chair2.price, chair2.GetHashCode()); System.Console.WriteLine("{0}\tprice{1}\tid={2}", chair1, chair1.price, chair1.GetHashCode()); System.Console.WriteLine("{0}\tprice{1}\tid={2}", bed1, bed1.price, bed1.GetHashCode()); Data.LinkedList list = new Data.LinkedList(); Data.Set set = new Data.Set(); list.Add(20); list.Add(30); set.Add(20); set.Add(30); Data.Table table = new Data.Table(); //which table? table.Add(2, 3, 4); //System.Console.WriteLine(table.price); }