Ejemplo n.º 1
        public IActionResult EditarPrecios(Habitacion h)
            Habitacion hab = bd.Habitacions.FirstOrDefault(r => r.IdHabitacion == h.IdHabitacion);

            //se actualiza la tabla
            hab.CostoAdultos = h.CostoAdultos;
            hab.CostoNinos   = h.CostoNinos;
            hab.Disponible   = h.Disponible;


            return(RedirectToAction("Mantenimiento", "Admin"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void Seed(Data.HotelContext context)
            //  This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.
            context.RoomStates.AddOrUpdate(x => x.StateName,
                                           new RoomState {
                StateName = "Vacant", StateColor = "00ACAC", StateAllow = "YYNNY"
                                           new RoomState {
                StateName = "Booked", StateColor = "F59C1A", StateAllow = "NYNNN"
                                           new RoomState {
                StateName = "Occupied", StateColor = "FF5B57", StateAllow = "NNYNN"
                                           new RoomState {
                StateName = "Cleaning", StateColor = "348FE2", StateAllow = "NNNYN"
                                           new RoomState {
                StateName = "Maintance", StateColor = "929BA1", StateAllow = "NNNNY"
                                           new RoomState {
                StateName = "Late Checkout", StateColor = "727CB6", StateAllow = "NNYNN"
            context.RoomCategories.AddOrUpdate(x => x.CategoryName,
                                               new RoomCategory {
                CategoryName = "Big"
                                               new RoomCategory {
                CategoryName = "Medium"
                                               new RoomCategory {
                CategoryName = "Small"
            context.RoomPriceKinds.AddOrUpdate(x => x.KindName,
                                               new RoomPriceKind {
                KindName = "WeekDay", KindColor = "43A047", KindDescription = ""
                                               new RoomPriceKind {
                KindName = "WeekEnd", KindColor = "D32F2F", KindDescription = ""
                                               new RoomPriceKind {
                KindName = "Holiday", KindColor = "00695C", KindDescription = ""
            context.Settings.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Key,
                                         new Setting {
                Key = "app.name", Value = "Hotel Management System"
                                         new Setting {
                Key = "hotel.name", Value = "Hotel Universal"
                                         new Setting {
                Key = "hotel.address", Value = "Jl. Jalan Perum \nTangerang, 14000"
                                         new Setting {
                Key = "hotel.logo", Value = ""
                                         new Setting {
                Key = "hotel.phone", Value = "08965555555"
                                         new Setting {
                Key = "hotel.email", Value = "*****@*****.**"
                                         new Setting {
                Key = "time.checkin", Value = "12:00:00"
                                         new Setting {
                Key = "time.checkout", Value = "13:00:00"
                                         new Setting {
                Key = "time.fullcharge", Value = "18:00:00"
                                         new Setting {
                Key = "penalty", Value = "20000"
                                         new Setting {
                Key = "deposit", Value = "50000"
            context.TransactionCategories.AddOrUpdate(x => x.CategoryName,
                                                      new TransactionCategory {
                CategoryName = "Cash", CategoryColor = "558B2F", CategoryIcon = "fa-money", IsIncome = true
                                                      new TransactionCategory {
                CategoryName = "Income", CategoryColor = "1565C0", CategoryIcon = "fa-credit-card", IsIncome = true
                                                      new TransactionCategory {
                CategoryName = "Salary", CategoryColor = "F57F17", CategoryIcon = "fa-usd", IsIncome = true
                                                      new TransactionCategory {
                CategoryName = "Food & Drinks", CategoryColor = "00838F", CategoryIcon = "fa-cutlery", IsIncome = false
                                                      new TransactionCategory {
                CategoryName = "Transportation", CategoryColor = "BF360C", CategoryIcon = "fa-rocket", IsIncome = false
                                                      new TransactionCategory {
                CategoryName = "Comunication", CategoryColor = "311B92", CategoryIcon = "fa-phone", IsIncome = false
                                                      new TransactionCategory {
                CategoryName = "Tax", CategoryColor = "1B5E20", CategoryIcon = "fa-gavel", IsIncome = false
                                                      new TransactionCategory {
                CategoryName = "Utilities", CategoryColor = "FF8F00", CategoryIcon = "fa-cogs", IsIncome = false
                                                      new TransactionCategory {
                CategoryName = "Insurance", CategoryColor = "3E2723", CategoryIcon = "fa-heart", IsIncome = false
                                                      new TransactionCategory {
                CategoryName = "Loan", CategoryColor = "0097A7", CategoryIcon = "fa-university", IsIncome = false
                                                      new TransactionCategory {
                CategoryName = "Uncategorized Income", CategoryColor = "000000", CategoryIcon = "fa-asterisk", IsIncome = true
                                                      new TransactionCategory {
                CategoryName = "Uncategorized Outcome", CategoryColor = "000000", CategoryIcon = "fa-asterisk", IsIncome = false
            context.BookingTypes.AddOrUpdate(x => x.TypeName,
                                             new BookingType {
                TypeName = "Walk-In", IsLocal = true
                                             new BookingType {
                TypeName = "Telephone", IsLocal = true
                                             new BookingType {
                TypeName = "Traveloka", IsLocal = false
                                             new BookingType {
                TypeName = "Agoda", IsLocal = false
            context.InvoiceKinds.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Id,
                                             new InvoiceDetailKind {
                Id = 1, KindName = "Room Invoice"
                                             new InvoiceDetailKind {
                Id = 2, KindName = "Room Move Charge"
                                             new InvoiceDetailKind {
                Id = 3, KindName = "Room Late Checkout"
                                             new InvoiceDetailKind {
                Id = 4, KindName = "Room Price by Online"
                                             new InvoiceDetailKind {
                Id = 97, KindName = "Deposit"
                                             new InvoiceDetailKind {
                Id = 98, KindName = "Cashback"
                                             new InvoiceDetailKind {
                Id = 99, KindName = "Pinalty"
                                             new InvoiceDetailKind {
                Id = 100, KindName = "Pay Cash"
                                             new InvoiceDetailKind {
                Id = 101, KindName = "Pay Card"
                                             new InvoiceDetailKind {
                Id = 200, KindName = "Uncategorized In"
                                             new InvoiceDetailKind {
                Id = 201, KindName = "Uncategorized Out"

            var is_exists = context.Settings.Where(x => x.Key == "app.key").Any();

            if (!is_exists)
                context.Settings.Add(new Setting {
                    Key = "app.key", Value = AppHelper.GenerateRandomStr(32)

            var big     = context.RoomCategories.Where(x => x.CategoryName == "Big").Single();
            var vacant  = context.RoomStates.Where(x => x.StateName == "Vacant").Single();
            var weekday = context.RoomPriceKinds.Where(x => x.KindName == "WeekDay").Single();


            context.Users.AddOrUpdate(x => x.Username,
                                      new User {
                Username = "******",
                Fullname = "Administrator",
                Password = AuthHelper.HashText("admin", SettingHelper.AppKey),
                Level    = 0,
                IsActive = true

            context.RoomCalendars.AddOrUpdate(x => x.DateAt,
                                              new RoomCalendar {
                DateAt = DateTime.Today, RoomPriceKindId = weekday.Id
            context.Rooms.AddOrUpdate(x => x.RoomNumber,
                                      new Room {
                RoomNumber = "201", RoomStateId = vacant.Id, RoomCategoryId = big.Id