Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Fills (or refills) the data. The data source is represented by this instance, the destination table is provided in the argument <paramref name="destinationTable" />.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destinationTable">The destination table.</param>
        public void FillData(Data.DataTable destinationTable)
            if (null == destinationTable)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("destinationTable");

            int reentrancyCount = Interlocked.Increment(ref _updateReentrancyCount);

            if (1 == reentrancyCount)
                    using (var token = destinationTable.SuspendGetToken())
                        var tableConnector = new AltaxoTableConnector(destinationTable);
                    Interlocked.Decrement(ref _updateReentrancyCount);
        private IGPlotItem CreatePlotItem(string tablename, string columnname)
            // create a new plotassociation from the column
            // first, get the y column from table and name
            Data.DataTable tab = Current.Project.DataTableCollection[tablename];
            if (null != tab)
                Data.DataColumn ycol = tab[columnname];
                if (null != ycol)
                    Data.DataColumn xcol = tab.DataColumns.FindXColumnOf(ycol);

                    XYColumnPlotItem result;
                    if (null == xcol)
                        result = new XYColumnPlotItem(new XYColumnPlotData(new Altaxo.Data.IndexerColumn(), ycol), new G2DPlotStyleCollection(LineScatterPlotStyleKind.Scatter));
                        result = new XYColumnPlotItem(new XYColumnPlotData(xcol, ycol), new G2DPlotStyleCollection(LineScatterPlotStyleKind.LineAndScatter));

        public void SetElements(bool bInit)
            if (bInit)
                m_xCol           = m_PlotAssociation.XColumn;
                m_yCol           = m_PlotAssociation.YColumn;
                m_labelCol       = m_PlotAssociation.LabelColumn;
                m_PlotRange_From = m_PlotAssociation.PlotRangeStart;
                m_PlotRange_To   = m_PlotAssociation.PlotRangeLength == int.MaxValue ? int.MaxValue : m_PlotAssociation.PlotRangeStart + m_PlotAssociation.PlotRangeLength - 1;

            if (null != View)
                string[] tables = Current.Project.DataTableCollection.GetSortedTableNames();

                Data.DataTable t1 = Data.DataTable.GetParentDataTableOf(m_xCol as Main.IDocumentNode);
                Data.DataTable t2 = Data.DataTable.GetParentDataTableOf(m_yCol as Main.IDocumentNode);
                Data.DataTable tg = null;
                if (t1 != null && t2 != null && t1 == t2)
                    tg = t1;
                else if (t1 == null)
                    tg = t2;
                else if (t2 == null)
                    tg = t1;

                int seltable = -1;
                if (tg != null)
                    seltable = Array.IndexOf(tables, tg.Name);

                View.Tables_Initialize(tables, seltable);

                if (seltable >= 0)
                    string[] columns = Current.Project.DataTableCollection[tables[seltable]].DataColumns.GetColumnNames();
                    View.Columns_Initialize(columns, -1);
                    View.Columns_Initialize(new string[] {}, -1);

                View.XColumn_Initialize(m_xCol == null ? String.Empty : m_xCol.FullName);
                View.YColumn_Initialize(m_yCol == null ? String.Empty : m_yCol.FullName);
Ejemplo n.º 4
      private string GetName(object obj)
        string result = string.Empty;

        // first of all, retrieve the actual name
        var mylayer = obj as HostLayer;
        if (null == mylayer)
          return result;

        var layer = mylayer as XYPlotLayer;
        if (_layerNumber >= 0 && mylayer.SiblingLayers != null && _layerNumber < mylayer.SiblingLayers.Count)
          layer = mylayer.SiblingLayers[_layerNumber] as XYPlotLayer;
        if (null == layer)
          return result;
        IGPlotItem pa = null;
        if (_plotNumber < layer.PlotItems.Flattened.Length)
          pa = layer.PlotItems.Flattened[_plotNumber];
        if (pa != null)
          result = pa.GetName(0);

          if (_plotLabelStyle != null && !_plotLabelStyleIsPropColName && pa is XYColumnPlotItem)
            XYColumnPlotItemLabelTextStyle style = XYColumnPlotItemLabelTextStyle.YS;
            { style = (XYColumnPlotItemLabelTextStyle)Enum.Parse(typeof(XYColumnPlotItemLabelTextStyle), _plotLabelStyle, true); }
            catch (Exception) { }
            result = ((XYColumnPlotItem)pa).GetName(style);

          if (_plotLabelStyleIsPropColName && _plotLabelStyle != null && pa is XYColumnPlotItem)
            XYColumnPlotData pb = ((XYColumnPlotItem)pa).Data;
            Data.DataTable tbl = null;
            if (pb.YColumn is Data.DataColumn)
              tbl = Data.DataTable.GetParentDataTableOf((Data.DataColumn)pb.YColumn);

            if (tbl != null)
              int colNumber = tbl.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber((Data.DataColumn)pb.YColumn);
              if (tbl.PropertyColumns.ContainsColumn(_plotLabelStyle))
                result = tbl.PropertyColumns[_plotLabelStyle][colNumber].ToString();

        return result;
 public void EhView_DataAvailableBeforeExpand(NGTreeNode node)
     Data.DataTable dt = Current.Project.DataTableCollection[node.Text];
     if (null != dt)
         NGTreeNode[] toadd = new NGTreeNode[dt.DataColumns.ColumnCount];
         for (int i = 0; i < toadd.Length; i++)
             toadd[i] = new NGTreeNode(dt[i].Name);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// JSON转DataSet
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Json">JSON串</param>
 /// <returns>DataSet</returns>
 public static Data.DataSet JsonToDataSet(string Json)
         Data.DataSet         ds  = new Data.DataSet();
         JavaScriptSerializer JSS = new JavaScriptSerializer();
         object obj = JSS.DeserializeObject(Json);
         Dictionary <string, object> datajson = (Dictionary <string, object>)obj;
         foreach (var item in datajson)
             Data.DataTable dt   = new Data.DataTable(item.Key);
             object[]       rows = (object[])item.Value;
             foreach (var row in rows)
                 Dictionary <string, object> val = (Dictionary <string, object>)row;
                 Data.DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                 foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> sss in val)
                     if (!dt.Columns.Contains(sss.Key))
                         dr[sss.Key] = sss.Value;
                         dr[sss.Key] = sss.Value;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Reorders the columns so that they can be copyied into an Origin table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">The table to reorder.</param>
        public static void ReorderColumnsInTableForCompatibilityWithOrigin(Data.DataTable table)
            var groupBegin = new Dictionary <int, Data.DataColumn>();
            var groupEnd   = new Dictionary <int, Data.DataColumn>();

            for (int i = 0; i < table.DataColumnCount; i++)
                var currentCol   = table[i];
                int currentGroup = table.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(i);

                if (!groupBegin.ContainsKey(currentGroup))
                    groupBegin.Add(currentGroup, currentCol);
                    groupEnd.Add(currentGroup, currentCol);

                var currentKind = table.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(i);
                // if the column is a x-column, then move it to the begin of the group
                if (currentKind == Altaxo.Data.ColumnKind.X && !object.ReferenceEquals(currentCol, groupBegin[currentGroup]))
                    int destIndex = table.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber(groupBegin[currentGroup]);
                    table.ChangeColumnPosition(Collections.ContiguousIntegerRange.FromStartAndCount(i, 1), destIndex);
                    groupBegin[currentGroup] = currentCol;

                // if the column is away from the rest of the group, move it to the end of the group
                int lastIndex = table.DataColumns.GetColumnNumber(groupEnd[currentGroup]);
                if (i > 1 + lastIndex)
                    int destIndex = 1 + lastIndex;
                    table.ChangeColumnPosition(Collections.ContiguousIntegerRange.FromStartAndCount(i, 1), destIndex);
                    groupEnd[currentGroup] = currentCol;

                groupEnd[currentGroup] = currentCol;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void EhView_BeforeExpand(TreeNode node)
            TreeNode rootNode = GetRootNode(node);

            if (rootNode.Tag is DataTableCollection)
                if (node.Tag is DataTableCollection)
                    TreeNode[] toadd = new TreeNode[Current.Project.DataTableCollection.Count];

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (DataTable table in Current.Project.DataTableCollection)
                        toadd[i] = new TreeNode(table.Name, new TreeNode[1] {
                            new TreeNode()
                        toadd[i].Tag = table;
                else if (node.Tag is DataTable)
                    Data.DataTable dt = (DataTable)node.Tag;
                    TreeNode[] toadd = new TreeNode[dt.DataColumns.ColumnCount];
                    for (int i = 0; i < toadd.Length; i++)
                        toadd[i]     = new TreeNode(dt[i].Name);
                        toadd[i].Tag = dt[i];
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static Data.DataTable ToDataTable([NotNull] this IEnumerable <BlockAttribute> blockAtts, string name)
            var dTable = new Data.DataTable(name);

            dTable.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
            dTable.Columns.Add("Quantity", typeof(int));
            .GroupBy(blk => blk, (blk, blks) => new { Block = blk, Count = blks.Count() },
                     new BlockAttributeEqualityComparer())
            .Iterate(row =>
                var dRow = dTable.Rows.Add(row.Block.Name, row.Count);
                row.Block.Attributes.Iterate(att =>
                    if (!dTable.Columns.Contains(att.Key))
                    dRow[att.Key] = att.Value;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests if column reordering is neccessary in order to put a table to origin. Column reordering is neccessary if the table contains more than
        /// one column group, and the x column of every column group is not the first column. Origin only supports table with multiple groups if the first column
        /// of every group is the x-column.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="table">The table to test.</param>
        /// <returns>True if column reodering is neccessary, false otherwise.</returns>
        public static bool IsColumnReorderingNeccessaryForPuttingTableToOrigin(Data.DataTable table)
            // Testen, wieviele Gruppen
            var groupColumns = new Dictionary <int, int>(); // counts the number of columns per group

            for (int i = 0; i < table.DataColumnCount; i++)
                int currentGroup = table.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(i);

                if (groupColumns.ContainsKey(currentGroup))
                    groupColumns[currentGroup] += 1;
                    groupColumns.Add(currentGroup, 1);

                var currentKind = table.DataColumns.GetColumnKind(i);

                if (groupColumns.Count > 1 && groupColumns[currentGroup] > 1)
                    if (currentKind == Altaxo.Data.ColumnKind.X)

                    if (currentGroup != table.DataColumns.GetColumnGroup(i - 1))

Ejemplo n.º 11
 public Settings()
     _settings = new Data.DataTable(TableName, DirectoryPath, FileName, FieldNames);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static void StatisticsOnColumns(
            Altaxo.AltaxoDocument mainDocument,
            Altaxo.Data.DataTable srctable,
            IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedColumns,
            IAscendingIntegerCollection selectedRows
            bool bUseSelectedColumns = (null != selectedColumns && 0 != selectedColumns.Count);
            int  numcols             = bUseSelectedColumns ? selectedColumns.Count : srctable.DataColumns.ColumnCount;

            bool bUseSelectedRows = (null != selectedRows && 0 != selectedRows.Count);

            if (numcols == 0)
                return;                  // nothing selected
            Data.DataTable table = null; // the created table

            // add a text column and some double columns
            // note: statistics is only possible for numeric columns since
            // otherwise in one column doubles and i.e. dates are mixed, which is not possible

            // 1st column is the name of the column of which the statistics is made
            Data.TextColumn colCol = new Data.TextColumn();

            // 2nd column is the mean
            Data.DoubleColumn colMean = new Data.DoubleColumn();

            // 3rd column is the standard deviation
            Data.DoubleColumn colSd = new Data.DoubleColumn();

            // 4th column is the standard e (N)
            Data.DoubleColumn colSe = new Data.DoubleColumn();

            // 5th column is the sum
            Data.DoubleColumn colSum = new Data.DoubleColumn();

            // 6th column is the number of items for statistics
            Data.DoubleColumn colN = new Data.DoubleColumn();

            int currRow = 0;

            for (int si = 0; si < numcols; si++)
                Altaxo.Data.DataColumn col = bUseSelectedColumns ? srctable[selectedColumns[si]] : srctable[si];
                if (!(col is Altaxo.Data.INumericColumn))

                int rows = bUseSelectedRows ? selectedRows.Count : srctable.DataColumns.RowCount;
                if (rows == 0)

                // now do the statistics
                Data.INumericColumn ncol = (Data.INumericColumn)col;
                double sum    = 0;
                double sumsqr = 0;
                int    NN     = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
                    double val = bUseSelectedRows ? ncol[selectedRows[i]] : ncol[i];
                    if (Double.IsNaN(val))

                    sum    += val;
                    sumsqr += (val * val);
                // now fill a new row in the worksheet

                if (NN > 0)
                    double mean    = sum / NN;
                    double ymy0sqr = sumsqr - sum * sum / NN;
                    if (ymy0sqr < 0)
                        ymy0sqr = 0; // if this is lesser zero, it is a rounding error, so set it to zero
                    double sd = NN > 1 ? Math.Sqrt(ymy0sqr / (NN - 1)) : 0;
                    double se = sd / Math.Sqrt(NN);

                    colCol[currRow]  = col.Name;
                    colMean[currRow] = mean; // mean
                    colSd[currRow]   = sd;
                    colSe[currRow]   = se;
                    colSum[currRow]  = sum;
                    colN[currRow]    = NN;
                    currRow++; // for the next column
            } // for all selected columns

            if (currRow != 0)
                table = new Altaxo.Data.DataTable("Statistics of " + srctable.Name);
                table.DataColumns.Add(colCol, "Col", Altaxo.Data.ColumnKind.X);

                // new : add a copy of all property columns; can be usefull
                for (int i = 0; i < srctable.PropertyColumnCount; i++)
                    DataColumn originalColumn = srctable.PropertyColumns[i];
                    DataColumn clonedColumn   = (DataColumn)originalColumn.Clone();
                    for (int si = 0; si < numcols; si++)
                        int idx = bUseSelectedColumns ? selectedColumns[si] : si;
                        clonedColumn[si] = originalColumn[idx];
                    table.DataColumns.Add(clonedColumn, srctable.PropertyColumns.GetColumnName(i), srctable.PropertyColumns.GetColumnKind(i), srctable.PropertyColumns.GetColumnGroup(i));

                table.DataColumns.Add(colMean, "Mean");
                table.DataColumns.Add(colSd, "Sd");
                table.DataColumns.Add(colSe, "Se");
                table.DataColumns.Add(colSum, "Sum");
                table.DataColumns.Add(colN, "N");

                // create a new worksheet without any columns