Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task SendMessage_ReturnValue()
            var input = new DaprBindingMessage("hello", new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "key", "myKey" }
            }, "myBinding", "create");

            await this.CallFunctionAsync(nameof(Functions.DaprConnectorReturnValueAnyMessage), "input", input);

            SavedHttpRequest req = this.GetSingleSendMessgaeRequest();

            JObject expectedPayload = JObject.Parse($@"{{""data"": ""hello"", ""operation"": ""create"", ""metadata"": {{""key"": ""myKey""}}}}");

            Assert.Equal("/v1.0/bindings/myBinding", req.Path);
            Assert.Equal(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedPayload), req.ContentAsString);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task SendMessage_NoOperationSpecified()
            // No operation is specified in the attribute or in the message
            var input = new DaprBindingMessage("Hello, world!", new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "key", "myKey" }
            }, binding: "bindingName");
            FunctionInvocationException error = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <FunctionInvocationException>(() =>
                                                                                                       this.CallFunctionAsync(nameof(Functions.DaprConnectorReturnValueAnyMessage), "input", input));

            // The exception message should reflect the fact that no operation was specified
            ArgumentException innerError = Assert.IsType <ArgumentException>(error.GetBaseException());

            Assert.Contains("A non-null operation must be specified", innerError.Message);

            // No requests should have been sent
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static DaprBindingMessage DaprConnectorReturnValueAnyMessage(DaprBindingMessage input) => input;