Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Dictionary <string, SimpleTreeItem> LoadTree(Int64?startNode, SendMail.Model.IndexedCatalogs catalog, int?levels)
            Dictionary <string, SimpleTreeItem> list = null;
            StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();

            switch (catalog)
            case IndexedCatalogs.RUBR:
                query.Append(" with tree(value, text, subtype, source, padre, level) as ( ");
                query.Append(" select ID_REFERRAL AS VALUE, CASE ");
                query.Append(" WHEN REFERRAL_TYPE in ('PA', 'AZ_PRI', 'AZ_CP', 'GRP') then RAGIONE_SOCIALE else UFFICIO end as TEXT, ");
                query.Append(" REFERRAL_TYPE AS SUBTYPE, 'RUBR' AS SOURCE, ID_PADRE AS PADRE, 1 as level from ");
                query.Append(" [FAXPEC].[FAXPEC].[rubr_entita] where REFERRAL_TYPE in ");
                query.Append("  ('PA', 'PA_SUB', 'PA_UFF', 'AZ_PRI', 'AZ_CP', 'AZ_UFF', 'GRP') ");
                query.Append(" union all ");
                query.Append(" select ");
                query.Append(" child.ID_REFERRAL AS VALUE, CASE ");
                query.Append("  WHEN REFERRAL_TYPE in ('PA','AZ_PRI','AZ_CP','GRP') then child.RAGIONE_SOCIALE else child.UFFICIO end as TEXT, ");
                query.Append(" child.REFERRAL_TYPE AS SUBTYPE, 'RUBR' AS SOURCE, child.ID_PADRE AS PADRE, parent.level + 1 from ");
                query.Append(" [FAXPEC].[FAXPEC].[rubr_entita] as child join tree parent on parent.value = child.ID_PADRE where REFERRAL_TYPE in ");
                query.Append("  ('PA','PA_SUB','PA_UFF','AZ_PRI','AZ_CP','AZ_UFF','GRP')) ");
                query.Append("   select * from tree ");
                if (levels.HasValue || startNode.HasValue)
                    query.Append(" where ");
                if (levels.HasValue)
                    query.Append(" level <=" + levels);
                    query.Append(" and ");
                if (startNode.HasValue)
                    query.Append(" tree.value >= :pID ");
                    query.Append(" tree.value >= 0 ");
                query.Append(" order by tree.level asc");

            case IndexedCatalogs.IPA:
                query.Append("select ID_RUB AS VALUE, ");
                query.Append("'IPA' AS SOURCE, ");
                query.Append("CASE WHEN ( substr(DN,1,2)= 'c=' or substr(DN,1,2) = 'o=') then RAGIONESOCIALE ");
                query.Append("else UFFICIO end AS TEXT, ");
                query.Append("CASE WHEN substr(DN,1,2)= 'c=' then 'GRP' ");
                query.Append("WHEN substr(DN,1,2)= 'o=' then 'PA' ");
                query.Append("else 'PA_UFF' end AS SUBTYPE, ");
                query.Append("ID_PADRE AS PADRE ");
                query.Append("from  [FAXPEC].[FAXPEC].[IPA] ");
                if (levels.HasValue)
                    query.Append("where level <=" + levels.Value);
                if (startNode.HasValue)
                    query.Append("start with ID_RUB = " + startNode.Value);
                    query.Append("start with ID_RUB = 1 ");
                query.Append("connect by NOCYCLE prior ID_RUB = ID_PADRE");

            using (var dbcontext = new FAXPECContext())
                using (var oCmd = dbcontext.Database.Connection.CreateCommand())
                        oCmd.CommandText = query.ToString();
                        using (var r = oCmd.ExecuteReader())
                            if (r.HasRows)
                                list = new Dictionary <string, SimpleTreeItem>();
                                bool skip = false;
                                while (r.Read())
                                    if (!skip)
                                        SimpleTreeItem it = DaoSQLServerDBHelper.MapToSimpleTreeItem(r);
                                        list.Add(it.ExtendedValue, it);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        if (!ex.GetType().Equals(typeof(ManagedException)))
                            ManagedException mEx = new ManagedException("Errore nel caricamento dal database dell'albero Data Layer E035 Dettagli Errore: " + ex.Message,
                                                                        "ERR_035", string.Empty, string.Empty, ex.InnerException);
                            ErrorLogInfo err = new ErrorLogInfo(mEx);

                            throw mEx;
                            throw ex;