Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task danbooru(string character)
                string arg = character;
                if (arg != null)
                    DanbooruDownloader don  = new DanbooruDownloader();
                    string             file = await don.DownloadRandomimage(arg);

                    if (file == null)
                        await ReplyAsync(String.Format("Did not find a random image to send you {0} from danbooru (based boards )  for {1}.", Context.User.Mention, character));

                    Stream fil = File.OpenRead(file);

                    await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync(fil, file, String.Format("{0} got  a random image for : {1} from danbooru (based boards ) "
                                                                                 , Context.User.Mention, arg));

            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task danbooruRnd(string character)
                string arg = character;
                if (arg != null)
                    Stream             fil  = null;
                    int                i    = 0;
                    Random             rnd  = new Random();
                    DanbooruDownloader don  = new DanbooruDownloader();
                    string             file = await don.DownloadRandomimage(arg);

                    if (file != null)
                        fil = File.OpenRead(file);
                    IAsyncEnumerable <IReadOnlyCollection <IUser> > tusers = Context.Channel.GetUsersAsync(CacheMode.AllowDownload);
                    var susers = tusers.ToList();

                    List <IUser> ausers = tusers.Flatten().Result.ToList();
                    List <IUser> users  = ausers.FindAll(x => x.IsBot == false);
                    i = rnd.Next(users.Count);
                    IUser user = users[i];
                    if (fil != null)
                        var channel = await user.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

                        if (channel != null)
                            await ReplyAsync(String.Format("Sending a random image for : {0} from danbooru (based boards )   to {1}", arg, user.Mention));

                            await channel.SendFileAsync(fil, file, String.Format("{0} Get a random image for : {0} from danbooru (based boards ) "
                                                                                 , user.Mention, arg));

                        // await e.Channel.SendFile(file);
            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override async Task GuildMemberUpdated(SocketGuildUser arg1, SocketGuildUser arg2)
                await base.GuildMemberUpdated(arg1, arg2);

                if (arg1.Status != arg2.Status && arg1.IsBot == false && arg2.IsBot == false)
                    if (arg1.Status != Discord.UserStatus.Online && arg2.Status == Discord.UserStatus.Online)
                    // && arg2.Status!= Discord.UserStatus.DoNotDisturb && arg2.)
                        UserManager usermngr = new UserManager();
                        var         user     = await usermngr.GetUserbyId(Convert.ToString(arg1.Id));

                        if (user != null)
                            DateTime           date     = DateTime.Now;
                            GiftHistoryManager giftmngr = new GiftHistoryManager();

                            var birth = user.Birthday;
                            if (date.Day == birth.Day && date.Month == birth.Month)
                                FavoriteCharactersManager fvmngr = new FavoriteCharactersManager();

                                var fchar = fvmngr.GetUserFavorite(Convert.ToString(user.Id));
                                if (fchar != null && await giftmngr.isGiftGiven(user.Id, Convert.ToString(arg1.Guild.Id), DateTime.Now.Year) == false)
                                    int    i   = 0;
                                    Random rnd = new Random();
                                    i = rnd.Next(fchar.Count - 1);
                                    if (i > 0)
                                        DanbooruDownloader san  = new DanbooruDownloader();
                                        string             file = await san.DownloadRandomimage(fchar[i].CharacterName);

                                        var dmchannel = await arg1.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync();

                                        if (dmchannel != null)
                                            if (file == null)
                                                //await dmchannel.SendMessageAsync(String.Format("Did not find a random image to send you {0} from danbooru complex for {1}.",
                                                //    arg2.Mention, fchar[i].CharacterName));
                                            Stream fil = File.OpenRead(file);

                                            await dmchannel.SendFileAsync(fil, file, String.Format("{0} Happy Birthday ! Sending you a random image for : {1} from danbooru (based boards )  as a present!"
                                                                                                   , arg2.Mention, fchar[i].CharacterName));
                                        await giftmngr.AddGift(user.Id, fchar[i].CharacterName, Convert.ToString(arg1.Guild.Id));

                //return Task.CompletedTask;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //return Task.CompletedTask;