Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void SaveInstallationToDB2(ref Installation i, ref ApptBLL appt, string selectedStaff1stName, string staffFilePhath, string iSumXMLfileName)
            try {
                //get ----summary installation xml-----
                XmlDocument iXmlDoc = CompanyBLL.GetInstallSummanyXMLDoc((short)i.Company.ID, iSumXMLfileName);
                //------ save End-user --------- only 1 always!?
                //check user exists on DB
                //   int userIndex = i.EndUsers.FindIndex(endUser => endUser.aspnetUserID.ToString().Equals(endUserASPUserID.ToString(), StringComparison.Ordinal));
                int endUserIndex = i.EndUsers.Count - 1; //endUser added is always the last one?? use IndexFinder INSTEAD?? 22/7/16
                int?endUser_ID   = EndUserBLL.GetPersonIDByASPuserID(i.EndUsers[endUserIndex].aspnetUserID);

                //only add if it doesnt exist
                if (endUser_ID == null)
                    //save endUser contact details to --- DB ----
                    var _with1 = i.EndUsers[endUserIndex].contactDetail;
                    endUser_ContDetID = ContactDetailsBLL.AddContactDetails(_with1.address, _with1.postCode, _with1.city, _with1.country, _with1.landline, _with1.mobile, _with1.email);
                    //save endUser contact details ID to session
                    _with1.ID = endUser_ContDetID;

                    //save End-user to DB
                    var _with2 = i.EndUsers[endUserIndex];
                    endUser_ID = EndUserBLL.AddEndUser(_with2.title, _with2.firstName, _with2.lastName, endUser_ContDetID, _with2.aspnetUserID);
                    //save endUser ID to ---- session -----
                    _with2.ID = endUser_ID;

                    //save USERID to installation xml summary
                    iXmlDoc = AppSettings.AddChild2ISummaryXML(iSumXMLfileName, AppSettings.iuserID, endUser_ID.ToString());
                appt.endUserID = (int)endUser_ID;

                //------ save appointment ------------
                //save appt to ---- DB ----
                int?newApptID = ApptBLL.AddAppointment(appt.date, appt.time, appt.endUserID, appt.serviceID, appt.provider, appt.notes);
                //save apptID to session
                //source http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1710301/what-is-a-predicate-in-c
                Predicate <ApptBLL> oscarFinder = (ApptBLL p) => { return(p.endUserID == endUser_ID); };
                int apptIndex = i.Appointments.FindLastIndex(oscarFinder);
                i.Appointments[apptIndex].ID = newApptID;

                //save USERID to installation xml summary
                if (newApptID != null || newApptID != 0)
                    iXmlDoc = AppSettings.AddChild2ISummaryXML(iSumXMLfileName, AppSettings.iApptID, newApptID.ToString());

                //------- save staff daily schedule to ---- session ------------
                string minutes = "";
                if (appt.time.Minutes == 0)
                    minutes = "00";
                    minutes = appt.time.Minutes.ToString();
                int timeINT = (int)Utils.GetNumberInt(appt.time.Hours.ToString() + minutes);
                //get staff agenda
                //source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1568593/how-to-use-indexof-method-of-listobject
                //ie: list1.FindIndex(x => x==5);  // should return 3, as list1[3] == 5;  // given list1 {3, 4, 6, 5, 7, 8}http://www.dotnetperls.com/list-find
                int empIndex            = i.Employees.FindIndex(employee => employee.firstName.Equals(selectedStaff1stName, StringComparison.Ordinal));
                var curSelStaffCalendar = i.Employees[empIndex].agenda.staffCalendar;

                //add booking --- IMPORTANT --> this updates staff's agenda (as BY REF is used)
                bool addedBooking = AgendaBLL.AddBooking(ref curSelStaffCalendar, (DateTime)appt.date, timeINT);
                //R    if (!addedBooking)
                //R     throw new Exception("<H2>ERROR ADDING BOOKING!</H2>");//throw exc here?it doesnt allow DB save 20/7/16

                //------- save staff daily schedule to ---- DB ------------
                //get xml from staff daySchedule
                XmlDocument staffDayScheXML = DayScheduleXML.CreateXMLFromDaySchedule(i.Employees[empIndex], staffFilePhath, (DateTime)appt.date);
                //add dailySchedule to db
                int?newDailySchedID = DailySchedule.AddDailySchedule(i.Employees[empIndex].agenda.ID, (DateTime)appt.date, staffDayScheXML);
                //add ID back to xml
                DayScheduleXML.Add_ID_2DayScheduleXML(DayScheduleXML.STAFF_DAYSCHEDULEXML_FILENAME, newDailySchedID.ToString());

                //------- SAVE  INSTALLATION XML SUMMARY TO DB  ------------
                int?NumbXmlAdded = CompanyBLL.AddCompanyInstallationSummaryXMLByID((short)i.Company.ID, iXmlDoc);
                //------- SAVE  INSTALLATION XML SUMMARY TO SESSION  ------------
                i.Company.iSummaryXML = iXmlDoc;
            catch (Exception ex) {
                ExceptionHandling.LogException(ref ex);
        }//end SaveInstallationToDB2