Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static DPoint3d closestPointOnSurf(DPoint3d point, ISurface surf, double tol, out double Dist, out Point2d UV, out DVector3d normal)
            Bentley.Interop.MicroStationDGN.Point3d cpRef = new Bentley.Interop.MicroStationDGN.Point3d();
            cpRef.X = point.X;
            cpRef.Y = point.Y;
            cpRef.Z = point.Z;

            Bentley.Interop.MicroStationDGN.Point3d cp = new Bentley.Interop.MicroStationDGN.Point3d();
            Bentley.Interop.MicroStationDGN.Point2d cp2d = new Bentley.Interop.MicroStationDGN.Point2d();

            Dist = GeometryTools.BSplineSurfaceComputeMinimumDistance(ref cp, ref cp2d, ref cpRef, tol, surf.com_bsplineSurface);
            UV = new Point2d();
            UV.X = cp2d.X;
            UV.Y = cp2d.Y;

            normal = NormalAtUVParameterOnSurface(surf.com_bsplineSurface, UV.X, UV.Y);

            return new DPoint3d(cp.X, cp.Y, cp.Z);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static ITFFrameList createFrameCN
            (PenetrTask task, PenetrInfo penInfo)

            // TODO отключено временно, до решения по алгоритму пересечений фланцев:
            //if (!Keyins.Penetrations.DEBUG_MODE) {
            //    if (task.isCompoundExistsInPlace || task.TFFormsIntersected.Count == 0)
            //        return null;

            var taskUOR = task.UOR;

            double pipeInsideDiam  = penInfo.pipeDiameterInside * taskUOR.active_perSub;
            double pipeOutsideDiam = penInfo.pipeDiameterOutside * taskUOR.active_perSub;

            double flangeInsideDiam  = penInfo.flangeDiameterInside * taskUOR.active_perSub;
            double flangeOutsideDiam = penInfo.flangeDiameterOutside * taskUOR.active_perSub;
            double flangeThick       = penInfo.flangeThick * taskUOR.active_perSub;

            double length = task.Length * taskUOR.active_perSub;

            double pipeInRadius  = pipeInsideDiam / 2;
            double pipeOutRadius = pipeOutsideDiam / 2;

            var tfApi = new Bentley.Building.Api.TFApplicationList().AsTFApplication;

            BCOM.ModelReference activeModel = App.ActiveModelReference;

            //ITFBrepList brepList;
            //tfApi.CreateTFBrep(0, out brepList);

            DPoint3d origin = task.Location.ToDPoint();


            DMatrix3d rot      = task.Rotation.ToDMatrix3d();
            var       dTran    = DTransform3d.FromMatrixAndTranslation(rot, origin);
            var       tranInfo = new TransformInfo(dTran);
            // DMatrix3d.FromColumns(
            //rot.RowX.ToDVector(), rot.RowX.ToDVector(), rot.RowX.ToDVector());

            //ITFFormRecipeList recipeList;

            var model    = Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel();
            var modelRef = Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModelRef();

            //CellHeaderElement taskEl = Element.GetFromElementRef(task.elemRefP) as CellHeaderElement;
            //DPoint3d taskOrigin;
            //taskEl.GetSnapOrigin(out taskOrigin);

            var ellips = new EllipseElement(model, null,
                                            DEllipse3d.FromCenterRadiusNormal(DPoint3d.Zero, pipeOutRadius, DVector3d.FromXY(0, 1)));


            var cone = new ConeElement(model, null, pipeOutRadius, pipeOutRadius,
                                       DPoint3d.FromXYZ(0, length, 0), DPoint3d.Zero,
                                       DMatrix3d.Rotation(DVector3d.UnitX, Angle.FromDegrees(-90)), true);


            var ellips2 = new EllipseElement(model, null, DEllipse3d.FromCenterRadiusNormal(
                                                 DPoint3d.Zero, pipeInRadius, DVector3d.FromXY(0, 1)));


            var cone2 = new ConeElement(model, null, pipeInRadius, pipeInRadius,
                                        DPoint3d.Zero, DPoint3d.FromXYZ(0, length, 0), DMatrix3d.Zero, false);


            //int status = brepList.InitCylinder(pipeInsideRadius*task_subPerMaster,
            //    (length - flangeThick)*task_subPerMaster, ref origin,
            //    ref matrix, "");

            //ITFElementList elemList;
            //tfApi.CreateTFElement(0, out elemList);
            // Bentley.GeometryNET.Common.CircularCylinder

            //ITFBrepList coneBrepList, cone2BrepList, resBrepList;
            //tfApi.CreateTFBrep(0, out coneBrepList);
            //tfApi.CreateTFBrep(0, out cone2BrepList);
            //coneBrepList.InitFromElement(cone, modelRef, "");
            //cone2BrepList.InitFromElement(cone2, modelRef, "");

            //coneBrepList.AsTFBrep.InitCylinder(pipeInsideRadius, length, ref origin,
            //    ref matrix, 0);

            ITFItemList itemList;

            tfApi.CreateTFItem(0, out itemList);

            //var sweepDir = DVector3d.FromXY(1, 0);
            //coneBrepList.AsTFBrep.Drop(out resBrepList, cone2BrepList, 0);
            // coneBrepList.AsTFBrep.Cut(out resBrepList, cone2BrepList,  ref sweepDir, length + 150, false, 0);
            //coneBrepList.AsTFBrep.SweepByVector3(ref sweepDir, length + 300,
            //    pipeOutsideRadius - pipeInsideRadius, 0, 0);

            //Array arr = new System.Collections.ArrayList().ToArray();

            //coneBrepList.AsTFBrep.Cut2(out resBrepList, cone2BrepList.AsTFBrep, ref sweepDir,
            //Bentley.Building.Api.TFdBrepCutDepth.tfdBrepCutDepth_UpToSolid, length,
            //arr, 0, false, Bentley.Building.Api.TFdBrepCutDepth.tfdBrepCutDepth_UpToSolid, length,
            //arr, 0, false, 0, 0, 0.00005, 0);

            //lement resElement;
            //resBrepList.GetElement(out resElement, 0, "");
            //coneBrepList.GetElement(out resElement, 0, "");

            ITFFrameList frameList;

            tfApi.CreateTFFrame(0, out frameList);
            frameList.AsTFFrame.Add3DElement(cone, 0);
            //frameList.AsTFFrame.Add3DElement(cone2, 0);
            //frameList.AsTFFrame.Add3DElement(resElement, 0);

            //ITFFrameList openingFrameList;
            //tfApi.CreateTFFrame(0, out openingFrameList);
            //openingFrameList.AsTFFrame.Add3DElement(cone2, 0);

            //ITFFormRecipeList openRecipeList;
            //ITFFormRecipe openRecipe;
            //openingFrameList.AsTFFrame.GetFormRecipeList(0, out openRecipeList);
            //openRecipe = openRecipeList.AsTFFormRecipe;

            //ITFItemList featureList;
            //frameList.AsTFFrame.AddOpeningsToForm(out featureList, ref openRecipe, "", 0);

            ITFPerforatorList perfoList;

            tfApi.CreateTFPerforator(0, out perfoList);
            var dir  = DVector3d.FromXY(1, 0);
            var tran = DTransform3d.Identity;

            perfoList.InitFromElement(ellips, ref dir, length, ref tran, "");
            perfoList.AsTFPerforator.SetIsVisible(false, 0);
            perfoList.SetSweepMode(Bentley.Building.Api.TFdPerforatorSweepMode.tfdPerforatorSweepModeBi, "");
            perfoList.SetPolicy(Bentley.Building.Api.TFdPerforatorPolicy.tfdPerforatorPolicyThroughHoleWithinSenseDist, "");

            frameList.AsTFFrame.SetPerforatorList(ref perfoList, 0);
            frameList.AsTFFrame.SetSenseDistance2(length / 100, 0);
            frameList.AsTFFrame.SetPerforatorsAreActive(true, 0);

            int stat; // = tfApi.ModelReferenceAddFrameList(modelRef, ref frameList, 0);
            var frame = frameList.AsTFFrame;

            stat = tfApi.ModelReferenceUpdateAutoOpeningsByFrame(modelRef,
                                                                 ref frame, true, false, Bentley.Building.Api.TFdFramePerforationPolicy.tfdFramePerforationPolicyNone, 0);

            //Element cylindr;
            //brepList.GetElement(out cylindr, 0, "");


            //Element tfElement;
            //Element perfo = null;
            //Element dp_2d = null;
            //int value;
            //tfApi.ModelReferenceAddElement(ref cylindr, Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(),
            //    0, 0, out value);

            //    0, ref cylindr, ref perfo, ref origin, ref dp_2d, "name", null,
            //    1, 0, false, null, false, task.Length, 0.00005, 0, out tfElement);

            //frameList.InitFromElement(cylindr, "");

            // frameList.AsTFFrame.Add3DElement(cylindr, 0);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void addToModelWithProjAndPerfo(ref TFCOM.TFFrameList frameList,
                                                      PenetrTask task, PenetrInfo penInfo,
                                                      BCOM.Level levelSymb, BCOM.Level levelRefPoint)
            var taskUOR = new UOR(task.modelRef);

            double pipeInsideDiam  = penInfo.pipeDiameterInside / taskUOR.active_subPerMaster;
            double pipeOutsideDiam = penInfo.pipeDiameterOutside / taskUOR.active_subPerMaster;

            double flangeInsideDiam  = penInfo.flangeDiameterInside / taskUOR.active_subPerMaster;
            double flangeOutsideDiam = penInfo.flangeDiameterOutside / taskUOR.active_subPerMaster;
            double flangeThick       = penInfo.flangeThick / taskUOR.active_subPerMaster;

            double length = task.LengthCm * 10 / taskUOR.active_subPerMaster;

            BCOM.ModelReference activeModel = App.ActiveModelReference;
            //AppTF.ModelReferenceAddFrameList(activeModel, ref frameList);

            var frameListClass = frameList as TFCOM.TFFrameListClass;

            BCOM.Element bcomElem;
            frameListClass.GetElement(out bcomElem);

            var tfApi    = new Bentley.Building.Api.TFApplicationList().AsTFApplication;
            var modelRef = Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModelRef();
            var model    = Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel();

            Element ielement = Element.GetFromElementRef((IntPtr)bcomElem.MdlElementRef());


            ITFFrameList iframeList;

            tfApi.CreateTFFrame(0, out iframeList);
            iframeList.InitFromElement(ielement, "");

            DPoint3d origin = task.Location.ToDPoint();


            DMatrix3d matrix = DMatrix3d.FromRows(
                task.Rotation.RowX.ToDVector(), task.Rotation.RowY.ToDVector(),

            DTransform3d  dTran    = DTransform3d.FromMatrixAndTranslation(matrix, origin);
            TransformInfo tranInfo = new TransformInfo(dTran);

            double pipeInsideRadius = pipeOutsideDiam / 2 * taskUOR.active_perMaster;
            double dgnLength        = length * taskUOR.active_perMaster;

            var ellips = new EllipseElement(model, null,
                                            DEllipse3d.FromCenterRadiusNormal(DPoint3d.Zero, pipeInsideRadius,
                                                                              DVector3d.FromXY(0, 1)));


            //{  // ПЕРФОРАТОР:
            //    ITFPerforatorList perfoList;
            //    tfApi.CreateTFPerforator(0, out perfoList);
            //    var dir = DVector3d.FromXY(1, 0);
            //    var tran = DTransform3d.Identity;
            //    //perfoList.InitFromElement(ellips, ref dir, length*toUOR, ref tran, "");
            //    perfoList.InitFromElement2(ellips, length*taskUOR.active_perMaster, "");
            //    perfoList.AsTFPerforator.SetIsVisible(false, 0);
            //    perfoList.SetSweepMode(Bentley.Building.Api.TFdPerforatorSweepMode.tfdPerforatorSweepModeBi, "");
            //    perfoList.SetPolicy(Bentley.Building.Api.TFdPerforatorPolicy.tfdPerforatorPolicyThroughHoleWithinSenseDist, "");

            //    (iframeList as Bentley.Building.Api.TFFrameList).SetPerforatorList(ref perfoList, 0);

            //   // iframeList.AsTFFrame.SetPerforatorList(ref perfoList, 0);
            //    iframeList.AsTFFrame.SetSenseDistance2(length, 0);
            //    iframeList.AsTFFrame.SetPerforatorsAreActive(true, 0);
            //        var frame = iframeList.AsTFFrame;
            //    tfApi.ModelReferenceUpdateAutoOpeningsByFrame(modelRef,
            //ref frame, true, false, Bentley.Building.Api.TFdFramePerforationPolicy.tfdFramePerforationPolicyStrict, 0);


            // tfApi.ModelReferenceRewriteFrameInstance(modelRef, iframeList.AsTFFrame, 0);

                ITFProjectionList projList, projList1, projList2, projList3;
                tfApi.CreateTFProjection(0, out projList);
                tfApi.CreateTFProjection(0, out projList1);
                tfApi.CreateTFProjection(0, out projList2);
                tfApi.CreateTFProjection(0, out projList3);

                var        zero  = DPoint3d.Zero;
                DPoint3d[] verts = { zero, zero, zero, zero, zero };
                double     k     = pipeInsideRadius * Math.Cos(Math.PI / 4);
                verts[0].X  = -k;
                verts[0].Z  = -k;
                verts[1].X  = k;
                verts[1].Z  = k;
                verts[3]    = verts[0];
                verts[3].Z *= -1;
                verts[4]    = verts[1];
                verts[4].Z *= -1;

                LineStringElement cross1 = new LineStringElement(model, null, verts);
                for (int i = 0; i < verts.Count(); ++i)
                    verts[i].Y = dgnLength;
                LineStringElement cross2 = new LineStringElement(model, null, verts);


                projList1.AsTFProjection.SetEmbeddedElement(cross1, 0);
                projList2.AsTFProjection.SetEmbeddedElement(cross2, 0);

                LineElement refPoint =
                    new LineElement(model, null, new DSegment3d(zero, zero));

                ElementPropertiesSetter setter = new ElementPropertiesSetter();

                projList3.AsTFProjection.SetEmbeddedElement(refPoint, 0);

                projList.Append(projList1, "");
                projList.Append(projList2, "");
                projList.Append(projList3, "");
                iframeList.AsTFFrame.SetProjectionList(projList, 0);

            tfApi.ModelReferenceRewriteFrameInstance(modelRef, iframeList.AsTFFrame, 0);

            //  int stat = tfApi.ModelReferenceRewriteFrameList(modelRef, iframeList, 0);
            //tfApi.ModelReferenceAddFrameList(modelRef, ref iframeList, 0);

            //    tfApi.ModelReferenceRewriteFrameList(modelRef, iframeList, 0);

            //frameListClass = frameList as TFCOM.TFFrameListClass;
            //frameListClass.GetElement(out bcomElem);

            // setDataGroupInstance(bcomElem, task);
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static DVector3d ToDVector(this BCOM.Point3d pt)
     return(DVector3d.FromXYZ(pt.X, pt.Y, pt.Z));
        protected override void OnDynamicFrame(Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.DgnButtonEvent ev)
                if (PolyhedraCE.StaticElement == null)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PolyhedronName))
                        if (PolyhedraCE.ListOfPolyhedra.ContainsKey(PolyhedronName))
                            BPSUtilities.WriteLog($"Found cell for '{PolyhedronName}'");
                            PolyhedraCE.StaticElement = PolyhedraCE.ListOfPolyhedra[PolyhedronName];
                            m_haveFirstPoint = false;
                            BPSUtilities.WriteLog($"Cell for '{PolyhedronName}' not found.");
                        BPSUtilities.WriteLog("Polyhedron Name not set.");
                        m_haveFirstPoint = false;

                    Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.CellHeaderElement cellElem = (Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.CellHeaderElement)(PolyhedraCE.StaticElement);
                    if (cellElem.CellName != PolyhedronName)
                        BPSUtilities.WriteLog($"Current cell is {cellElem.CellName}");

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(PolyhedronName))
                            if (PolyhedraCE.ListOfPolyhedra.ContainsKey(PolyhedronName))
                                BPSUtilities.WriteLog($"Found cell for '{PolyhedronName}'");

                                if (PolyhedraCE.StaticElement != null)

                                PolyhedraCE.StaticElement = PolyhedraCE.ListOfPolyhedra[PolyhedronName];
                                m_haveFirstPoint = false;
                                BPSUtilities.WriteLog($"Cell for '{PolyhedronName}' not found.");
                            BPSUtilities.WriteLog("Polyhedron Name not set.");
                            m_haveFirstPoint = false;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    BPSUtilities.WriteLog($"Error casting cell {ex.Message}");

                if (PolyhedraCE.StaticElement != null)
                    RedrawElems redrawElems = new RedrawElems();
                    redrawElems.DrawMode    = DgnDrawMode.TempDraw;
                    redrawElems.DrawPurpose = DrawPurpose.Dynamics;

                        DMatrix3d invertedViewportRotation = new DMatrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);   // Identity

                        if (ev.Viewport.GetRotation().TryInvert(out invertedViewportRotation))
                            DMatrix3d cellRotation = new DMatrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);   // Identity

                            List <Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.Element> listChildElements = new List <Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.Element>();

                            foreach (Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.Element child in PolyhedraCE.StaticElement.GetChildren())

                            Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.CellHeaderElement copiedElement = new CellHeaderElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), PolyhedronName,
                                                                                                                    new DPoint3d(0, 0, 0), cellRotation, listChildElements);

                            if (copiedElement != null)
                                if (copiedElement.IsValid)
                                    if (!m_haveFirstPoint)
                                        DPoint3d translation = ev.Point;

                                        DMatrix3d viewMatrix = ev.Viewport.GetRotation();

                                        DPoint3d[] blkPts = new DPoint3d[4];

                                        DPoint3d low = DPoint3d.Zero, high = DPoint3d.Zero;

                                        ev.Viewport.GetViewCorners(out low, out high);

                                        // rotate points to orthogonal
                                        blkPts[0] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(low)));

                                        blkPts[2] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(high)));

                                        blkPts[2].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                        DPoint3d ext = DPoint3d.Subtract(blkPts[2], blkPts[0]);

                                        double dScale = Math.Max(0.15 * Math.Abs(ext.Magnitude / uorPerMaster()), 1.0);

                                        DPoint3d dPtScale = ev.Viewport.GetScale();

                                        // dScale = dPtScale.Magnitude;

                                        // BPSUtilities.WriteLog($"Scale: {dScale}, View: {ev.ViewNumber}");


                                        // works
                                        DTransform3d translateAndRotateToUpInViewWithViewBasedScale =
                                            DTransform3d.FromMatrixAndTranslation(invertedViewportRotation, translation);

                                        TransformInfo transformInfo = new TransformInfo(translateAndRotateToUpInViewWithViewBasedScale);

                                        // works
                                        // now to work on rotation and scale
                                        DPoint3d translation = m_firstPoint;

                                        DMatrix3d viewMatrix = ev.Viewport.GetRotation();

                                        DPoint3d[] blkPts = new DPoint3d[4];

                                        // rotate points to orthogonal
                                        blkPts[0] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(m_firstPoint)));

                                        blkPts[2] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(ev.Point)));

                                        blkPts[2].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                        DPoint3d ext = DPoint3d.Subtract(blkPts[2], blkPts[0]);

                                        DVector3d angleVec = new DVector3d(ext);

                                        double dScale = Math.Max(0.1, Math.Abs(ext.Magnitude / uorPerMaster()));


                                        DMatrix3d scaleRotateInViewRotateAroundPoint = DMatrix3d.Multiply(invertedViewportRotation, DMatrix3d.Rotation(2, angleVec.AngleXY));

                                        DTransform3d translateAndRotatetoUpInViewAndScale =
                                            DTransform3d.FromMatrixAndTranslation(scaleRotateInViewRotateAroundPoint, translation);

                                        TransformInfo transformInfo2 = new TransformInfo(translateAndRotatetoUpInViewAndScale);


                    catch (Exception ex)
                    //    if (!m_haveFirstPoint)
                    //    BPSUtilities.WriteLog("Don't have first point.");
                    //    // move it around on cursor
                    //    redrawElems.DoRedraw(GetTransformedElement(m_element, ev));
                    //    BPSUtilities.WriteLog("Do have first point.");
                    //    redrawElems.DoRedraw(GetTransformedElement(m_element, ev));
                    BPSUtilities.WriteLog("Element is null");
            catch (Exception ex)
                BPSUtilities.WriteLog($"OnDynamicFrame: {ex.Message}\n{ex.StackTrace}");
        // should create on 0,0,0 center
        private Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.Element CreatePolyhedronCell(string sPolyhedronName,
                                                                             List <DPoint3d> points, List <List <int> > faces, List <DPoint3d> colors)
                List <Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.Element> listElements = new List <Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.Element>();

                if (points.Count > 0 && faces.Count > 0)
                    int iFaceIndex = 0;

                    foreach (List <int> listVertices in faces)
                        List <DPoint3d> listPoints = new List <DPoint3d>();

                        foreach (int iVertexIndex in listVertices)
                            DPoint3d pt = points[iVertexIndex];

                        DPoint3d color = colors.ToArray()[iFaceIndex++];

                        Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.ShapeElement shapeElement =
                            new Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.ShapeElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), null, listPoints.ToArray());

                        DVector3d normal    = new DVector3d();
                        DPoint3d  somePoint = new DPoint3d();
                        DPoint3d  defNormal = listPoints.ToArray()[0];

                        shapeElement.IsPlanar(out normal, out somePoint, ref defNormal);

                        uint iColorIndex = (uint)listPoints.Count - 1;

                        ElementPropertiesSetter pSetter = new ElementPropertiesSetter();

                        shapeElement.AddSolidFill(iColorIndex, false);



                if (listElements.Count > 0)
                    DMatrix3d rotation = new DMatrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);   // Identity
                    Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.CellHeaderElement cellHeaderElement = new CellHeaderElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), sPolyhedronName,
                                                                                                                new DPoint3d(0, 0, 0), rotation, listElements);

            catch (Exception ex)
                BPSUtilities.WriteLog($"CreatePolyhedronCell {ex.Message}\n{ex.StackTrace}");

        protected override bool OnDataButton(DgnButtonEvent ev)
                if (m_haveFirstPoint)
                    // we're going to write the element


                    // now to work on rotation and scale
                    DPoint3d translation = m_firstPoint;

                    DMatrix3d viewMatrix = ev.Viewport.GetRotation();

                    DPoint3d[] blkPts = new DPoint3d[4];

                    // rotate points to orthogonal
                    blkPts[0] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(m_firstPoint)));

                    blkPts[2] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(ev.Point)));

                    blkPts[2].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                    DPoint3d ext = DPoint3d.Subtract(blkPts[2], blkPts[0]);

                    DVector3d angleVec = new DVector3d(ext);

                    double dScale = Math.Max(0.1, Math.Abs(ext.Magnitude / uorPerMaster()));

                    //RedrawElems redrawElems = new RedrawElems();
                    //redrawElems.DrawMode = DgnDrawMode.Normal;
                    //redrawElems.DrawPurpose = DrawPurpose.ForceRedraw;

                        DMatrix3d invertedViewportRotation = new DMatrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);   // Identity

                        if (ev.Viewport.GetRotation().TryInvert(out invertedViewportRotation))
                            DMatrix3d cellRotation = new DMatrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);   // Identity

                            List <Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.Element> listChildElements = new List <Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.Element>();

                            foreach (Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.Element child in PolyhedraCE.StaticElement.GetChildren())

                            Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.CellHeaderElement copiedElement = new CellHeaderElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), PolyhedronName,
                                                                                                                    new DPoint3d(0, 0, 0), cellRotation, listChildElements);

                            if (copiedElement != null)
                                if (copiedElement.IsValid)

                                    DMatrix3d scaleRotateInViewRotateAroundPoint = DMatrix3d.Multiply(invertedViewportRotation, DMatrix3d.Rotation(2, angleVec.AngleXY));

                                    DTransform3d translateAndRotatetoUpInViewAndScale =
                                        DTransform3d.FromMatrixAndTranslation(scaleRotateInViewRotateAroundPoint, translation);

                                    TransformInfo transformInfo2 = new TransformInfo(translateAndRotatetoUpInViewAndScale);



                                    BPSUtilities.WriteLog("Added element to model");

                                    RedrawElems redrawElems = new RedrawElems();
                                    redrawElems.DrawMode    = DgnDrawMode.Normal;
                                    redrawElems.DrawPurpose = DrawPurpose.ForceRedraw;

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        BPSUtilities.WriteLog($"OnDataBurron {ex.Message}\n{ex.StackTrace}");

                    m_haveFirstPoint = false;

                    m_firstPoint = new DPoint3d(0, 0, 0);



                m_haveFirstPoint = true;

                m_firstPoint = ev.Point;

            catch (Exception ex)
                BPSUtilities.WriteLog($"OnDataButton {ex.Message}\n{ex.StackTrace}");

Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static bool isPointInside(ISurface bs, DPoint3d testPt, double tol, out DVector3d normal, out DPoint3d ClosestPoint)
            Point2d uvPoint = new Point2d();
            DVector3d norm;
            double dist = 0;

            DPoint3d cp = closestPointOnSurf(testPt, bs, tol, out dist, out uvPoint, out norm);

            normal = norm;
            var testVec = new DVector3d(ref cp, ref testPt);

            ClosestPoint = cp;

            if (norm.AngleTo(ref testVec).Degrees <= 90)
                return false;
            else return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected override void OnDynamicFrame(Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.DgnButtonEvent ev)
            RedrawElems redrawElems = new RedrawElems();

            redrawElems.DrawMode    = DgnDrawMode.TempDraw;
            redrawElems.DrawPurpose = DrawPurpose.Dynamics;

                DMatrix3d invertedViewportRotation = new DMatrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);   // Identity

                if (ev.Viewport.GetRotation().TryInvert(out invertedViewportRotation))
                    if (CodeElement != null)
                        if (CodeElement.IsValid)
                            List <Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.Element> listChildElements = CodeElement.GetChildren().GetEnumerator().ConvertToList();

                            Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.CellHeaderElement codeElement = new CellHeaderElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), "QRCode",
                                                                                                                  DPoint3d.Zero, DMatrix3d.Identity, listChildElements);

                            if (codeElement.IsValid)
                                if (m_haveFirstPoint)
                                    // now to work on rotation and scale
                                    DPoint3d translation = m_firstPoint;

                                    DMatrix3d viewMatrix = ev.Viewport.GetRotation();

                                    DPoint3d[] blkPts = new DPoint3d[4];

                                    // rotate points to orthogonal
                                    blkPts[0] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(m_firstPoint)));

                                    blkPts[2] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(ev.Point)));

                                    blkPts[2].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    DPoint3d ext = DPoint3d.Subtract(blkPts[2], blkPts[0]);

                                    DVector3d angleVec = new DVector3d(ext);

                                    // double dScale = Math.Max(0.1, Math.Abs(ext.Magnitude / uorPerMaster()));


                                    DVector3d xVec = new DVector3d(1, 0, 0);

                                    DVector3d yVec = new DVector3d(0, 1, 0);

                                    Angle angle = Angle.Zero;

                                    //// UR and LR
                                    if (angleVec.AngleTo(xVec).Radians >= 0.0 && angleVec.AngleTo(xVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                        if (angleVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians >= 0.0 && angleVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                            angle = Angle.Zero;
                                            angle.Radians = Angle.NEGATIVE_PI.Radians / 2.0;
                                    // UL and LL
                                        if (angleVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians >= 0.0 && angleVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                            angle.Radians = Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0;
                                            angle.Radians = Angle.PI.Radians;

                                    DMatrix3d scaleRotateInViewRotateAroundPoint = DMatrix3d.Multiply(invertedViewportRotation,
                                                                                                      // DMatrix3d.Rotation(2, angleVec.AngleXY));
                                                                                                      DMatrix3d.Rotation(2, angle));

                                    // DMatrix3d scaleRotateInViewRotateAroundPoint = DMatrix3d.Multiply(invertedViewportRotation,
                                    // DMatrix3d.Rotation(2, angleVec.AngleXY));

                                    DTransform3d translateAndRotatetoUpInViewAndScale =
                                        DTransform3d.FromMatrixAndTranslation(scaleRotateInViewRotateAroundPoint, translation);

                                    TransformInfo transformInfo2 = new TransformInfo(translateAndRotatetoUpInViewAndScale);


                                    // below works great for drawing a block
                                    //DPoint3d[] blkPts = new DPoint3d[4];

                                    //DMatrix3d viewMatrix = ev.Viewport.GetRotation();

                                    //// rotate points to orthogonal
                                    //blkPts[0] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(m_firstPoint)));

                                    //blkPts[2] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(ev.Point)));

                                    //blkPts[2].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    //blkPts[1].X = blkPts[0].X;
                                    //blkPts[1].Y = blkPts[2].Y;
                                    //blkPts[1].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    //blkPts[3].X = blkPts[2].X;
                                    //blkPts[3].Y = blkPts[0].Y;
                                    //blkPts[3].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    //DVector3d dVec = new DVector3d(blkPts[0], blkPts[2]);

                                    //double dWidth = blkPts[0].Distance(blkPts[1]);
                                    //double dHeight = blkPts[0].Distance(blkPts[3]);

                                    //double dDelta = Math.Abs(dWidth);

                                    //if (Math.Abs(dHeight) > Math.Abs(dWidth))
                                    //    dDelta = Math.Abs(dHeight);

                                    //blkPts[3] = blkPts[2] = blkPts[1] = blkPts[0];

                                    //DVector3d xVec = new DVector3d(1, 0, 0);

                                    //DVector3d yVec = new DVector3d(0, 1, 0);

                                    //double xFactor = 1.0, yFactor = 1.0;

                                    //// UR and LR
                                    //if (dVec.AngleTo(xVec).Radians >= 0.0 && dVec.AngleTo(xVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                    //    if (dVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians >= 0.0 && dVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                    //    {
                                    //        blkPts[2].X = blkPts[0].X + dDelta;
                                    //        blkPts[2].Y = blkPts[0].Y + dDelta;
                                    //    }
                                    //    else
                                    //    {
                                    //        blkPts[2].X = blkPts[0].X + dDelta;
                                    //        blkPts[2].Y = blkPts[0].Y - dDelta;
                                    //        yFactor = -1.0;
                                    //    }
                                    //// UL and LL
                                    //    if (dVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians >= 0.0 && dVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                    //    {
                                    //        blkPts[2].X = blkPts[0].X - dDelta;
                                    //        blkPts[2].Y = blkPts[0].Y + dDelta;
                                    //        xFactor = -1.0;
                                    //    }
                                    //    else
                                    //    {
                                    //        blkPts[2].X = blkPts[0].X - dDelta;
                                    //        blkPts[2].Y = blkPts[0].Y - dDelta;
                                    //        xFactor = -1.0;
                                    //        yFactor = -1.0;
                                    //    }

                                    //blkPts[1].X = blkPts[0].X;
                                    //blkPts[1].Y = blkPts[2].Y;
                                    //blkPts[1].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    //blkPts[3].X = blkPts[2].X;
                                    //blkPts[3].Y = blkPts[0].Y;
                                    //blkPts[3].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    //DPoint3d[] blkPts2 = new DPoint3d[4];

                                    //blkPts2[0] = blkPts2[1] = blkPts2[2] = blkPts2[3] = blkPts[0];

                                    //for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                                    //    blkPts[i] = new DPoint3d(invertedViewportRotation.Multiply(new DVector3d(blkPts[i])));

                                    //Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.ShapeElement shapeElement =
                                    //    new Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.ShapeElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), null, blkPts);

                                    //blkPts2[0].X += (xFactor) * dDelta / 4.0;
                                    //blkPts2[0].Y += (yFactor) * dDelta / 4.0;

                                    //blkPts2[2].X += (xFactor) * 3.0 * (dDelta / 4.0);
                                    //blkPts2[2].Y += (yFactor) * 3.0 * (dDelta / 4.0);

                                    //blkPts2[1].X = blkPts2[0].X;
                                    //blkPts2[1].Y = blkPts2[2].Y;
                                    //blkPts2[1].Z = blkPts2[0].Z;

                                    //blkPts2[3].X = blkPts2[2].X;
                                    //blkPts2[3].Y = blkPts2[0].Y;
                                    //blkPts2[3].Z = blkPts2[0].Z;

                                    //for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                                    //    blkPts2[i] = new DPoint3d(invertedViewportRotation.Multiply(new DVector3d(blkPts2[i])));

                                    //Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.ShapeElement shapeElement2 =
                                    //    new Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.ShapeElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), null, blkPts2);

                                    // picking something arbitrary to use as scale factor

                                    DTransform3d scaleAndRotateToUpInView = DTransform3d.FromMatrixAndTranslation(invertedViewportRotation, ev.Point);

                                    TransformInfo transformInfo = new TransformInfo(scaleAndRotateToUpInView);


            catch (Exception ex)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        protected override bool OnDataButton(DgnButtonEvent ev)
                if (m_haveFirstPoint)
                    // we're going to write the element


                    if (CodeElement != null)
                        if (CodeElement.IsValid)
                            List <Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.Element> listChildElements = CodeElement.GetChildren().GetEnumerator().ConvertToList();

                            Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.CellHeaderElement codeElement = new CellHeaderElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), "QRCode",
                                                                                                                  DPoint3d.Zero, DMatrix3d.Identity, listChildElements);

                            if (codeElement.IsValid)
                                DMatrix3d invertedViewportRotation = new DMatrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);   // Identity

                                if (ev.Viewport.GetRotation().TryInvert(out invertedViewportRotation))
                                    // now to work on rotation and scale
                                    DPoint3d translation = m_firstPoint;

                                    DMatrix3d viewMatrix = ev.Viewport.GetRotation();

                                    DPoint3d[] blkPts = new DPoint3d[4];

                                    // rotate points to orthogonal
                                    blkPts[0] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(m_firstPoint)));

                                    blkPts[2] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(ev.Point)));

                                    blkPts[2].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    DPoint3d ext = DPoint3d.Subtract(blkPts[2], blkPts[0]);

                                    DVector3d angleVec = new DVector3d(ext);

                                    // double dScale = Math.Max(0.1, Math.Abs(ext.Magnitude / uorPerMaster()));


                                    DVector3d xVec = new DVector3d(1, 0, 0);

                                    DVector3d yVec = new DVector3d(0, 1, 0);

                                    Angle angle = Angle.Zero;

                                    //// UR and LR
                                    if (angleVec.AngleTo(xVec).Radians >= 0.0 && angleVec.AngleTo(xVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                        if (angleVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians >= 0.0 && angleVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                            angle = Angle.Zero;
                                            angle.Radians = Angle.NEGATIVE_PI.Radians / 2.0;
                                    // UL and LL
                                        if (angleVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians >= 0.0 && angleVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                            angle.Radians = Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0;
                                            angle.Radians = Angle.PI.Radians;

                                    DMatrix3d scaleRotateInViewRotateAroundPoint = DMatrix3d.Multiply(invertedViewportRotation,
                                                                                                      // DMatrix3d.Rotation(2, angleVec.AngleXY));
                                                                                                      DMatrix3d.Rotation(2, angle));

                                    DTransform3d translateAndRotatetoUpInViewAndScale =
                                        DTransform3d.FromMatrixAndTranslation(scaleRotateInViewRotateAroundPoint, translation);

                                    TransformInfo transformInfo2 = new TransformInfo(translateAndRotatetoUpInViewAndScale);


                                    //DPoint3d[] blkPts = new DPoint3d[4];

                                    //DMatrix3d viewMatrix = ev.Viewport.GetRotation();

                                    //// rotate points to orthogonal
                                    //blkPts[0] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(m_firstPoint)));

                                    //blkPts[2] = new DPoint3d(viewMatrix.Multiply(new DVector3d(ev.Point)));

                                    //blkPts[2].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    //blkPts[1].X = blkPts[0].X;
                                    //blkPts[1].Y = blkPts[2].Y;
                                    //blkPts[1].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    //blkPts[3].X = blkPts[2].X;
                                    //blkPts[3].Y = blkPts[0].Y;
                                    //blkPts[3].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    //DVector3d dVec = new DVector3d(blkPts[0], blkPts[2]);

                                    //double dWidth = blkPts[0].Distance(blkPts[1]);
                                    //double dHeight = blkPts[0].Distance(blkPts[3]);

                                    //double dDelta = Math.Max(Math.Abs(dWidth), Math.Abs(dHeight));

                                    //blkPts[3] = blkPts[2] = blkPts[1] = blkPts[0];

                                    //DVector3d xVec = new DVector3d(1, 0, 0);

                                    //DVector3d yVec = new DVector3d(0, 1, 0);

                                    //// UR and LR
                                    //if (dVec.AngleTo(xVec).Radians >= 0.0 && dVec.AngleTo(xVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                    //    if (dVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians >= 0.0 && dVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                    //    {
                                    //        blkPts[2].X = blkPts[0].X + dDelta;
                                    //        blkPts[2].Y = blkPts[0].Y + dDelta;
                                    //    }
                                    //    else
                                    //    {
                                    //        blkPts[2].X = blkPts[0].X + dDelta;
                                    //        blkPts[2].Y = blkPts[0].Y - dDelta;
                                    //    }
                                    //// UL and LL
                                    //    if (dVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians >= 0.0 && dVec.AngleTo(yVec).Radians <= (Angle.PI.Radians / 2.0))
                                    //    {
                                    //        blkPts[2].X = blkPts[0].X - dDelta;
                                    //        blkPts[2].Y = blkPts[0].Y + dDelta;
                                    //    }
                                    //    else
                                    //    {
                                    //        blkPts[2].X = blkPts[0].X - dDelta;
                                    //        blkPts[2].Y = blkPts[0].Y - dDelta;
                                    //    }

                                    //blkPts[1].X = blkPts[0].X;
                                    //blkPts[1].Y = blkPts[2].Y;
                                    //blkPts[1].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    //blkPts[3].X = blkPts[2].X;
                                    //blkPts[3].Y = blkPts[0].Y;
                                    //blkPts[3].Z = blkPts[0].Z;

                                    //for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                                    //    blkPts[i] = new DPoint3d(invertedViewportRotation.Multiply(new DVector3d(blkPts[i])));

                                    //Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.ShapeElement shapeElement =
                                    //    new Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.ShapeElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), null, blkPts);

                                    RedrawElems redrawElems = new RedrawElems();
                                    redrawElems.DrawMode    = DgnDrawMode.Normal;
                                    redrawElems.DrawPurpose = DrawPurpose.ForceRedraw;



                                    m_haveFirstPoint = false;

                                    m_firstPoint = new DPoint3d(0, 0, 0);


                    m_haveFirstPoint = true;

                    m_firstPoint = ev.Point;

                    // base.BeginDynamics();
            catch (Exception ex)
                BPSUtilities.WriteLog($"OnDataButton {ex.Message}\n{ex.StackTrace}");

Ejemplo n.º 11
        protected override void OnPostInstall()
                BPSUtilities.WriteLog("PlaceQRCode OnPostInstall");

                NotificationManager.OutputPrompt("Enter data point for corner of QR Code. Reset to exit.");
                // AccuSnap.SnapEnabled = true;
                // AccuSnap.LocateEnabled = true;

                m_haveFirstPoint = false;
                // base.BeginDynamics();
                m_firstPoint = DPoint3d.Zero;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LongURL))
                    QRCodeEncoderLibrary.QREncoder enc = QRCodeImageFunctions.GetQREncoderObject(LongURL);

                    BPSUtilities.WriteLog($"QRCodeDimension: {enc.QRCodeDimension}");

                    if (enc.QRCodeDimension > 0)
                        DPoint3d[] blkPts = new DPoint3d[4];

                        blkPts[0] = blkPts[1] = blkPts[2] = blkPts[3] = DPoint3d.Zero;

                        blkPts[0].X = enc.QuietZone;
                        blkPts[0].Y = enc.QuietZone;

                        blkPts[1].X = enc.QuietZone + 1.0;
                        blkPts[1].Y = enc.QuietZone;
                        blkPts[2].X = enc.QuietZone + 1.0;
                        blkPts[2].Y = enc.QuietZone + 1.0;
                        blkPts[3].X = enc.QuietZone;
                        blkPts[3].Y = enc.QuietZone + 1.0;

                        DPoint3d[] blkPts2 = new DPoint3d[4];

                        DVector3d yVec = new DVector3d(0, 1, 0);
                        DVector3d xVec = new DVector3d(1, 0, 0);

                        DMatrix3d cellRotation = new DMatrix3d(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);   // Identity

                        List <Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.Element> listChildElements = new List <Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.Element>();

                        // bool[,] pixels = enc.ConvertQRCodeMatrixToPixels();

                        for (int i = 0; i < enc.QRCodeDimension; i++)
                            // reset row
                            for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
                                blkPts2[index] = blkPts[index];

                            // move up
                            for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
                                blkPts2[index] = DPoint3d.Add(blkPts2[index], yVec, (double)i);

                            for (int j = 0; j < enc.QRCodeDimension; j++)
                                if (enc.QRCodeMatrix[i, j])
                                    Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.ShapeElement shapeElement =
                                        new Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.ShapeElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), null, blkPts2);

                                    ElementPropertiesSetter pSetter = new ElementPropertiesSetter();

                                    shapeElement.AddSolidFill((uint)Bentley.MstnPlatformNET.Settings.GetActiveFillColor().Index, true);


                                    if (shapeElement.IsValid)

                                // move across
                                for (int index = 0; index < 4; index++)
                                    blkPts2[index] = DPoint3d.Add(blkPts2[index], xVec);

                        DPoint3d[] blkPts3 = new DPoint3d[5];

                        blkPts3[0] = blkPts3[1] = blkPts3[2] = blkPts3[3] = blkPts3[4] = DPoint3d.Zero;

                        blkPts3[1].X = 2 * enc.QuietZone + enc.QRCodeDimension;
                        blkPts3[2].X = 2 * enc.QuietZone + enc.QRCodeDimension;
                        blkPts3[2].Y = 2 * enc.QuietZone + enc.QRCodeDimension;
                        blkPts3[3].Y = 2 * enc.QuietZone + enc.QRCodeDimension;

                        Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.LineStringElement border = new LineStringElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), null, blkPts3);

                        ElementPropertiesSetter pSetter2 = new ElementPropertiesSetter();




                        Bentley.DgnPlatformNET.Elements.CellHeaderElement codeElement = new CellHeaderElement(Session.Instance.GetActiveDgnModel(), "QRCode",
                                                                                                              new DPoint3d(0, 0, 0), cellRotation, listChildElements);

                        // scale down to one...

                        DMatrix3d rotMatrix = DMatrix3d.Identity;

                        rotMatrix.ScaleInPlace((double)1.0 / (double)enc.QRCodeDimension);

                        DTransform3d translateAndScale =
                            DTransform3d.FromMatrixAndTranslation(rotMatrix, DPoint3d.Zero);

                        TransformInfo transformInfo = new TransformInfo(translateAndScale);


                        CodeElement = codeElement;

                        // might want to tag with the URL...

                        if (CodeElement.IsValid)

                BPSUtilities.WriteLog($"PlaceQRCode OnPostInstall Dynamics {(this.DynamicsStarted ? "is" : "is not")} started.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                BPSUtilities.WriteLog($"PlaceQRCode OnPostInstall {ex.Message}\n{ex.StackTrace}");