public ObjectSet(Zio zio, objset_phys_t os) { if (zio == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("zio"); mZio = zio; mType = os.Type; mMetaDNode = new DNode(zio, os.MetaDnode); }
public IEnumerable<ICell> Process(ICell[,] cellMap, Coordinates start, Coordinates end) { Contract.Requires(cellMap != null); Contract.Requires(start.Inside(new Coordinates(cellMap.GetLength(0), cellMap.GetLength(1)))); Contract.Requires(end.Inside(new Coordinates(cellMap.GetLength(0), cellMap.GetLength(1)))); DNode[,] dist = new DNode[cellMap.GetLength(0), cellMap.GetLength(1)]; int count = cellMap.GetLength(0) * cellMap.GetLength(1); for (int i = 0; i < cellMap.GetLength(0); ++i) for (int j = 0; j < cellMap.GetLength(1); ++j) dist[i, j] = new DNode(); dist[start.X, start.Y].val = 0; Coordinates? min = null; do { min = FindMin(dist); if (min.HasValue) { CheckForeign(cellMap, dist, min.Value); dist[min.Value.X, min.Value.Y].visited = true; } } while (min.HasValue); int waylen = 0; DNode dnode = dist[end.X, end.Y]; while (dnode.prev.HasValue) { ++waylen; dnode = dist[dnode.prev.Value.X, dnode.prev.Value.Y]; } if (waylen > 0) { ICell[] res = new ICell[waylen + 1]; res[waylen] = cellMap[end.X, end.Y]; int i = waylen - 1; dnode = dist[end.X, end.Y]; while (dnode.prev.HasValue) { res[i--] = cellMap[dnode.prev.Value.X, dnode.prev.Value.Y]; dnode = dist[dnode.prev.Value.X, dnode.prev.Value.Y]; } return res; } else { return new LinkedList<ICell>(); } }
protected void CheckForeign(ICell[,] cm, DNode[,] d, Coordinates coords) { int f = coords.X, s = coords.Y; double w; //left if ((f > 0) && (cm[f - 1, s].Weight >= 0)) { w = cm[f - 1, s].Weight + d[f, s].val; if (w < d[f - 1, s].val) { d[f - 1, s].val = w; d[f - 1, s].prev = coords; } } //right if ((f < cm.GetLength(0) - 1) && (cm[f + 1, s].Weight >= 0)) { w = cm[f + 1, s].Weight + d[f, s].val; if (w < d[f + 1, s].val) { d[f + 1, s].val = w; d[f + 1, s].prev = coords; } } //top if ((s > 0) && (cm[f, s - 1].Weight >= 0)) { w = cm[f, s - 1].Weight + d[f, s].val; if (w < d[f, s - 1].val) { d[f, s - 1].val = w; d[f, s - 1].prev = coords; } } //bottom if ((s < cm.GetLength(1) - 1) && (cm[f, s + 1].Weight >= 0)) { w = cm[f, s + 1].Weight + d[f, s].val; if (w < d[f, s + 1].val) { d[f, s + 1].val = w; d[f, s + 1].prev = coords; } } }
private void Nesting_CreateProliferationGraph(DGraph graph) { DNode inNode = graph.AddNode("Pr_in"); inNode.DrawingNode.Attr.Shape = MsaglShape.Circle; inNode.DrawingNode.Attr.FillColor = MsaglColor.Red; DNode mitosisNode = Nesting_Cell_AddNode(graph, "Pr_mitosis", null); Grid mitosisContainer = new Grid(); mitosisContainer.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition()); mitosisContainer.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition()); mitosisContainer.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = "Mitosis", TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }); mitosisNode.Label = new DNestedGraphLabel(mitosisNode, mitosisContainer); DGraph mitosisGraph = new DGraph(mitosisNode.Label as DNestedGraphLabel) { Name = "Mitosis" }; Nesting_CreateMitosisGraph(mitosisGraph); Grid.SetRow(mitosisGraph, 1); mitosisContainer.Children.Add(mitosisGraph); (mitosisNode.Label as DNestedGraphLabel).Graphs.Add(mitosisGraph); DNode splitterNode = graph.AddNode("Pr_sp"); splitterNode.DrawingNode.Attr.Shape = MsaglShape.Circle; splitterNode.DrawingNode.Attr.FillColor = MsaglColor.Blue; DNode meiosisNode = Nesting_Cell_AddNode(graph, "Pr_meiosis", null); Grid meiosisContainer = new Grid(); meiosisContainer.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition()); meiosisContainer.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition()); meiosisContainer.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = "Meiosis", TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center, FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }); meiosisNode.Label = new DNestedGraphLabel(meiosisNode, meiosisContainer); DGraph meiosisGraph = new DGraph(meiosisNode.Label as DNestedGraphLabel) { Name = "Meiosis" }; Nesting_CreateMeiosisGraph(meiosisGraph); Grid.SetRow(meiosisGraph, 1); meiosisContainer.Children.Add(meiosisGraph); (meiosisNode.Label as DNestedGraphLabel).Graphs.Add(meiosisGraph); Nesting_Cell_AddEdge(graph, inNode, mitosisNode, null); Nesting_Cell_AddEdge(graph, mitosisNode, splitterNode, "Early Meiosis"); DEdge splitter_g0_edge = graph.AddEdgeBetweenNodes(splitterNode, mitosisGraph.NodeMap["Mi_g0"]); splitter_g0_edge.DrawingEdge.Attr.Color = MsaglColor.Red; DEdge splitter_inter_edge = graph.AddEdgeBetweenNodes(splitterNode, meiosisGraph.NodeMap["Me_inter"]); splitter_inter_edge.DrawingEdge.Attr.Color = MsaglColor.Red;//*/ }
protected Coordinates? FindMin(DNode[,] d) { bool foundfirst = false; Coordinates? min = null; for (int i = 0; (i < d.GetLength(0)) && !foundfirst; i++) for (int j = 0; (j < d.GetLength(1)) && !foundfirst; j++) if (!d[i, j].visited) { foundfirst = true; min = new Coordinates(i, j); } if (min.HasValue) for (int i = 0; i < d.GetLength(0); i++) for (int j = 0; j < d.GetLength(1); j++) if ((!d[i, j].visited) && (d[i, j].val < d[min.Value.X, min.Value.Y].val)) min = new Coordinates(i, j); return min; }
public DBinaryOperation(DNode left, DNode right, BinaryOperator op, Location loc) : this(loc) => (Left, Right, Operator) = (left, right, op);
void DowkerModify() { int len = nodes.Count; //外周は固定する for (int a = 0; a < outerCount; a++) { nodes[outer[a]].x = 400 + 300 * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI * 2 * a / outerCount); nodes[outer[a]].y = 400 - 300 * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI * 2 * a / outerCount); } float[] dx = new float[len]; float[] dy = new float[len]; for (int repeat = 0; repeat < 2000; repeat++) { for (int n = 0; n < len; n++) { dx[n] = dy[n] = 0f; } for (int n = 0; n < len; n++) { DNode nn = nodes[n]; float zx = 0; float zy = 0; int count = 0; for (int e = 0; e < edges.Count; e++) { DEdge ee = edges[e]; if (ee.s == n) { zx += nodes[ee.t].x; zy += nodes[ee.t].y; count++; } else if (ee.t == n) { zx += nodes[ee.s].x; zy += nodes[ee.s].y; count++; } } zx /= count; zy /= count; float ax = zx - nn.x; float ay = zy - nn.y; ax *= 0.1f; ay *= 0.1f; dx[n] = ax; dy[n] = ay; } for (int n = 0; n < len; n++) { bool OK = true; for (int a = 0; a < outerCount; a++) { if (n == outer[a]) { OK = false; break; } } if (OK) { DNode nn = nodes[n]; nn.x += dx[n]; nn.y += dy[n]; } } } }
public DBinaryOperation(DNode left, DNode right, BinaryOperator op, Location loc) : this(loc) { Left = left; Right = right; Operator = op; }
public DNode(T item, DNode <T> prevNode, DNode <T> nextNode) { Element = item; Prev = prevNode; Next = nextNode; }
public DNode(T value) { Value = value; Next = null; Previous = null; }
protected string SerializeDNode(DNode node) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); SerializeDNode(node, sb, 0); return sb.ToString(); }
void ApplyAttributes(DNode n) { n.Attributes = GetCurrentAttributeSet(); }
public static Core.IconId GetNodeIcon(DNode n) { try { if (n == null) { return(null); } if (n is DClassLike) { switch ((n as DClassLike).ClassType) { case DTokens.Template: case DTokens.Class: if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Package)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("class_internal")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Protected)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("class_protected")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Private)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("class_private")); } return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("class")); case DTokens.Union: case DTokens.Struct: if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Package)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("struct_internal")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Protected)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("struct_protected")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Private)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("struct_private")); } return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("struct")); case DTokens.Interface: if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Package)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("interface_internal")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Protected)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("interface_protected")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Private)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("interface_private")); } return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("interface")); } } else if (n is DEnum) { if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Package)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("enum_internal")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Protected)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("enum_protected")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Private)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("enum_private")); } return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("enum")); } else if (n is DMethod) { //TODO: Getter or setter functions should be declared as a >single< property only if (n.ContainsPropertyAttribute()) { if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Package)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("property_internal")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Protected)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("property_protected")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Private)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("property_private")); } return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("property")); } if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Package)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("method_internal")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Protected)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("method_protected")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Private)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("method_private")); } return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("method")); } else if (n is DEnumValue) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("literal")); } else if (n is DVariable) { if (n.ContainsPropertyAttribute()) { if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Package)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("property_internal")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Protected)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("property_protected")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Private)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("property_private")); } return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("property")); } if (n.Type is DelegateDeclaration) { if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Package)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("delegate_internal")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Protected)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("delegate_protected")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Private)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("delegate_private")); } return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("delegate")); } if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Const)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("literal")); } var realParent = n.Parent as DNode; if (n.Parent is IAbstractSyntaxTree && !(n as DVariable).IsAlias) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("field")); } if (realParent == null) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("local")); } if (realParent is DClassLike) { if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Package)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("field_internal")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Protected)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("field_protected")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Private)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("field_private")); } return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("field")); } if (realParent is DMethod) { if ((realParent as DMethod).Parameters.Contains(n)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("parameter")); } return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("local")); } if (realParent.ContainsTemplateParameter(n.Name)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("parameter")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError("Error while getting node icon", ex); } return(null); }
public InnerAction(DNode dn, DRefactoringContext drefCtxt) { this.refCtxt = drefCtxt; this.dn = dn; this.Title = "import " + (dn.NodeRoot as DModule).ModuleName + ";"; }
protected override Tuple <CodeLocation, CodeLocation, string> Process(EditorData editorData, CodeLocation tipEnd) { var tipStart = editorData.CaretLocation; editorData.CaretOffset += 2; editorData.CaretLocation = tipEnd; var sr = DResolver.GetScopedCodeObject(editorData); var rr = sr != null?LooseResolution.ResolveTypeLoosely(editorData, sr, out _, true) : null; var definitionSourceFilename = new StringBuilder(); if (rr != null) { if (rr is AliasedType at) { // jump to original definition if it is not renamed or the caret is on the import var isRenamed = (at.Definition as ImportSymbolAlias)?.ImportBinding?.Alias != null; if (!isRenamed || at.Definition.Location == sr.Location) { rr = at.Base; } } DNode n = null; foreach (var t in AmbiguousType.TryDissolve(rr)) { n = ExpressionTypeEvaluation.GetResultMember(t); if (n != null) { break; } } if (n != null) { if (definitionSourceFilename.Length > 0) { definitionSourceFilename.Append("\n"); } bool decl = false; if (n is DMethod method) { decl = method.Body == null; } else if (n.ContainsAnyAttribute(DTokens.Extern)) { decl = true; } if (decl) { definitionSourceFilename.Append("EXTERN:"); } tipStart = n.Location; tipEnd = n.EndLocation; if (n.NodeRoot is DModule module) { definitionSourceFilename.Append(module.FileName); } } } return(Tuple.Create(tipStart, tipEnd, definitionSourceFilename.ToString())); }
internal DNode(String d) { = d; = null; this.prev = null; }
// This method gets called when a button is pressed through a script on the buttons that // sends its sibling index public void OptionsButtonClick(int a_buttonIndex) { // Set the GUI objects to start displaying dialogue text and // stop displaying dialogue options m_dialogueText.gameObject.SetActive(true); m_dialogueButtonsContainer.transform.parent.transform.parent.gameObject.SetActive(false); // If the button that has been pressed is last in the list then it is the exit // dialogue button so this just exits the dialogue if (a_buttonIndex == m_dialogueButtonsContainer.transform.childCount - 1) { m_dialogueEnum = dialogueEnumerator.Exit; m_dialogueIEnumRunning = false; return; } // We can do the same for the back button here if this is not the // first dialogue if (!m_dialogue.FirstDialogue && a_buttonIndex == m_dialogueButtonsContainer.transform.childCount - 2) { m_dialogue = m_dialoguePrev.Pop(); m_dialogueEnum = dialogueEnumerator.Options; m_dialogueIEnumRunning = false; return; } // Set the dialogue options so it has been read/selected m_dialogue.options[a_buttonIndex].hasBeenRead = true; // Invoke the events that are set to this dialogue option m_AfterDialogueActions = m_dialogue.options[a_buttonIndex].eventsOnDialogueFinish; // If we don't need to return to the dialogue once an option is read then set the next dialogue option if (!m_dialogue.options[a_buttonIndex].ReturnOnceRead) { // We have a stack of dialogues so that we can go back, we add the current one // here before it is set to something else m_dialoguePrev.Push(m_dialogue); // Set the dialogue to the net dialogue foreach (DNode dialogue in hitInRange.collider.GetComponent <DialogueNode>().Dialogue) { if (dialogue._ID == m_dialogue.options[a_buttonIndex].nextID) { m_dialogue = dialogue; break; } } } // Else set the dialogue text overwrite else { foreach (DNode dialogue in hitInRange.collider.GetComponent <DialogueNode>().Dialogue) { if (dialogue._ID == m_dialogue.options[a_buttonIndex].nextID) { m_dialogueTextOverwrite = dialogue.dialogueText; break; } } } // Set the variables m_dialogueEnum = dialogueEnumerator.Talking; m_dialogueIEnumRunning = false; }
public void GetTip(string filename, int startLine, int startIndex, int endLine, int endIndex) { filename = normalizePath(filename); var ast = GetModule(filename); if (ast == null) { throw new COMException("module not found", 1); } _tipStart = new CodeLocation(startIndex + 1, startLine); _tipEnd = new CodeLocation(startIndex + 2, startLine); _tipText.Clear(); _setupEditorData(); _editorData.CaretLocation = _tipStart; _editorData.SyntaxTree = ast as DModule; _editorData.ModuleCode = _sources[filename]; // codeOffset+1 because otherwise it does not work on the first character _editorData.CaretOffset = getCodeOffset(_editorData.ModuleCode, _tipStart) + 1; ISyntaxRegion sr = DResolver.GetScopedCodeObject(_editorData); LooseResolution.NodeResolutionAttempt attempt; var types = sr != null?LooseResolution.ResolveTypeLoosely(_editorData, sr, out attempt) : null; _tipText.Clear(); if (types != null) { if (sr != null) { _tipStart = sr.Location; _tipEnd = sr.EndLocation; } DNode dn = null; foreach (var t in AmbiguousType.TryDissolve(types)) { _tipText.Append(NodeToolTipContentGen.Instance.GenTooltipSignature(t)).Append("\a"); if (t is DSymbol) { dn = (t as DSymbol).Definition; } } while (_tipText.Length > 0 && _tipText[_tipText.Length - 1] == '\a') { _tipText.Length--; } if (dn != null) { VDServerCompletionDataGenerator.GenerateNodeTooltipBody(dn, _tipText); } while (_tipText.Length > 0 && _tipText[_tipText.Length - 1] == '\a') { _tipText.Length--; } } }
public void GetDefinition(string filename, int startLine, int startIndex, int endLine, int endIndex) { filename = normalizePath(filename); var ast = GetModule(filename); if (ast == null) { throw new COMException("module not found", 1); } _tipStart = new CodeLocation(startIndex + 1, startLine); _tipEnd = new CodeLocation(endIndex + 1, endLine); _tipText.Clear(); _setupEditorData(); _editorData.CaretLocation = _tipEnd; _editorData.SyntaxTree = ast as DModule; _editorData.ModuleCode = _sources[filename]; // codeOffset+1 because otherwise it does not work on the first character _editorData.CaretOffset = getCodeOffset(_editorData.ModuleCode, _tipStart) + 2; ISyntaxRegion sr = DResolver.GetScopedCodeObject(_editorData); LooseResolution.NodeResolutionAttempt attempt; var rr = sr != null?LooseResolution.ResolveTypeLoosely(_editorData, sr, out attempt, true) : null; _tipText.Clear(); if (rr != null) { DNode n = null; foreach (var t in AmbiguousType.TryDissolve(rr)) { n = DResolver.GetResultMember(t, true); if (n != null) { break; } } if (n != null) { if (_tipText.Length > 0) { _tipText.Append("\n"); } bool decl = false; var mthd = n as DMethod; if (mthd != null) { decl = mthd.Body == null; } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Extern)) { decl = true; } if (decl) { _tipText.Append("EXTERN:"); } _tipStart = n.Location; _tipEnd = n.EndLocation; INode node = n.NodeRoot; if (node is DModule) { _tipText.Append((node as DModule).FileName); } } } }
public DNode(int data) { Data = data; Prev = null; Next = null; }
protected void SerializeDNode(DNode node, StringBuilder sb, int level) { StringBuilder indent = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) indent.Append('\t'); SerializeCodeLocation(node.StartLocation, sb); sb.Append("-"); SerializeCodeLocation(node.EndLocation, sb); sb.Append(" "); if (node is DModule) { DModule module = node as DModule; sb.Append(indent).Append("ML:").Append(module.ModuleName); foreach (ITypeDeclaration td in module.Imports.Keys) { sb.Append(indent).Append("~IM:").Append(td.ToString()); } sb.AppendLine(); } else if (node is DMethod) { DMethod method = node as DMethod; sb.Append(indent).Append("MD:").Append(method.Type != null ? method.Type.ToString() : "<NULL>").Append("~").AppendLine(method.Name); foreach (DNode paramNode in method.Parameters) { SerializeDNode(paramNode, sb, level + 1); } } else if (node is DClassLike) { DClassLike clss = node as DClassLike; sb.Append(indent).Append("CLS:").Append(clss.ClassType).Append("~").AppendLine(clss.Name); } else if (node is DVariable) { DVariable variable = node as DVariable; sb.Append(indent).Append("VAR:").Append((variable.Type == null) ? "<NULL>" : variable.Type.ToString()).Append("~").Append(variable.Name); if (variable.Initializer != null) sb.Append(indent).Append("~INIT:").Append(variable.Initializer.ToString()); sb.AppendLine(); } else { object o = node; } if (node is DStatementBlock) { DStatementBlock block = node as DStatementBlock; //if (block.Expression != null) // sb.Append(indent).Append("EXP:").Append(block.Expression.ToString()); foreach (DNode childNode in block) { SerializeDNode(childNode, sb, level + 1); } } else if (node is DBlockStatement) { DBlockStatement block = node as DBlockStatement; foreach (DNode childNode in block.Children) { SerializeDNode(childNode, sb, level + 1); } } }
public static Core.IconId GetNodeIcon(DNode n) { try { if (n == null) { return(null); } if (n is DClassLike) { switch ((n as DClassLike).ClassType) { case DTokens.Template: return(iconIdWithProtectionAttr(n, "template")); case DTokens.Class: return(classIconIdWithProtectionAttr(n)); case DTokens.Union: return(iconIdWithProtectionAttr(n, "union")); case DTokens.Struct: return(iconIdWithProtectionAttr(n, "struct")); case DTokens.Interface: return(iconIdWithProtectionAttr(n, "interface")); } } else if (n is DEnum) { // TODO: does declaring an enum private/protected/package actually have a meaning? return(iconIdWithProtectionAttr(n, "enum")); } else if (n is DEnumValue) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("literal")); } else if (n is DMethod) { //TODO: Getter or setter functions should be declared as a >single< property only if (n.ContainsPropertyAttribute()) { return(iconIdWithProtectionAttr(n, "property")); } return(methodIconIdWithProtectionAttr(n)); } else if (n is DVariable) { if (((DVariable)n).IsAlias) { // TODO: does declaring an alias private/protected/package actually have a meaning? return(iconIdWithProtectionAttr(n, "alias")); } if (n.ContainsPropertyAttribute()) { return(iconIdWithProtectionAttr(n, "property")); } if (n.Type is DelegateDeclaration) { return(iconIdWithProtectionAttr(n, "delegate")); } if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Const)) { return(iconIdWithProtectionAttr(n, "literal", true)); } var realParent = n.Parent as DNode; if (realParent == null) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("local")); } if (realParent is DClassLike || n.Parent is DModule) { return(iconIdWithProtectionAttr(n, "field", true)); } if (realParent is DMethod) { // FIXME: first parameter of class constructors is always displayed as a local, not a parameter if ((realParent as DMethod).Parameters.Contains(n)) { if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Ref)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("ref_parameter")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Lazy)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("lazy_parameter")); } else if (n.ContainsAttribute(DTokens.Out)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("out_parameter")); } else { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("parameter")); } // TODO: immutable, scope? } return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("local")); } TemplateParameter tpar; if (realParent.TryGetTemplateParameter(n.Name, out tpar)) { return(DCodeCompletionSupport.GetNodeImage("parameter")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError("Error while getting node icon", ex); } return(null); }
public DNode(DNode <T> prevNode, DNode <T> nextNode) { Prev = prevNode; Next = nextNode; }
public void Add(DNode data) { = linkedList; linkedList = data; count++; }
static bool IsConstOrStatic(DNode dn) { return(dn != null && (dn.IsStatic || ((dn is DVariable) && (dn as DVariable).IsConst))); }
public Edge(float weight) { this.weight = weight; this.nextNode = this.gameObject.GetComponent <DNode> (); }
public void MakeKnotFromDowkerCode() { dowkerCount = 0; nodes = new List <DNode>(); edges = new List <DEdge>(); int len = dowker.Length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { nodes.Add(new DNode(400 + 200 * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI * 2 * i / len), 400 - 200 * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI * 2 * i / len), 2 * i + 1, Mathf.Abs(dowker[i]), i, 0, (dowker[i] > 0))); // center nodes.Add(new DNode(400 + 200 * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI * 2 * i / len) + 30, 400 - 200 * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI * 2 * i / len), 2 * i + 1, Mathf.Abs(dowker[i]), i, 1, (dowker[i] > 0))); // right nodes.Add(new DNode(400 + 200 * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI * 2 * i / len), 400 - 200 * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI * 2 * i / len) - 30, 2 * i + 1, Mathf.Abs(dowker[i]), i, 2, (dowker[i] > 0))); // top nodes.Add(new DNode(400 + 200 * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI * 2 * i / len) - 30, 400 - 200 * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI * 2 * i / len), 2 * i + 1, Mathf.Abs(dowker[i]), i, 3, (dowker[i] > 0))); // left nodes.Add(new DNode(400 + 200 * Mathf.Cos(Mathf.PI * 2 * i / len), 400 - 200 * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI * 2 * i / len) + 30, 2 * i + 1, Mathf.Abs(dowker[i]), i, 4, (dowker[i] > 0))); // bottom edges.Add(new DEdge(5 * i, 5 * i + 1, true)); edges.Add(new DEdge(5 * i, 5 * i + 2, true)); edges.Add(new DEdge(5 * i, 5 * i + 3, true)); edges.Add(new DEdge(5 * i, 5 * i + 4, true)); edges.Add(new DEdge(5 * i + 1, 5 * i + 2, false)); edges.Add(new DEdge(5 * i + 2, 5 * i + 3, false)); edges.Add(new DEdge(5 * i + 3, 5 * i + 4, false)); edges.Add(new DEdge(5 * i + 4, 5 * i + 1, false)); } // a,b は1始まり for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < len; j++) { DNode n1 = nodes[5 * i]; DNode n2 = nodes[5 * j]; if (n2.b == n1.a - 1 || n2.b == n1.a + 2 * len - 1) { edges.Add(new DEdge(5 * i + 1, 5 * j + 4, true)); } else if (n2.b == n1.a + 1) { edges.Add(new DEdge(5 * i + 3, 5 * j + 2, true)); } if (n1.b == n2.a - 1 || n1.b == n2.a + 2 * len - 1) { edges.Add(new DEdge(5 * i + 4, 5 * j + 1, true)); } else if (n1.b == n2.a + 1) { edges.Add(new DEdge(5 * i + 2, 5 * j + 3, true)); } } } outer = new int[20]; //一度,三角形の外周で計算する. FindTriangle(); DowkerModify(); // 改めて外周を探しなおす. FindOuter(); DowkerModify(); //この点データでdata_graphを構成する. for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { //Debug.Log(nodes[i].ToString()); } for (int i = 0; i < edges.Count; i++) { //Debug.Log(edges[i].ToString()); } //Debug.Log("Dowker test"); OutputData(); }
public void setNextNode(DNode newNextNode) { this.nextNode = newNextNode; }
void OutputData() { int nodeNumber = nodes.Count; thisKnot.ClearAll(); for (int n = 0; n < nodeNumber; n++) { DNode nn = nodes[n]; if (n % 5 == 0) { // ジョイント Node nd = thisKnot.AddNode(new Vector3((nn.x - 400f) * 0.01f, (nn.y - 400f) * 0.01f), n); // ID = n Bead bd = thisKnot.AddBead(new Vector3((nn.x - 400f) * 0.01f, (nn.y - 400f) * 0.01f), n); // ID = n if (nn.ou) { nd.Theta = Mathf.Atan2(nodes[n + 1].y - nodes[n].y, nodes[n + 1].x - nodes[n].x); } else { nd.Theta = Mathf.Atan2(nodes[n + 2].y - nodes[n].y, nodes[n + 1].x - nodes[n].x); } nd.R[0] = nd.R[1] = nd.R[2] = nd.R[3] = 0.1f; nd.ID = n; nd.Joint = true; nd.MidJoint = false; bd.NumOfNbhd = 4; //あとで設定 bd.N1 = bd.N2 = null; //あとで設定 bd.U1 = bd.U2 = null; //あとで設定 bd.ID = n; bd.Joint = true; bd.MidJoint = false; nd.ThisBead = bd; } else { //非ジョイント Bead bd = thisKnot.AddBead(new Vector3((nn.x - 400f) * 0.01f, (nn.y - 400f) * 0.01f), n); // ID = n bd.NumOfNbhd = 2; //あとで設定 bd.N1 = bd.N2 = null; //あとで設定 bd.U1 = bd.U2 = null; //あとで設定 bd.ID = n; bd.Joint = false; bd.MidJoint = false; } } int BeadLastID = thisKnot.GetMaxIDOfBead(); // edges int A = -1, AR = -1, B = -1, BR = -1; for (int e = 0; e < edges.Count; e++) { DEdge ee = edges[e]; if (ee.visible) { A = AR = B = BR = -1; if (ee.s % 5 != 0 && ee.t % 5 != 0) { for (int es = 0; es < edges.Count; es++) { DEdge ees = edges[es]; // ee.sからたどれるジョイントを見つける if (ees.visible && ees.s % 5 == 0 && ees.t == ee.s) { int s0 = ees.s; float aX = nodes[s0 + 2].x - nodes[s0 + 1].x; float aY = nodes[s0 + 2].y - nodes[s0 + 1].y; float bX = nodes[s0 + 4].x - nodes[s0 + 1].x; float bY = nodes[s0 + 4].y - nodes[s0 + 1].y; float orientation = aX * bY - aY * bX; int t = ees.t - ees.s; if (orientation > 0) { if (nodes[ees.s].ou) { t = (t + 7) % 4; } else { t = (t + 6) % 4; } } else { if (nodes[ees.s].ou) { t = (5 - t) % 4; } else { t = (6 - t) % 4; } } A = ees.s;// ee.sからたどれるジョイント AR = t; } // ee.tからたどれるジョイント if (ees.visible && ees.s % 5 == 0 && ees.t == ee.t) { int s0 = ees.s; float aX = nodes[s0 + 2].x - nodes[s0 + 1].x; float aY = nodes[s0 + 2].y - nodes[s0 + 1].y; float bX = nodes[s0 + 4].x - nodes[s0 + 1].x; float bY = nodes[s0 + 4].y - nodes[s0 + 1].y; float orientation = aX * bY - aY * bX; int t = ees.t - ees.s; if (orientation > 0) { if (nodes[ees.s].ou) { t = (t + 7) % 4; } else { t = (t + 6) % 4; } } else { if (nodes[ees.s].ou) { t = (5 - t) % 4; } else { t = (6 - t) % 4; } } B = ees.s;// ee.tからたどれるジョイント BR = t; } } //// Edge ed = thisKnot.AddEdge(A, B, AR, BR, e); // iD = e (連番に限らない。) Bead bdJointA = thisKnot.GetBeadByID(A); Bead bdAR = thisKnot.GetBeadByID(ee.s); Bead bdBR = thisKnot.GetBeadByID(ee.t); Bead bdJointB = thisKnot.GetBeadByID(B); if (bdJointA == null || bdAR == null || bdBR == null || bdJointB == null) { continue; } bdJointA.SetNU12(AR, bdAR); bdAR.N1 = bdJointA; bdAR.N2 = bdBR; bdBR.N1 = bdJointB; bdBR.N2 = bdAR; bdJointB.SetNU12(BR, bdBR); } } } thisKnot.GetAllThings(); thisKnot.Modify(); // NodeEdgeからBeadsを整える thisKnot.UpdateBeads(); //グラフの形を整える。現状ではR[]を整えるだけ。 thisKnot.Modify(); Display.SetDrawKnotMode();// drawモードの変更 }
public DNode(T data) { = data; this.Next = null; this.Previous = null; }
public bool MatchesConditions(DNode n) { return(true); }
internal static bool IsDataSet(DNode dn) { return dn.Type == dmu_object_type_t.DSL_DATASET || (dn.IsNewType && dn.NewType == dmu_object_byteswap.DMU_BSWAP_ZAP); }
void Start() { this.nextNode = this.gameObject.GetComponent <DNode> (); }
public void AddTracedFunction(long numCalls, long treeTime, long funcTime, long perCall, DNode symbol) { traceFunctionsStore.AppendValues(numCalls, treeTime, funcTime, perCall, symbol.ToString(false, true), symbol); }
private void removeNode(DNode node) { =; = node.prev; }
private DNode(int val) { value = val; prev = null; next = null; }
public DecisionNode(List<LabeledDocumentVector> TrainingData) { Dictionary<string, int> LabelCount = GetLabelCount(TrainingData); double Entropy = GetEntropy(LabelCount, TrainingData.Count ); int features = TrainingData[0].Document.Vector.Length; int samples = 100; //for 0 and 1 only, choose 1 sample int feature = -1; double max = double.MinValue; double value = -1; //cached values to prevent multiple calculations on the same object List<LabeledDocumentVector> LeftCandidateData = null; List<LabeledDocumentVector> RightCandidateData = null; double left_cand_entropy = -1; double right_cand_entropy = -1; //calculate maximum information gain for (int i = 0; i < features; i++) { for (int j = 1; j < samples; j++) { double val = (double) j / (samples*10); List<LabeledDocumentVector>[] Children = Filter(TrainingData, val, i); List<LabeledDocumentVector> Left = Children[0]; List<LabeledDocumentVector> Right = Children[1]; double left_entropy = GetEntropy(Left); double right_entropy = GetEntropy(Right); double expect_entropy = (Left.Count / TrainingData.Count) * left_entropy + (Right.Count / TrainingData.Count) * right_entropy; double info_gain = Entropy - expect_entropy; if (info_gain > max) { max = info_gain; feature = i; value = val; LeftCandidateData = Left; RightCandidateData = Right; left_cand_entropy = left_entropy; right_cand_entropy = right_entropy; } } } this.Index = feature; this.Value = value; if (left_cand_entropy > 0) LeftChild = new DecisionNode(LeftCandidateData); else LeftChild = new DLeafNode(LeftCandidateData[0].Classification); if (right_cand_entropy > 0) RightChild = new DecisionNode(RightCandidateData); else RightChild = new DLeafNode(RightCandidateData[0].Classification); }
private Vector2 positionInNode(DNode gameWorld) { return(Vector2.Zero); }