Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static void AddUpdatePublicKey(string Key)
            using (DNNDataLayerDataContext dnnContext = new DNNDataLayerDataContext())
                #region Update
                BraftonTable pk = dnnContext.BraftonTables.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Content == "1");

                if (pk != null)
                    //pk.VideoPublicKey = TEST;
                    pk.VideoPublicKey        = Key;
                    MyGlobals.VideoPublicKey = Key;

                    // MyGlobals.VideoFeedNumber = "pk is not NULL";

                    //Blog_Entry newBlogEntry = new Blog_Entry();
                    BraftonTable addPublicKey = new BraftonTable();

                    addPublicKey.VideoPublicKey = Key;

                    MyGlobals.VideoFeedNumber = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public int getUpdatedContent()
            int?UpdatedContent = 0;

            //cmd5 = new SqlCommand();

            using (DNNDataLayerDataContext dnnContext = new DNNDataLayerDataContext())
                Brafton.Modules.BraftonImporter7_02_02.dbDataLayer.BraftonTable uf = dnnContext.BraftonTables.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Content == "1");

                //Insert into category
                if (uf != null)

                    if (uf.IncUpdatedFeedContentValue != null)
                        //int? v1 =  uf.IncUpdatedFeedContentValue;
                        //UpdatedContent = v1 ?? default(int);
                        UpdatedContent = uf.IncUpdatedFeedContentValue;
                        UpdatedContent = 0;
                        uf.IncUpdatedFeedContentValue = 0;

            int?v1 = UpdatedContent;
            int v2 = v1 ?? default(int);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static void AddUpdateVideoBaseURL(string Key)//TODO still need to validate URL to see if it matches either of the 2 apis
            using (DNNDataLayerDataContext dnnContext = new DNNDataLayerDataContext())
                #region Update
                BraftonTable pk = dnnContext.BraftonTables.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Content == "1");

                if (pk != null)
                    pk.VideoBaseUrl        = Key;
                    MyGlobals.VideoBaseURL = Key;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static void AddUpdateSecretKey(string Key)
            using (DNNDataLayerDataContext dnnContext = new DNNDataLayerDataContext())
                #region Update
                BraftonTable pk = dnnContext.BraftonTables.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Content == "1");

                if (pk != null)
                    pk.VideoSecretKey        = Key;
                    MyGlobals.VideoSecretKey = Key;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static void AddUpdateFeedNum(int Key)
            using (DNNDataLayerDataContext dnnContext = new DNNDataLayerDataContext())
                #region Update
                Brafton.Modules.BraftonImporter7_02_02.dbDataLayer.BraftonTable pk = dnnContext.BraftonTables.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Content == "1");

                if (pk != null)
                    pk.VideoFeedNumber        = Key;
                    MyGlobals.VideoFeedNumber = Key;

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void ImportVideos()
            //Import articles with video enabled

            string publicKey = MyGlobals.VideoPublicKey;
            string secretKey = MyGlobals.VideoSecretKey;
            int    feedNumber;

            int    tempCatID;
            int    tempEntryID;
            string tempSlug;
            int    PageTabId = 1;

            //Validation below. I added these validation methods beneath the ImportVideos() method

            if (!int.TryParse(MyGlobals.VideoFeedText, out feedNumber))
                MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "Invalid video feed number. Stopping";

            if (!BraftonVideoClass.ValidateVideoPublicKey(publicKey))
                MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "Invalid video public key. Stopping.";

            if (!BraftonVideoClass.ValidateGuid(secretKey))
                MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "Invalid video public key. Stopping.";

            //This is establishing the URLs for the video api,creating a new videoClient object, and then using the client libraries to get the video articles from the feed - Ly
            //string baseUrl = "http://api.video.brafton.com";
            //string basePhotoUrl = "http://pictures.directnews.co.uk/v2/";

            string baseUrl      = "http://" + MyGlobals.VideoBaseURL + "/v2/";
            string basePhotoUrl = "http://" + MyGlobals.VideoPhotoURL + "/v2/";

            //MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "<br>***********************************************<br>";
            //MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "<br>***********Global base URL- brafton.cs***********************<br>";
            //MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + baseUrl;
            //MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "<br>***********************************************<br>";

            AdferoVideoClient videoClient = new AdferoVideoClient(baseUrl, publicKey, secretKey);
            AdferoClient      client      = new AdferoClient(baseUrl, publicKey, secretKey);
            AdferoPhotoClient photoClient = new AdferoPhotoClient(basePhotoUrl);

            AdferoVideoOutputsClient xc = new AdferoVideoClient(baseUrl, publicKey, secretKey).VideoOutputs();

            AdferoVideoDotNet.AdferoArticles.ArticlePhotos.AdferoArticlePhotosClient photos = client.ArticlePhotos();
            string scaleAxis = AdferoVideoDotNet.AdferoPhotos.Photos.AdferoScaleAxis.X;

            AdferoVideoDotNet.AdferoArticles.Feeds.AdferoFeedsClient feeds    = client.Feeds();
            AdferoVideoDotNet.AdferoArticles.Feeds.AdferoFeedList    feedList = feeds.ListFeeds(0, 10);

            AdferoVideoDotNet.AdferoArticles.Articles.AdferoArticlesClient articles    = client.Articles();
            AdferoVideoDotNet.AdferoArticles.Articles.AdferoArticleList    articleList = articles.ListForFeed(feedList.Items[feedNumber].Id, "live", 0, 100);

            int articleCount = articleList.Items.Count;

            AdferoVideoDotNet.AdferoArticles.Categories.AdferoCategoriesClient categories = client.Categories();

            foreach (AdferoVideoDotNet.AdferoArticles.Articles.AdferoArticleListItem item in articleList.Items)
                int brafId = item.Id;
                AdferoVideoDotNet.AdferoArticles.Articles.AdferoArticle article = articles.Get(brafId);
                MyGlobals.brafID = brafId;

                string brafIDForInsert = brafId.ToString();

                string presplashLink;

                if (article.Fields.ContainsKey("preSplash"))
                    presplashLink = article.Fields["preSplash"];
                    presplashLink = "";

                #region Build Embed
                //Build the embed to be added to the content section of the blog entry

                string display = "<video id='video-" + brafIDForInsert + "' class='ajs-default-skin atlantis-js' controls preload='auto' width='512' height='288' poster='" + presplashLink + "'>";

                // For each Video Output

                foreach (AdferoVideoDotNet.AdferoArticlesVideoExtensions.VideoOutputs.AdferoVideoOutputListItem vidOut in videoClient.VideoOutputs().ListForArticle(brafId, 0, 20).Items)
                    int vidid = vidOut.Id;

                    string displayType = "";

                    var z = xc.Get(vidid);

                    displayType = z.Path.Substring(z.Path.Length - 3);

                    if (displayType == "flv")
                        displayType = "flash";

                    if (displayType == "ebm")
                        displayType = "webm";

                    string displayPath = z.Path;

                    string displayHeight = z.Height.ToString();

                    display = display + "<source src='" + displayPath + "' type='video/" + displayType + "' data-resolution='" + displayHeight + "' />";

                // Add the closing tag and the atlantis script
                display = display + "</video><script type='text/javascript'>var atlantisVideo = AtlantisJS.Init({videos: [{id: 'video-" + brafIDForInsert + "'}]});</script>";

                #endregion Build embed

                #region set globals
                //Set Global Variables in Globals.cs
                //This area adds all the fields to the Global variables class so that they are accessible from the BraftonVideoClass
                //I know there is a better way to do this but I did it this was for simplicity and in case I needed them somewhere else
                string addDate = article.Fields["date"];

                MyGlobals.tempID = brafIDForInsert;

                if (article.Fields.ContainsKey("title"))
                    MyGlobals.tempTitle = article.Fields["title"];
                    MyGlobals.tempTitle = "";

                if (article.Fields.ContainsKey("extract"))
                    MyGlobals.tempExtract = article.Fields["extract"];
                    MyGlobals.tempExtract = "";

                if (article.Fields.ContainsKey("content"))
                    MyGlobals.tempcontent = article.Fields["content"];
                    MyGlobals.tempcontent = "";

                MyGlobals.tempDate  = DateTime.Parse(addDate);
                MyGlobals.tempPaths = display;

                tempEntryID = BraftonVideoClass.InsertVideoPost();
                tempSlug    = article.Fields["title"];

                #region Update Permalink
                //Update permalink

                string permalink;
                string slug = strip(tempSlug);
                //Create Permalink

                using (DNNDataLayerDataContext dnnContext = new DNNDataLayerDataContext())
                    Brafton.Modules.BraftonImporter7_02_02.dbDataLayer.Blog_Entry pk = dnnContext.Blog_Entries.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BraftonID == brafIDForInsert);

                    //Update the permalink
                    if (pk != null)
                        permalink = "/blog/EntryId/" + pk.EntryID + "/" + slug;

                        pk.PermaLink = permalink;

                #endregion Update Permalink

                #region Categories
                //Add categories to Blog_Entry_Categories table

                foreach (AdferoVideoDotNet.AdferoArticles.Categories.AdferoCategoryListItem cats in client.Categories().ListForArticle(brafId, 0, 20).Items)
                    int    categoryId;
                    int    catTest = cats.Id;
                    string catName = categories.Get(catTest).Name;
                    if (catName == null)
                        catName = "Uncategorized";
                    int    pID     = categories.Get(catTest).ParentId;
                    string catslug = strip(catName) + ".aspx";

                    using (DNNDataLayerDataContext dnnContext = new DNNDataLayerDataContext())
                        Brafton.Modules.BraftonImporter7_02_02.dbDataLayer.Blog_Category ca = dnnContext.Blog_Categories.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == catName);

                        //Insert into category
                        if (ca != null)
                            categoryId = ca.CatID;

                            Blog_Category newBlogCat = new Blog_Category();
                            newBlogCat.Category = catName;
                            newBlogCat.Slug     = catslug;
                            newBlogCat.ParentID = pID;
                            newBlogCat.PortalID = 0;


                            categoryId = newBlogCat.CatID;

                        Brafton.Modules.BraftonImporter7_02_02.dbDataLayer.Blog_Entry_Category bec = dnnContext.Blog_Entry_Categories.FirstOrDefault(x => x.EntryID == tempEntryID && x.CatID == categoryId);

                        if (bec == null)
                            Blog_Entry_Category newBlogEntryCat = new Blog_Entry_Category();
                            newBlogEntryCat.EntryID = tempEntryID;
                            newBlogEntryCat.CatID   = categoryId;


                #endregion Categories

            #endregion Video Import
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public string updateScriptDebug()
            if (MyGlobals.ArtOrBlog == "articles")
                MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "Start of articles<br>";
                cmd.Connection = connection;

                //Get current directory for style sheets and images
                //was getting errors from the following so simplified it to AppDomainAppPath.ToString();
                string appPath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath == "/" ? appPath = "" : appPath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath;
                //string appPath = HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppVirtualPath.ToString();//AppDomainAppPath

                //Base api URL
                string newsURL = getNewsURL();
                string baseUrl = getBaseURL();
                //  MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "<br>************************************************<br>";
                // MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "newsURL " + newsURL + "<br>";
                //  MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "baseUrl " + baseUrl + "<br>";
                // MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "<br>************************************************<br>";

                ApiContext ac;

                if (MyGlobals.ArtOrBlog == "archive")
                    ac = new ApiContext(MyGlobals.ArchiveLink);
                    ac = new ApiContext(newsURL, baseUrl);

                //Since this column is an identity column in the table this value does not actually get inserted.
                int entryID = 0;

                //Used to compare the current BraftonID from the xml feed to the Brafton IDs in the Blog_Entries table
                int compareIDs;

                //Blog_Entries table variables
                string   artBlogID;
                string   title;
                string   entry;
                DateTime addedDate;
                string   description       = string.Empty;
                string   description_debug = string.Empty;
                bool     published         = true;
                bool     allowComments     = false;
                bool     displayCopyright  = false;
                string   photoURL;
                string   byline;
                string   caption;
                int      PageTabId = getTabID();

                //Blog_Categories table variables
                string slug;
                string category;
                int    parentID    = 0;
                int    intPortalID = getPortalID();

                //This is for storing all of the category xml urls during the iteration
                ArrayList xmlArtCatURLs = new ArrayList();

                //Blog_Entry_Categories table Arrays, these are populated while populating
                //The Blog_Entry DataTable and Blog_Categories DataTable
                ArrayList entryIDArray  = new ArrayList();
                ArrayList categoryArray = new ArrayList();

                DataTable articleTable = DataTables.GetTable("Blog_Entries");

                //For Limit
                int l = 0;

                //Set the limit of the amount of articles that can be imported at a time
                int limit = getLimit();

                #region Article Loop DEBUG
                //Fill Blog_Entries DataTable
                foreach (newsItem ni in ac.News)
                    if (l < limit)
                        artBlogID   = ni.id.ToString();
                        title       = ni.headline;
                        entry       = ni.text;
                        description = ni.extract;
                        addedDate   = ni.publishDate;
                        photoURL    = ni.PhotosHref;
                        byline      = ni.byLine;
                        DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
                        //for operations after update or insert
                        int    entryId;
                        string tempSlug;

                        using (DNNDataLayerDataContext dnnContext = new DNNDataLayerDataContext())
                            Blog_Entry be = dnnContext.Blog_Entries.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BraftonID == artBlogID);

                            if (be != null)
                                #region Update Article
                                MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "Start of update<br>";

                                //If update feed content is on we do some stuff
                                int updateCheck = MyGlobals.IncludeUpdatedFeedContent;
                                int lastDayUpd  = 0;
                                int todayDay    = 0;

                                lastDayUpd = be.LastUpdatedOn.Value.DayOfYear;
                                //todayDay = DateTime.Today.DayOfYear;
                                //TODO set this check back in place FJD

                                //if the article has not been updated today
                                if (lastDayUpd != todayDay)
                                    //if they have updated feed content checked
                                    if (updateCheck == 1)
                                        //Update the article
                                        //Lets get the entryID that matches the BraftonID
                                        //But if there isn't one it means this is a new article and we should skip the update

                                        //cmd.CommandText = "IF (SELECT EntryID FROM Blog_Entries WHERE BraftonID='" + artBlogID + "') IS NULL BEGIN SELECT 0 END ELSE (SELECT EntryID FROM Blog_Entries WHERE BraftonID=" + artBlogID + ")";

                                        //int getDNNID = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

                                        //if (getDNNID > 0)
                                        // DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
                                        //string displayDate = today.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");

                                        #region IMAGE HANDLER

                                        //photo img = ni.photos.First();
                                        //photo.Instance photoInstance = img.Instances.Where(x => x.type == enumeratedTypes.enumPhotoInstanceType.Medium).FirstOrDefault();
                                        //string photoTest = photoInstance.type.ToString();

                                        photo          img = ni.photos.First();
                                        photo.Instance photoInstanceLarge  = img.Instances.Where(x => x.type == enumeratedTypes.enumPhotoInstanceType.Large).FirstOrDefault();
                                        photo.Instance photoInstanceMedium = img.Instances.Where(x => x.type == enumeratedTypes.enumPhotoInstanceType.Medium).FirstOrDefault();
                                        photo.Instance photoInstanceSmall  = img.Instances.Where(x => x.type == enumeratedTypes.enumPhotoInstanceType.Small).FirstOrDefault();
                                        photo.Instance photoInstance;

                                        if (photoInstanceLarge != null)
                                            photoInstance = photoInstanceLarge;
                                            //MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "Using Large<br>";
                                        else if (photoInstanceMedium != null)
                                            photoInstance = photoInstanceMedium;
                                            // MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "Using Medium<br>";
                                        else if (photoInstanceSmall != null)
                                            photoInstance = photoInstanceSmall;
                                            // MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "Using Small<br>";
                                            photoInstance = null;
                                        //Otherwise leave it as null and move on

                                        //Checks to see if large images are enabled on the feed
                                        if (photoInstance != null)
                                            photoURL = photoInstance.url.ToString();
                                            caption  = img.caption.ToString();

                                            //Checks to see if the feed has photos enabled.
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(photoURL))
                                                GetImages retrieveImage2 = new GetImages(photoURL, entry, description, appPath, caption);

                                                //The images is placed into the description and the entry here

                                                entry                   = retrieveImage2._entry;
                                                description             = retrieveImage2._description;
                                                MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "**********************************************************<br>";
                                                MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "brafton ID: " + artBlogID + "<br>";
                                                MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "Description: " + description + "<br>";
                                                MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "**********************************************************<br>";
                                                //string testUrl = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host;

                                        #endregion IMAGE HANDLER

                                        //Checks to see if the feed has the byline enabled.
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(byline))
                                            entry = entry.Insert(entry.Length, "<br /><br /><span class='byline'> By " + byline + "</span>");

                                        #region Update Article

                                        be.Title       = title;
                                        be.Entry       = entry;
                                        be.Description = description;
                                        //be.Copyright = null;
                                        be.LastUpdatedOn = today;
                                        be.AllowComments = false;

                                        entryId  = be.EntryID;
                                        tempSlug = title;

                                        //Update Permalinks
                                        setPermalinks(PageTabId, entryId, tempSlug, artBlogID);
                                    } //end of update check
                                }     //end of check for update today
                                #endregion Update Article


                                #region New Article
                                photo          img = ni.photos.First();
                                photo.Instance photoInstanceLarge  = img.Instances.Where(x => x.type == enumeratedTypes.enumPhotoInstanceType.Large).FirstOrDefault();
                                photo.Instance photoInstanceMedium = img.Instances.Where(x => x.type == enumeratedTypes.enumPhotoInstanceType.Medium).FirstOrDefault();
                                photo.Instance photoInstanceSmall  = img.Instances.Where(x => x.type == enumeratedTypes.enumPhotoInstanceType.Small).FirstOrDefault();
                                photo.Instance photoInstance;

                                if (photoInstanceLarge != null)
                                    photoInstance = photoInstanceLarge;
                                    // MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "Using Large<br>";
                                else if (photoInstanceMedium != null)
                                    photoInstance = photoInstanceMedium;
                                    //  MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "Using Medium<br>";
                                else if (photoInstanceSmall != null)
                                    photoInstance = photoInstanceSmall;
                                    // MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "Using Small<br>";
                                //Otherwise leave it as null and move on
                                    photoInstance = null;

                                #region IMAGE HANDLER
                                //Checks to see if medium images are enabled on the feed
                                if (photoInstance != null)
                                    photoURL = photoInstance.url.ToString();
                                    caption  = img.caption.ToString();

                                    //Checks to see if the feed has photos enabled.
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(photoURL))
                                        GetImages retrieveImage2 = new GetImages(photoURL, entry, description, appPath, caption);

                                        //The images is placed into the description and the entry here

                                        description_debug = retrieveImage2._description;
                                        entry             = retrieveImage2._entry;
                                #endregion IMAGE HANDLER
                                //Checks to see if the feed has the byline enabled.
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(byline))
                                    entry = entry.Insert(entry.Length, "<br /><br /><span class='byline'> By " + byline + "</span>");

                                Blog_Entry newBlogEntry = new Blog_Entry();

                                newBlogEntry.BlogID           = getBlogID();
                                newBlogEntry.Title            = title;
                                newBlogEntry.Entry            = entry;
                                newBlogEntry.AddedDate        = addedDate;
                                newBlogEntry.Published        = published;
                                newBlogEntry.Description      = description_debug;
                                newBlogEntry.AllowComments    = allowComments;
                                newBlogEntry.DisplayCopyright = displayCopyright;
                                newBlogEntry.BraftonID        = artBlogID;
                                newBlogEntry.LastUpdatedOn    = today;


                                entryId  = newBlogEntry.EntryID;
                                tempSlug = title;

                                //For Permalinks
                                setPermalinks(PageTabId, entryId, tempSlug, artBlogID);


                                //Place the category URL into the array for future use

                                //For Future Use with Blog_Entry_Categories

                                //increment limit
                                #endregion New Article

                        //////Passes all Brafton posts from the Database into this method and checks to see if this posts already exists
                        ////cmd.CommandText = "IF (SELECT BraftonID FROM Blog_Entries WHERE BraftonID='" + artBlogID + "') IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT 0 END ELSE SELECT 1";
                        //////cmd.CommandText = "SELECT 1";
                        ////compareIDs = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

                        ////if it doesn't exist
                        //if (compareIDs == 1)
                        //#region Write Article DEBUG


                        //   // articleTable.Rows.Add(getBlogID(), entryID, title, entry, addedDate, published, description, allowComments, displayCopyright, null, "", artBlogID);



                        //    //***************************************************************************************
                        //    //***************************************************************************************
                        //    //***************************************************************************************

                        //#endregion Write Article DEBUG

                #endregion Article Loop DEBUG
                //Check to see if the article table is empty, if it is, cancel the whole operation.
                if (articleTable != null && articleTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    //TODO: category stuff
                    #region Category stuff

                    using (DNNDataLayerDataContext dnnContext = new DNNDataLayerDataContext())
                        //Blog_Category bc = dnnContext.Blog_Categories.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Category == artBlogID);

                    //Used to copy the DataTables to the MSSQL Database
                    //using (SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(connection))
                    //    bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "Blog_Entries";
                    //    bulkCopy.WriteToServer(articleTable);

                    DataTable categoryTable = DataTables.GetTable("Blog_Categories");

                    //Fill Blog_Categories DataTable
                    for (int i = 0; i < articleTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                        XmlDocument tmpXMLDoc = new XmlDocument();
                        XmlNode name = tmpXMLDoc.GetElementsByTagName("name")[0];

                        if (name != null)
                            category = name.InnerText;
                            category = "Uncategorized";

                        slug = strip(category) + ".aspx";

                        cmd.CommandText = "IF (SELECT Category FROM Blog_Categories WHERE Category='" + category + "') IS NOT NULL BEGIN SELECT 0 END ELSE SELECT 1";
                        compareIDs      = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

                        if (compareIDs == 1)
                            //Compares the rows in the categoryTable to the category currently being processed.
                            categoryTable.DefaultView.Sort = "Category";
                            int findRow = categoryTable.DefaultView.Find(category);

                            if (findRow == -1)
                                //Create the row in the datatable
                                categoryTable.Rows.Add(entryID, category, slug, parentID, intPortalID);

                        //For Future Use with Blog_Entry_Categories

                    //Used to copy the DataTables to the MSSQL Database
                    if (categoryTable != null && categoryTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                        using (SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(connection))
                            bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "Blog_Categories";

                    //Temporary variables that change with each iteration
                    int    tempCatID;
                    int    tempEntryID;
                    string tempSlug;
                    //int PageTabId = getTabID();

                    //Match the CategoryIDs with the EntryIDs for the Blog_Entry_Categories Table
                    DataTable catEntryTable = DataTables.GetTable("Blog_Entry_Categories");
                    for (int i = 0; i < articleTable.Rows.Count; i++)
                        category  = categoryArray[i].ToString();
                        artBlogID = entryIDArray[i].ToString();

                        cmd.CommandText = "Select EntryID From Blog_Entries Where BraftonID = '" + artBlogID + "'";
                        tempEntryID     = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

                        cmd.CommandText = "Select Title From Blog_Entries Where BraftonID = '" + artBlogID + "'";
                        tempSlug        = (string)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

                        cmd.CommandText = "Select CatID From Blog_Categories Where Category ='" + category + "'";
                        tempCatID       = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();

                        catEntryTable.Rows.Add(entryID, tempEntryID, tempCatID);

                        //For Permalinks
                        //setPermalinks(PageTabId, tempEntryID, tempSlug, artBlogID);

                    //Used to copy the DataTables to the MSSQL Database
                    if (catEntryTable != null && catEntryTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                        using (SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(connection))
                            bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "Blog_Entry_Categories";

                    //Dispose of all of the tables, datasets and commands


                #endregion Category Stuff

            }//end of articles
            MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "Video Include Global =" + MyGlobals.IncludeVideo;
            //If the feed includes videos
            if (MyGlobals.IncludeVideo == 1)
            MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "ARTORBLOG" + MyGlobals.ArtOrBlog;
            string returnVal = "include video";
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static int InsertVideoPost()
            using (DNNDataLayerDataContext dnnContext = new DNNDataLayerDataContext())
                #region Get all the values
                //MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "ID:" + brafId + "Date:" + article.Fields["date"] + "CONTENT:" + article.Fields["content"] + "<br>";

                //MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "Paths   " + MyGlobals.tempPaths + "<br>";

                string   BraftonID  = MyGlobals.tempID;
                string   Title      = MyGlobals.tempTitle;
                string   Extract    = MyGlobals.tempExtract;
                DateTime AddedDate  = MyGlobals.tempDate;
                DateTime LastUpdate = DateTime.Today;
                int      brafID     = MyGlobals.brafID;

                //we still need to build permalinks
                string permalink = "";

                int returnId;
                //add the embed code to the content
                string embeddedEntry = createEmbedCode();

                //now lets add the photos
                addPhotos(brafID, embeddedEntry, Extract);

                string completeEntry   = MyGlobals.CompleteContent;
                string completeExtract = MyGlobals.CompleteExtract;

                //MyGlobals.imageInfo = MyGlobals.imageInfo + completeExtract;


                Brafton.Modules.BraftonImporter7_02_02.dbDataLayer.Blog_Entry pk = dnnContext.Blog_Entries.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BraftonID == BraftonID);

                //IF there is an article then we update
                if (pk != null)
                    //MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "<br>***********************************************<br>";
                    //MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "************Check DB**********************<br>";
                    //MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + completeExtract;
                    //MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "************Updating Extract**********************<br>";
                    //MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + completeExtract;
                    //MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "<br>***********************************************<br>";
                    //MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "************Updating Entry/Content**********************<br>";
                    //MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + completeEntry;
                    //MyGlobals.MyGlobalError = MyGlobals.MyGlobalError + "<br>***********************************************<br>";

                    int lastDayUpd = pk.LastUpdatedOn.Value.DayOfYear;
                    int todayDay   = 0;
                    //int todayDay = DateTime.Today.DayOfYear; TODO turn this back on
                    returnId = pk.EntryID; //Needed to check for updates to Categories
                    //Unless it was updated today
                    if (lastDayUpd != todayDay)
                        #region Update

                        pk.Title         = Title;
                        pk.Published     = true;//This is default unless the client wants to have articles go into draft status this functionality is not built at all as of yet
                        pk.Description   = completeExtract;
                        pk.BraftonID     = BraftonID;
                        pk.Entry         = completeEntry;
                        pk.LastUpdatedOn = LastUpdate;
                        pk.AddedDate     = AddedDate;
                        pk.BlogID        = 1;
                        pk.PermaLink     = permalink;
                        pk.AllowComments = false;


                //Else we insert
                    #region Insert

                    Blog_Entry newBlogEntry = new Blog_Entry();

                    newBlogEntry.Title         = Title;
                    newBlogEntry.Published     = true;//This is default unless the client wants to have articles go into draft status this functionality is not built at all as of yet
                    newBlogEntry.Description   = completeExtract;
                    newBlogEntry.BraftonID     = BraftonID;
                    newBlogEntry.Entry         = completeEntry;
                    newBlogEntry.LastUpdatedOn = LastUpdate;
                    newBlogEntry.AddedDate     = AddedDate;
                    newBlogEntry.BlogID        = 1;
                    newBlogEntry.PermaLink     = permalink;
                    newBlogEntry.AllowComments = false;


                    returnId = newBlogEntry.EntryID;


Ejemplo n.º 9
        public static void PopGlobals()

            using (DNNDataLayerDataContext dnnContext = new DNNDataLayerDataContext())
                #region Fill Globals
                BraftonTable pk = dnnContext.BraftonTables.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Content == "1");

                if (pk != null)
                    if (pk.Api != null)
                        api = pk.Api;
                    if (pk.BaseUrl != null)
                        baseUrl = pk.BaseUrl;
                    if (pk.DomainName != null)
                        DomainName = pk.DomainName;

                    if (pk.VideoPublicKey != null)
                        VideoPublicKey = pk.VideoPublicKey;
                    if (pk.VideoSecretKey != null)
                        VideoSecretKey = pk.VideoSecretKey;
                    if (pk.VideoFeedNumber != null)
                        VideoFeedNumber = pk.VideoFeedNumber;
                        VideoFeedText   = pk.VideoFeedNumber.ToString();
                    if (pk.VideoBaseUrl != null)
                        VideoBaseURL = pk.VideoBaseUrl;
                    if (pk.VideoPhotoURL != null)
                        VideoPhotoURL = pk.VideoPhotoURL;

                    //Decide whether photo or video
                    if (pk.VideoSecretKey != null)
                        ArtOrBlog = "video";

                    if (pk.Api != null)
                        ArtOrBlog = "articles";

                    if (pk.Api != null && pk.VideoSecretKey != null)
                        ArtOrBlog = "both";
