Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_STRETCH(string path, string factor)
            byte[]    alldata        = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt            = ReadFormat(alldata);
            double    sampletofactor = Convert.ToDouble(factor);
            int       startofdata    = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
            uint      newdatasize    = (uint)((double)alldata.Length * sampletofactor);
            long      newfilesize    = newdatasize + startofdata;

            byte[] newdata = new byte[newdatasize];
            Array.Copy(alldata, 0, newdata, 0, startofdata); // copy header
            SetDataSize(ref newdata, startofdata, (int)newdatasize);
            SetRiffSize(ref newdata, (int)newfilesize - 8);

            for (int i = 0; i < newdatasize; i += (int)fmt.ByteDepth)
                double newid = i / sampletofactor;
                int    ni    = (int)Math.Round(newid);
                int    newi  = ni / ((int)fmt.ByteDepth * 2);
                newi = newi * ((int)fmt.ByteDepth * 2);
                if (startofdata + newi < alldata.Length - 100)
                    int sample = Deserialise(alldata, startofdata + newi, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                    Serialise(ref newdata, i + startofdata, (int)sample, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
            File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), newdata);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_CUT_ALL(string path, string start_offset_ms, string cut_size_ms, string shift_length_ms)
            byte[]    alldata     = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt         = ReadFormat(alldata);
            uint      startoffset = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(start_offset_ms), fmt);
            uint      cutsize     = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(cut_size_ms), fmt);
            uint      shiftlength = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(shift_length_ms), fmt);
            int       datasize;
            int       headersize  = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata, out datasize);
            long      newfilesize = cutsize + headersize;
            long      newdatasize = cutsize;

            while (datasize > shiftlength && datasize > cutsize) // ensure reduced alldata is larger than cutsize and shiftlength
                // Build newdata, as cutsize from startoffset
                GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata, out datasize);
                byte[] newdata = new byte[newfilesize];
                Array.Copy(alldata, 0, newdata, 0, headersize); // copy header
                SetDataSize(ref newdata, headersize, (int)newdatasize);
                SetRiffSize(ref newdata, (int)newfilesize - 8);
                Array.Copy(alldata, headersize + startoffset, newdata, headersize, newdatasize); // copy wave data

                // Reduce alldata by shift length
                byte[] bufdata = new byte[alldata.Length - shiftlength];
                Array.Copy(alldata, 0, bufdata, 0, headersize);                                                  // copy header
                Array.Copy(alldata, headersize + shiftlength, bufdata, headersize, bufdata.Length - headersize); // copy wave data from shiftlength
                alldata = bufdata;
                SetDataSize(ref alldata, headersize, bufdata.Length - headersize);
                SetRiffSize(ref newdata, bufdata.Length - 8);
                path = DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path);
                File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), newdata);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_MAKE(string length_ms,
                                    string tone_path,
                                    string tone_note,
                                    string new_note,
                                    string output_folder,
                                    string decay_norm,
                                    string number_of_channels,
                                    string sample_rate,
                                    string byte_depth)
            WAVFormat fmt    = new WAVFormat(number_of_channels, sample_rate, byte_depth);
            uint      length = Convert.ToUInt32(length_ms);

            byte[]   newdata        = CreateBlankWave(length, fmt);
            string[] alllines       = File.ReadAllLines(tone_path);
            double   tone_frequency = GetFrequency(tone_note); // Relative base frequency
            double   new_frequency  = GetFrequency(new_note);
            double   decay          = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(decay_norm) ? 0.99999 : Convert.ToDouble(decay_norm);

            foreach (string line in alllines)
                string[] split = line.Split('\t');
                AddFrequency(new_frequency * Convert.ToDouble(split[0]) / tone_frequency, ref newdata, fmt, Convert.ToDouble(split[1]), decay);
            if (!Directory.Exists(output_folder))
            File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(output_folder + @"\" + new_note + ".wav"), newdata);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // FEATURES
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_CUT(string path, string start_offset_ms, string cut_size_ms, string over_write)
            byte[]    alldata     = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt         = ReadFormat(alldata);
            bool      overwrite   = Convert.ToBoolean(over_write);
            uint      startoffset = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(start_offset_ms), fmt);
            uint      cutsize     = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(cut_size_ms), fmt);
            int       startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
            int       newfilesize = (int)cutsize + startofdata;
            int       newdatasize = (int)cutsize;

            byte[] newdata = new byte[newfilesize];
            Array.Copy(alldata, 0, newdata, 0, startofdata); // copy header
            SetDataSize(ref newdata, startofdata, newdatasize);
            SetRiffSize(ref newdata, newfilesize - 8);
            Array.Copy(alldata, startofdata + startoffset, newdata, startofdata, newdatasize);
            if (overwrite)
                File.WriteAllBytes(path, newdata);
                File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), newdata);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_TRIM(string path, string front_ms, string back_ms, string over_write)
            byte[]    alldata           = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt               = ReadFormat(alldata);
            bool      overwrite         = Convert.ToBoolean(over_write);
            uint      front_trim_length = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(front_ms), fmt);
            uint      back_trim_length  = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(back_ms), fmt);
            int       datasize;
            int       headersize = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata, out datasize);

            while (front_trim_length % fmt.ByteDepth != 0)
            long newfilesize = alldata.Length - front_trim_length - back_trim_length;
            long newdatasize = datasize - front_trim_length - back_trim_length;

            byte[] newdata = new byte[newfilesize];
            Array.Copy(alldata, 0, newdata, 0, headersize); // copy header
            SetDataSize(ref newdata, headersize, (int)newdatasize);
            SetRiffSize(ref newdata, (int)newfilesize - 8);
            Array.Copy(alldata, headersize + front_trim_length, newdata, headersize, newdatasize);
            if (overwrite)
                File.WriteAllBytes(path, newdata);
                File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), newdata);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_VOL(string path, string vol_0_to_1)
            byte[]    alldata     = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt         = ReadFormat(alldata);
            int       startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);

            for (int i = startofdata; i < alldata.Length - startofdata; i += (int)fmt.ByteDepth)
                int    sample = Deserialise(alldata, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                double temp   = (double)sample * Convert.ToDouble(vol_0_to_1);
                Serialise(ref alldata, i, (int)temp, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
            File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), alldata);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        // FEATURES
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_LP_FILTER(string path, string cut_off_hz, string start_ms, string end_ms)
            byte[]    alldata     = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            double    cutoff      = Convert.ToDouble(cut_off_hz);
            int       startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
            WAVFormat fmt         = ReadFormat(alldata);

            uint total = (uint)(alldata.Length - startofdata) / (fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.ByteDepth);
            uint start = 0;

            try { start = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(start_ms), fmt) / (fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.ByteDepth); } catch { }
            uint end = total;

            try { end = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(end_ms), fmt) / (fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.ByteDepth); } catch { }

            double[] left;
            double[] right;
            GetDoubleArrayFromBytes(alldata, out left, out right);

            double[] leftsection  = new double[end - start];
            double[] rightsection = new double[end - start];
            Array.Copy(left, start, leftsection, 0, leftsection.Length);
            Array.Copy(right, start, rightsection, 0, rightsection.Length);

            LPFilter.Butterworth(ref leftsection, fmt.SampleRate, cutoff);
            LPFilter.Butterworth(ref rightsection, fmt.SampleRate, cutoff);

            Array.Copy(leftsection, 0, left, start, leftsection.Length);
            Array.Copy(rightsection, 0, right, start, rightsection.Length);

            double[,] allsamples = new double[fmt.NumberOfChannels, left.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < fmt.NumberOfChannels; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < left.Length; j++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        allsamples[i, j] = left[j];
                        allsamples[i, j] = right[j];

            byte[] data = GetBytesFromDoubleArray(allsamples, fmt);
            Array.Copy(data, 0, alldata, startofdata, data.Length);
            File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), alldata);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_SNIP(string path, string from_start_offset_ms, string from_end_offset_ms, string over_write)
            byte[]    alldata   = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt       = ReadFormat(alldata);
            bool      overwrite = Convert.ToBoolean(over_write);
            uint      start     = Convert.ToUInt32(from_start_offset_ms);
            uint      end       = Convert.ToUInt32(from_end_offset_ms);

            if (overwrite)
                File.WriteAllBytes(path, WavSnip(alldata, start, end));
                File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), WavSnip(alldata, start, end));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        // FEATURES
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_FADE(string file_path, string front_ms, string back_ms, string over_write)
            byte[]    alldata           = File.ReadAllBytes(file_path);
            WAVFormat fmt               = ReadFormat(alldata);
            uint      front_fade_length = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(front_ms), fmt);
            uint      back_fade_length  = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(back_ms), fmt);
            bool      overwrite         = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(over_write) ? false : Convert.ToBoolean(over_write);
            int       datasize;
            int       headersize = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata, out datasize);
            long      endoffile  = headersize + datasize;
            double    plusser    = front_fade_length == 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0;
            uint      stepsize   = fmt.ByteDepth;

            for (int i = headersize; i < endoffile - stepsize; i += (int)stepsize)
                int sample = Deserialise(alldata, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                if (i < front_fade_length)
                    double temp = plusser * (double)sample;
                    plusser = plusser + ((double)stepsize / front_fade_length);
                    sample  = (int)temp;
                    Serialise(ref alldata, i, sample, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                else if (i > endoffile - back_fade_length)
                    double temp = plusser * (double)sample;
                    plusser = plusser - ((double)stepsize / back_fade_length);
                    sample  = (int)temp;
                    Serialise(ref alldata, i, sample, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                else if (i > front_fade_length)
                    plusser = 1.0;
            if (overwrite)
                File.WriteAllBytes(file_path, alldata);
                File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(file_path), alldata);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            float processorCpu = CPU.NextValue();
            float memoriaRam   = RAM.NextValue();
            float logicalDisk  = DISK.NextValue();

            circularProgressBar1.Value = (int)processorCpu;
            circularProgressBar1.Text  = string.Format("{0:0.00}%", processorCpu);

            circularProgressBar2.Value = (int)memoriaRam;
            circularProgressBar2.Text  = string.Format("{0:0.00}%", memoriaRam);

            circularProgressBar3.Value = (int)logicalDisk;
            circularProgressBar3.Text  = string.Format("{0:0.00}%", logicalDisk);

            if (memoriaRam >= 75.0 || processorCpu >= 75.0 || logicalDisk >= 90.0)
                    MySqlConnection objcon = new MySqlConnection("server=localhost; port=3306; User Id=root; database=dbProject; password=rkprado*");
                    Console.Write("Conectado ao Banco\n");

                    MySqlCommand cmdObj = new MySqlCommand("insert into tblrecursos(memoria_ram, cpu, disco, data_tmp) values (?, ?, ?,now());", objcon);

                    cmdObj.Parameters.Add("@memoria_ram", MySqlDbType.Double).Value = memoriaRam;
                    cmdObj.Parameters.Add("@cpu", MySqlDbType.Double).Value         = processorCpu;
                    cmdObj.Parameters.Add("@disco", MySqlDbType.Double).Value       = logicalDisk;

                    Console.Write("Não conectado!\n");

                /*if (logicalDisk >= 95)
                 * {
                 *  Console.WriteLine("Disco: " + string.Format("{0:0.00}%", logicalDisk));
                 * }
Ejemplo n.º 11
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_VOL_STERIO(string path, string vol_left_0_to_1, string vol_right_0_to_1)
            byte[]    alldata     = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt         = ReadFormat(alldata);
            int       startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
            bool      alternator  = true;
            double    volleft     = Convert.ToDouble(vol_left_0_to_1);
            double    volright    = Convert.ToDouble(vol_right_0_to_1);

            for (int i = startofdata; i < alldata.Length - startofdata; i += (int)fmt.ByteDepth)
                int    sample = Deserialise(alldata, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                double vol    = alternator ? volleft : volright;
                alternator = !alternator;
                double temp = (double)sample * vol;
                Serialise(ref alldata, i, (int)temp, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
            File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), alldata);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static API.Return GraphItems(string source_path, string output_folder_for_autofind, string timebase_ms)
            int numlines = 1;

            string[] sourcelines = null;
            string   sourcepath  = DISK.AutoAddExt(source_path, ".txt"); // Auto add format extension

            if (File.Exists(sourcepath))
                sourcelines = File.ReadAllLines(sourcepath);
                int num = sourcelines.Length; while (num % 2 != 0)
                numlines = (int)Math.Round(num / 2.0); // Rounds
            List <ChartData>  allcharts = new List <ChartData>();
            List <CATMessage> msgs      = new List <API.CATMessage>();

            for (int line = 0; line < numlines * 2 - 1; line += 2)
                List <API.ChartData> charts = new List <API.ChartData>();
                string files = sourcelines[line].Split('\t')[0];
                foreach (string filename in files.Split(';'))
                    string updatedfilename = AutoResolve(filename, output_folder_for_autofind);
                    if (File.Exists(updatedfilename))
                        charts.Add(WAV_GRAPH(updatedfilename, "", "", timebase_ms).Charts[0]);
                        msgs.Add(new CATMessage(updatedfilename + " could not be found", API.CAT.Status.FAIL));
                foreach (ChartData chart in charts)
            return(new Return(allcharts, msgs));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_STERIO_SWAP(string path)
            byte[]    alldata = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt     = ReadFormat(alldata);

            if (fmt.NumberOfChannels == 2)
                int startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
                for (int i = startofdata; i < alldata.Length - startofdata - fmt.ByteDepth; i += (int)fmt.ByteDepth * 2)
                    int sampleleft  = Deserialise(alldata, i, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                    int sampleright = Deserialise(alldata, i + (int)fmt.ByteDepth, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                    int newleft     = sampleright;
                    int newright    = sampleleft;
                    Serialise(ref alldata, i, (int)newleft, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                    Serialise(ref alldata, i + (int)fmt.ByteDepth, (int)newright, (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), alldata);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        // FEATURES
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static string WAV_REC(string output_path, string length_ms)
            mciSendString("open new type waveaudio alias recsound", null, 0, 0);
            mciSendString("record recsound", null, 0, 0);
            int number = 0;

                StringBuilder newpath = new StringBuilder(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(output_path));
                number = Convert.ToInt16(length_ms);
                DateTime starttime = DateTime.Now;
                while (!CAT.AbortAll && (DateTime.Now - starttime).TotalMilliseconds < number)
                    Thread.Sleep(1); // 1 ms resolution
                mciSendString("save recsound " + newpath, null, 0, 0);
                mciSendString("close recsound", newpath, 0, 0);
                return("Saved recording at " + newpath);
            catch { return("Wave recording not saved"); }
Ejemplo n.º 15
        // FEATURES
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_MAKE_ALL(string length_ms,
                                        string tone_path,
                                        string tone_note,
                                        string output_folder,
                                        string decay_norm,
                                        string number_of_channels,
                                        string sample_rate,
                                        string byte_depth)
            WAVFormat fmt    = new WAVFormat(number_of_channels, sample_rate, byte_depth);
            uint      length = Convert.ToUInt32(length_ms);

            string[] alltonelines   = File.ReadAllLines(tone_path);
            double   tone_frequency = GetFrequency(tone_note); // Relative base frequency
            double   decay          = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(decay_norm) ? 0.99999 : Convert.ToDouble(decay_norm);

            for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) // Above the 7th octave, the sound becomes too high pitched for music
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, double> note in Notes)
                    string new_note = note.Key + i;
                    string filename = DISK.AutoAddBaseDirectory(output_folder + "\\" + new_note + ".wav");
                    if (!File.Exists(filename))
                        byte[] newdata       = CreateBlankWave(length, fmt);
                        double new_frequency = GetFrequency(new_note);
                        foreach (string line in alltonelines)
                            string[] split = line.Split('\t');
                            AddFrequency(new_frequency * Convert.ToDouble(split[0]) / tone_frequency, ref newdata, fmt, Convert.ToDouble(split[1]), decay);
                        if (!Directory.Exists(output_folder))
                        File.WriteAllBytes(filename, newdata);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        // FEATURES
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_SHIFT_RIGHT(string path, string offset_ms) // This adds presence by offsetting right from left
            byte[]    alldata = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt     = new WAVFormat(1, 96000, 3); // Use the highest quality possible
            uint      offset  = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(offset_ms), fmt);

            while (offset % fmt.ByteDepth != 0)
            int startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);
            int datasize    = (int)GetRiffSize(alldata) - startofdata;

            byte[] newdata    = CreateBlankWave(ConvertNumberOfBytesToMs((uint)datasize, fmt), fmt);
            int    newdatapos = 44;

            for (int alldatapos = startofdata; alldatapos < alldata.Length - (int)fmt.ByteDepth - (2 * offset); alldatapos += (int)(fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.ByteDepth))
                Serialise(ref newdata, newdatapos, Deserialise(alldata, alldatapos, (int)fmt.ByteDepth), (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                Serialise(ref newdata, newdatapos + (int)fmt.ByteDepth, Deserialise(alldata, alldatapos + (int)fmt.ByteDepth + (int)offset, (int)fmt.ByteDepth), (int)fmt.ByteDepth);
                newdatapos += (int)(fmt.NumberOfChannels * fmt.ByteDepth);
            File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), newdata);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_TONE(string path, string output_path, string activation_amplitude_norm)
            byte[]            alldata   = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            double            amplitude = Convert.ToDouble(activation_amplitude_norm) - 0.5;
            WAVFormat         fmt       = ReadFormat(alldata);
            List <List <Xy> > waves     = GetWaves(alldata);
            List <List <Xy> > fft       = null;

            if (fmt.NumberOfChannels == 2)
                fft = GetWAVFFT(waves[0], waves[1], 3000);
                fft = GetWAVFFT(waves[0], null, 3000);
            string output_text = "";

            foreach (Section section in WAV.GetActivatedFrequencies(fft, amplitude))
                output_text += section.X1 + "\t" + (section.Peak + 0.5) + "\n";
            File.WriteAllText(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(output_path), output_text);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static void WAV_DELAY(string path, string distance_ms, string fade_duration_ms, string fade_in_duration_ms, string fade_out_duration_ms, string delay_level_norm)
            byte[]    alldata                  = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            WAVFormat fmt                      = ReadFormat(alldata);
            uint      distance_length          = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(distance_ms), fmt);
            uint      duration_length          = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(fade_duration_ms), fmt);
            uint      fade_in_duration_length  = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(fade_in_duration_ms), fmt);
            uint      fade_out_duration_length = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(fade_out_duration_ms), fmt);
            double    delaylevel               = Convert.ToDouble(delay_level_norm);

            while (duration_length % fmt.ByteDepth != 0)
            while (distance_length % fmt.ByteDepth != 0)
            int datasize;
            int headersize  = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata, out datasize);
            int newdatasize = datasize + (int)(distance_length + duration_length);
            int newfilesize = headersize + newdatasize;

            byte[] newdata = new byte[newfilesize];
            Array.Copy(alldata, 0, newdata, 0, alldata.Length); // copy everything
            SetDataSize(ref newdata, headersize, newdatasize);
            SetRiffSize(ref newdata, newfilesize - 8);
            long endoffile = headersize + datasize;
            uint bytedepth = fmt.ByteDepth;

            for (int i = headersize; i < endoffile - bytedepth; i += (int)distance_length)
                double fade_factor = (double)bytedepth / (double)duration_length;
                double fade        = delaylevel;

                double fade_out        = 1.0;
                double fade_out_factor = (double)bytedepth / (double)fade_out_duration_length;

                double fade_in        = 0.0;
                double fade_in_factor = (double)bytedepth / (double)fade_in_duration_length;
                for (int j = 0; j < duration_length - bytedepth; j += (int)bytedepth)
                    int location = j % (int)distance_length;
                    if (i + location < endoffile)
                        int sample = Deserialise(alldata, i + location, (int)bytedepth);
                        fade   = fade > fade_factor ? fade - fade_factor : 0.0;
                        sample = (int)((double)sample * fade);
                        if (location < fade_in_duration_length)
                            fade_in += fade_in_factor;
                            sample   = (int)((double)sample * fade_in);
                        else if (location > distance_length - fade_out_duration_length)
                            fade_out -= fade_out_factor;
                            sample    = (int)((double)sample * fade_out);
                            fade_in  = 0.0;
                            fade_out = 1.0;
                        int newsample = Deserialise(newdata, i + j + (int)distance_length, (int)bytedepth);
                        Serialise(ref newdata, i + j + (int)distance_length, ((newsample + sample / 2)), (int)bytedepth);
            File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), newdata);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static Return BUILD(string source_path, string timebase_ms, string resolution, string output_folder)
            CAT.InteractiveAddNamedOverlay("WAVBUILD", "Preparing for build of " + source_path);
            string sourcepath = DISK.AutoAddExt(source_path, ".txt");

            string[]  sourcelines    = File.ReadAllLines(DISK.AutoAddBaseDirectory(sourcepath));
            DateTime  starttime      = DateTime.Now;
            WAVFormat masterfmt      = new WAVFormat(2, 96000, 3); // Ideal format
            double    timebase       = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(timebase_ms) ? 250 : Convert.ToDouble(timebase_ms);
            int       res            = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(resolution) ? 32 : Convert.ToInt16(resolution);
            int       totaltimems    = res == 1 ? Convert.ToInt32(timebase * res) : Convert.ToInt32(timebase * res) + 5000; // 5 seconds decay
            uint      masterdatasize = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(totaltimems), masterfmt);

            byte[] masteralldata     = CreateBlankWave(Convert.ToUInt32(totaltimems), masterfmt);
            int    masterstartofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(masteralldata);
            uint   masterlocation    = 0;
            int    rowcount          = 0;
            int    rowmax            = sourcelines.Length / 2;

            CAT.InteractiveUpdateNamedOverlay("WAVBUILD", "Starting build of " + source_path);
            for (int linenumber = 0; linenumber < sourcelines.Length - 1; linenumber += 2)
                string files;
                byte[] newalldata;
                double volumeleft  = 1.0;
                double volumeright = 1.0;
                if (sourcelines[linenumber].Contains("\t"))
                    files = sourcelines[linenumber].Split('\t')[0];
                        string volstring = sourcelines[linenumber].Split('\t')[1];
                        if (volstring.Contains(";"))
                            volumeleft  = Convert.ToDouble(volstring.Split(';')[0]);
                            volumeright = Convert.ToDouble(volstring.Split(';')[1]);
                        else if (volstring.Contains(":"))
                            volumeleft  = Convert.ToDouble(volstring.Split(':')[0]);
                            volumeright = Convert.ToDouble(volstring.Split(':')[1]);
                            volumeleft  = Convert.ToDouble(volstring);
                            volumeright = Convert.ToDouble(volstring);
                    } catch { /* use default */ }
                    files = sourcelines[linenumber];
                int filecount = 0;
                foreach (string filename in files.Split(';'))
                    string updatedfilename = filename;
                    if (!filename.Contains(".wav"))
                        updatedfilename = filename + ".wav";
                    }                                                              // Auto add extension
                    if (!File.Exists(updatedfilename))
                        updatedfilename = output_folder + @"\" + updatedfilename;
                    }                                                                                      // auto add output folder
                    if (File.Exists(updatedfilename))
                        newalldata = File.ReadAllBytes(updatedfilename);
                        WAVFormat newfmt         = ReadFormat(newalldata);
                        int       newstartofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(newalldata);
                        int       newdatasize    = newalldata.Length - newstartofdata;
                        byte[]    newdata        = new byte[newdatasize];
                        Array.Copy(newalldata, newstartofdata, newdata, 0, newdatasize); // copy data - only data is used from new file (header is discarded)
                        string argument = sourcelines[linenumber + 1];
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(argument))
                            string[] arguments     = argument.Split(',');
                            int      locationcount = 0;
                            foreach (string location in arguments)
                                uint locationtouse = Convert.ToUInt32(Convert.ToDouble(location));
                                if (location.Contains("+"))
                                    masterlocation += locationtouse;
                                    masterlocation = locationtouse;
                                string currentbuilditem = " (row:" + rowcount + @"/" + rowmax +
                                                          " file:" + filecount + @"/" + files.Split(';').Length +
                                                          " location:" + locationcount + @"/" + arguments.Length + ")";
                                CAT.InteractiveUpdateNamedOverlay("WAVBUILD", source_path + ": Adding " + updatedfilename + " at " + masterlocation + currentbuilditem, API.CAT.Status.PASS);
                                uint masteroffset = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(masterlocation, masterfmt);
                                bool isleft       = true;

                                // Scroll through each of the new data indeces
                                for (int newindex = 0; newindex < newdatasize - (int)newfmt.ByteDepth; newindex += (int)(newfmt.NumberOfChannels * newfmt.ByteDepth))
                                    double masterkhz   = ((ulong)masterfmt.ByteDepth * (ulong)masterfmt.NumberOfChannels * (ulong)masterfmt.SampleRate) / 1000.0;
                                    double newkhz      = ((ulong)newfmt.ByteDepth * (ulong)newfmt.NumberOfChannels * (ulong)newfmt.SampleRate) / 1000.0;
                                    double ratio       = masterkhz / newkhz;
                                    int    masterindex = (int)(newindex * ratio);
                                    if (masterindex + masteroffset < masterdatasize)
                                        // Scroll to (left channel) sample start byte
                                        while ((masterindex + masteroffset) % (masterfmt.NumberOfChannels * masterfmt.ByteDepth) != 0)

                                        for (int i = 0; i < newfmt.NumberOfChannels; i++)
                                            for (int j = 0; j < (int)Math.Ceiling((double)(masterfmt.SampleRate / newfmt.SampleRate)); j++) // Fill in gaps
                                                int    mastersamplelocation = masterstartofdata + (int)masteroffset + masterindex + i * (int)masterfmt.ByteDepth + j * ((int)masterfmt.NumberOfChannels * (int)masterfmt.ByteDepth);
                                                int    mastersample         = Deserialise(masteralldata, mastersamplelocation, (int)masterfmt.ByteDepth);
                                                int    newsample            = Deserialise(newdata, newindex + i * (int)newfmt.ByteDepth, (int)newfmt.ByteDepth);
                                                double masternorm           = Normalise(mastersample, (int)masterfmt.ByteDepth);
                                                double volume = isleft ? volumeleft : volumeright;
                                                isleft = !isleft;
                                                double combined = (masternorm + volume * Normalise(newsample, (int)newfmt.ByteDepth));

                                                // Limiting proved highly effective
                                                if (combined > 0.499999)
                                                    combined = 0.499999;
                                                    // returndata += "Clip (positive) detected at " + ConvertNumberOfBytesToMs((uint)j, newfmt);
                                                if (combined < -0.499999)
                                                    combined = -0.499999;
                                                    // returndata += "Clip (negative) detected at " + ConvertNumberOfBytesToMs((uint)j, newfmt);

                                                Serialise(ref masteralldata, mastersamplelocation, Denormalise(combined, (int)masterfmt.ByteDepth), (int)masterfmt.ByteDepth);

                                                // Copy to both channels
                                                if (newfmt.NumberOfChannels == 1)
                                                    Serialise(ref masteralldata, masterstartofdata + (int)masteroffset + masterindex + (int)masterfmt.ByteDepth, Denormalise(combined, (int)masterfmt.ByteDepth), (int)masterfmt.ByteDepth);
                            CAT.InteractiveAddOverlay(updatedfilename + " ignored - no times specified", API.CAT.Status.WARN);
                        CAT.InteractiveAddOverlay(updatedfilename + " does not exist... continued", API.CAT.Status.FAIL);
            if (!Directory.Exists(output_folder))
                CAT.InteractiveAddOverlay("Created " + output_folder + " directory", API.CAT.Status.WARN);
                string outputfilename = output_folder + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(sourcepath) + ".wav";
                File.WriteAllBytes(outputfilename, masteralldata);
                CAT.InteractiveAddOverlay("Built " + outputfilename, API.CAT.Status.PASS);
                CAT.InteractiveAddOverlay("Build time " + (DateTime.Now - starttime).TotalMilliseconds + "ms", API.CAT.Status.INFO);
            catch (Exception e) { CAT.InteractiveAddOverlay("Failed build:\r\n" + API.CAT.ErrorMsg(e), API.CAT.Status.FAIL); }

            return(new Return("Done"));
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// =======================================================================================================
        public static string WAV_SHIFT(string path, string left_right_both, string start_ms,
                                       string end_ms, string forward_backward, string shift_ms, string over_write)
            // Inputs
            byte[]    alldata   = File.ReadAllBytes(path);
            byte[]    newdata   = new byte[alldata.Length];
            WAVFormat fmt       = ReadFormat(alldata);
            uint      start     = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(start_ms), fmt);
            uint      end       = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(end_ms), fmt);
            uint      shift     = ConvertMsToNumberOfBytes(Convert.ToUInt32(shift_ms), fmt);
            bool      overwrite = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(over_write) ? false : Convert.ToBoolean(over_write);

            // Copy header
            int startofdata = GetStartOfDataIndex(alldata);

            Array.Copy(alldata, 0, newdata, 0, startofdata);

            // Manage channel selection
            uint stepsize = fmt.ByteDepth;
            uint offset   = 0;

            switch (left_right_both)
            case "both": stepsize = fmt.ByteDepth * fmt.NumberOfChannels; break;

            case "right": offset = fmt.ByteDepth; break;

            case "left": break;

            default: return("left_right_both is invalid: " + left_right_both);

            // Position markers to grid
            while (start % (fmt.ByteDepth * fmt.NumberOfChannels) != 0)
            while (shift % (fmt.ByteDepth * fmt.NumberOfChannels) != 0)
            while (end % (fmt.ByteDepth * fmt.NumberOfChannels) != 0)

            // Perform backward or forward shift
            if (forward_backward == "forward")
                for (int i = startofdata + (int)start + (int)offset; i < startofdata + (int)end - shift; i += (int)stepsize)
                    // move by shift
                    newdata[i + shift] = alldata[i];
                for (int i = startofdata + (int)start + (int)offset; i < startofdata + (int)start + (int)shift; i += (int)stepsize)
                    // set bytes to 0
                    newdata[i] = 0;
            else if (forward_backward == "backward")
                for (int i = startofdata + (int)start + (int)offset; i < startofdata + (int)end; i += (int)stepsize)
                    // move by shift
                    newdata[i - shift] = alldata[i];
                for (int i = startofdata + (int)end - (int)shift + (int)offset; i < startofdata + (int)end; i += (int)stepsize)
                    // set bytes to 0
                    newdata[i] = 0;
                return("forward_backward is invalid: " + forward_backward);

            if (overwrite)
                File.WriteAllBytes(path, newdata);
                File.WriteAllBytes(DISK.AutoIncrementFilename(path), newdata);

Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void AutoLoad()
            Invoke((Action) delegate
                Name = "CAT" + AutoAlias;
                if (!File.Exists(AutoPath()))
                if (!File.Exists(BatchPath(0)))
                else /**/ } {
                    BatchRowCount = BatchData.RowCount;
                    Text = AutoAlias + " " + autoVarsInput.Text;
                    AddOverlay("Loaded Auto: " + AutoFolder(), API.CAT.Status.INFO);

        public void LoadSettings()
            Invoke((Action) delegate
                string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(SettingsPath());
                int count      = 0;
                foreach (string line in lines)
                    if (line.Split('\t')[0] != AutoAlias)
                        ToolStripItem menuitem = new ToolStripMenuItem(line.Split('\t')[0])
                            Name = "BuiltMenuItem" + count++
                        menuitem.Click += new EventHandler(loadAutomationMenuItem_Click);
                        string autovars = "";
                        if (line.Split('\t').Length > 1)
                            autovars = line.Split('\t')[1];
                        autoVarsInput.Text = autovars;
                        AddOverlay("Loaded Auto-Vars: " + autovars, API.CAT.Status.INFO);
                        showReportMenuItem.Checked = !autoVarsInput.Text.Contains(API.CAT.COMMAND_MODE_NO_REPORT);
                ToolStripItem newmenuitem = new ToolStripMenuItem("New")
                    Name = NewLoadMenu
                newmenuitem.Click += new EventHandler(loadAutomationMenuItem_Click);

        public void AbortTasks()
            Invoke((Action) delegate { API.CAT.AbortAll = true; });

        public void AbortCurrentTask()
            Invoke((Action) delegate { API.CAT.AbortCurrent = true; });

        public void SetCommandTimeout(int to = 1 /*s*/, int?rowNumber = null)
            Data.SetCell(ref BatchData, to.ToString(), (int)API.CAT.BatchFields.Timeout, rowNumber);