Ejemplo n.º 1
        public TSIWindow()

            _selectedSLsDict = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<DGObject>>();
            _selectedTunnelsDict = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<DGObject>>();
            _slsGrade = new Dictionary<int, int>();
            _slsGraphics = new Dictionary<int, IGraphicCollection>();

            _mainFrame = Globals.mainframe;
            _prj = Globals.project;
            _structureDomain = _prj.getDomain(DomainType.Structure);
            _allSLs = _structureDomain.getObjects("SegmentLining");
            _slLayerIDs = new List<string>();
            foreach (DGObjects objs in _allSLs)

            _allTunnels = _structureDomain.getObjects("Tunnel");
            _tunnelLayerIDs = new List<string>();
            foreach (DGObjects objs in _allTunnels)

            Loaded += TSIWindow_Loaded;
            Unloaded += TSIWindow_Unloaded;
        void getresult()
            MPLB.ItemsSource = null; //clear the ItemsSource
            _mpsResult.Clear();      //clear the previous results of analysis

            //Get result
            _prj = Globals.project;
            _monitoringDomain = _prj.getDomain(DomainType.Monitoring);
            _allMPs           = _monitoringDomain.getObjects("MonPoint");
            _mps = _allMPs.merge();
            int    count    = 0;
            string _message = "";

            foreach (DGObject mp in _mps)
                MonPoint _mp = mp as MonPoint;
                foreach (string key in _mp.readingsDict.Keys)
                    List <MonReading> a = _mp.readingsDict[key];
                    foreach (MonReading b in a)
                        if (System.Math.Abs(b.value) > mptb)
                    _message = string.Format("{0} of the {1} value exceed the limit value {2}", count, _mp.Name, mptb);
            MPLB.ItemsSource = _mpsResult;
 /// <summary>
 /// acquire data from iS3
 /// </summary>
 public void inputProData()
     IMainFrame _mainFrame = Globals.mainframe;
     Project _project = Globals.project;
     Domain _monitorDom = _project.getDomain(DomainType.Monitoring);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override List <FrameworkElement> chartViews(
            IEnumerable <DGObject> objs, double width, double height)
            List <FrameworkElement> charts = new List <FrameworkElement>();

            List <Borehole> bhs = new List <Borehole>();

            foreach (Borehole bh in objs)
                if (bh != null && bh.Geologies.Count > 0)

            Domain geologyDomain       = Globals.project.getDomain(DomainType.Geology);
            DGObjectsCollection strata = geologyDomain.getObjects("Stratum");

            BoreholeCollectionView bhsView = new BoreholeCollectionView();

            bhsView.Name         = "Geology";
            bhsView.Boreholes    = bhs;
            bhsView.Strata       = strata;
            bhsView.ViewerHeight = height;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void DemoWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            objSelectionChangedTrigger += Globals.mainframe.objSelectionChangedListener;
            Globals.mainframe.objSelectionChangedTrigger += objSelectionChangedListener;
            Project             prj       = Globals.project;
            Domain              monDomain = prj["Monitoring"];
            DGObjectsCollection dc        = monDomain.getObjects("MonPoint");

            listLB.ItemsSource = dc.FirstOrDefault().values;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static DGObjects GetDGObjsByName(DGObjectsCollection dgObjsColl, string name)
     DGObjects dgObjs = null;
     foreach (DGObjects objs in dgObjsColl)
         if (objs.definition.Name == name)
             dgObjs = objs;
     return dgObjs;
        public DemoWindow()

            //Initialize global variables
            _prj = Globals.project;
            _monitoringDomain = _prj.getDomain(DomainType.Monitoring);
            _allMPs           = _monitoringDomain.getObjects("MonPoint");
            _mps       = _allMPs.merge();
            _mainFrame = Globals.mainframe;
            _monpoints = new Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <DGObject> >();
            mptb       = 0.002;

            Loaded += DemoWindow_Loaded1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        Dictionary <int, IGraphicCollection> _MonGraphics; //分析结果存储

        public void initial()
            _selectedMonsDict = new Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <DGObject> >();
            _MonGrade         = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            _MonGraphics      = new Dictionary <int, IGraphicCollection>();

            _mainFrame     = Globals.mainframe;
            _prj           = Globals.project;
            _MonitorDomain = _prj.getDomain(DomainType.Monitoring);
            _allMons       = _MonitorDomain.getObjects("MonPoint");
            _monLayerIDs   = new List <string>();
            foreach (DGObjects objs in _allMons)

            Loaded   += MonitorDemoTool_Loaded;
            Unloaded += MonitorDemoTool_Unloaded;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        Dictionary <int, IGraphicCollection> _slsGraphics; //图形结果存储

        public DemoWindow()

            _selectedSLsDict = new Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <DGObject> >();
            _slsGrade        = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            _slsGraphics     = new Dictionary <int, IGraphicCollection>();

            _mainFrame       = Globals.mainframe;
            _prj             = Globals.project;
            _structureDomain = _prj.getDomain(DomainType.Structure);
            _allSLs          = _structureDomain.getObjects("SegmentLining");
            _slLayerIDs      = new List <string>();
            foreach (DGObjects objs in _allSLs)

            Loaded   += DemoWindow_Loaded;
            Unloaded += DemoWindow_Unloaded;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        // Summary:
        //     Get objects according to the specified object type
        // Remarks:
        //     If there is only a DGObjects with the specified object type,
        //     it will be returned directly.
        //     If there are multiple DGObjects with the specified object type,
        //     then a new DGObjects is returned which will merged all the objects.
        //     In this situation, the index of the DGObjects are lost.
        public DGObjectsCollection getObjects(string objType)
            IEnumerable<DGObjectsDefinition> defs = 
                objsDefinitions.Values.Where(x => x.Type == objType);
            if (defs == null || defs.Count() == 0)
                return null;

            DGObjectsCollection result = new DGObjectsCollection();
            foreach (DGObjectsDefinition def in defs)
                if (objsContainer.ContainsKey(def.Name))
                    DGObjects objs = objsContainer[def.Name];
            return result;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public DrawTunnelsWindow()

            ISimpleLineSymbol linesymbol = Runtime.graphicEngine.newSimpleLineSymbol(
                                Colors.Red, Core.Graphics.SimpleLineStyle.Solid, 1.0);
            _symbol = Runtime.graphicEngine.newSimpleFillSymbol(
                                Colors.Blue, SimpleFillStyle.Solid, linesymbol);
            _tunnelsGraphics = new Dictionary<int, IGraphicCollection>();
            _selectedTunnelsDict = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<DGObject>>();
            _lpResults = new List<DGObject>();

            _settings = new DrawTunnelsSettings();
            SettingsHolder.DataContext = _settings;
            Loaded += DrawTunnelsWindow_Loaded;
            Unloaded += DrawTunnelsWindow_Unloaded;

            _mainFrame = Globals.mainframe;
            _prj = Globals.project;

            if (_mainFrame == null || _prj == null) { _initFailed = true; return; }

            _structureDomain = _prj.getDomain(DomainType.Structure);
            if (_structureDomain == null) { _initFailed = true; return; }

            _allTunnels = _structureDomain.getObjects("Tunnel");
            _tunnelLayerIDs = new HashSet<string>();
            foreach (DGObjects objs in _allTunnels)

            _allAxes = _structureDomain.getObjects("TunnelAxis");
            if (_allAxes == null) { _initFailed = true; return; }
        HashSet<string> _tunnelLayerIDs; // tunnel layer IDs

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public TunnelDepthAnalysisWindow()

            _linesymbol = Runtime.graphicEngine.newSimpleLineSymbol(
                                Colors.Blue, Core.Graphics.SimpleLineStyle.Solid, 1.0);
            _selectedTunnelsDict = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<DGObject>>();
            _depthGraphics = new Dictionary<int, IGraphicCollection>();

            Loaded += TunnelDepthAnalysisWindow_Loaded;
            Unloaded += TunnelDepthAnalysisWindow_Unloaded;

            _mainFrame = Globals.mainframe;
            _prj = Globals.project;

            if (_mainFrame == null || _prj == null) { _initFailed = true; return; }

            _structureDomain = _prj.getDomain(DomainType.Structure);
            if (_structureDomain == null) { _initFailed = true; return; }

            _allTunnels = _structureDomain.getObjects("Tunnel");
            _tunnelLayerIDs = new HashSet<string>();
            foreach (DGObjects objs in _allTunnels)
        List<string> _tunnelLayerIDs; // tunnel layer IDs

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public SimpleProfileAnalysisWindow()

            _settings = new GeoProjSettings();
            SettingsHolder.DataContext = _settings;
            Loaded += SimpleProfileAnalysisWindow_Loaded;
            Unloaded += SimpleProfileAnalysisWindow_Unloaded;

            _mainFrame = Globals.mainframe;
            _prj = Globals.project;

            if (_mainFrame == null || _prj == null) { _initFailed = true; return; }

            _geologyDomain = _prj.getDomain(DomainType.Geology);
            _structureDomain = _prj.getDomain(DomainType.Structure);
            if (_geologyDomain == null || _structureDomain == null) { _initFailed = true; return; }

            // set the input view
            _inputView = _mainFrame.activeView;
            if (_inputView == null ||
                _inputView.eMap.MapType != EngineeringMapType.FootPrintMap)
                _inputView = _mainFrame.views.FirstOrDefault(
                    x => x.eMap.MapType == EngineeringMapType.FootPrintMap);
            if (_inputView == null) { _initFailed = true; return; }
            InputViewTB.DataContext = _inputView;

            _allBhs = _geologyDomain.getObjects("Borehole");
            _allSts = _geologyDomain.getObjects("Stratum");
            _bhLayerIDs = new List<string>();
            foreach (DGObjects objs in _allBhs)

            _allTunnels = _structureDomain.getObjects("Tunnel");
            _tunnelLayerIDs = new List<string>();
            foreach (DGObjects objs in _allTunnels)

            // add borehole layer as selectable layer
            _inputView.addSeletableLayer("0");     // "0" is the drawing layer ID
            foreach (string layerID in _bhLayerIDs)
            foreach (string layerID in _tunnelLayerIDs)

            // add a listener to object selection changed event
            _inputView.objSelectionChangedTrigger +=
            // add a listener to drawing graphics changed event
            _inputView.drawingGraphicsChangedTrigger +=
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public DrawSLWindow()

            ISimpleLineSymbol linesymbol = Runtime.graphicEngine.newSimpleLineSymbol(
                                Colors.Black, Core.Graphics.SimpleLineStyle.Solid, 1.0);
            _fillSymbol = Runtime.graphicEngine.newSimpleFillSymbol(
                                Color.FromArgb(150, 0, 0, 255), SimpleFillStyle.Solid, linesymbol);
            _whiteFillSymbol = Runtime.graphicEngine.newSimpleFillSymbol(
                                Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 255, 255), SimpleFillStyle.Solid, linesymbol);
            _selectedSLsDict = new Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<DGObject>>();
            _slsGraphics = new Dictionary<int, IGraphicCollection>();
            _lsGraphics = new Dictionary<string, LSGraphics>();
            _csGraphics = new Dictionary<string, CSGraphics>();

            Loaded += DrawSLWindow_Loaded;
            Unloaded += DrawSLWindow_Unloaded;

            _mainFrame = Globals.mainframe;
            _prj = Globals.project;

            if (_mainFrame == null || _prj == null) { _initFailed = true; return; }

            _structureDomain = _prj.getDomain(DomainType.Structure);
            if (_structureDomain == null) { _initFailed = true; return; }

            _allSLs = _structureDomain.getObjects("SegmentLining");
            _slLayerIDs = new List<string>();
            foreach (DGObjects objs in _allSLs)
        public LoadStructureModelWindow()

            ISimpleLineSymbol outline = Runtime.graphicEngine.newSimpleLineSymbol(
                                Colors.Black, Core.Graphics.SimpleLineStyle.Solid, 1.0);
            _whitefillSymbol = Runtime.graphicEngine.newSimpleFillSymbol(
                                Colors.White, SimpleFillStyle.Solid, outline);
            _lineSymbol = Runtime.graphicEngine.newSimpleLineSymbol(
                                Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 0, 0), Core.Graphics.SimpleLineStyle.Solid, 1.0);
            _arrowFillSymbol = Runtime.graphicEngine.newSimpleFillSymbol(
                                Colors.Blue, SimpleFillStyle.Solid, outline);

            SLMomentGraphics = new Dictionary<int, IGraphicCollection>();
            SLAxialGraphics = new Dictionary<int, IGraphicCollection>();
            SLShearGraphics = new Dictionary<int, IGraphicCollection>();
            SLDisplacementGraphics = new Dictionary<int, IGraphicCollection>();

            _loadStructure = new LoadStructure();

            Loaded += LoadStructureModelWindow_Loaded;
            Unloaded += LoadStructureModelWindow_Unloaded;

            _mainFrame = Globals.mainframe;
            _prj = Globals.project;

            if (_mainFrame == null || _prj == null) { _initFailed = true; return; }

            _structureDomain = _prj.getDomain(DomainType.Structure);
            if (_structureDomain == null) { _initFailed = true; return; }
            _geologyDomain = _prj.getDomain(DomainType.Geology);
            if (_geologyDomain == null) { _initFailed = true; return; }

            _allSLs = _structureDomain.getObjects("SegmentLining");
            _slLayerIDs = new List<string>();
            foreach (DGObjects objs in _allSLs)

            _ansysPath = Runtime.rootPath + "//Conf//ansysPath.xml";
Ejemplo n.º 16
        Domain _structureDomain; // the structure domain of the project

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public TunnelCSLoadWindow()

            ISimpleLineSymbol outline = Runtime.graphicEngine.newSimpleLineSymbol(
                                Colors.Black, Core.Graphics.SimpleLineStyle.Solid, 1.0);
            _fillSymbol = Runtime.graphicEngine.newSimpleFillSymbol(
                                Colors.Cyan, SimpleFillStyle.Solid, outline);
            _lineSymbol = Runtime.graphicEngine.newSimpleLineSymbol(
                                Colors.Blue, Core.Graphics.SimpleLineStyle.Solid, 1.0);
            _arrowFillSymbol = Runtime.graphicEngine.newSimpleFillSymbol(
                                Colors.Blue, SimpleFillStyle.Solid, outline);
            _IniStress = new SoilInitalStress();
            _slsGraphics = new Dictionary<string, IGraphicCollection>();

            Loaded += TunnelCSLoadWindow_Loaded;
            Unloaded += TunnelCSLoadWindow_Unloaded;

            _mainFrame = Globals.mainframe;
            _prj = Globals.project;

            if (_mainFrame == null || _prj == null) { _initFailed = true; return; }

            _structureDomain = _prj.getDomain(DomainType.Structure);
            if (_structureDomain == null) { _initFailed = true; return; }
            _geologyDomain = _prj.getDomain(DomainType.Geology);
            if (_geologyDomain == null) { _initFailed = true; return; }

            _allSLs = _structureDomain.getObjects("SegmentLining");
            _slLayerIDs = new List<string>();
            foreach (DGObjects objs in _allSLs)
Ejemplo n.º 17
        void StartAnalysis()
            string mapID = _inputView.eMap.MapID;
            _settings.mapID = mapID;

            _spatialRef = _inputView.spatialReference;

            // check all needed data is set up correctly
            if (_selectedTunnelsDict == null || _selectedTunnelsDict.Count() == 0)

            foreach (string tunnelLayerID in _selectedTunnelsDict.Keys)
                IGraphicsLayer gLayer = _inputView.getLayer("DES_AXL");
                if (gLayer == null)

                IEnumerable<DGObject> tunnels = _selectedTunnelsDict[tunnelLayerID];
                foreach (var obj in tunnels)
                    Tunnel tunnel = obj as Tunnel;
                    if (tunnel.StartMileage == null || tunnel.EndMileage == null || tunnel.LineNo == null)

                    _allAxes = _structureDomain.getObjects("TunnelAxis");
                    TunnelAxis ta = _allAxes[tunnel.id] as TunnelAxis;
                    if (ta == null)

                    //analysis the axis, change the engineering coordinate to map coordinate
                    TunnelAxis engineeringAxis = ta;
                    int count = engineeringAxis.AxisPoints.Count;

                    IGraphicCollection gc = gLayer.getGraphics(ta);
                    if (gc.Count == 0)
                    IGraphic g = gc[0];
                    IPolyline pline = g.Geometry as IPolyline;
                    if (pline == null)
                    IPointCollection pc = pline.GetPoints();
                    if (pc.Count != count)

                    TunnelAxis mapAxis = new TunnelAxis();
                    mapAxis.AxisPoints = new System.Collections.Generic.List<TunnelAxisPoint>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        TunnelAxisPoint p1 = engineeringAxis.AxisPoints[i];
                        TunnelAxisPoint p2 = new TunnelAxisPoint();
                        p2.Mileage = p1.Mileage;
                        p2.X = pc[i].X;
                        p2.Y = pc[i].Y;
                        p2.Z = p1.Z;
                    mapAxis = TunnelMappingUtility.ClipAxis(mapAxis, (double)tunnel.StartMileage, (double)tunnel.EndMileage);
                    if (mapAxis.AxisPoints[0].Mileage != tunnel.StartMileage)
                        TunnelAxisPoint pt = TunnelMappingUtility.MileageToAxisPoint((double)tunnel.StartMileage, mapAxis);
                        mapAxis.AxisPoints.Insert(0, pt);
                    count = mapAxis.AxisPoints.Count;
                    if (mapAxis.AxisPoints[count - 1].Mileage != tunnel.EndMileage)
                        TunnelAxisPoint pt = TunnelMappingUtility.MileageToAxisPoint((double)tunnel.EndMileage, mapAxis);
                    mapAxis.LineNo = ta.LineNo;
                    mapAxis.id = ta.id;
                    mapAxis.name = ta.name;