Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the contract icon for the given id and seed (color).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">URL of the icon</param>
        /// <param name="seed">Seed to use for generating the color</param>
        /// <returns>The texture</returns>
        public static Texture2D GetContractIcon(string url, int seed)
            // Check cache for texture
            Texture2D texture;
            Color     color = SystemUtilities.RandomColor(seed, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

            if (!contractIcons.ContainsKey(url))
                contractIcons[url] = new Dictionary <Color, Texture2D>();
            if (!contractIcons[url].ContainsKey(color))
                Texture2D baseTexture = ContractDefs.sprites[url].texture;

                    Texture2D loadedTexture = null;
                    string    path          = (url.Contains('/') ? "GameData/" : "GameData/Squad/Contracts/Icons/") + url;
                    // PNG loading
                    if (File.Exists(path + ".png"))
                        path         += ".png";
                        loadedTexture = new Texture2D(baseTexture.width, baseTexture.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
                        loadedTexture.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes(path.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)));
                    // DDS loading
                    else if (File.Exists(path + ".dds"))
                        path += ".dds";
                        BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(path)));

                        if (br.ReadUInt32() != DDSValues.uintMagic)
                            throw new Exception("Format issue with DDS texture '" + path + "'!");
                        DDSHeader ddsHeader = new DDSHeader(br);
                        if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDX10)
                            DDSHeaderDX10 ddsHeaderDx10 = new DDSHeaderDX10(br);

                        TextureFormat texFormat;
                        if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDXT1)
                            texFormat = UnityEngine.TextureFormat.DXT1;
                        else if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDXT3)
                            texFormat = UnityEngine.TextureFormat.DXT1 | UnityEngine.TextureFormat.Alpha8;
                        else if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDXT5)
                            texFormat = UnityEngine.TextureFormat.DXT5;
                            throw new Exception("Unhandled DDS format!");

                        loadedTexture = new Texture2D((int)ddsHeader.dwWidth, (int)ddsHeader.dwHeight, texFormat, false);
                        loadedTexture.LoadRawTextureData(br.ReadBytes((int)(br.BaseStream.Length - br.BaseStream.Position)));
                        throw new Exception("Couldn't find file for icon  '" + url + "'");

                    Color[] pixels = loadedTexture.GetPixels();
                    for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)
                        pixels[i] *= color;
                    texture = new Texture2D(baseTexture.width, baseTexture.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
                    texture.Apply(false, false);
                    contractIcons[url][color] = texture;
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.LogError("WaypointManager: Couldn't create texture for '" + url + "'!");
                    texture = contractIcons[url][color] = baseTexture;
                texture = contractIcons[url][color];

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the contract icon for the given id and seed (color).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">URL of the icon</param>
        /// <param name="seed">Seed to use for generating the color</param>
        /// <returns>The texture</returns>
        public static Texture2D GetContractIcon(string url, int seed)
            // Check cache for texture
            Texture2D texture;
            Color color = SystemUtilities.RandomColor(seed, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
            if (!contractIcons.ContainsKey(url))
                contractIcons[url] = new Dictionary<Color, Texture2D>();
            if (!contractIcons[url].ContainsKey(color))
                Texture2D baseTexture = ContractDefs.sprites[url].texture;

                    Texture2D loadedTexture = null;
                    string path = (url.Contains('/') ? "GameData/" : "GameData/Squad/Contracts/Icons/") + url;
                    // PNG loading
                    if (File.Exists(path + ".png"))
                        path += ".png";
                        loadedTexture = new Texture2D(baseTexture.width, baseTexture.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
                        loadedTexture.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes(path.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)));
                    // DDS loading
                    else if (File.Exists(path + ".dds"))
                        path += ".dds";
                        BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(path)));

                        if (br.ReadUInt32() != DDSValues.uintMagic)
                            throw new Exception("Format issue with DDS texture '" + path + "'!");
                        DDSHeader ddsHeader = new DDSHeader(br);
                        if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDX10)
                            DDSHeaderDX10 ddsHeaderDx10 = new DDSHeaderDX10(br);

                        TextureFormat texFormat;
                        if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDXT1)
                            texFormat = UnityEngine.TextureFormat.DXT1;
                        else if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDXT3)
                            texFormat = UnityEngine.TextureFormat.DXT1 | UnityEngine.TextureFormat.Alpha8;
                        else if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDXT5)
                            texFormat = UnityEngine.TextureFormat.DXT5;
                            throw new Exception("Unhandled DDS format!");

                        loadedTexture = new Texture2D((int)ddsHeader.dwWidth, (int)ddsHeader.dwHeight, texFormat, false);
                        loadedTexture.LoadRawTextureData(br.ReadBytes((int)(br.BaseStream.Length - br.BaseStream.Position)));
                        throw new Exception("Couldn't find file for icon  '" + url + "'");

                    Color[] pixels = loadedTexture.GetPixels();
                    for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)
                        pixels[i] *= color;
                    texture = new Texture2D(baseTexture.width, baseTexture.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
                    texture.Apply(false, false);
                    contractIcons[url][color] = texture;
                catch (Exception e)
                    Debug.LogError("WaypointManager: Couldn't create texture for '" + url + "'!");
                    texture = contractIcons[url][color] = baseTexture;
                texture = contractIcons[url][color];

            return texture;
        public static Texture2D LoadTexture(string url)
            // Check cache for texture
            Texture2D texture;
                string path = "GameData/" + url;
                // PNG loading
                if (File.Exists(path) && path.Contains(".png"))
                    texture = new Texture2D(2, 2, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
                    texture.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes(path.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)));
                // DDS loading
                else if (File.Exists(path) && path.Contains(".dds"))
                    BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(path)));

                    if (br.ReadUInt32() != DDSValues.uintMagic)
                        throw new Exception("Format issue with DDS texture '" + path + "'!");
                    DDSHeader ddsHeader = new DDSHeader(br);
                    if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDX10)
                        DDSHeaderDX10 ddsHeaderDx10 = new DDSHeaderDX10(br);

                    TextureFormat texFormat;
                    if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDXT1)
                        texFormat = UnityEngine.TextureFormat.DXT1;
                    else if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDXT3)
                        texFormat = UnityEngine.TextureFormat.DXT1 | UnityEngine.TextureFormat.Alpha8;
                    else if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDXT5)
                        texFormat = UnityEngine.TextureFormat.DXT5;
                        throw new Exception("Unhandled DDS format!");

                    texture = new Texture2D((int)ddsHeader.dwWidth, (int)ddsHeader.dwHeight, texFormat, false);
                    texture.LoadRawTextureData(br.ReadBytes((int)(br.BaseStream.Length - br.BaseStream.Position)));
                    texture.Apply(false, true);
                    throw new Exception("Couldn't find file for image  '" + url + "'");
            catch (Exception e)
                LoggingUtil.LogError(typeof(TextureUtil), "Couldn't create texture for '" + url + "'!");
                texture = null;

            return texture;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static Texture2D LoadTexture(string url)
            // Check cache for texture
            Texture2D texture;

                // Auto-detect file type
                string path = "GameData/" + url;
                if (!File.Exists(path))
                    if (File.Exists(path + ".png"))
                        path += ".png";
                    else if (File.Exists(path + ".dds"))
                        path += ".dds";

                // PNG loading
                if (File.Exists(path) && path.EndsWith(".png"))
                    texture = new Texture2D(2, 2, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
                    texture.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes(path.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)));
                // DDS loading
                else if (File.Exists(path) && path.EndsWith(".dds"))
                    BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(path)));

                    if (br.ReadUInt32() != DDSValues.uintMagic)
                        throw new Exception("Format issue with DDS texture '" + path + "'!");
                    DDSHeader ddsHeader = new DDSHeader(br);
                    if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDX10)
                        DDSHeaderDX10 ddsHeaderDx10 = new DDSHeaderDX10(br);

                    TextureFormat texFormat;
                    if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDXT1)
                        texFormat = UnityEngine.TextureFormat.DXT1;
                    else if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDXT3)
                        texFormat = UnityEngine.TextureFormat.DXT1 | UnityEngine.TextureFormat.Alpha8;
                    else if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDXT5)
                        texFormat = UnityEngine.TextureFormat.DXT5;
                        throw new Exception("Unhandled DDS format!");

                    texture = new Texture2D((int)ddsHeader.dwWidth, (int)ddsHeader.dwHeight, texFormat, false);
                    texture.LoadRawTextureData(br.ReadBytes((int)(br.BaseStream.Length - br.BaseStream.Position)));
                    texture.Apply(false, true);
                    throw new Exception(StringBuilderCache.Format("Couldn't find file for image '{0}'", url));
            catch (Exception e)
                LoggingUtil.LogError(typeof(TextureUtil), "Couldn't create texture for '{0}'!", url);
                texture = null;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the contract icon for the given id and seed (color).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">URL of the icon</param>
        /// <param name="seed">Seed to use for generating the color</param>
        /// <returns>The texture</returns>
        public static Texture2D GetContractIcon(string url, int seed)
            string key = url;

            // Check cache for texture
            Texture2D texture;
            Color     color = SystemUtilities.RandomColor(seed, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

            if (!contractIcons.ContainsKey(key))
                contractIcons[key] = new Dictionary <Color, Texture2D>();

            if (!contractIcons[key].ContainsKey(color))
                if (url.EndsWith(".png"))
                    url = url.Substring(0, url.Length - 4);
                if (url.StartsWith("GameData"))
                    url = url.Substring(9);

                Texture2D baseTexture = ContractDefs.sprites[url].texture;

                url = url.Replace('\\', '/');
                string url2 = url;

                string tmp = url;
                if (!tmp.Contains("PluginData"))
                    if (!url.StartsWith("GameData"))
                        tmp = "/" + url;

                    for (int i = 0; i < GameDatabase.Instance.databaseTexture.Count; i++)
                        if (GameDatabase.Instance.databaseTexture[i].file != null)
                            if (GameDatabase.Instance.databaseTexture[i].name.EndsWith(tmp) ||
                                GameDatabase.Instance.databaseTexture[i].name == url)
                                url2 = GameDatabase.Instance.databaseTexture[i].file.fullPath;
                    if (!url2.StartsWith("GameData"))
                        url2 = KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "GameData/" + url2;

                string path = url2;

                if (path.EndsWith(".png") || path.EndsWith(".dds"))
                    path = path.Substring(0, path.Length - 4);

                    Texture2D loadedTexture = null;

                    // PNG loading
                    if (File.Exists(path + ".png"))
                        path         += ".png";
                        loadedTexture = new Texture2D(baseTexture.width, baseTexture.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
                        loadedTexture.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes(path.Replace('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar)));
                    // DDS loading
                        if (File.Exists(path + ".dds"))
                            path += ".dds";
                            BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(File.ReadAllBytes(path)));

                            if (br.ReadUInt32() != DDSValues.uintMagic)
                                throw new Exception("Format issue with DDS texture '" + path + "'!");
                            DDSHeader ddsHeader = new DDSHeader(br);
                            if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDX10)
                                DDSHeaderDX10 ddsHeaderDx10 = new DDSHeaderDX10(br);

                            TextureFormat texFormat;
                            if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDXT1)
                                texFormat = UnityEngine.TextureFormat.DXT1;
#if false
// Not using DXT3 anymore
                            else if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDXT3)
                                texFormat = UnityEngine.TextureFormat.DXT1 | UnityEngine.TextureFormat.Alpha8;
                            else if (ddsHeader.ddspf.dwFourCC == DDSValues.uintDXT5)
                                texFormat = UnityEngine.TextureFormat.DXT5;
                                throw new Exception("Unhandled DDS format!");

                            loadedTexture = new Texture2D((int)ddsHeader.dwWidth, (int)ddsHeader.dwHeight, texFormat, false);
                            loadedTexture.LoadRawTextureData(br.ReadBytes((int)(br.BaseStream.Length - br.BaseStream.Position)));
                            throw new Exception("Couldn't find file for icon  '" + url + "'");

                    Color[] pixels = loadedTexture.GetPixels();
                    for (int i = 0; i < pixels.Length; i++)
                        pixels[i] *= color;
                    //texture = new Texture2D(baseTexture.width, baseTexture.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
                    texture = new Texture2D(loadedTexture.width, loadedTexture.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false);
                    texture.Apply(false, false);
                    contractIcons[key][color] = texture;

                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Error("WaypointManager: Couldn't create texture for '" + url + "'!");
                    Log.Error("key: " + key);
                    Log.Error("path: " + path);
                    texture = contractIcons[key][color] = baseTexture;
                texture = contractIcons[key][color];
