Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void test_ReadWriteDelete_Type_String()
            // init new Class
            DDPro.Software.Net20.Library.UserSettings _testObject = new DDPro.Software.Net20.Library.UserSettings(@"Component-Tests\Settings");
            Assert.IsNotNull(_testObject, "Settings-Class for Test test_ReadWriteDelete_Type_String could no be created...");
            // String-Overload
            string _str_in  = "TestText...";
            string _str_out = "";

            _str_out = _testObject.GetValue("TestVal", "...");
            Assert.AreEqual("...", _str_out, "test_ReadWriteDelete_Type_String: Value that should be empty returned not the passed default ...");
            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.SaveValue("TestVal", _str_in), "test_ReadWriteDelete_Type_String: Value could not be saved...");
            _str_out = _testObject.GetValue("TestVal", "");
            Assert.AreEqual(_str_in, _str_out, "test_ReadWriteDelete_Type_String: Value that was saved did not return expected Value on read...");

            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.SaveValue("TestVal1", _str_in), "test_ReadWriteDelete_Type_String: Value could not be saved...");
            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.SaveValue("TestVal2", _str_in), "test_ReadWriteDelete_Type_String: Value could not be saved...");
            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.SaveValue("TestVal3", _str_in), "test_ReadWriteDelete_Type_String: Value could not be saved...");
            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.SaveValue("TestVal", "update..."), "test_ReadWriteDelete_Type_String: Value could not be updated...");
            _str_out = _testObject.GetValue("TestVal", "");
            Assert.AreEqual("update...", _str_out, "test_ReadWriteDelete_Type_String: Value that was updated did not return expected Value on read...");

            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.DeleteValue("TestVal"), "test_ReadWriteDelete_Type_String: Value could not be deleted...");

            _str_out = _testObject.GetValue("TestVal", "default...");
            Assert.AreEqual("default...", _str_out, "test_ReadWriteDelete_Type_String: Value that was deleted did not return passed default Value on read...");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void test_ReadWrite_Type_Integer()
            // init new Class
            DDPro.Software.Net20.Library.UserSettings _testObject = new DDPro.Software.Net20.Library.UserSettings(@"Component-Tests\Settings");
            Assert.IsNotNull(_testObject, "Settings-Class for Test test_ReadWrite_Type_Integer could no be created...");
            // String-Overload
            int _in  = int.MaxValue;
            int _out = 0;

            _out = _testObject.GetValue("TestVal", 123);
            Assert.AreEqual(123, _out, "test_ReadWrite_Type_Integer: Value that should be empty returned not the passed default ...");
            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.SaveValue("TestVal", _in), "test_ReadWrite_Type_Integer: Value could not be saved...");
            _out = _testObject.GetValue("TestVal", 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(_in, _out, "test_ReadWrite_Type_Integer: Value that was saved did not return expected Value on read...");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void test_ReadWrite_Type_Boolean()
            // init new Class
            DDPro.Software.Net20.Library.UserSettings _testObject = new DDPro.Software.Net20.Library.UserSettings(@"Component-Tests\Settings");
            Assert.IsNotNull(_testObject, "Settings-Class for Test test_ReadWrite_Type_Boolean could no be created...");
            // String-Overload
            bool _in  = true;
            bool _out = false;

            _out = _testObject.GetValue("TestVal", true);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, _out, "test_ReadWrite_Type_Boolean: Value that should be empty returned not the passed default ...");
            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.SaveValue("TestVal", _in), "test_ReadWrite_Type_Boolean: Value could not be saved...");
            _out = _testObject.GetValue("TestVal", false);
            Assert.AreEqual(_in, _out, "test_ReadWrite_Type_Boolean: Value that was saved did not return expected Value on read...");
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void test_ReadWrite_Type_DateTime()
            // init new Class
            DDPro.Software.Net20.Library.UserSettings _testObject = new DDPro.Software.Net20.Library.UserSettings(@"Component-Tests\Settings");
            Assert.IsNotNull(_testObject, "Settings-Class for Test test_ReadWrite_Type_Double could no be created...");
            // String-Overload
            DateTime _in  = new DateTime(2009, 12, 11, 1, 23, 45);  // do not use .Now to save value, because milliseconds are NOT saved --> DateTime.Now would result in a failed test...
            DateTime _out = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-30);

            _out = _testObject.GetValue("TestVal", new DateTime(2009, 12, 11, 21, 35, 00));
            Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2009, 12, 11, 21, 35, 00), _out, "test_ReadWrite_Type_Double: Value that should be empty returned not the passed default ...");
            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.SaveValue("TestVal", _in), "test_ReadWrite_Type_Double: Value could not be saved...");
            _out = _testObject.GetValue("TestVal", DateTime.Now);
            Assert.AreEqual(_in, _out, "test_ReadWrite_Type_Double: Value that was saved did not return expected Value on read...");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void test_ReadWrite_Type_Double()
            // init new Class
            DDPro.Software.Net20.Library.UserSettings _testObject = new DDPro.Software.Net20.Library.UserSettings(@"Component-Tests\Settings");
            Assert.IsNotNull(_testObject, "Settings-Class for Test test_ReadWrite_Type_Double could no be created...");
            // String-Overload
            //double _in = double.MaxValue;
            double _out = 0D;

            _out = _testObject.GetValue("TestVal", 1.23D);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.23D, _out, "test_ReadWrite_Type_Double: Value that should be empty returned not the passed default ...");
            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.SaveValue("TestVal", 1.23456D), "test_ReadWrite_Type_Double: Test-Value could not be saved...");
            _out = _testObject.GetValue("TestVal", 0D);
            Assert.AreEqual(1.23456D, _out, "test_ReadWrite_Type_Double: small Value that was saved did not return expected Value on read...");

            //Assert.IsTrue( _testObject.SaveValue( "TestVal", _in ), "test_ReadWrite_Type_Double: Value could not be saved..." );
            //_out = _testObject.GetValue( "TestVal", 0D );
            //Assert.AreEqual( _in, _out, "test_ReadWrite_Type_Double: max Value that was saved did not return expected Value on read..." );
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void test_FileIO_Features()
            // init new Class
            DDPro.Software.Net20.Library.UserSettings _testObject = new DDPro.Software.Net20.Library.UserSettings(@"Component-Tests\Settings", "UnitTest.xml");
            Assert.IsNotNull(_testObject, "Settings-Class for Test test_FileIO_Features could no be created...");
            string DataFile = _testObject.ConfigFilePath; // read Name for Configuration-File --> for delete on end if needed

            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.SaveValue("Test1", "Text 1"), "test_FileIO_Features: Value 1 could not be saved...");
            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.SaveValue("Test2", "Text 2"), "test_FileIO_Features: Value 2 could not be saved...");
            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.SaveValue("Test3", "Text 3"), "test_FileIO_Features: Value 3 could not be saved...");
            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.SaveValue("Test4", "Text 4"), "test_FileIO_Features: Value 4 could not be saved...");
            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.SaveValue("Test5", "Text 5"), "test_FileIO_Features: Value 5 could not be saved...");
            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.SaveConfig(), "test_FileIO_Features: File could not be saved...");

            _testObject = new DDPro.Software.Net20.Library.UserSettings(@"Component-Tests\Settings", "UnitTest.xml");
            Assert.IsNotNull(_testObject, "Settings-Class for Test test_FileIO_Features could no be re-created...");
            _testObject.ThrowExceptions = false;

            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.ConfigFileExists, "test_FileIO_Features: File could not be found after save by Library...");
            Assert.IsTrue(System.IO.File.Exists(DataFile), "test_FileIO_Features: File could not be found after save by Test...");

            Assert.AreEqual("xXx1", _testObject.GetValue("Test1", "xXx1"), "test_FileIO_Features: unset Value 1 did not return expected default...");
            Assert.AreEqual("xXx2", _testObject.GetValue("Test2", "xXx2"), "test_FileIO_Features: unset Value 2 did not return expected default...");
            Assert.AreEqual("xXx3", _testObject.GetValue("Test3", "xXx3"), "test_FileIO_Features: unset Value 3 did not return expected default...");
            Assert.AreEqual("xXx4", _testObject.GetValue("Test4", "xXx4"), "test_FileIO_Features: unset Value 4 did not return expected default...");
            Assert.AreEqual("xXx5", _testObject.GetValue("Test5", "xXx5"), "test_FileIO_Features: unset Value 5 did not return expected default...");

            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.LoadConfig(), "test_FileIO_Features: File could not be loaded...");

            Assert.AreEqual("Text 1", _testObject.GetValue("Test1", "xXx1"), "test_FileIO_Features: unset Value 1 did not return expected default...");
            Assert.AreEqual("Text 2", _testObject.GetValue("Test2", "xXx2"), "test_FileIO_Features: unset Value 2 did not return expected default...");
            Assert.AreEqual("Text 3", _testObject.GetValue("Test3", "xXx3"), "test_FileIO_Features: unset Value 3 did not return expected default...");
            Assert.AreEqual("Text 4", _testObject.GetValue("Test4", "xXx4"), "test_FileIO_Features: unset Value 4 did not return expected default...");
            Assert.AreEqual("Text 5", _testObject.GetValue("Test5", "xXx5"), "test_FileIO_Features: unset Value 5 did not return expected default...");


            Assert.AreEqual("xXx1", _testObject.GetValue("Test1", "xXx1"), "test_FileIO_Features: unset Value 1 did not return expected default...");
            Assert.AreEqual("xXx2", _testObject.GetValue("Test2", "xXx2"), "test_FileIO_Features: unset Value 2 did not return expected default...");
            Assert.AreEqual("xXx3", _testObject.GetValue("Test3", "xXx3"), "test_FileIO_Features: unset Value 3 did not return expected default...");
            Assert.AreEqual("xXx4", _testObject.GetValue("Test4", "xXx4"), "test_FileIO_Features: unset Value 4 did not return expected default...");
            Assert.AreEqual("xXx5", _testObject.GetValue("Test5", "xXx5"), "test_FileIO_Features: unset Value 5 did not return expected default...");

            Assert.IsTrue(_testObject.DeleteConfig(), "test_FileIO_Features: Cofig-File could not be deleted by class...");
            Assert.IsFalse(System.IO.File.Exists(DataFile), "test_FileIO_Features: File was not deleted by Library...");