/// <summary>
        /// Invoke the Components Create Method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="component"></param>
        public static void Build(this Grevit.Types.Component component, bool useReferenceElement)
            using (DocumentLock acLckDoc = Grevit.AutoCad.Command.Document.LockDocument())
                // Create a new transaction
                Transaction transaction = Grevit.AutoCad.Command.Database.TransactionManager.StartTransaction();
                using (transaction)
                    // Get the components type
                    Type type = component.GetType();

                    // Get the Create extension Method using reflection
                    IEnumerable <System.Reflection.MethodInfo> methods = Grevit.Reflection.Utilities.GetExtensionMethods(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Assembly, type);

                    // Check all extensions methods (should only be Create() anyway)
                    foreach (System.Reflection.MethodInfo method in methods)
                        // get the methods parameters
                        object[] parameters = new object[method.GetParameters().Length];

                        // As it is an extension method, the first parameter is the component itself
                        parameters[0] = component;
                        parameters[1] = transaction;

                        #region usingReferenceElement

                        // if we should use a reference element to invoke the Create method
                        // and parameter length equals 2
                        // get the components referenceGID, see if it has been created already
                        // use this element as a parameter to invoke Create(Element element)
                        if (useReferenceElement && parameters.Length == 3)
                            // Get the components reference GID
                            System.Reflection.PropertyInfo propertyReferenceGID = type.GetProperty("referenceGID");

                            // Return if there is no reference GID property
                            if (propertyReferenceGID == null)

                            // Get the referene GID string value
                            string referenceGID = (string)propertyReferenceGID.GetValue(component);

                            // If the reference has been created already, get
                            // the Element from the document and apply it as parameter two
                            if (Command.created_objects.ContainsKey(referenceGID))
                                DBObject referenceElement = transaction.GetObject(Command.created_objects[referenceGID], OpenMode.ForRead);
                                parameters[2] = referenceElement;


                        // If the create method exists
                        if (method != null && method.Name.EndsWith("Create"))
                            // Invoke the Create Method without parameters
                            DBObject createdElement = (Entity)method.Invoke(component, parameters);

                            // If the return value is valud set the parameters
                            if (createdElement != null)
                                createdElement.AddXData(component, transaction);

                    // commit and dispose the transaction