Ejemplo n.º 1
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        UserClass user1 = new UserClass();

        user1.UserEmail = TextBox1.Text;

        if (!user1.UserExistSignUp())
            string userEmail     = this.TextBox1.Text;
            string userPassword  = this.TextBox2.Text;
            string userFirstName = this.TextBox3.Text;
            string userLastName  = this.TextBox4.Text;
            string city          = this.TextBox5.Text;
            string Gender        = this.TextBox6.Text;

            string sqlMsgStr2 = "insert into [UserTbl]([userEmail],[userPassword],[userFirstName],[userLastName],[city],[Gender],[userType]) values('";
            sqlMsgStr2 += this.TextBox1.Text + "','" + this.TextBox2.Text + "','" + this.TextBox3.Text + "','" + this.TextBox4.Text + "','" + this.TextBox5.Text + "','" + this.TextBox6.Text + "','" + "User" + "')";

            DBFunctions.ChangeTable(sqlMsgStr2, "UserDB.accdb");
            this.Label1.Visible = true;
            TextBox1.Text       = "";
            TextBox2.Text       = "";
            TextBox3.Text       = "";
            TextBox4.Text       = "";
            TextBox5.Text       = "";
            TextBox6.Text       = "";
            this.Label2.Visible = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
    public void Insertmessage(string message, DateTime date)
        string sqlstr = "INSERT INTO [messagesTbl] ([email],[fname],[message],[time])";//time when this message was sent

        sqlstr += "values ('" + this.Email + "','" + this.UserFirstName + "','" + message + "','" + date + "')";
        DBFunctions.ChangeTable(sqlstr, "projectDB.accdb");
Ejemplo n.º 3
    public bool InsertNewUser()
        if (this.UserExistSignUp() == true)
            return(false);//can not insert him
        string sqlstr = "INSERT INTO [userTbl] ([email], [password], [fname],[birthdate],[type]) ";

        sqlstr += "values ('" + this.Email + "','" + this.UserPassword + "','" + this.UserFirstName + "','" + this.BirthDate + "','" + this.userType + "')";
        DBFunctions.ChangeTable(sqlstr, "projectDB.accdb");
Ejemplo n.º 4
    protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string messageFrom    = this.TextBox2.Text;
        string messageSubject = this.TextBox4.Text;
        string messageBody    = this.TextBox3.Text;
        string sqlMsgStr      = "insert into [MsgTbl]([messageFrom],[messageSubject],[messageBody],[messageRead]) values('";

        sqlMsgStr += this.TextBox2.Text + "' ,'" + this.TextBox4.Text + "','" + this.TextBox3.Text + "', false)";
        DBFunctions.ChangeTable(sqlMsgStr, "UserDB.accdb");
        this.Label1.Visible = true;
        TextBox3.Text       = "";
        TextBox4.Text       = "";
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void UpdateVisaAccount(int visaNumber, int accountNumber, string visaType, double total)
        double    cash   = 0;
        string    sqlStr = "Select * From [VisaTbl] where [VisaNumber]='" + visaNumber.ToString() + "' and [VisaType]='" + visaType + "'and [AccountNumber]='" + accountNumber.ToString() + "'";
        DataTable dt     = DBFunctions.SelectFromTable(sqlStr, "shwakat11.accdb");

        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            cash = Convert.ToDouble(dt.Rows[0]["Cash"]);
        double result = cash - total;
        string SqlStr = "Update [VisaTbl] Set [Cash]='" + result.ToString() + "' Where [VisaNumber]='" + visaNumber.ToString() + "' and [VisaType]='" + visaType + "'and [AccountNumber]='" + accountNumber.ToString() + "'";

        DBFunctions.ChangeTable(SqlStr, "shwakat11.accdb");
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public void UpdatePassword(string newPassword)
        string userSqlStr = "Update [UserTbl] Set [userPassword]='" + newPassword + "' where [userEmail]='" + this.userEmail + "'";

        DBFunctions.ChangeTable(userSqlStr, "shawkat11.accdb");
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public void UpdateLname(string newLname)
        string userSqlStr = "Update [UserTable] Set [userLastName]='" + newLname + "' where [userEmail]='" + this.userEmail + "'";

        DBFunctions.ChangeTable(userSqlStr, "shawkat11.accdb");
Ejemplo n.º 8
    public void UpdateFname(string newFname)
        string userSqlStr = "Update [userTbl] Set [fname]='" + newFname + "'";

        DBFunctions.ChangeTable(userSqlStr, "projectDB.accdb");
Ejemplo n.º 9
    public void DeleteUser()
        string userSqlStr = "Delete  from [userTbl] where [email]='" + this.email + "'";

        DBFunctions.ChangeTable(userSqlStr, "projectDB.accdb");
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public void UpdatePassword(string newPassword)
        string userSqlStr = "Update [userTbl] Set [password]='" + newPassword + "' where [email]='" + this.email + "'";

        DBFunctions.ChangeTable(userSqlStr, "projectDB.accdb");