Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static List <Uirule> ImportVersionRules(DBBuffer _buffer, Paths Paths, string log)
            List <Uirule> result   = new List <Uirule>();
            var           filename = "REQUIREMENTS.txt";

            Provider.WriteImportLogFormat(log, filename);
                var file = Provider.CreateFile(Paths.importFilePath + "\\" + filename);
                // first line contains column names
                foreach (List <string> riga in file.Skip(1))
                    var tmpRule = new Uirule();
                    tmpRule.Allow      = AllowModes.No;
                    tmpRule.RuleOrigin = ruleOrigins.Requirements;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[0]))
                        tmpRule.Version = ComparableFields.GetStringVersion(ComparableFields.GetNumericVersionFromMajor(Convert.ToDouble(riga[0])));

                    FillRuleFromFile(tmpRule, 1, riga, _buffer);

                    IsOkToAddRule(tmpRule, _buffer);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ParsingException(filename, ex);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // import probes from probelists of different settings families
        public static List <ProbeBind> Import(DBBuffer _buffer, Paths Paths, string LogXml2DB)
            Provider.WriteLogFormat(LogXml2DB, "Import Probes from probelist");
            List <ProbeBind> result = new List <ProbeBind>();
            List <ProbeBind> validProbesBinds, newProbes, oldProbes;

                foreach (var setting in _buffer.p_settingsFamilies)
                    var swpackName = _buffer.p_swPacks.SingleOrDefault(swp => swp.Id == setting.SwpackId).Name;
                    var probeLst   = Provider.readProbeList(swpackName, setting, Paths);
                    validProbesBinds = probeLst.Descendants("elemento").Where(x => x.Element("sSaleName").Value != "NULLSTRING")
                                       .Select(p => FromXElement2ProbeBind(p, setting)).ToList();

                    // select old probes from previously inserted probes
                    oldProbes = result.Where(x => validProbesBinds.Select(p => p.probe.SaleName.ToLowerInvariant()).Contains(x.probe.SaleName.ToLowerInvariant())).ToList();
                    updateProbes(oldProbes, validProbesBinds, setting);

                    // select new probes from the new probeList
                    newProbes = validProbesBinds.Where(p => !result.Select(x => x.probe.SaleName.ToLowerInvariant()).Contains(p.probe.SaleName.ToLowerInvariant())).ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ParsingException("Probelist", ex);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static List <RegulatoryFeature> Import(DBBuffer _buffer, Paths paths, string LogXml2DB)
            var fileName = "REGULATORY-FEATURES.txt";

            Provider.WriteImportLogFormat(LogXml2DB, fileName);
            List <List <String> > file = Provider.CreateFile(paths.importFilePath + "\\" + fileName);
            var result = new List <RegulatoryFeature>();
            int RowIndex = -2, ColumnIndex = -2;

                var FeatureNames = file[0];
                for (RowIndex = 1; RowIndex < file.Count; RowIndex++)
                    for (ColumnIndex = 0; ColumnIndex < FeatureNames.Count; ColumnIndex++)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file[RowIndex][ColumnIndex]))
                            var Feature = _buffer.GetFeatureFromName(file[RowIndex][ColumnIndex]);
                            result.Add(new RegulatoryFeature
                                Name      = FeatureNames[ColumnIndex],
                                FeatureId = Feature.Id
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ParsingException(fileName + " at row " + (RowIndex + 1).ToString() + " column " +
                                           (ColumnIndex + 1).ToString(), ex);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public static List <CountryDistributor> Import(DBBuffer _buffer, Paths Paths, string log)
            var fileName = "Country_Distributor.txt";

            Provider.WriteImportLogFormat(log, fileName);
            List <List <String> > file = Provider.CreateFile(Paths.importFilePath + "\\" + fileName);
            var result = new List <CountryDistributor>();

                // first line contains column names
                foreach (List <string> riga in file.Skip(1))
                    result.Add(new CountryDistributor
                        CountryId     = _buffer.p_countries.Single(c => c.Code == riga[0].Trim()).Id,
                        DistributorId = _buffer.p_Distributors.Single(c => c.Code == riga[1].Trim()).Id
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ParsingException(fileName, ex);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static List <Country> Import(DBBuffer _buffer, Paths paths, string LogXml2DB)
            List <Country> countries = new List <Country>();
            var            fileName  = "Countries.txt";

            Provider.WriteImportLogFormat(LogXml2DB, fileName);
                List <List <String> > CountryFile = Provider.CreateFile(paths.importFilePath + "\\" + fileName);
                // import countries
                foreach (List <string> riga in CountryFile.Skip(1))
                    countries.Add(new Country
                        Code       = riga[0],
                        Name       = riga[1],
                        IsObsolete = Convert.ToBoolean(riga[2].Trim().ToLowerInvariant())

                SetCertifier(countries, "CE", paths.importFilePath + "\\CE.txt", _buffer, LogXml2DB);
                SetCertifier(countries, "APA", paths.importFilePath + "\\ANY-PRODUCT-ALLOWED.txt", _buffer, LogXml2DB);
                SetCertifier(countries, "STA", paths.importFilePath + "\\STALLING.txt", _buffer, LogXml2DB);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ParsingException(fileName, ex);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// Clone rule for each child of the Option bundle
        private List <NormalRule> cloneFromParentOption(NormalRule nr, DBBuffer _buffer)
            if (this.OptionId.HasValue)
                var childOptionId = _buffer.p_bundles.Where(x => x.ParentFeatureId == _buffer.p_option.Single(o => o.Id == this.OptionId).FeatureId).
                                    Join(_buffer.p_option, b => b.FeatureId, o => o.FeatureId, (b, o) => o.Id).ToList();

                if (childOptionId.Count > 0)
                    List <NormalRule> cloni = new List <NormalRule>();
                    cloni.Add(nr);                        // add the rule for the parent
                    foreach (var kidId in childOptionId)
                        NormalRule tmpRule = new NormalRule(nr);
                        tmpRule.OptionId = kidId;

            // if nothing was to be done, retunr the input rule itself
            return(new List <NormalRule> {
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Import UIRules from file
        /// </summary>
        public static List <Uirule> Import(String fileName, DBBuffer _buffer, ruleOrigins _rOrigin, Paths Paths)
            List <Uirule> result = new List <Uirule>();

                List <List <String> >           file           = Provider.CreateFile(Paths.importFilePath + fileName);
                Dictionary <string, AllowModes> dictAllowModes = new Dictionary <string, AllowModes>
                    { "A", AllowModes.A },
                    { "Def", AllowModes.Def },
                    { "No", AllowModes.No },
                // first line contains column names
                foreach (List <string> riga in file.Skip(1))
                    result.Add(new Uirule
                        Allow           = dictAllowModes[riga[0]],
                        RuleName        = String.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[1]) ? null : riga[1],
                        PhysicalModelId = String.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[2]) ? null : (Int32?)_buffer.p_physicalModels.Single(pm => pm.Description == riga[2]).Id,
                        LogicalModelId  = String.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[3]) ? null : (Int32?)_buffer.p_logicalModels.Single(lm => lm.Name == riga[3]).Id,
                        ApplicationId   = String.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[4]) ? null : (Int32?)_buffer.p_applications
                                          .Join(_buffer.p_features, o => o.FeatureId, f => f.Id, (o, f) => new
                            app     = o,
                            feature = f
                                          .Single(fo => fo.feature.NameInCode == riga[4]).app.Id,
                        OptionId = String.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[5]) ? null : (Int32?)_buffer.p_option
                                   .Join(_buffer.p_features, o => o.FeatureId, f => f.Id, (o, f) => new
                            option  = o,
                            feature = f
                                   .Single(fo => fo.feature.NameInCode == riga[5]).option.Id,
                        UserLevel      = String.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[6]) ? null : (UserLevel?)Convert.ToInt16(riga[6]),
                        Version        = String.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[7]) ? null : riga[7],
                        ProbeId        = String.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[8]) ? null : (Int32?)_buffer.p_probes.Single(p => p.SaleName == riga[8]).Id,
                        CertifierId    = String.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[9]) ? null : (Int32?)_buffer.p_certifiers.Single(ce => ce.Name == riga[9]).Id,
                        CountryId      = String.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[10]) ? null : (Int32?)_buffer.p_countries.Single(c => c.Name == riga[10]).Id,
                        KitId          = String.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[11]) ? null : (Int32?)_buffer.p_biospyKits.Single(k => k.Name == riga[11]).Id,
                        TransducerType = String.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[12]) ? null : (ProbeType?)Convert.ToInt16(riga[12]),
                        DistributorId  = String.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[13]) ? null : (Int32?)_buffer.p_Distributors.Single(k => k.Name == riga[13]).Id,
                        RuleOrigin     = _rOrigin
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ApplicationException("error while reading UIRules: " + ex.Message);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static List <Uirule> ImportProbeAppRules(FeaturesContext _db, DBBuffer _buffer, Paths Paths, string LogXml2DB)
            Provider.WriteImportLogFormat(LogXml2DB, "Read Probe-Applications relations");
            string settingsName = "", ProbeName = "";

                // ANTO DB
                _buffer.p_probe_SettingsFamily = _db.ProbeSettingsFamily.ToList();
                var num_sf         = _buffer.p_settingsFamilies.Count;
                var resultProbeApp = new List <ProbePreset> [num_sf];
                Parallel.For(0, num_sf, sfindex =>
                    settingsName      = _buffer.p_settingsFamilies[sfindex].Name;
                    String swPackName = _buffer.p_swPacks.Single(s => s.Id == _buffer.p_settingsFamilies[sfindex].SwpackId).Name;
                    // select current probeList and join it with probeBind and probe Id already inserted in the DB
                    List <ProbeBind> currentProbeList = _buffer.p_probe_SettingsFamily.Where(x => x.SettingsFamilyId == _buffer.p_settingsFamilies[sfindex].Id).
                                                        Join(_buffer.p_probes, ps => ps.ProbeId, p => p.Id, (ps, p) => p).ToList().
                                                        Join(_buffer.probeBindLst, p => p.SaleName, x => x.probe.SaleName, (p, x) => new ProbeBind(p, x.probeInfoLst)).ToList();
                    resultProbeApp[sfindex] = new List <ProbePreset>();
                    foreach (ProbeBind probeBind in currentProbeList)                       // loop probes in probelist to complete probe and add probeApplication association
                        var currentProbeSetting = _buffer.p_probe_SettingsFamily.Single(x => x.ProbeId == probeBind.probe.Id &&
                                                                                        x.SettingsFamilyId == _buffer.p_settingsFamilies[sfindex].Id);
                        var probeDescEquip = (Provider.readProbeDescr(swPackName, currentProbeSetting, Paths)).Descendants("equipment").First();
                        ProbeName          = probeBind.probe.SaleName;

                        probeBind.probe.Biplane = Convert.ToBoolean(probeDescEquip.Element("fBiplane").Value);                               // complete probe field
                        currentProbeSetting.ProbeDataFileNameFrontal = probeDescEquip.Element("sProbeDataFileNameFrontal").Value.ToString();
                        currentProbeSetting.ProbeDataFileNameLateral = probeDescEquip.Element("sProbeDataFileNameLateral").Value.ToString() == "NULLFILE" ? null :

                        // fill appNode for the current settings family in the current probe
                        var currentProbeInfo      = probeBind.getProbeInfo(_buffer.p_settingsFamilies[sfindex]);
                        currentProbeInfo.appNodes = probeDescEquip.Element("sApplicationDesc").Elements("element")
                                                    .Where(a => a.Element("eApplication").Value.ToString() != "APPL_INVALID_PD").ToList();

                        resultProbeApp[sfindex].AddRange(createProbeApps(probeBind, currentProbeInfo, _buffer));

                return(finalizeImport(resultProbeApp.SelectMany(rp => rp).ToList(), _db, _buffer));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ParsingException("Probe-Applications relations for settings family " + settingsName + " probe " + ProbeName, ex);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        // generate rules for options associated to probes (and related forbidden probes)
        public static List <Uirule> ImportOptionProbes(DBBuffer _buffer, Paths Paths, string log)
            List <Uirule> result   = new List <Uirule>();
            var           filename = "OptionProbeRules.txt";

            Provider.WriteImportLogFormat(log, filename);
                List <List <String> > file = Provider.CreateFile(Paths.importFilePath + "\\" + filename);
                var Options = file.Skip(1).GroupBy(r => r[0]);                  // first line contains column names

                foreach (var OptionGroup in Options)
                    var OptionId        = _buffer.p_option.Single(o => o.Name == OptionGroup.Key).Id;
                    var AvailableProbes = OptionGroup.ToList().Join(_buffer.p_probes, r => r[1], p => p.SaleName, (r, p) => p).ToList();
                    var ForbiddenProbes = _buffer.p_probes.Except(AvailableProbes).ToList();

                    // allow for all listed probes
                    foreach (var AvailableProbe in AvailableProbes)
                        result.Add(new Uirule()
                            Allow      = AllowModes.Def,
                            OptionId   = OptionId,
                            ProbeId    = AvailableProbe.Id,
                            RuleOrigin = ruleOrigins.InputOptionProbeRule

                    // forbid the missing probes
                    foreach (var forbiddenProbe in ForbiddenProbes)
                        result.Add(new Uirule()
                            Allow      = AllowModes.No,
                            OptionId   = OptionId,
                            ProbeId    = forbiddenProbe.Id,
                            RuleOrigin = ruleOrigins.InputOptionProbeRule
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ParsingException(filename, ex);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// converts the UIRule to the list of corresponding normalized rules
        public List <NormalRule> ToNormalRule(DBBuffer _buffer)
            List <NormalRule> nrules = new List <NormalRule>();

            var functionList = new List <Func <NormalRule, List <NormalRule> > >
                nr => { return(cloneFromPhysModel(nr, _buffer)); },
                nr => { return(cloneFromCertifier(nr, _buffer)); },
                nr => { return(cloneFromParentApplication(nr, _buffer)); },
                nr => { return(cloneFromParentOption(nr, _buffer)); }

            nrules = ToNormalRule(functionList, nrules);
        public static List <LicenseRelationException> Import(DBBuffer buffer, Paths Paths, string log)
            var fileName = "LicenseRelationExceptions.txt";

            Provider.WriteImportLogFormat(log, fileName);
            var file   = Provider.CreateFile(Paths.importFilePath + "\\" + fileName);
            var result = new List <LicenseRelationException>();

                foreach (List <string> riga in file.Skip(1))                  // first line contains column names
                    var l_LicenseRelation = LicenseRelation.ReadLicenseRelation(buffer, riga);
                    var currentLr         = buffer.p_LicenseRelation.Single(lr => lr.ParentFeatureId == l_LicenseRelation.ParentFeatureId &&
                                                                            lr.FeatureId == l_LicenseRelation.FeatureId &&
                                                                            lr.ParentType == l_LicenseRelation.ParentType &&
                                                                            lr.HiderType == l_LicenseRelation.HiderType);
                    if (currentLr != null)
                        var lmodel = buffer.p_logicalModels.Single(lm => lm.Name == riga[4].Trim());
                        if (lmodel != null)
                            result.Add(new LicenseRelationException
                                LicenseRelationId = currentLr.Id,
                                LogicalModelId    = buffer.p_logicalModels.Single(lm => lm.Name == riga[4].Trim()).Id
                            throw new Exception(Provider.WriteErrorLogFormat("Model " + riga[4] + " was not recognized."));
                        throw new Exception(Provider.WriteErrorLogFormat("License Relation " + riga[0] + " - " + riga[1] + " - " + riga[2] + " - " + riga[3] + " does not exist"));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ParsingException(fileName, ex);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public static LicenseRelation ReadLicenseRelation(DBBuffer buffer, List <string> riga)
            var ParentFeature = buffer.p_features.SingleOrDefault(fl => fl.Name == riga[0].Trim());
            var Feature       = buffer.p_features.SingleOrDefault(fl => fl.Name == riga[1].Trim());

            if (ParentFeature != null && Feature != null && ParentFeature.LicenseId != null && Feature.LicenseId != null)
                return(new LicenseRelation
                    FeatureId = Feature.Id,
                    ParentFeatureId = ParentFeature.Id,
                    ParentType = dictParenTypes[riga[2].Trim()],
                    HiderType = dictHiderTypes[riga[3].Trim()]
                throw new Exception(Provider.WriteErrorLogFormat("Check License Relation " + riga[0] + " - " + riga[1] + ": all features should be under license."));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static List <LicenseRelation> Import(DBBuffer buffer, Paths Paths, string log)
            var fileName = "LicenseRelations.txt";

            Provider.WriteImportLogFormat(log, fileName);
            List <List <String> >  file   = Provider.CreateFile(Paths.importFilePath + "\\" + fileName);
            List <LicenseRelation> result = new List <LicenseRelation>();
            var LicensedFeatures          = buffer.p_features.Join(buffer.p_licenses, f => f.LicenseId, l => l.Id, (f, l) => f).ToList();

                foreach (List <string> riga in file.Skip(1))                  // first line contains column names
                    result.Add(ReadLicenseRelation(buffer, riga));
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ParsingException(fileName, ex);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public static List <CountryLicense> Import(DBBuffer _buffer, Paths Paths, string log)
            var fileName = "CountryLicenses.txt";

            Provider.WriteImportLogFormat(log, fileName);
            List <List <String> > file = Provider.CreateFile(Paths.importFilePath + "\\" + fileName);
            var result = new List <CountryLicense>();

                // first line contains column names
                foreach (List <string> riga in file.Skip(1))
                    var country       = _buffer.p_countries.Single(c => c.Code == riga[0].Trim());
                    int?distributorId = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[1].Trim()))
                        var distributor = _buffer.p_Distributors.Single(d => d.Code == riga[1].Trim());
                        distributorId = distributor.Id;
                        if (!_buffer.p_Country_Distributors.Any(cd => cd.CountryId == country.Id && cd.DistributorId == distributor.Id))
                            throw new Exception("Countruy_Distributor table does not contain associatio between " + country.Name + " and " + distributor.Name);
                    result.Add(new CountryLicense
                        CountryId     = country.Id,
                        DistributorId = distributorId,
                        LicenseId     = _buffer.p_licenses.Single(l => l.Name == riga[2].Trim()).Id
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ParsingException(fileName, ex);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        /// Clone Normalized Rules for each logical model included in the physical model
        private List <NormalRule> cloneFromPhysModel(NormalRule nr, DBBuffer _buffer)
            if (this.PhysicalModelId.HasValue)
                var logicalModelsId = _buffer.p_logicalModels.Where(lm => lm.PhModId == this.PhysicalModelId).Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
                if (logicalModelsId.Count > 0)
                    List <NormalRule> cloni = new List <NormalRule>();
                    foreach (var lmodel in logicalModelsId)
                        NormalRule tmpRule = new NormalRule(nr);
                        tmpRule.LogicalModelId = lmodel;

            // if nothing was to be done, return the input rule itself
            return(new List <NormalRule> {
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// Clone Normalized Rules for each country associated with the certifier
        private List <NormalRule> cloneFromCertifier(NormalRule nr, DBBuffer _buffer)
            if (this.CertifierId.HasValue)
                var CountriesId = _buffer.p_countries.Where(c => c.CertifierId == this.CertifierId).Select(x => x.Id).ToList();
                if (CountriesId.Count > 0)
                    List <NormalRule> cloni = new List <NormalRule>();
                    foreach (var country in CountriesId)
                        NormalRule tmpRule = new NormalRule(nr);
                        tmpRule.CountryId = country;

            // if nothing was to be done, retunr the input rule itself
            return(new List <NormalRule> {
Ejemplo n.º 17
        // Gibiino [RTC 12169]
        private static void IsOkToAddRule(Uirule uirule, DBBuffer buffer)
            // Make sure the AlwaysPresent features are not blocked by the version
            FeatureRegister.FeatureType FeatureType;
            var feature = uirule.GetFeature(buffer, out FeatureType);

            if (feature.AlwaysPresent == true)
                var tmpNormalRules = uirule.ToNormalRule(buffer);

                var dummyRule = new NormalRule();
                dummyRule.SetFieldFromType(FeatureType, uirule);
                dummyRule.Version = 0;

                // Checks if the only specified fields are feature and version
                foreach (var trule in tmpNormalRules)
                    if (ComparableFields.isContained(dummyRule, trule))
                        throw new Exception(buffer.p_features.Single(o => o.Id == feature.Id).Name + " feature cannot be blocked unti version " + uirule.Version);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        private static List <Uirule> finalizeImport(List <ProbePreset> resultProbeApp, FeaturesContext _db, DBBuffer _buffer)
            // ANTO DB

            // for the changes in the probe table

            // insert probe_applications and create UIRules for them
            //			_db.BulkInsert(resultProbeApp);
            //			_db.ProbePreset.AddRange(resultProbeApp);

            var result = _db.createProbeAppRules(resultProbeApp, _buffer);

            _buffer.p_probe_Apps = resultProbeApp.Join(_buffer.p_applications, x => x.ApplicationId, a => a.Id, (x, a) =>
                                                       new ProbeApp(x.ProbeId, x.SettingsFamilyId, a)).ToList();
Ejemplo n.º 19
        //@PD Added default parameter for program ManualsZipper where Db is not necessary
        public static List <LogicalModel> Import(Dictionary <String, Int32> dictPhysMod, Dictionary <String, Int32> dictLicense,
                                                 DBBuffer buffer, Paths Paths, string log, bool p_Db = true)
            var fileName = "LogicalModel.txt";

            Provider.WriteImportLogFormat(log, fileName);
            List <List <String> > file = new List <List <string> >();

            if (p_Db)
                file = Provider.CreateFile(Paths.importFilePath + "\\" + fileName);
                file = Provider.CreateFile(Paths.RootPath + "\\" + fileName);

            List <LogicalModel> result = new List <LogicalModel>();
            Dictionary <string, SystemEnvironment> dictTipi = new Dictionary <string, SystemEnvironment>
                { "HUMAN", SystemEnvironment.Human },
                { "VET", SystemEnvironment.Veterinary },

            Dictionary <string, PhysicalSubModel> PhysModDice = new Dictionary <string, PhysicalSubModel>
                { "Model_00", PhysicalSubModel.Model_00 },
                { "Model_01", PhysicalSubModel.Model_01 },
                { "Model_02", PhysicalSubModel.Model_02 },
                { "Model_03", PhysicalSubModel.Model_03 },
                { "Model_04", PhysicalSubModel.Model_04 }

                // first line contains column names
                foreach (List <string> riga in file.Skip(1))
                    int?settfamid = null;
                    if (p_Db)
                        var swpk = buffer.p_swPacks.SingleOrDefault(sw => sw.Name == riga[10].Trim());
                        if (swpk != null)
                            settfamid = buffer.p_settingsFamilies.Single(sf => sf.Name == riga[3].Trim() && sf.SwpackId == swpk.Id).Id;

                    result.Add(new LogicalModel
                        Name               = riga[0].Trim(),
                        ModelFamily        = riga[1].Trim(),
                        PhModId            = Provider.GetValueOrDefault_Stuct(dictPhysMod, riga[2].Trim()),
                        SettingsFamilyId   = settfamid,
                        SubPhysModel       = PhysModDice[riga[4].Trim()],                                // ANTO CAST
                        Type               = Provider.GetValueOrDefault_Stuct(dictTipi, riga[5].Trim()), // ANTO CAST
                        IsDefault          = Convert.ToBoolean(riga[6].Trim().ToLowerInvariant()),
                        LicenseId          = Provider.GetValueOrDefault_Stuct(dictLicense, riga[7].Trim()),
                        StyleName          = riga[8].Trim(),
                        ContexVisionModule = Provider.FromStringToEnum <CVModule>(riga[9].Trim(), CVModule.DSPModule),                        // ANTO CAST
                        ModelID            = riga[7].Trim(),
                        SwPack             = riga[10].Trim()

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ParsingException(fileName, ex);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        // reads probe preset name and location for the current application
        private static List <ProbePreset> createProbeApps(ProbeBind probeBind, probeInfo currentProbeInfo, DBBuffer _buffer)
            List <ProbePreset> resultProbeApp = new List <ProbePreset>();

            foreach (var app in currentProbeInfo.appNodes)
                Application application  = _buffer.p_applications.SingleOrDefault(a => a.ProbeDescrName == app.Element("eApplication").Value.ToString());
                ProbePreset baseProbeApp = new ProbePreset()
                    ProbeId          = probeBind.probe.Id,
                    ApplicationId    = application.Id,
                    SettingsFamilyId = currentProbeInfo.settingsFam.Id

                resultProbeApp.AddRange(createPresetProbeApps(baseProbeApp, app));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public static List <PartNumbersAssociations> Import(Paths Paths, DBBuffer buffer, string log)
            var result   = new List <PartNumbersAssociations>();
            var fileName = "PartNumbers.txt";

            Provider.WriteImportLogFormat(log, fileName);
            List <string> currentrow = null;

                List <List <String> > file = Provider.CreateFile(Paths.importFilePath + "\\" + fileName);
                foreach (List <string> riga in file.Skip(1))
                    currentrow = riga;
                    var LogModIndexex = new List <int?>();
                    int?FeatureId     = null;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[1]))
                        FeatureId = buffer.p_features.Single(f => f.NameInCode == riga[1].Trim()).Id;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[3]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[4].Trim()))
                        throw new Exception(riga[3] + " and " + riga[4] + " cannot be specified in the same line, pick only one.");
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[3]))
                            LogModIndexex.Add(buffer.p_logicalModels.Single(l => l.Name == riga[3].Trim()).Id);
                        else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[4]))
                            var pmid = buffer.p_physicalModels.Single(m => m.Description == riga[4].Trim()).Id;
                            LogModIndexex = buffer.p_logicalModels.Where(l => l.PhModId == pmid).Select(l => (int? )l.Id).ToList();

                    foreach (var modelindex in LogModIndexex)
                        result.Add(new PartNumbersAssociations
                            PartNumber       = riga[0].Trim(),
                            FeatureId        = FeatureId,
                            FeatureBosname   = riga[2].Trim(),
                            LogicalModelId   = modelindex,
                            ToExport         = Convert.ToBoolean(riga[5].Trim().ToLowerInvariant()),
                            ModeTypeToExport = riga[6].Trim() == "" ? null : riga[6].Trim()

                var DuplicateAssociations = result.GroupBy(r => new
                    pn   = r.PartNumber,
                    fid  = r.FeatureId,
                    lmid = r.LogicalModelId,
                    toe  = r.ToExport
                }).Where(y => y.Count() > 1).ToList();
                if (DuplicateAssociations.Count > 1)
                    throw new ApplicationException("Found duplicates in PartNumbers: \r\n" +
                                                   DuplicateAssociations.Select(x => x.Key.pn
                                                                                + " " + buffer.p_features.Single(f => f.Id == x.Key.fid).Name
                                                                                + " " + buffer.p_logicalModels.Single(l => l.Id == x.Key.lmid).Name)
                                                   .Aggregate((i, j) => i + "; \r\n" + j));

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ParsingException(fileName, ex, currentrow);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public static List <Uirule> ImportRegulatoryRules(DBBuffer _buffer, Paths Paths, string log)
            var result   = new List <Uirule>();
            var fileName = "RegulatoryExceptionsMatrix.txt";

            Provider.WriteImportLogFormat(log, fileName);
                var file = Provider.CreateFile(Paths.importFilePath + "\\" + fileName);
                // first line contains column names
                foreach (List <string> riga in file.Skip(2))
                    var tmpRule = new Uirule();
                    tmpRule.Allow      = AllowModes.No;
                    tmpRule.RuleOrigin = ruleOrigins.Regulatory;

                    // parse rule only for recognized model (avoid MRI models)
                    var stringmodel = riga[1].Trim();
                    var model       = _buffer.p_logicalModels.SingleOrDefault(l => l.Name == stringmodel);
                    if (model != null)
                        tmpRule.LogicalModelId = model.Id;

                    var countrycode = riga[0].Trim();
                    var country     = _buffer.p_countries.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Code == countrycode);
                    if (country != null)
                        tmpRule.CountryId = country.Id;

                    var stringfeature = riga[3].Trim();
                    var feature       = _buffer.p_features.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Name == stringfeature);
                    if (feature != null)
                        var application = _buffer.p_applications.SingleOrDefault(x => x.FeatureId == feature.Id);
                        var option      = _buffer.p_option.SingleOrDefault(x => x.FeatureId == feature.Id);
                        var kit         = _buffer.p_biospyKits.SingleOrDefault(x => x.FeatureId == feature.Id);
                        if (application != null)
                            tmpRule.ApplicationId = application.Id;
                        if (option != null)
                            tmpRule.OptionId = option.Id;
                        if (kit != null)
                            tmpRule.KitId = kit.Id;

                    var probename = riga[4].Trim();
                    var probe     = _buffer.p_probes.SingleOrDefault(p => p.SaleName == probename);
                    if (probe != null)
                        tmpRule.ProbeId = probe.Id;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ParsingException(fileName, ex);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        // this file is tipically used to block some features in countries where a patent is protecting them
        public static List <Uirule> ImportRDBlockingRules(DBBuffer _buffer, Paths Paths, string log)
            var result   = new List <Uirule>();
            var fileName = "BLOCKED_FEATURES-COUNTRIES_RD.txt";

            Provider.WriteImportLogFormat(log, fileName);
            List <string> CurrentRow = null;

                var file = Provider.CreateFile(Paths.importFilePath + "\\" + fileName);
                // first line contains column names
                foreach (List <string> riga in file.Skip(1))
                    CurrentRow = riga;
                    var tmpRule = new Uirule();
                    tmpRule.Allow      = AllowModes.No;
                    tmpRule.RuleOrigin = ruleOrigins.RDCountryBlock;

                    FillRuleFromFile(tmpRule, 0, riga, _buffer);

                    var l_Country          = riga[6];
                    var l_Distributor      = riga[7];
                    var l_Certifier        = riga[8];
                    var IsCountryPresent   = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[6]);
                    var IsCertifierPresent = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[8]);
                    var IsUserPresent      = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[9]);

                    if (IsCountryPresent && IsCertifierPresent)
                        throw new Exception("Cannot specify both cerifier and country: " + l_Country + ", " + l_Certifier);

                    if (IsCountryPresent)
                        tmpRule.CountryId = _buffer.p_countries.Single(c => c.Code == l_Country).Id;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(l_Distributor))
                        tmpRule.DistributorId = _buffer.p_Distributors.Single(c => c.Code == l_Distributor).Id;

                    if (IsCertifierPresent)
                        tmpRule.CertifierId = _buffer.p_certifiers.Single(c => c.Code == l_Certifier).Id;

                    if (IsUserPresent)
                        tmpRule.UserLevel = Provider.FromStringToEnum <UserLevel>(riga[9], Xml2DbMapper.Core.Porting.Contract.Enums.UserLevel.Unknown);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ParsingException(fileName, ex, CurrentRow);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        //private static List<UIRule> GetRegulatoryRules(List<UIRule> BaseRules, string RegulatoryFeatureName, DBBuffer _buffer)
        //  var result = new List<UIRule>();
        //  var ChildFeatureIDs = _buffer.p_RegualtoryFeatures.Where(rf => rf.Name == RegulatoryFeatureName).Select(x => x.FeatureId).ToList();
        //  foreach (var BaseRule in BaseRules)
        //  {
        //      foreach (var ChildFeatureID in ChildFeatureIDs)
        //      {
        //          var tmpRule = new UIRule(BaseRule);
        //          _buffer.SetRuleFeatureField(tmpRule, ChildFeatureID);
        //          result.Add(tmpRule);
        //      }
        //  }
        //  return result;

        private static void FillRuleFromFile(Uirule tmpRule, int StartingIndex, List <string> riga, DBBuffer _buffer)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[StartingIndex]))
                tmpRule.OptionId = _buffer.p_option.Single(p => p.Name == riga[StartingIndex]).Id;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[StartingIndex + 1]))
                tmpRule.ApplicationId = _buffer.p_applications.Single(p => p.Name == riga[StartingIndex + 1]).Id;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[StartingIndex + 2]))
                tmpRule.ProbeId = _buffer.p_probes.Single(p => p.SaleName == riga[StartingIndex + 2]).Id;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[StartingIndex + 3]))
                tmpRule.KitId = _buffer.p_biospyKits.Single(p => p.Name == riga[StartingIndex + 3]).Id;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[StartingIndex + 4]))
                tmpRule.LogicalModelId = _buffer.p_logicalModels.Single(p => p.Name == riga[StartingIndex + 4]).Id;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(riga[StartingIndex + 5]))
                tmpRule.PhysicalModelId = _buffer.p_physicalModels.Single(p => p.Description == riga[StartingIndex + 5]).Id;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 private static void SetCertifier(List <Country> countries, string CertifierCode, string CertifierAssociatonFileName, DBBuffer _buffer, string LogXml2DB)
     Provider.WriteImportLogFormat(LogXml2DB, "Certifier countries for " + CertifierCode);
         List <List <String> > CEFile = Provider.CreateFile(CertifierAssociatonFileName);
         var CECertifierID            = _buffer.p_certifiers.Single(ce => ce.Code == CertifierCode).Id;
         foreach (List <string> CErow in CEFile)
             countries.Single(c => c.Code == CErow[0].Trim() && c.Name == CErow[1].Trim()).CertifierId = CECertifierID;
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new ParsingException("countries for certifier code " + CertifierCode, ex);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public static List <FeatureRelation> Import(Dictionary <String, int> dictFeat, Paths Paths, string log, DBBuffer buffer)
            var fileName = "FeatureRelations.txt";

            Provider.WriteImportLogFormat(log, fileName);
            List <List <String> > file = Provider.CreateFile(Paths.importFilePath + "\\" + fileName);
            var result = new List <FeatureRelation>();

                // first line contains column names
                foreach (List <string> riga in file.Skip(1))
                    var parentfeatureid = dictFeat[riga[0].Trim()];
                    var parentfeature   = buffer.p_features.Single(f => f.Id == parentfeatureid);
                    if (parentfeature.LicenseId == null)
                        throw new ApplicationException(parentfeature.Name + " is not associated with any license.");
                    result.Add(new FeatureRelation
                        FeatureId       = dictFeat[riga[1].Trim()],
                        ParentFeatureId = parentfeatureid
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new ParsingException(fileName, ex);