Ejemplo n.º 1
        public Task <IList <Column> > GetTableDetails(Table table, string owner)
            IList <Column> columns = new List <Column>();

            using (var sqlCon = new DB2Connection(_connectionStr))

                    using (DB2Command tableDetailsCommand = sqlCon.CreateCommand())
                        tableDetailsCommand.CommandText = $@"
select c.colno, c.colname, c.coltype
     , cast(case when c.collength >= 256 then null else c.collength end as int) collength
     , cast(case when c.collength >= 256 then c.collength / 256 else null end as int) colprecision 
     , cast(case when c.collength >= 256 then c.collength - (cast(c.collength / 256 as int) * 256) else null end as int) colscale 
--     , cast(case when c.collength >= 256 then c.collength / 256 else c.collength end as int) collength
--     , cast(case when c.collength >= 256 then c.collength / 256 else c.collength end as int) colprecision 
--     , cast(case when c.collength >= 256 then c.collength - (cast(c.collength / 256 as int) * 256) else 0 end as int) colscale 
     , case when pkidx.idxtype is not null then 'P' else '-' end ispk
     , nvl(nl.constrtype, '-') isnullable
     , (select nvl(min(uidx.idxtype), '-') uniq
         from sysindexes uidx
        where uidx.tabid = c.tabid and uidx.idxtype = 'U'
          and c.colno in (uidx.part1, uidx.part2, uidx.part3, uidx.part4, uidx.part5, uidx.part6, uidx.part7, uidx.part8,
                          uidx.part9, uidx.part10, uidx.part11, uidx.part12, uidx.part13, uidx.part14, uidx.part15, uidx.part16)
        ) isunique
     , case when c.coltype in (6, 18, 262, 274) then 'I' else '-' end isidentity
from syscolumns c
  inner join systables t on c.tabid = t.tabid
  left outer join syscoldepend d on d.tabid = c.tabid and d.colno = c.colno
  left outer join sysconstraints nl on nl.constrid = d.constrid and nl.constrtype = 'N'
  left outer join sysconstraints pk on pk.tabid = c.tabid and pk.constrtype = 'P'
  left outer join sysindexes pkidx on pkidx.tabid = c.tabid and pkidx.idxname = pk.idxname
                                  and c.colno in (pkidx.part1, pkidx.part2, pkidx.part3, pkidx.part4, pkidx.part5, pkidx.part6, pkidx.part7, pkidx.part8,
                                                  pkidx.part9, pkidx.part10, pkidx.part11, pkidx.part12, pkidx.part13, pkidx.part14, pkidx.part15, pkidx.part16)
where t.owner = '{owner}'
  and t.tabname = '{table.Name}'
                        using (DB2DataReader reader = tableDetailsCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default))
                            var m = new DataTypeMapper();

                            while (reader.Read())
                                string dataType      = GetColumnType(reader.Get <short>("coltype"));
                                int?   dataLength    = reader.Get <int?>("collength");
                                int?   dataPrecision = reader.Get <int?>("colprecision");
                                int?   dataScale     = reader.Get <int?>("colscale");

                                columns.Add(new Column
                                    Name           = reader.GetString("colname"),
                                    DataType       = dataType,
                                    DataLength     = dataLength,
                                    DataPrecision  = dataPrecision,
                                    DataScale      = dataScale,
                                    IsNullable     = reader.GetString("isnullable") != "N",
                                    IsPrimaryKey   = reader.GetString("ispk") == "P",
                                    IsUnique       = reader.GetString("isunique") == "U",
                                    IsIdentity     = reader.GetString("isidentity") == "I",
                                    MappedDataType = m.MapFromDBType(ServerType.Informix, dataType, dataLength, dataPrecision, dataScale),

                    table.Owner   = owner;
                    table.Columns = columns;

            table.PrimaryKey           = DeterminePrimaryKeys(table);
            table.ForeignKeys          = DetermineForeignKeyReferences(table);
            table.HasManyRelationships = DetermineHasManyRelationships(table);
