public ActionResult AddProduct(Models.ProductInfo product)
     DB.DB       mydb = new DB.DB("SQLAdmin", "admin1234");
     DB.IProduct ip   = new DB.Impl_Product(mydb.Connection);
     ip.AddNewProduct(product.Name, product.PTID, product.Price, product.Note, product.Stock, product.State, product.Pic);
        public ActionResult ManageProduct()
            #region 列出商品
            System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            DB.DB       mydb             = new DB.DB();
            DB.IProduct ip = new DB.Impl_Product(mydb.Connection);
            DataTable   tt = ip.GetProducts();
            if (tt != null)
                foreach (DataRow r in tt.Rows)
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td align=\"center\"><a style=\"text-decoration:underline\" href=\"/Admin/Product?pid={0}\">{1}</a></td>", r["proID"].ToString(), r["proID"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td align=\"center\">{0}</td>", r["proName"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td align=\"center\">{0}</td>", r["PTID"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td align=\"center\">{0}</td>", r["proPrice"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td align=\"center\">{0}</td>", r["proStock"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td align=\"center\">{0}</td>", r["proState"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td align=\"center\">{0}</td>", r["proPic"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", r["proNote"].ToString()));
            ViewData["products"] = sb.ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult AdminValidLoginProcess(Models.LoginInfo li)
            if (li.Phone == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("AdminIndex", new { msg = "請輸入帳號" }));
            if (li.PW == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("AdminIndex", new { msg = "請輸入密碼" }));

            DB.DB     mydb = new DB.DB();
            DB.IAdmin ia   = new DB.Impl_Admin(mydb.Connection);

            if (ia.CheckLogin(li.Phone, li.PW))
                Session.Add("Login", li.Phone);
                Session.Add("LoginType", "a");

                HttpCookie hc = Request.Cookies["ReUrl"];
                if (hc == null)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
                return(RedirectToAction("AdminIndex", new { msg = "登入失敗!帳號或密碼有誤!" }));
        public ActionResult ManageOrder()
            #region 列出訂單
            System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            DB.DB     mydb = new DB.DB();
            DB.IOrder io   = new DB.Impl_Order(mydb.Connection);
            DataTable tt   = io.GetOrderInfo();
            if (tt != null)
                foreach (DataRow r in tt.Rows)
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td align=\"center\">{0}</td>", r["orderID"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td align=\"center\">{0}</td>", r["custID"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td align=\"center\">{0}</td>", r["rcptName"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td align=\"center\">{0}</td>", r["rcptPhone"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", r["rcptAddr"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", r["DTName"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", r["Shipping"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", r["orderState"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", r["orderNote"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", r["orderTime"].ToString()));
            ViewData["orderList"] = sb.ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 5
        public ActionResult ValidLoginProcess(Models.LoginInfo li)
            if (li.Phone == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { msg = "請輸入手機號碼" }));
            if (li.PW == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { msg = "請輸入密碼" }));

            DB.DB        mydb = new DB.DB();
            DB.ICustomer ic   = new DB.Impl_Customer(mydb.Connection);

            if (ic.CheckLogin(li.Phone, li.PW))
                Session.Add("Login", li.Phone);
                Session.Add("LoginType", "c");

                // 取出User原先瀏覽的網頁
                HttpCookie hc = Request.Cookies["ReUrl"];
                if (hc == null)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { msg = "登入失敗!手機號碼或密碼有誤!" }));
        public ActionResult OrderDetail(int?oid)
            if (oid == null)

            #region 列出訂單明細
            System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            DB.DB     mydb       = new DB.DB();
            DB.IOrder io         = new DB.Impl_Order(mydb.Connection);
            DataTable tt         = io.GetOrderDetail(oid.Value);
            int       totalPrice = 0;
            if (tt != null)
                foreach (DataRow r in tt.Rows)
                    totalPrice += (int)r["proPrice"] * (int)r["quantity"];
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", r["proName"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", r["proPrice"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", r["quantity"].ToString()));
            ViewData["orderID"]         = oid.ToString();
            ViewData["totalPrice"]      = totalPrice.ToString();
            ViewData["orderDetailList"] = sb.ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public string CheckPhone(string phone)
            if (phone.Length != 10 || phone.Substring(0, 2) != "09")
            for (int i = 2; i < 10; i++)
                if (phone[i] > '9' || phone[i] < '0')

            DB.DB        mydb = new DB.DB();
            DB.ICustomer ic   = new DB.Impl_Customer(mydb.Connection);

            bool ans = ic.CheckPhoneDuplicate(phone);

            if (ans)
 public ActionResult ChageOrderState(Models.Order order)
     DB.DB     mydb = new DB.DB("SQLAdmin", "admin1234");
     DB.IOrder io   = new DB.Impl_Order(mydb.Connection);
     io.UpdateOrder(order.orderID, order.orderState);
        // GET: Customer
        public ActionResult Index()
            #region 列出訂單
            System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            DB.DB     mydb = new DB.DB();
            DB.IOrder io   = new DB.Impl_Order(mydb.Connection);
            DataTable tt   = io.GetOrderInfoByCustPhone(Session["Login"].ToString());
            if (tt != null)
                foreach (DataRow r in tt.Rows)
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td align=\"center\"><a style=\"text-decoration:underline\" href=\"/Customer/OrderDetail?oid={0}\">{1}</a></td>", r["orderID"].ToString(), r["orderID"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td align=\"center\">{0}</td>", r["rcptName"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td align=\"center\">{0}</td>", r["rcptPhone"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", r["rcptAddr"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", r["DTName"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", r["Shipping"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", r["orderState"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", r["orderNote"].ToString()));
                    sb.Append(string.Format("<td>{0}</td>", r["orderTime"].ToString()));
            ViewData["orderList"] = sb.ToString();

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public ActionResult Product(int?pid)
            if (pid == null)
                pid = 1;

            DB.DB       mydb = new DB.DB();
            DB.IProduct ip   = new DB.Impl_Product(mydb.Connection);
            Dictionary <string, object> dp = ip.GetSingleProduct(pid.Value);

            if (dp == null || (int)dp["proState"] == 0)

            Models.ProductInfo pi = new Models.ProductInfo();
            pi.ID     = (int)dp["proID"];
            pi.Name   = dp["proName"].ToString();
            pi.PTName = dp["PTName"].ToString();
            pi.Note   = dp["proNote"].ToString();
            pi.Price  = Convert.ToInt32(dp["proPrice"]);
            pi.Stock  = Convert.ToInt32(dp["proStock"]);
            pi.Pic    = dp["proPic"].ToString();

            ViewData["proTypes"] = Session["proTypes"];

Ejemplo n.º 11
        public ActionResult AddNewMember(Models.MemberInfo mi)
            DB.DB        mydb = new DB.DB("SQLAdmin", "admin1234");
            DB.ICustomer ic   = new DB.Impl_Customer(mydb.Connection);

            ic.AddNewMember(mi.Phone, mi.PW, mi.Name, mi.Email);

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Login", new { msg = "成功加入會員,請登入!" }));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Create parameter list for the results on a cycle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mkey">The multiplicity parameters used to select the specific results. There can be more than one such results set per cycle.</param>
        public void GenParamList(Multiplicity mkey)
            GenParamList(); // ^ does the basic INCC5 and new LM cycle stuff

            // now add the mkey stuff
            Table = "cycles";
            MultiplicityCountingRes pmcr   = null;
            QCTestStatus            status = QCTestStatus.None;

            if (CountingAnalysisResults.HasMultiplicity)
                    pmcr   = (MultiplicityCountingRes)CountingAnalysisResults[mkey];
                    status = qcstatus[mkey].status;
                catch (Exception) // mkey not found happens when a param is changed on a VSR that is not reflected back to the default [0] SR
                    logger?.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Warning, 7832, "Cycle status not set in DB, mkey mismatch: " + mkey.ToString());
            if (pmcr == null)
                pmcr = new MultiplicityCountingRes();  // null results
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("scaler1", pmcr.Scaler1.v));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("scaler2", pmcr.Scaler2.v));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("reals_plus_acc", pmcr.RASum));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("acc", pmcr.ASum));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("mult_reals_plus_acc", pmcr.RAMult));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("mult_acc", pmcr.NormedAMult));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("scaler1_rate", pmcr.Scaler1Rate.v));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("scaler2_rate", pmcr.Scaler2Rate.v));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("doubles_rate", pmcr.RawDoublesRate.v));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("triples_rate", pmcr.RawTriplesRate.v));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("multiplicity_mult", pmcr.multiplication));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("multiplicity_alpha", pmcr.multiAlpha));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("multiplicity_efficiency", pmcr.efficiency));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("mass", pmcr.mass));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("status", (int)status));
            {                   // la super hack-a-whack
                DB.DB db = new DB.DB(true);
                if (db.TableHasColumn(Table, "mult_acc_un"))
                    ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("mult_acc_un", pmcr.UnAMult));
        public ActionResult UpdatePW(Models.MemberInfo Mi)
            if (!CheckLI(Session["Login"].ToString(), Mi.oldPW))
                return(RedirectToAction("ChangePW", new { msg = "無效的舊密碼!" }));
            else if (Mi.oldPW == Mi.PW)
                return(RedirectToAction("ChangePW", new { msg = "新舊密碼不能相同!" }));

            DB.DB        mydb = new DB.DB("SQLAdmin", "admin1234");
            DB.ICustomer ic   = new DB.Impl_Customer(mydb.Connection);
            ic.ChangePassword(Session["Login"].ToString(), Mi.PW);
            return(RedirectToAction("ChangePW", new { msg = "密碼變更成功!" }));
        public ActionResult AddToCart(int?pid)
            if (pid == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            HashSet <Models.CartItem> myCart = null;

            if (Session["Cart"] == null)
                myCart = new HashSet <Models.CartItem>();
                myCart = Session["Cart"] as HashSet <Models.CartItem>;

            Models.CartItem ci = new Models.CartItem();
            ci.ID = pid.Value;

            if (myCart.Contains(ci))

            DB.DB       mydb = new DB.DB();
            DB.IProduct ip   = new DB.Impl_Product(mydb.Connection);
            Dictionary <string, object> pp = ip.GetSingleProduct(pid.Value);

            if (pp == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            ci.ID       = Convert.ToInt32(pp["proID"]);
            ci.Name     = pp["proName"].ToString();
            ci.Stock    = Convert.ToInt32(pp["proStock"]);
            ci.Quantity = 1;
            ci.Price    = Convert.ToInt32(pp["proPrice"]);
            Session["Cart"] = myCart;
        public ActionResult PlaceOrder(Models.Order order)
            if (Session["Cart"] == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));

            DB.DB        mydb = new DB.DB();
            DB.ICustomer ic   = new DB.Impl_Customer(mydb.Connection);
            order.custID = ic.GetCustIDByPhone(Session["Login"].ToString());

            DB.DB     mydb2 = new DB.DB("SQLAdmin", "admin1234");
            DB.IOrder io    = new DB.Impl_Order(mydb2.Connection);
            order.orderID = io.AddNewOrder(order.custID, order.rcptName, order.rcptPhone, order.rcptAddr, order.DTID, order.Shipping, order.orderNote);

            HashSet <Models.CartItem> myCart =
                Session["Cart"] as HashSet <Models.CartItem>;

            List <Dictionary <string, object> > items = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();

            foreach (Models.CartItem ii in myCart)
                Dictionary <string, object> temp = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                temp["proID"]    = ii.ID;
                temp["Quantity"] = ii.Quantity;

            DB.DB     mydb3  = new DB.DB("SQLAdmin", "admin1234");
            DB.IOrder io2    = new DB.Impl_Order(mydb3.Connection);
            bool      finish = io2.AddCartItems(order.orderID, items);

            if (finish)
                return(RedirectToAction("FinishOrder", new { msg = "已完成訂單!請至個人中心查看!" }));
                return(RedirectToAction("FinishOrder", new { msg = "訂單失敗!請重新下訂貨聯絡客服!" }));
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public ActionResult ProductType(int?type, int?page)
            if (page == null)
                page = 1;
            if (type == null)
                type = 0;

            DB.DB       mydb = new DB.DB("SQLAdmin", "admin1234");
            DB.IProduct ip   = new DB.Impl_Product(mydb.Connection);
            DataTable   tt   = ip.GetProductListByType(type.Value);

            if (tt == null)
                tt = new DataTable();
            int count = tt.Rows.Count;

            int totalPage = 1;

            if (count > 5)
                totalPage = (int)Math.Ceiling(count / 5.0);

            if (page > totalPage)
                return(RedirectToAction("ProductType", new { type }));

            List <Models.ProductInfo> ps = new List <Models.ProductInfo>();

            foreach (DataRow r in tt.Rows)
                int countID = Convert.ToInt32(r["countID"]);
                if (countID <= 5 * (page.Value - 1) || countID > 5 * page.Value)

                Models.ProductInfo pi = new Models.ProductInfo();
                pi.ID     = (int)r["proID"];
                pi.Name   = r["proName"].ToString();
                pi.Note   = r["proNote"].ToString();
                pi.PTName = r["PTName"].ToString();
                pi.Price  = Convert.ToInt32(r["proPrice"]);
                pi.Stock  = Convert.ToInt32(r["proStock"]);
                pi.Pic    = r["proPic"].ToString();

            System.Text.StringBuilder sb2 = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 1; i <= totalPage; i++)
                if (i == page.Value)
                    sb2.Append(string.Format("<a style=\"text-decoration:underline\" href='{0}'>{1}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;", Url.Action("ProductType", new { type, page = i }), i));
            ViewData["PageLink"] = sb2.ToString();
            ViewData["proTypes"] = Session["proTypes"];

Ejemplo n.º 17
        // GET: Home
        public ActionResult Index()
            #region 光顧數量
            string path = Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/VisitCount.txt");
            string text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(path);
            int    nn   = int.Parse(text) + 1;
            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(path, nn.ToString());

            System.Text.StringBuilder sb1 = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 1; i <= 5 - nn.ToString().Length; i++)
                sb1.Append("<img src='/images/number/0.gif' />");
            for (int i = 0; i < nn.ToString().Length; i++)
                sb1.Append(string.Format("<img src='/images/number/{0}.gif' />", nn.ToString().Substring(i, 1)));

            ViewData["VisitNum"] = sb1.ToString();

            #region 列出商品
            DB.DB       mydb = new DB.DB();
            DB.IProduct ip   = new DB.Impl_Product(mydb.Connection);
            DataTable   tt   = ip.GetProductList();

            List <Models.ProductInfo> ps = new List <Models.ProductInfo>();
            if (tt != null)
                foreach (DataRow r in tt.Rows)
                    Models.ProductInfo pi = new Models.ProductInfo();
                    pi.ID     = (int)r["proID"];
                    pi.Name   = r["proName"].ToString();
                    pi.PTName = r["PTName"].ToString();
                    pi.Pic    = r["proPic"].ToString();

            #region 列出分類
            if (Session["proTypes"] == null)
                System.Text.StringBuilder sb2 = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
                DB.DB       mydb2 = new DB.DB();
                DB.IProduct ip2   = new DB.Impl_Product(mydb2.Connection);
                DataTable   tt2   = ip2.GetProductType();
                if (tt2 != null)
                    foreach (DataRow r in tt2.Rows)
                        sb2.Append(string.Format("<tr><td><a style=\"text-align:center\" href=\"/Home/ProductType?type={0}\">", r["PTID"].ToString()));
                        sb2.Append(string.Format("<img src='/images/shop/{0}' />", r["PTPic"].ToString()));
                Session["proTypes"] = sb2.ToString();
            ViewData["proTypes"] = Session["proTypes"];

Ejemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// Create parameter list for the results on a cycle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mkey">The multiplicity parameters used to select the specific results. There can be more than one such results set per cycle.</param>
        public void GenParamList(Multiplicity mkey)
            GenParamList(); // ^ does the basic INCC5 and new LM cycle stuff

            // now add the mkey stuff
            Table = "cycles";
            MultiplicityCountingRes pmcr = null;
            QCTestStatus status = QCTestStatus.None;
            if (CountingAnalysisResults.HasMultiplicity)
                    pmcr = (MultiplicityCountingRes)CountingAnalysisResults[mkey];
                    status = qcstatus[mkey].status;
                catch (Exception) // mkey not found happens when a param is changed on a VSR that is not reflected back to the default [0] SR
                    logger.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Warning, 7832, "Cycle status not set in DB, mkey mismatch: " + mkey.ToString());
            if (pmcr == null)
                pmcr = new MultiplicityCountingRes();  // null results
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("scaler1", pmcr.Scaler1.v));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("scaler2", pmcr.Scaler2.v));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("reals_plus_acc", pmcr.RASum));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("acc", pmcr.ASum));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("mult_reals_plus_acc", pmcr.RAMult));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("mult_acc", pmcr.NormedAMult));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("scaler1_rate", pmcr.Scaler1Rate.v));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("scaler2_rate", pmcr.Scaler2Rate.v));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("doubles_rate", pmcr.RawDoublesRate.v));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("triples_rate", pmcr.RawTriplesRate.v));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("multiplicity_mult", pmcr.multiplication));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("multiplicity_alpha", pmcr.multiAlpha));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("multiplicity_efficiency", pmcr.efficiency));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("mass", pmcr.mass));
            ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("status", (int)status));
            {	// la super hack-a-whack
                DB.DB db = new DB.DB(true);
                if (db.TableHasColumn(Table,"mult_acc_un"))
                    ps.Add(new DBParamEntry("mult_acc_un", pmcr.UnAMult));
 public bool CheckLI(string phone, string pw)
     DB.DB        mydb = new DB.DB();
     DB.ICustomer ic   = new DB.Impl_Customer(mydb.Connection);
     return(ic.CheckLogin(phone, pw));