Ejemplo n.º 1
        private string _sjTextAdd(string ID)
            string SQL = "SELECT [分类ID],[难度配置] FROM [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TK_试卷] where ID=" + ID;

            DAL dal = new DAL();
            string[] x = dal.RunSqlStrings(SQL);
            x[0] = x[0].Substring(1, x[0].Length - 2);
            x[1] = x[1].Substring(1, x[1].Length - 2);

            DataTable dt1 = dal.RunSqlDataTable("SELECT [ID] FROM [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TK_题目] where 难度=1 and 所属分类 IN(" + x[0] + ") ");//简单题组
            DataTable dt2 = dal.RunSqlDataTable("SELECT [ID] FROM [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TK_题目] where 难度=2 and 所属分类 IN(" + x[0] + ") ");//适中题组
            DataTable dt3 = dal.RunSqlDataTable("SELECT [ID] FROM [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TK_题目] where 难度=3 and 所属分类 IN(" + x[0] + ") ");//困难题组

            DataTable[] dt = new DataTable[] { dt1, dt2, dt3 };

            string[] nds = x[1].Split(Convert.ToChar(","));
            int[] nd = new int[3];
            nd[0] = int.Parse(nds[0]);
            nd[1] = int.Parse(nds[1]);
            nd[2] = int.Parse(nds[2]);
            Random ra = new Random(unchecked((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks));
            for (int i = 0; i < nd.Length; i++)
                if (dt[i].Rows.Count > nd[i])//当试题组 题目数量>难度配置 题目数量
                    int xhcs = dt[i].Rows.Count - nd[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < xhcs; j++)//随机删除 多余行数
                        int h = ra.Next(0, dt[i].Rows.Count);
                        if (h >= 0 && h < dt[i].Rows.Count)

            DataTable dtx = null;

                dal.ExeSql("create table #testst  (id int)");//创建临时表

                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Length; i++)
                    foreach (DataRow row in dt[i].Rows)//将 3组 (普通,适中,困难) 题目ID写入临时表
                        SQL = "INSERT INTO #testst (id) VALUES(" + row["ID"].ToString() + ")";


                dtx = dal.ExeSqlDataTable("SELECT [ID]  FROM [CNGTZ].[dbo].[TK_题目] where ID IN (SELECT id FROM #testst) ORDER BY 题类型,NEWID()");//随机排序后 生成DataTable
                dal.ExeSql("DROP TABLE #testst");
            catch (Exception)

            string retext = "";
            if (dtx != null)
                foreach (DataRow row in dtx.Rows)
                    retext += row["id"].ToString() + ",";
                retext = "[" + retext.Substring(0, retext.Length - 1) + "]";

            return retext;