public static string createCycleNO(string location)
            string res     = String.Empty;
            string CycleNo = "INV";
            string puser   = (HttpContext.Current.Session[SysConst.S_LOGIN_USER] as UsersModel).USERNAME;

            string  sql = "select next value for FGA_CycleInventory_seq as CycleID";
            DataSet ds  = new DataSet();

            ds      = FGA_DAL.Base.SQLServerHelper_WMS.Query(sql);
            CycleNo = CycleNo + ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString();

            string insertSql = "insert into [FGA_CycleInventory_H]([CycleNO],[Location],[CycleStatus],[StartBy],[StartDate],[Dr]) " +
                               "values('" + CycleNo + "','" + location + "','In Process','" + puser + "',getdate(),'0')";

            if (FGA_DAL.Base.SQLServerHelper_WMS.ExecuteSql(insertSql) > 0)
                List <CycleInventory_H> luw = new List <CycleInventory_H>();
                CycleInventory_H        ERM = new CycleInventory_H();

                ERM.CycleNO = CycleNo;
                ERM.StartBy = puser;


                JavaScriptSerializer jssl = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                res = jssl.Serialize(luw);

        public static string SearchHead(string cycleno)
            string res = String.Empty;
            string sql = "SELECT [CycleNO],[StartBy],[StartDate],[Location] FROM [WMS_BarCode_V10].[dbo].[FGA_CycleInventory_H] " +
                         "where [CycleNO] ='" + cycleno + "'";

            DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            ds = FGA_DAL.Base.SQLServerHelper_WMS.Query(sql);
            if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                List <CycleInventory_H> luw = new List <CycleInventory_H>();
                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    CycleInventory_H ERM = new CycleInventory_H(row);

                JavaScriptSerializer jssl = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                res = jssl.Serialize(luw);
                res = res.Replace("\\/Date(", "").Replace(")\\/", "");

        public static string SearchData_H(string cycleno, string location, string status, string fdate, string tdate)
            UsersModel model = (UsersModel)HttpContext.Current.Session[SysConst.S_LOGIN_USER];

            string sql = "";
            string res = string.Empty;

                sql = "SELECT fch.[CycleNO],fch.[CycleStatus],fch.[StartBy],fch.[CompleteBy],fch.[StartDate],fch.[CompleteDate],fch.[Location] " +
                      "FROM [WMS_BarCode_V10].[dbo].[FGA_CycleInventory_H] fch WHERE isnull(Dr,0) = 0 and exists (select 1 from [FGA_CycleInventory_Detail] fcd " +
                      "where fch.[CycleNO] = fcd.[CycleNO] and isnull(fcd.Dr,0) = 0) ";

                if (!model.USERNAME.Equals("administrator") && !model.USERNAME.Equals("fy.aricciardi"))
                    sql = sql + " and [StartBy] = '" + model.USERNAME + "'";

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cycleno))
                    sql = sql + " and fch.[CycleNO] like '%" + cycleno.Trim() + "%'";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(status))
                    if (status != "All")
                        sql = sql + " and fch.[CycleStatus] = '" + status.Trim() + "'";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(location))
                    sql = sql + " and fch.[Location] like  '%" + location.Trim() + "%'";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(fdate))
                    sql = sql + " and fch.[StartDate] >= cast('" + fdate + "' as datetime)";
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tdate))
                    sql = sql + " and fch.[StartDate] <= cast('" + tdate + "' as datetime)";

                sql = sql + " order by fch.[CycleNO] desc";

                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                ds = FGA_DAL.Base.SQLServerHelper_WMS.Query(sql);
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    List <CycleInventory_H> luw = new List <CycleInventory_H>();
                    foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        CycleInventory_H ERM = new CycleInventory_H(row);

                    JavaScriptSerializer jssl = new JavaScriptSerializer();
                    res = jssl.Serialize(luw);
                    res = res.Replace("\\/Date(", "").Replace(")\\/", "");
            catch (Exception e)