Ejemplo n.º 1
     sampler = CustomSampler.Create("RadiationUpdate");
Ejemplo n.º 2
    void GenerateGaussianMips(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera hdCam)
        RTHandle   source;
        Vector2Int size = new Vector2Int(hdCam.actualWidth, hdCam.actualHeight);

        if (targetColorBuffer == TargetBuffer.Camera)
            GetCameraBuffers(out source, out _);
            GetCustomBuffers(out source, out _);

        int dstMipWidth  = Mathf.Max(1, size.x >> 1);
        int dstMipHeight = Mathf.Max(1, size.y >> 1);

        // Scale for downsample
        float scaleX = ((float)size.x / source.rt.width);
        float scaleY = ((float)size.y / source.rt.height);

        if (useMask)
            // Save the non blurred color into a copy:
            cmd.CopyTexture(source, colorCopy);

        // Downsample.
        using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Downsample", CustomSampler.Create("Downsample")))
            var downsampleProperties = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
            downsampleProperties.SetTexture(ShaderID._BlitTexture, source);
            downsampleProperties.SetVector(ShaderID._BlitScaleBias, new Vector4(scaleX, scaleY, 0f, 0f));
            downsampleProperties.SetFloat(ShaderID._BlitMipLevel, 0);
            CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, downSampleBuffer, ClearFlag.None);
            cmd.SetViewport(new Rect(0, 0, dstMipWidth, dstMipHeight));
            cmd.DrawProcedural(Matrix4x4.identity, HDUtils.GetBlitMaterial(source.rt.dimension), 1, MeshTopology.Triangles, 3, 1, downsampleProperties);

        // Horizontal Blur
        using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "H Blur", CustomSampler.Create("H Blur")))
            var hBlurProperties = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
            CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, blurBuffer, ClearFlag.None);
            hBlurProperties.SetFloat(ShaderID._Radius, radius / 4.0f);      // The blur is 4 pixel wide in the shader
            hBlurProperties.SetTexture(ShaderID._Source, downSampleBuffer); // The blur is 4 pixel wide in the shader
            hBlurProperties.SetFloat(ShaderID._UVScale, 2);
            cmd.SetViewport(new Rect(0, 0, dstMipWidth, dstMipHeight));
            CoreUtils.DrawFullScreen(cmd, blurMaterial, shaderPassId: 0, properties: hBlurProperties); // Do not forget the shaderPassId: ! or it won't work

        // Copy back the result in the color buffer while doing a vertical blur
        using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "V Blur + Copy back", CustomSampler.Create("V Blur + Copy back")))
            var vBlurProperties = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
            // When we use a mask, we do the vertical blur into the downsampling buffer instead of the camera buffer
            // We need that because we're going to write to the color buffer and read from this blured buffer which we can't do
            // if they are in the same buffer
            CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, (useMask) ? downSampleBuffer : source, ClearFlag.None);
            vBlurProperties.SetFloat(ShaderID._Radius, radius / 4.0f); // The blur is 4 pixel wide in the shader
            vBlurProperties.SetTexture(ShaderID._Source, blurBuffer);
            vBlurProperties.SetFloat(ShaderID._UVScale, (useMask) ? 2 : 1);
            CoreUtils.DrawFullScreen(cmd, blurMaterial, shaderPassId: 1, properties: vBlurProperties);

        if (useMask)
            using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Compose Mask Blur", CustomSampler.Create("Compose Mask Blur")))
                var compositingProperties = new MaterialPropertyBlock();

                CoreUtils.SetRenderTarget(cmd, source, ClearFlag.None);
                compositingProperties.SetFloat(ShaderID._Radius, radius / 4.0f); // The blur is 4 pixel wide in the shader
                compositingProperties.SetTexture(ShaderID._Source, downSampleBuffer);
                compositingProperties.SetTexture(ShaderID._ColorBufferCopy, colorCopy);
                compositingProperties.SetTexture(ShaderID._Mask, maskBuffer);
                compositingProperties.SetTexture(ShaderID._MaskDepth, maskDepthBuffer);
                compositingProperties.SetFloat(ShaderID._InvertMask, invertMask ? 1 : 0);
                CoreUtils.DrawFullScreen(cmd, blurMaterial, shaderPassId: 2, properties: compositingProperties);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void Awake()

            gestureSampler = CustomSampler.Create("[TouchScript] Screen Transform Gesture");
Ejemplo n.º 4
 private void OnEnable()
     m_CustomSampler = CustomSampler.Create("TEST_MARKER");
Ejemplo n.º 5
    void GenerateGaussianMips(CommandBuffer cmd, HDCamera hdCam)
        RTHandle source;

        // Retrieve the target buffer of the blur from the UI:
        if (targetColorBuffer == TargetBuffer.Camera)
            GetCameraBuffers(out source, out _);
            GetCustomBuffers(out source, out _);

        // Save the non blurred color into a copy if the mask is enabled:
        if (useMask)
            cmd.CopyTexture(source, colorCopy);

        // Downsample
        using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Downsample", CustomSampler.Create("Downsample"))) {
            // This Blit will automatically downsample the color because our target buffer have been allocated in half resolution
            HDUtils.BlitCameraTexture(cmd, source, downSampleBuffer, 0);

        // Horizontal Blur
        using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "H Blur", CustomSampler.Create("H Blur"))) {
            var hBlurProperties = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
            hBlurProperties.SetFloat(ShaderID._Radius, radius / 4.0f);                               // The blur is 4 pixel wide in the shader
            hBlurProperties.SetTexture(ShaderID._Source, downSampleBuffer);                          // The blur is 4 pixel wide in the shader
            SetViewPortSize(cmd, hBlurProperties, blurBuffer);
            HDUtils.DrawFullScreen(cmd, blurMaterial, blurBuffer, hBlurProperties, shaderPassId: 0); // Do not forget the shaderPassId: ! or it won't work

        // Copy back the result in the color buffer while doing a vertical blur
        using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "V Blur + Copy back", CustomSampler.Create("V Blur + Copy back"))) {
            var vBlurProperties = new MaterialPropertyBlock();
            // When we use a mask, we do the vertical blur into the downsampling buffer instead of the camera buffer
            // We need that because we're going to write to the color buffer and read from this blured buffer which we can't do
            // if they are in the same buffer
            vBlurProperties.SetFloat(ShaderID._Radius, radius / 4.0f); // The blur is 4 pixel wide in the shader
            vBlurProperties.SetTexture(ShaderID._Source, blurBuffer);
            var targetBuffer = (useMask) ? downSampleBuffer : source;
            SetViewPortSize(cmd, vBlurProperties, targetBuffer);
            HDUtils.DrawFullScreen(cmd, blurMaterial, targetBuffer, vBlurProperties, shaderPassId: 1); // Do not forget the shaderPassId: ! or it won't work

        if (useMask)
            // Merge the non blur copy and the blurred version using the mask buffers
            using (new ProfilingSample(cmd, "Compose Mask Blur", CustomSampler.Create("Compose Mask Blur"))) {
                var compositingProperties = new MaterialPropertyBlock();

                compositingProperties.SetFloat(ShaderID._Radius, radius / 4.0f); // The blur is 4 pixel wide in the shader
                compositingProperties.SetTexture(ShaderID._Source, downSampleBuffer);
                compositingProperties.SetTexture(ShaderID._ColorBufferCopy, colorCopy);
                compositingProperties.SetTexture(ShaderID._Mask, maskBuffer);
                compositingProperties.SetTexture(ShaderID._MaskDepth, maskDepthBuffer);
                compositingProperties.SetFloat(ShaderID._InvertMask, invertMask ? 1 : 0);
                SetViewPortSize(cmd, compositingProperties, source);
                HDUtils.DrawFullScreen(cmd, blurMaterial, source, compositingProperties, shaderPassId: 2); // Do not forget the shaderPassId: ! or it won't work
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <inheritdoc />
        protected override void Awake()

            gestureSampler = CustomSampler.Create("[TouchScript] Release Gesture");
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public DisposableStruct(CustomSampler customSampler)
     _sampler = customSampler;
Ejemplo n.º 8
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate( )
        #region FrameSkip
        // 最初の200フレームはロードで負荷がかかる
        bool isSlow = fps < 30.0f;
        if (isSlow
            //&& FrameCount > 30
            if (FrameCount % 15 == 0)
                //Debug.Log( $"TexEditor SkipAdd : {SkipCount} fps {fps} FrameCount {FrameCount}" );
        if (FrameCount % SkipCount != 0)

        Vector3 screenPos = Input.mousePosition;
        Vector3 worldPos  = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPos);
        CustomSampler sampler        = CustomSampler.Create("fillpoly");
        CustomSampler setPixelSample = CustomSampler.Create("setPixelSample");
        // AddPointするときに持っていく -> AddPoint座標系が複雑になる
        // ここらで32倍 -> 2回Addしちゃうが大きく負荷はなかった
        if (IsFill)
            sampler.Begin( );
            var colorList =
            //Path.StrokePath( WorldToPixel );
            sampler.End( );

            setPixelSample.Begin( );
            EditTex.SetPixels(BaseColor, 0);
            for (int i = 0; i < enumerable.Count; i++)
                Scanline item = enumerable[i];
                //Debug.Log( "itemW =" + item.W );
                //var colorList = Enumerable.Range( 0 , item.W ).Select( i => Color.green ).ToArray();

                int  v        = item.X + item.W;
                bool xInBound = 0 < item.X && v < Size;
                bool yInBound = 0 < item.Y && item.Y < Size;

                if (xInBound && yInBound)
                    EditTex.SetPixels(item.X, item.Y, item.W, 1, FillColor);
            //EditTex.SetPixels( BaseColor , 0 );
            EditTex.SetPixels(colorList, 0);
            setPixelSample.End( );
        int height = EditTex.height;
        // 1の大きさになる
        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
            int width = EditTex.width;
            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                var widOff    = x / (float)width;
                var heiOff    = y / (float)height;
                var localPos  = new Vector3(widOff - 0.5f, heiOff - 0.5f, 0);
                var worldMat  = transform.localToWorldMatrix;
                var worldPos  = worldMat.MultiplyPoint(localPos);
                var drawColor = Color.green;
                if (Path.IsContain(worldPos))
                    drawColor = Color.red;
                TexDataList[x + height * y] = drawColor;
            EditTex.Apply( );
            Path.StrokePathOCV(WorldToPixel, EditTex);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public DisposableStruct Sample(string samplerName)
     return(new DisposableStruct(CustomSampler.Create(samplerName)));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>
 /// CustomSampler を生成してサンプリングを開始します
 /// </summary>
 public CustomSamplerScope(string name, UnityEngine.Object targetObject)
     m_sampler = CustomSampler.Create(name);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 // 関数
 /// <summary>
 /// CustomSampler を生成してサンプリングを開始します
 /// </summary>
 public CustomSamplerScope(string name)
     m_sampler = CustomSampler.Create(name);
        /// <summary>
        /// 初期設定
        /// </summary>
        public override void Create()
            // 拘束の作成
            // ※この並び順が実行順番となります。

            // 移動制限
            //ClampDistance = new ClampDistanceConstraint();

            // コリジョン
            ColliderExtrusion = new ColliderExtrusionConstraint();
            Penetration = new PenetrationConstraint();
            Collision = new ColliderCollisionConstraint();

            // 移動制限
            ClampDistance = new ClampDistanceConstraint();
            //ClampDistance2 = new ClampDistance2Constraint();
            //Penatration = new ColliderPenetrationConstraint();

            // コリジョン
            //EdgeCollision = new EdgeCollisionConstraint();
            //Penetration = new PenetrationConstraint();
            //Collision = new ColliderCollisionConstraint();

            // 移動制限
            //Penetration = new ColliderPenetrationConstraint(); // コリジョンの前はだめ
            //ClampDistance = new ClampDistanceConstraint();
            //Penatration = new ColliderPenetrationConstraint();

            // 主なクロスシミュレーション
            Spring = new SpringConstraint();
            RestoreDistance = new RestoreDistanceConstraint();
            RestoreRotation = new RestoreRotationConstraint();

            // コリジョン
            //EdgeCollision = new EdgeCollisionConstraint();
            //Penetration = new PenetrationConstraint();
            //Collision = new ColliderCollisionConstraint();
            //Penetration = new PenetrationConstraint();

            // 形状維持
            TriangleBend = new TriangleBendConstraint();
            //Volume = new VolumeConstraint();

            // 移動制限2
            //Penetration = new ColliderPenetrationConstraint();
            ClampPosition = new ClampPositionConstraint();
            ClampRotation = new ClampRotationConstraint();

            // コリジョン2
            //AfterCollision = new ColliderAfterCollisionConstraint();
            //EdgeCollision = new EdgeCollisionConstraint();
            //Collision = new ColliderCollisionConstraint();
            //Penetration = new PenetrationConstraint();

            foreach (var con in constraints)

            // ワーカーの作成
            // ※この並び順は変更してはいけません。
            RenderMeshWorker = new RenderMeshWorker();
            VirtualMeshWorker = new VirtualMeshWorker();
            MeshParticleWorker = new MeshParticleWorker();
            SpringMeshWorker = new SpringMeshWorker();
            AdjustRotationWorker = new AdjustRotationWorker();
            LineWorker = new LineWorker();
            TriangleWorker = new TriangleWorker();
            //BaseSkinningWorker = new BaseSkinningWorker();
            foreach (var worker in workers)

            // プロファイラ用
            SamplerWriteMesh = CustomSampler.Create("WriteMesh");
Ejemplo n.º 13
    // TODO: probably need to spam some unit tests on this to make sure we get all the edge cases correct for top-level get and set

    // TODO: add a benchmarking project to test other performance optimisations

    private void Start()
        _isSolidAtChecksCustomSampler     = CustomSampler.Create("IsSolidAt checks");
        _marchingCubesSwitchCustomSampler = CustomSampler.Create("MarchingCubesSwitch");