Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Add a <see cref="CustomPieceTable"/> to the game.<br />
        ///     Checks if the custom piece table is valid and unique and adds it to the list of custom piece tables.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="customPieceTable">The custom piece table to add.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the custom piece table was added to the manager.</returns>
        public bool AddPieceTable(CustomPieceTable customPieceTable)
            // Assert
            if (!customPieceTable.IsValid())
                Logger.LogWarning($"Custom piece {customPieceTable} is not valid");
            if (PieceTables.Contains(customPieceTable))
                Logger.LogWarning($"Piece table {customPieceTable} already added");

            // Add the prefab to the PrefabManager
            if (!PrefabManager.Instance.AddPrefab(customPieceTable.PieceTablePrefab, customPieceTable.SourceMod))

            // Create all custom categories on that table
            foreach (var category in customPieceTable.Categories)
                AddPieceCategory(customPieceTable.ToString(), category);

            // Add the custom table to the PieceManager
            PieceTableMap.Add(customPieceTable.ToString(), customPieceTable.PieceTable);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Create piece categories per table if custom categories were added.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreatePieceTableCategories()
            if (!PieceCategories.Any())

            //Logger.LogInfo($"Adding {PieceCategories.Count} custom piece table categories");

            // All piece tables using categories
            foreach (var table in PieceTableMap.Values.Where(x => x.m_useCategories))
                    // Create category map if not present
                    PieceTableCategoriesMap.TryGetValue(table.name, out var categories);
                    if (categories == null)
                        categories = new PieceTableCategories();
                        PieceTableCategoriesMap.Add(table.name, categories);

                    // Remap shortcut categories to actual table (e.g. categories added to "Hammer" must be added to "_HammerPieceTable")
                    if (PieceTableNameMap.ContainsValue(table.name))
                        string tableItemName = PieceTableNameMap.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value.Equals(table.name)).Key;
                        if (PieceTableCategoriesMap.ContainsKey(tableItemName))
                            foreach (var cat in PieceTableCategoriesMap[tableItemName])
                                if (!categories.ContainsKey(cat.Key))
                                    categories.Add(cat.Key, cat.Value);

                    // Add vanilla categories for vanilla tables
                    CustomPieceTable customTable = PieceTables.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PieceTable.name.Equals(table.name));
                    if (customTable == null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < (int)Piece.PieceCategory.Max; i++)
                            string categoryName = Enum.GetName(typeof(Piece.PieceCategory), i);
                            if (!categories.ContainsKey(categoryName))
                                categories.Add(categoryName, (Piece.PieceCategory)i);

                    // Add empty lists up to the max categories count
                    if (table.m_availablePieces.Count < (int)PieceCategoryMax)
                        for (int i = table.m_availablePieces.Count; i < (int)PieceCategoryMax; i++)
                            table.m_availablePieces.Add(new List <Piece>());

                    // Resize selectedPiece array
                    Array.Resize(ref table.m_selectedPiece, table.m_availablePieces.Count);

                    // Set first available category
                    table.m_selectedCategory = categories.Values.Min();

                    Logger.LogDebug($"Added categories for table {table.name}");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.LogError($"Error while adding categories for table {table.name}: {ex}");