Ejemplo n.º 1
    //list for game objects to capacity
    //List<GameObject> capGameObjects = new List<GameObject>();

    public CustomGrid()
        //initialize dictionary
        objectNames = new Dictionary <string, Constants.ObjectIDs>()
            { "LevelStartPoint(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.LevelStartPoint },
            { "LevelEndPoint(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.LevelEndPoint },

            //environment - blocks
            { "Dirt_Block(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.DirtBlock },
            { "Dirt_Block_Grass(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.DirtBlockGrass },
            { "Dirt_Block_Sloped(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.DirtBlockSloped },
            { "Dirt_Block_Sloped_Grass(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.DirtBlockSlopedGrass },
            { "Stone_Block(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.StoneBlock },
            { "Stone_Block_Sloped(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.StoneBlockSloped },
            { "Stone_Block_Concrete_Top(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.StoneBlockConcreteTop },
            { "Stone_Block_Sloped_Concrete_Top(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.StoneBlockSlopedConcreteTop },

            //environment - buildings
            { "HangarClose(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.HangarClose },
            { "HangarMiddle(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.HangarMiddle },
            { "HangarFar(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.HangarFar },
            { "Tower(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.Tower },

            //environment - weather
            { "WeatherHazard1(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.WeatherHazard1 },
            { "WeatherHazard2(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.WeatherHazard2 },
            { "WeatherHazard3(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.WeatherHazard3 },

            //environment - other
            { "Bird(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.Bird },

            { "MotherShip(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.MotherShip },
            { "Zepplin(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.Zepplin },
            { "Tank(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.Tank },
            { "Soldier(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.Soldier },
            { "Jeep(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.Jeep },
            { "Bomber(Clone)", Constants.ObjectIDs.Bomber },

        //declare the grid
        GridPoints = new CustomGridCell[Constants.LEVEL_EDITOR_GRID_SIZE_X, Constants.LEVEL_EDITOR_GRID_SIZE_Y];

        //populate the point array
        for (int y = 0; y < Constants.LEVEL_EDITOR_GRID_SIZE_Y; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < Constants.LEVEL_EDITOR_GRID_SIZE_X; x++)
                GridPoints[x, y] = new CustomGridCell(new Vector3(x, y, 0), new Vector2(x, y));
    /// <summary>
    /// Attempts to remove an object at the given vector3 click point on the grid.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="clickPoint">The point on the grid of the mouse click</param>
    private void RemoveObjectAt(Vector3 clickPoint)
        //set the z to 0f
        clickPoint.z = 0f;

        //get the target cell from world point location
        CustomGridCell targetCell = grid.GetGridCellInGrid(clickPoint);

        //if the target cell is inside the grid and it's occupied, remove object
        if (targetCell != null && targetCell.IsOccupied)
    /// <summary>
    /// Attempts to place the selected object at the given vector3 click point on the grid.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="clickPoint">The point on the grid of the mouse click</param>
    private void PlaceSelectedObjectAt(Vector3 clickPoint)
        //set the z to 0f
        clickPoint.z = 0f;

        //get the target cell from world point location
        CustomGridCell targetCell = grid.GetGridCellInGrid(clickPoint);

        //if the target cell is inside the grid and it's empty, place object
        if (targetCell != null && !targetCell.IsOccupied)
            grid.SetGameObjectInGrid(targetCell, SelectedObject, IsFlipped);
Ejemplo n.º 4
    /// <summary>
    /// Removes a game object from the grid if the cell is occupied
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cell">the cell to remove a game object from</param>
    public void RemoveGameObjectInGrid(CustomGridCell cell)
        //get coordinates
        int x = (int)cell.IndexLocation.x;
        int y = (int)cell.IndexLocation.y;

        //check if there is an object in the cell
        if (GridPoints[x, y].IsOccupied)
            //remove game object from cell and remove from list
            //Debug.Log("RemoveGameObjectInGrid: Removing game object in cell at " + GridPoints[x, y].GridLocation);
            gameObjects.Remove(GridPoints[x, y].CellObject);
            GridPoints[x, y].CellObject = null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets an object in the grid if the cell is not occupied
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="cellObject">the object to place in the grid</param>
    public void SetGameObjectInGrid(CustomGridCell cell, GameObject cellObject, bool flipped)
        //get coordinates
        int x = (int)cell.IndexLocation.x;
        int y = (int)cell.IndexLocation.y;

        //check if the cell is occupied
        if (!GridPoints[x, y].IsOccupied)
            //set game object in grid and add to list
            if (flipped)
                GridPoints[x, y].IsFlipped = true;
            GridPoints[x, y].CellObject = cellObject;
            gameObjects.Add(GridPoints[x, y].CellObject);