Ejemplo n.º 1
    IEnumerator Fall(float delay, CurvySpline spline)
        print("now falling");
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay));

        Vector3 targetPosition = new Vector3(transform.position.x, lastPos.y + 50.0f, transform.position.z);

        //AxKDebugLines.AddFancySphere (targetPosition, 1.0f, Color.blue, 0.0f);
        //AxKDebugLines.AddFancySphere (lastPos, 1.0f, Color.red, 0.0f);
        //AxKDebugLines.AddFancySphere ( new Vector3(lastPos.x, lastPos.y + 5.0f, lastPos.z) , 1.0f, Color.green, 0.0f);
        //AxKDebugLines.AddFancySphere (transform.position, 1.0f, Color.magenta, 0.0f);

        print("now rising above");

        while (transform.position.y < targetPosition.y - 1.0f)
            transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, targetPosition, Time.deltaTime);
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation((targetPosition - transform.position).normalized, new Vector3(0, 1, 0)), Time.deltaTime);

        print("now landing to spline");

        Vector3 splineForward = spline.GetTangent(t);

        while (transform.position.y > lastPos.y + 10.0f)
            transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, lastPos, Time.deltaTime);
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation(splineForward), Time.deltaTime);

        print("now done");

        Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraController_three> ().falling = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the normalized tangent for a certain TF
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tf">TF value identifying position in the group (0..1)</param>
        /// <returns>a tangent vector</returns>
        public override Vector3 GetTangent(float tf)
            float       localTF;
            CurvySpline spl = TFToSpline(tf, out localTF);

            return((spl) ? spl.GetTangent(localTF) : Vector3.zero);
Ejemplo n.º 3
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the normalized tangent for a certain TF
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="tf">TF value identifying position in the group (0..1)</param>
    /// <returns>a tangent vector</returns>
    public override UnityEngine.Vector3 GetTangent(float tf)
        float       localTF;
        CurvySpline spl = TFToSpline(tf, out localTF);

        void DoFindPoint()
            if (!mSpline.IsInitialized || SourcePoint.IsNone)

            if (StoreTF.IsNone && StorePosition.IsNone && StoreUpVector.IsNone && StoreRotation.IsNone && StoreTangent.IsNone)

            Vector3 pos = (Space == Space.Self) ? SourcePoint.Value : mSpline.transform.InverseTransformPoint(SourcePoint.Value);

            float _tf = mSpline.GetNearestPointTF(pos);

            if (StoreTF.IsNone == false)
                StoreTF.Value = _tf;

            if (StorePosition.IsNone == false)
                StorePosition.Value = (Space == Space.Self) ? mSpline.Interpolate(_tf) : mSpline.transform.TransformPoint(mSpline.Interpolate(_tf));

            if (StoreTangent.IsNone == false)
                StoreTangent.Value = (Space == Space.Self) ? mSpline.GetTangent(_tf) : mSpline.transform.TransformDirection(mSpline.GetTangent(_tf));

            if (StoreUpVector.IsNone == false)
                StoreUpVector.Value = (Space == Space.Self) ? mSpline.GetOrientationUpFast(_tf) : mSpline.transform.TransformDirection(mSpline.GetOrientationUpFast(_tf));
            if (StoreRotation.IsNone == false)
                if (Space == Space.Self)
                    StoreRotation.Value = (StoreUpVector.IsNone) ? mSpline.GetOrientationFast(_tf) : Quaternion.LookRotation(mSpline.GetTangent(_tf), StoreUpVector.Value);
                    StoreRotation.Value = Quaternion.LookRotation(mSpline.transform.TransformDirection(mSpline.GetTangent(_tf)), mSpline.transform.TransformDirection(mSpline.GetOrientationUpFast(_tf)));
Ejemplo n.º 5
    public void UpdateATL(ThirdPersonUserControl player, CurvySpline spline)
        if (!init && spline.IsInitialized)
            init = true;

        if (!init)

        if (!Camera.main.GetComponent <CameraController_three> ().CUbool&& !wasdDone)
            //player.GetComponentInChildren<MakeMesh> (true).enabled = true;
            MakeTextGO("TO MOVE HOLD DOWN WASD");              //0-17 before "W"
            wasdDone = true;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W) && !wPressed)
            SwapCharGO(' ', 14);             // replace W with a space
            wPressed = true;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A) && !aPressed)
            SwapCharGO(' ', 15);
            aPressed = true;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S) && !sPressed)
            SwapCharGO(' ', 16);
            sPressed = true;
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D) && !dPressed)
            SwapCharGO(' ', 17);
            dPressed = true;

        // conditionals for which words to show
        if (wPressed && sPressed && aPressed && dPressed && !wasdCleared)
            wasdCleared = true;
        if (player.GetComponent <ThirdPersonCharacter> ().SeenGun() && !qDone && wasdCleared)         //must evade intro wide with gun in view
            MakeTextGO("PRESS Q TO PICKUP");
            qDone = true;
        if (player.GetComponent <ThirdPersonCharacter> ().m_pickup == true && !mouseAimDone)
            MakeTextGO("PRESS LEFT MOUSE DOWN TO AIM");
            mouseAimDone = true;
        if (player.GetComponent <ThirdPersonCharacter> ().m_doneAim == true && !mouseFireDone)
            MakeTextGO("RELEASE LEFT MOUSE TO FIRE");
            mouseFireDone = true;
            //StartCoroutine (Fade (4.0f)); //do on fireFlag below
        if (player.GetComponent <ThirdPersonCharacter> ().m_fireFlag == true & !fireCleared)
            fireCleared = true;

        float t = spline.GetNearestPointTF(player.transform.position);

        //AxKDebugLines.AddSphere (spline.Interpolate (maxT), 0.3f, Color.green);
        //AxKDebugLines.AddSphere (spline.Interpolate (minT), 0.3f, Color.magenta);

        Vector3 splineUp      = spline.GetRotatedUpFast(t, 0);
        Vector3 splineForward = spline.GetTangent(t);
        Vector3 splineRight   = Vector3.Cross(splineUp, splineForward);

        //Vector3 rise = splineRight * offset.x + splineUp * offset.y + splineForward * offset.z;

        Vector3 lookPosition = Camera.main.transform.position;
        //Vector3 targetPosition = player.transform.position + player.transform.right * 0.8f * textLength / 4 + player.transform.up * 4.0f - player.transform.forward * 3.0f;
        Vector3 targetPosition = spline.Interpolate(t) + splineRight * 0.8f * textLength / 3 + splineUp * 4.0f - splineForward * 3.0f;

        //AxKDebugLines.AddSphere (lookPosition, .1f, Color.red);
        //AxKDebugLines.AddSphere (targetPosition, .1f, Color.blue);

        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, targetPosition, Time.deltaTime * smooth);
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation((lookPosition - transform.position).normalized), Time.deltaTime * smooth);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected CGData GetSplineData(CurvySpline spline, bool fullPath, CGDataRequestRasterization raster, CGDataRequestMetaCGOptions options)
            if (spline == null || spline.Count == 0)
                return null;
            List<ControlPointOption> optionsSegs = new List<ControlPointOption>();
            int materialID = 0;
            float maxStep = float.MaxValue;

            var data = (fullPath) ? new CGPath() : new CGShape();
            // calc start & end point (distance)
            float startDist;
            float endDist;
            getRange(spline, raster, out startDist, out endDist);
            float stepDist = (endDist - startDist) / (raster.Resolution - 1);
            data.Length = endDist - startDist;

            // initialize with start TF
            float tf = spline.DistanceToTF(startDist);
            float startTF = tf;
            float endTF = (endDist > spline.Length && spline.Closed) ? spline.DistanceToTF(endDist - spline.Length) + 1 : spline.DistanceToTF(endDist);

            // Set properties
            data.SourceIsManaged = IsManagedResource(spline);
            data.Closed = spline.Closed;
            data.Seamless = spline.Closed && raster.Length == 1;

            if (data.Length == 0)
                return data;

            // Scan input spline and fetch a list of control points that provide special options (Hard Edge, MaterialID etc...)
            if (options)
                optionsSegs = CGUtility.GetControlPointsWithOptions(options, 
                                                                    raster.Mode == CGDataRequestRasterization.ModeEnum.Optimized, 
                                                                    out materialID, 
                                                                    out maxStep);

            // Setup vars
            List<SamplePointUData> extendedUVData = new List<SamplePointUData>();
            List<Vector3> pos = new List<Vector3>();
            List<float> relF = new List<float>();
            List<float> sourceF = new List<float>();
            List<Vector3> tan = new List<Vector3>();
            List<Vector3> up = new List<Vector3>();
            float curDist = startDist;
            Vector3 curPos;
            float curF;
            Vector3 curTan = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3 curUp = Vector3.zero;
            List<int> softEdges = new List<int>();

            int dead = 100000;
            raster.Resolution = Mathf.Max(raster.Resolution, 2);
            switch (raster.Mode)
                case CGDataRequestRasterization.ModeEnum.Even:
                    #region --- Even ---
                    // we advance the spline using a fixed distance
                    bool dupe = false;
                    // we have at least one Material Group
                    SamplePointsMaterialGroup grp = new SamplePointsMaterialGroup(materialID);
                    // and at least one patch within that group
                    SamplePointsPatch patch = new SamplePointsPatch(0);
                    var clampMode=(data.Closed) ? CurvyClamping.Loop : CurvyClamping.Clamp;
                    while (curDist <= endDist && --dead>0)
                        tf = spline.DistanceToTF(spline.ClampDistance(curDist, clampMode));
                        curPos = spline.Interpolate(tf);
                        curF = (curDist-startDist) / data.Length;//curDist / endDist;
                        if (Mathf.Approximately(1, curF))
                            curF = 1;
                        sourceF.Add(curDist / spline.Length);
                        if (fullPath) // add path values
                            curTan = spline.GetTangent(tf,curPos);
                            curUp = spline.GetOrientationUpFast(tf);
                        if (dupe) // HardEdge, IncludeCP, MaterialID changes etc. need an extra vertex
                            sourceF.Add(curDist / spline.Length);
                            if (fullPath)
                            dupe = false;
                        // Advance
                        curDist += stepDist;

                        // Check next Sample Point's options. If the next point would be past a CP with options
                        if (optionsSegs.Count > 0 && curDist >= optionsSegs[0].Distance)
                            if (optionsSegs[0].UVEdge || optionsSegs[0].UVShift)
                                extendedUVData.Add(new SamplePointUData(pos.Count, optionsSegs[0].UVEdge,optionsSegs[0].FirstU, optionsSegs[0].SecondU));
                            // clamp point at CP and maybe duplicate the next sample point
                            curDist = optionsSegs[0].Distance;
                            dupe = optionsSegs[0].HardEdge || optionsSegs[0].MaterialID != grp.MaterialID || (options.CheckExtendedUV && optionsSegs[0].UVEdge);
                            // end the current patch...
                            if (dupe)
                                patch.End = pos.Count;
                                // if MaterialID changes, we start a new MaterialGroup
                                if (grp.MaterialID != optionsSegs[0].MaterialID)
                                    grp = new SamplePointsMaterialGroup(optionsSegs[0].MaterialID);
                                // in any case we start a new patch
                                patch = new SamplePointsPatch(pos.Count + 1);
                                if (!optionsSegs[0].HardEdge)
                                    softEdges.Add(pos.Count + 1);
                                // Extended UV
                                if (optionsSegs[0].UVEdge || optionsSegs[0].UVShift)
                                    extendedUVData.Add(new SamplePointUData(pos.Count + 1, optionsSegs[0].UVEdge, optionsSegs[0].FirstU, optionsSegs[0].SecondU));
                            // and remove the CP from the options

                        // Ensure last sample point position is at the desired end distance
                        if (curDist > endDist && curF < 1) // next loop curF will be 1
                            curDist = endDist;
                    if (dead<= 0)
                        Debug.LogError("[Curvy] He's dead, Jim! Deadloop in SplineInputModuleBase.GetSplineData (Even)! Please send a bug report!");
                    // store the last open patch
                    patch.End = pos.Count - 1;
                    // ExplicitU on last Vertex?
                    //if (optionsSegs.Count > 0 && optionsSegs[0].UVShift)
                    //    extendedUVData.Add(new SamplePointUData(pos.Count - 1, optionsSegs[0].UVEdge, optionsSegs[0].FirstU, optionsSegs[0].SecondU));
                    // if path is closed and no hard edges involved, we need to smooth first normal
                    if (data.Closed && !spline[0].GetMetadata<MetaCGOptions>(true).HardEdge)
                    // fill data
                    data.SourceF = sourceF.ToArray();
                    data.F = relF.ToArray();
                    data.Position = pos.ToArray();
                    if (fullPath)
                        ((CGPath)data).Direction = tan.ToArray();
                        data.Normal = up.ToArray();
                case CGDataRequestRasterization.ModeEnum.Optimized:
                    #region --- Optimized ---
                    dupe = false;
                    // we have at least one Material Group
                    grp = new SamplePointsMaterialGroup(materialID);
                    // and at least one patch within that group
                    patch = new SamplePointsPatch(0);
                    float stepSizeTF = stepDist / spline.Length;

                    float maxAngle = raster.AngleThreshold;
                    float stopAt;
                    bool atStopPoint;
                    curPos = spline.Interpolate(tf);
                    curTan = spline.GetTangent(tf, curPos);

                    var addPoint = new System.Action<float>((float f) =>
                        relF.Add((curDist -startDist) / data.Length);
                        if (fullPath)
                    while (tf < endTF && dead-- > 0)

                        // Advance
                        stopAt = (optionsSegs.Count > 0) ? optionsSegs[0].TF : endTF;
                        atStopPoint = spline.MoveByAngleExtINTERNAL(ref tf, Generator.MinDistance, maxStep, maxAngle, out curPos, out curTan, out stepDist, stopAt, data.Closed,stepSizeTF);
                        curDist += stepDist;
                        if (Mathf.Approximately(tf, endTF) || tf > endTF)
                            curDist = endDist;
                            endTF = (data.Closed) ? DTMath.Repeat(endTF,1) : Mathf.Clamp01(endTF);
                            curPos = spline.Interpolate(endTF);
                            if (fullPath)
                                curTan = spline.GetTangent(endTF, curPos);
                        if (atStopPoint)
                            if (optionsSegs.Count > 0)
                                if (optionsSegs[0].UVEdge || optionsSegs[0].UVShift)
                                    extendedUVData.Add(new SamplePointUData(pos.Count, optionsSegs[0].UVEdge,optionsSegs[0].FirstU, optionsSegs[0].SecondU));
                                // clamp point at CP and maybe duplicate the next sample point
                                curDist = optionsSegs[0].Distance;
                                maxStep = (optionsSegs[0].MaxStepDistance);
                                dupe = optionsSegs[0].HardEdge || optionsSegs[0].MaterialID != grp.MaterialID || (options.CheckExtendedUV && optionsSegs[0].UVEdge);
                                if (dupe)
                                    // end the current patch...
                                    patch.End = pos.Count;
                                    // if MaterialID changes, we start a new MaterialGroup
                                    if (grp.MaterialID != optionsSegs[0].MaterialID)
                                        grp = new SamplePointsMaterialGroup(optionsSegs[0].MaterialID);
                                    // in any case we start a new patch
                                    patch = new SamplePointsPatch(pos.Count + 1);
                                    if (!optionsSegs[0].HardEdge)
                                        softEdges.Add(pos.Count + 1);
                                    // Extended UV
                                    if (optionsSegs[0].UVEdge || optionsSegs[0].UVShift)
                                        extendedUVData.Add(new SamplePointUData(pos.Count+1, optionsSegs[0].UVEdge, optionsSegs[0].FirstU, optionsSegs[0].SecondU));
                                // and remove the CP from the options

                    if (dead <= 0)
                        Debug.LogError("[Curvy] He's dead, Jim! Deadloop in SplineInputModuleBase.GetSplineData (Optimized)! Please send a bug report!");
                    // store the last open patch
                    patch.End = pos.Count - 1;
                    // ExplicitU on last Vertex?
                    if (optionsSegs.Count > 0 && optionsSegs[0].UVShift)
                        extendedUVData.Add(new SamplePointUData(pos.Count - 1, optionsSegs[0].UVEdge, optionsSegs[0].FirstU, optionsSegs[0].SecondU));
                    // if path is closed and no hard edges involved, we need to smooth first normal
                    if (data.Closed && !spline[0].GetMetadata<MetaCGOptions>(true).HardEdge)
                    // fill data
                    data.SourceF = sourceF.ToArray();
                    data.F = relF.ToArray();
                    data.Position = pos.ToArray();
                    data.Bounds = spline.Bounds;
                    if (fullPath)
                        ((CGPath)data).Direction = tan.ToArray();
                        data.Normal = up.ToArray();
            data.Map = (float[])data.F.Clone();
            if (!fullPath)
                if (options && options.CheckExtendedUV)
                    CalculateExtendedUV(spline,startTF,endTF,extendedUVData, data);
            return data;
Ejemplo n.º 7
    public void UpdateATL(ThirdPersonUserControl player, CurvySpline spline)
        if (!init && spline.IsInitialized)
            init = true;
            t    = spline.GetNearestPointTF(player.transform.position);

            minT = t - (buffer / spline.Length) / 2.0f;
            maxT = t + (buffer / spline.Length) / 2.0f;

        if (!init)

        //print ("spline name = " + spline.name);

        float playerT = spline.GetNearestPointTF(player.transform.position);

        //print ("playerT = " + playerT);
        //AxKDebugLines.AddSphere (player.transform.position, 0.3f, Color.green);
        //AxKDebugLines.AddSphere (spline.Interpolate (player.transform.position), 0.3f, Color.magenta);
        //AxKDebugLines.AddSphere (spline.Interpolate (playerT), 0.3f, Color.blue);

        if (playerT > maxT)
            maxT = playerT;
            minT = maxT - (buffer / spline.Length);
            t    = playerT;
        else if (playerT < minT)
            minT = playerT;
            maxT = minT + (buffer / spline.Length);
            t    = playerT;

        //AxKDebugLines.AddSphere (spline.Interpolate (maxT), 0.3f, Color.green);
        //AxKDebugLines.AddSphere (spline.Interpolate (minT), 0.3f, Color.magenta);

        splineUp      = spline.GetRotatedUpFast(t, 0);
        splineForward = spline.GetTangent(t);
        splineRight   = Vector3.Cross(splineUp, splineForward);
        //print ("offset = " + offset);

        Vector3 rise = splineUp * offset.y + splineForward * offset.z + splineRight * offset.x * Mathf.Sin(Mathf.Sqrt(Time.time));

        float   targetPositionT = t + offsetCam / spline.Length;
        Vector3 targetPosition  = spline.Interpolate(targetPositionT) + rise;

        float   lookPositionT = t - offsetLook / spline.Length;
        Vector3 lookPosition  = spline.Interpolate(lookPositionT);

        targetPosition = ((targetPosition * 4f) + player.transform.position) / 5f;

        if (CUbool)
            lookPosition   = player.transform.position + player.transform.up * 2.55f;
            targetPosition = lookPosition + player.transform.forward * .4f;
            //print ("in bool");
        else if (falling)
            lookPosition   = player.transform.position;
            targetPosition = transform.position;

        transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, targetPosition, Time.deltaTime * smooth);
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation((lookPosition - transform.position).normalized), Time.deltaTime * smooth);
        void DoInterpolate()
            if (!mSpline.IsInitialized)

            System.Type metaDataType;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(MetaDataType.Value))
                    metaDataType = null;
                    Type[] knownTypes = this.GetType().GetAllTypes();
                    Type[] knownTypes = TypeExt.GetLoadedTypes();
                    metaDataType = knownTypes.FirstOrDefault(t => t.FullName == MetaDataType.Value);

            bool calc = !Input.IsNone;
            if (calc)
                float f = (UseWorldUnits.Value) ? mSpline.DistanceToTF(Input.Value) : Input.Value;

                if (StorePosition.IsNone == false)
                    StorePosition.Value = (UseCache.Value) ? mSpline.InterpolateFast(f) : mSpline.Interpolate(f);

                if (StoreTangent.IsNone == false)
                    StoreTangent.Value = mSpline.GetTangent(f);

                if (StoreUpVector.IsNone == false)
                    StoreUpVector.Value = mSpline.GetOrientationUpFast(f);

                if (StoreRotation.IsNone == false)
                    StoreRotation.Value = (StoreUpVector.IsNone) ? mSpline.GetOrientationFast(f) : Quaternion.LookRotation(mSpline.GetTangent(f), StoreUpVector.Value);

                if (StoreScale.IsNone == false)
                    float localF;
                    CurvySplineSegment segment          = mSpline.TFToSegment(f, out localF);
                    CurvySplineSegment nextControlPoint = segment.Spline.GetNextControlPoint(segment);
                    if (ReferenceEquals(segment, null) == false)
                        StoreScale.Value = nextControlPoint
                            ? Vector3.Lerp(segment.transform.lossyScale, nextControlPoint.transform.lossyScale, localF)
                            : segment.transform.lossyScale;
                        StoreScale.Value = Vector3.zero;

                if (StoreTF.IsNone == false)
                    StoreTF.Value = f;

                if (StoreDistance.IsNone == false)
                    StoreDistance.Value = (UseWorldUnits.Value) ? Input.Value : mSpline.TFToDistance(f);
                if (metaDataType != null)
                    if (metaDataType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(CurvyMetadataBase)) == false)
                        //this if statement's branch does not exclude classes inheriting from CurvyMetadataBase but not from CurvyInterpolatableMetadataBase, but that's ok, those classes are handled below
                        Debug.LogError("Meta data type " + metaDataType.FullName + " should be a subclass of CurvyInterpolatableMetadataBase<T>");
                        if (StoreMetadata.IsNone == false)
                            MethodInfo genericMethodInfo = mSpline.GetType().GetMethod("GetMetadata").MakeGenericMethod(metaDataType);
                            StoreMetadata.Value = (Object)genericMethodInfo.Invoke(mSpline, new System.Object[] { f });
                        if (StoreInterpolatedMetadata.IsNone == false)
                            Type argumentType = GetInterpolatableMetadataGenericType(metaDataType);

                            if (argumentType == null)
                                Debug.LogError("Meta data type " + metaDataType.FullName + " should be a subclass of CurvyInterpolatableMetadataBase<T>");
                                MethodInfo genericMethodInfo = mSpline.GetType().GetMethod("GetInterpolatedMetadata").MakeGenericMethod(metaDataType, argumentType);
                                StoreInterpolatedMetadata.SetValue(genericMethodInfo.Invoke(mSpline, new System.Object[] { f }));

                CurvySplineSegment seg = null;
                float segF             = 0;
                if (StoreSegment.IsNone == false)
                    seg = getSegment(f, out segF);
                    StoreSegment.Value = seg.gameObject;

                if (StoreSegmentF.IsNone == false)
                    if (!seg)
                        seg = getSegment(f, out segF);
                    StoreSegmentF.Value = segF;

                if (StoreSegmentDistance.IsNone == false)
                    if (!seg)
                        seg = getSegment(f, out segF);
                    StoreSegmentDistance.Value = seg.LocalFToDistance(segF);
            // General
            if (StoreLength.IsNone == false)
                StoreLength.Value = mSpline.Length;

            if (StoreCount.IsNone == false)
                StoreCount.Value = mSpline.Count;