Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void SetCursorState(bool state)
     if (_isLocked == state)
     _isLocked = state;
     if (_isLocked)
        public void LateUpdate()
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(config.keySwitchMode))
            if (selectedPart && EditorLogic.SelectedPart == null)
                SwitchMode(false, false);
            if (!cameraEnabled)
            if (EditorLogic.SelectedPart != null)
                SwitchMode(false, true);


            bool isDown   = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Mouse1);
            bool goneDown = isDown && !mouseWasDown;
            bool goneUp   = !isDown && mouseWasDown;

            mouseWasDown = isDown;

            bool shiftIsDown = Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift);

            var isTweaking = (Input.GetMouseButton(0) &&
                              (editorFSM.currentStateName == "st_offset_tweak" || editorFSM.currentStateName == "st_rotate_tweak"));

            if (isTweaking)

            float dx = 0, dy = 0;

            if (isDown)
                dx     = Input.GetAxis("Mouse X");
                dy     = Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");
                yaw   += 0.22f * dx * config.sensitivity;
                yaw   %= 360;
                pitch += -0.22f * dy * config.sensitivity;
                pitch  = Mathf.Clamp(pitch, -90, 90);

            if (goneDown)
                // Locks part rotation with WASD keys. Doesn't actually seem to affect gizmos.
                InputLockManager.SetControlLock(ControlTypes.EDITOR_GIZMO_TOOLS, this.GetType().Name);

                if (EditorLogic.SelectedPart != null)
                    partOffset  = EditorLogic.SelectedPart.transform.position - EditorLogic.fetch.editorCamera.transform.position;
                    partOffset += EditorLogic.fetch.selPartGrabOffset;
                    partOffset  = EditorLogic.fetch.editorCamera.transform.InverseTransformVector(partOffset);

                Screen.showCursor = false;

            if (goneUp)

                Screen.showCursor = true;

                if (movePart)
                    EditorBounds.Instance.constructionBounds = movementBounds;
                movePart = false;

            if (EditorLogic.SelectedPart == null)
                movePart = false;

            // WASD in place mode is part rotation.
            var simpleMove = EditorLogic.SelectedPart == null || EditorLogic.fetch.EditorConstructionMode != ConstructionMode.Place;

            if (isDown || simpleMove)
                var rot  = Quaternion.AngleAxis(yaw, Vector3.up) * Quaternion.AngleAxis(pitch, Vector3.right);
                var fwd  = rot * Vector3.forward;
                var side = rot * Vector3.right;

                Vector3 acc = Vector3.zero;
                if (Input.GetKey(config.keyForward))
                    acc += fwd;
                if (config.mouseWheelActive && Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") > 0 && shiftIsDown)
                    acc += fwd * config.mouseWheelAcceleration;
                if (Input.GetKey(config.keyBack))
                    acc -= fwd;
                if (config.mouseWheelActive && Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") < 0 && shiftIsDown)
                    acc -= fwd * config.mouseWheelAcceleration;
                if (Input.GetKey(config.keyRight))
                    acc += side;
                if (Input.GetKey(config.keyLeft))
                    acc -= side;
                if (Input.GetKey(config.keyDown))
                    acc -= Vector3.up;
                if (config.mouseWheelActive && Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") < 0 && !shiftIsDown)
                    acc -= Vector3.up * config.mouseWheelAcceleration;
                if (Input.GetKey(config.keyUp))
                    acc += Vector3.up;
                if (config.mouseWheelActive && Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") > 0 && !shiftIsDown)
                    acc += Vector3.up * config.mouseWheelAcceleration;
                if (Input.GetKey(config.keyRun))
                    acc *= config.runMultiplier;
                if (Input.GetKey(config.keySneak))
                    acc *= config.sneakMultiplier;
                acc *= config.acceleration;
                vel += (acc - config.friction * vel) * Time.deltaTime;
                var delta = vel * Time.deltaTime;

                EditorLogic.fetch.editorCamera.transform.rotation = rot;

                if (!movePart && EditorLogic.SelectedPart != null && EditorLogic.fetch.EditorConstructionMode == ConstructionMode.Place &&
                    (delta != Vector3.zero || dx != 0 || dy != 0))
                    movePart = true;
                    // A convenient trick to prevent EditorLogic::dragOverPlane from updating the part position.
                    EditorBounds.Instance.constructionBounds = ZERO_BOUNDS;

                if (movePart || simpleMove)
                    pos += delta;

                    float distance = 0;
                    movementBounds.IntersectRay(new Ray(pos, -delta), out distance);
                    //distance = -1;
                    //log.Debug("POS {0} {1} {2}", pos, yaw, pitch);
                    if (distance < 0)
                        EditorLogic.fetch.editorCamera.transform.position = pos;
                        EditorLogic.fetch.editorCamera.transform.position = GetClosestPointOnBounds(movementBounds, pos);
                        pos = EditorLogic.fetch.editorCamera.transform.position;

                    if (movePart)
                        Refl.Invoke(EditorLogic.fetch, "displayAttachNodeIcons", false, false, false);

                        var offset = EditorLogic.fetch.editorCamera.transform.TransformPoint(partOffset);
                        EditorLogic.SelectedPart.transform.position = offset - EditorLogic.fetch.selPartGrabOffset;
Ejemplo n.º 3
    private void Update()
        if (CursorLocker.Locked && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Escape))
        if (!CursorLocker.Locked && (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) || Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1)))

        // Set the running and grounded booleans.
        IsRunning  = Input.GetButton("Run");
        IsGrounded = controller.isGrounded;

        // Do the crouch code.

        // Get the direction the player want's to move.
        Vector3 direction = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));

        // This is used a-lot.
        float accel = acceleration * Time.deltaTime;

        // Slow the player down if there is no input.
        if (direction == Vector3.zero && moveSpeed > 0)
            moveSpeed -= accel;
        // There is input, so speed the player up.
            moveSpeed += accel;

        // Set the speed limit for the function the player is currently doing.
        float speedLimit = Speed;

        if (IsRunning)
            speedLimit = RunSpeed;
        if (IsCrouched)
            speedLimit = CrouchSpeed;

        // Enforce the speed limit.
        if (moveSpeed > speedLimit)
            // Get the amount the player is over speeding.
            float delta = moveSpeed - speedLimit;

            if (delta >= deAcceleration * Time.deltaTime)
                moveSpeed -= deAcceleration * Time.deltaTime;
                moveSpeed -= delta;

        // Player can only jump if, they are on the ground, not jumping and not crouching..
        if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && IsGrounded && !IsJumping && !IsCrouched)
            jumpVelocity = JumpSpeed;
            IsJumping    = true;

        // Decay the jump velocity over time to make the jump feel smoother.
        if (IsJumping)
            jumpVelocity -= Time.deltaTime * JumpDecay;
            if (jumpVelocity < 0)
                IsJumping = false;

        // Move the player
        MovePlayer(direction, moveSpeed, jumpVelocity);