/// <summary>
        /// This method is called when the wingame animation is completed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void WinAnimation_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e)

            //Resotre the opacity of the board.
            GameBoard.Opacity = 1;
            foreach (Ladder ladder in _ladders)
                ladder.Opacity = 1;
            foreach (Snake snake in _snakes)
                snake.Opacity = 1;

            //If the number of players left is more than 1, then the game continues.
            if (_numOfPlayersLeft > 1)
                    CurrentToken = CurrentToken.Next(_enGameType);
                }while (Tokens[(int)_currentToken].CurrentPosition == 100);
                DiceCanvas.IsEnabled = true;
            //Else we will enable the start game button and we dont enable the dice canvas.
                CurrentToken      = enGameToken.Green;
                _numOfPlayersLeft = (int)_enGameType;
                foreach (Token token in _tokens)

                CreateBoardButton.IsEnabled    = true;
                StartGameButton.IsEnabled      = true;
                StopGameButton.IsEnabled       = false;
                PlayerSelectionPanel.IsEnabled = true;
                DiceCanvas.IsEnabled           = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called when the movement of token is completed. So that we can set the final values. Or decide if the token needs another movement.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnTokenAnimationComplete()
            //If the user wins the game. Start the win animation.
            if (Tokens[(int)_currentToken].CurrentPosition == 100)
                (new System.Media.SoundPlayer(Properties.Resources.WinAudio)).Play();

            //If the user reaches the snake head. Then we will move the user to the tail.
            if (_snakeNumbers.ContainsKey(Tokens[(int)_currentToken].CurrentPosition))
                Point newDest = GameBoard.GetCenterCoordinates(_snakeNumbers[Tokens[(int)_currentToken].CurrentPosition]);
                Tokens[(int)_currentToken].MoveToAlongPath(newDest, ref _snakes[_snakeNumbers.GetIndexOfKey(Tokens[(int)_currentToken].CurrentPosition)].SnakePath);
                Tokens[(int)_currentToken].CurrentPosition = _snakeNumbers[Tokens[(int)_currentToken].CurrentPosition];
            //If the user reaches the lower end of ladder, then we will move the user to the upper end of the ladder.
            else if (_ladderNumbers.ContainsKey(Tokens[(int)_currentToken].CurrentPosition))
                Point newDest = GameBoard.GetCenterCoordinates(_ladderNumbers[Tokens[(int)_currentToken].CurrentPosition]);
                Tokens[(int)_currentToken].MoveTo(newDest.X, newDest.Y, true);
                Tokens[(int)_currentToken].CurrentPosition = _ladderNumbers[Tokens[(int)_currentToken].CurrentPosition];

            //Conditions to check if the chance should be transferred to the next user.
            if (currentFace != DiceFace.Six || (bIsTokenMoved == false && currentFace == DiceFace.Six && Tokens[(int)_currentToken].CurrentPosition + (int)currentFace > 100))
                    CurrentToken = CurrentToken.Next(_enGameType);
                }while (Tokens[(int)_currentToken].CurrentPosition == 100);
            DiceCanvas.IsEnabled = true;

            //if (RestartGameButton.IsEnabled == false)
            //    RestartGameButton.IsEnabled = true;