Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override bool ProcessCommand(string commandLine) // TODO: refactoring needed: almost same code in Player
            // ! means repeat last command
            if (commandLine != null && commandLine.Length >= 1 && commandLine[0] == '!')
                commandLine          = LastCommand;
                LastCommandTimestamp = DateTime.Now;
                LastCommand          = commandLine;
                LastCommandTimestamp = DateTime.Now;

            // If an input state machine is running, send commandLine to machine
            if (CurrentStateMachine != null && !CurrentStateMachine.IsFinalStateReached)
                CurrentStateMachine.ProcessInput(this, commandLine);
                CurrentStateMachine = null; // reset current state machine if not currently running one
                // Extract command and parameters
                bool extractedSuccessfully = CommandHelpers.ExtractCommandAndParameters(Aliases, commandLine, out var command, out var rawParameters, out var parameters, out var forceOutOfGame);
                if (!extractedSuccessfully)
                    Log.Default.WriteLine(LogLevels.Warning, "Command and parameters not extracted successfully");
                    Send("Invalid command or parameters");

                // Execute command
                bool executedSuccessfully;
                if (forceOutOfGame || (Impersonating == null && Incarnating == null)) // neither incarnating nor impersonating
                    Log.Default.WriteLine(LogLevels.Debug, "[{0}] executing [{1}]", DisplayName, commandLine);
                    executedSuccessfully = ExecuteCommand(command, rawParameters, parameters);
                else if (Incarnating != null) // incarnating
                    Log.Default.WriteLine(LogLevels.Debug, "[{0}]|[{1}] executing [{2}]", DisplayName, Incarnating.DebugName, commandLine);
                    executedSuccessfully = Incarnating.ExecuteCommand(command, rawParameters, parameters);
                else if (Impersonating != null) // impersonating
                    Log.Default.WriteLine(LogLevels.Debug, "[{0}]|[{1}] executing [{2}]", DisplayName, Impersonating.DebugName, commandLine);
                    executedSuccessfully = Impersonating.ExecuteCommand(command, rawParameters, parameters);
                    Log.Default.WriteLine(LogLevels.Error, "[{0}] is neither out of game, nor impersonating, nor incarnating");
                    executedSuccessfully = false;
                if (!executedSuccessfully)
                    Log.Default.WriteLine(LogLevels.Warning, "Error while executing command");
 public override string ToString()
     return(string.Format("Last State: {0}, Current State: {1}",
                          LastActorState == null ? "SN" : LastActorState.ToString(),