Ejemplo n.º 1
        public override void beforeWriteNode(bool IsCopy, bool OverrideUniqueValidation)
            List <CswNbtNodePropWrapper> CompoundUniqueProps = new List <CswNbtNodePropWrapper>();

            foreach (CswNbtNodePropWrapper CurrentProp in _CswNbtNode.Properties)
                if (CurrentProp.WasModified)
                    // When a property changes, we need to:
                    // 1. recalculate composite property values which include changed properties on this node
                    foreach (CswNbtNodePropWrapper CompositeProp in _CswNbtNode.Properties[(CswEnumNbtFieldType)CswEnumNbtFieldType.Composite])
                        if (

                    // 2. recalculate property references attached to relationships whose values changed
                    if (CurrentProp.getFieldTypeValue() == CswEnumNbtFieldType.Relationship)
                        foreach (CswNbtNodePropWrapper PropRefPropWrapper in _CswNbtNode.Properties[(CswEnumNbtFieldType)CswEnumNbtFieldType.PropertyReference])
                            CswNbtNodePropPropertyReference PropRefProp = PropRefPropWrapper.AsPropertyReference;
                            if ((PropRefProp.RelationshipType == CswEnumNbtViewPropIdType.NodeTypePropId &&
                                 PropRefProp.RelationshipId == CurrentProp.NodeTypePropId) ||
                                (PropRefProp.RelationshipType == CswEnumNbtViewPropIdType.ObjectClassPropId &&
                                 PropRefProp.RelationshipId == CurrentProp.ObjectClassPropId))

                    // 3. mark any property references to this property on other nodes as pending update
                    if (CswTools.IsPrimaryKey(CurrentProp.NodeId))
                        //BZ 10239 - Fetch the cached value field name.
                        CswNbtFieldTypeRulePropertyReference PropRefFTR = (CswNbtFieldTypeRulePropertyReference)_CswNbtResources.MetaData.getFieldTypeRule(CswEnumNbtFieldType.PropertyReference);
                        CswEnumNbtPropColumn PropRefColumn = PropRefFTR.CachedValueSubField.Column;

                        string SQL = @"update jct_nodes_props 
                                      set pendingupdate = '" + CswConvert.ToDbVal(true) + @"',
                                          " + PropRefColumn.ToString() + @" = ''
                                    where jctnodepropid in (select j.jctnodepropid
                                                              from jct_nodes_props j
                                                              join nodes n on n.nodeid = j.nodeid
                                                              join nodetype_props p on p.nodetypepropid = j.nodetypepropid
                                                              join field_types f on p.fieldtypeid = f.fieldtypeid
                                                              left outer join jct_nodes_props jntp on (jntp.nodetypepropid = p.fkvalue
                                                                                                  and jntp.nodeid = n.nodeid
                                                                                                  and jntp.field1_fk = " + CurrentProp.NodeId.PrimaryKey.ToString() + @")
                                                              left outer join (select jx.jctnodepropid, ox.objectclasspropid, jx.nodeid
                                                                                  from jct_nodes_props jx
                                                                                  join nodetype_props px on jx.nodetypepropid = px.nodetypepropid
                                                                                  join object_class_props ox on px.objectclasspropid = ox.objectclasspropid
                                                                              where jx.field1_fk = " + CurrentProp.NodeId.PrimaryKey.ToString() + @") jocp 
                                                                                                  on (jocp.objectclasspropid = p.fkvalue 
                                                                                                  and jocp.nodeid = n.nodeid)
                                                              where f.fieldtype = 'PropertyReference'
                                                              and ((lower(p.fktype) = 'nodetypepropid' and jntp.jctnodepropid is not null)
                                                                  or (lower(p.fktype) = 'objectclasspropid' and jocp.jctnodepropid is not null))
                                                              and ((lower(p.valueproptype) = 'nodetypepropid' and p.valuepropid = " + CurrentProp.NodeTypePropId.ToString() + @") 
                                                                  or (lower(p.valueproptype) = 'objectclasspropid' and p.valuepropid = " + CurrentProp.ObjectClassPropId + @")))";

                        // We're not doing this in a CswTableUpdate because it might be a large operation,
                        // and we don't care about auditing for this change.

                    // 4. For locations, if this node's location changed, we need to update the pathname on the children
                    if (CurrentProp.getFieldTypeValue() == CswEnumNbtFieldType.Location &&

                    // 5. Prepare for compound unique validation
                    if (CswConvert.ToBoolean(CurrentProp[CswEnumNbtPropertyAttributeName.CompoundUnique]))
                } // if(CurrentProp.WasModified)
            }     // foreach (CswNbtNodePropWrapper CurrentProp in _CswNbtNode.Properties)

            if (CompoundUniqueProps.Count > 0 && NodeId != null)
                if (false == IsCopy && false == OverrideUniqueValidation)
                    //check for other compound unique props that were _not_ modified
                    foreach (CswNbtNodePropWrapper CurrentProp in _CswNbtNode.Properties)
                        if (CswConvert.ToBoolean(CurrentProp[CswEnumNbtPropertyAttributeName.CompoundUnique]) && (false == CompoundUniqueProps.Contains(CurrentProp)))

                    CswNbtView CswNbtView = this.NodeType.CreateDefaultView();
                    CswNbtView.ViewName = "For compound unique";

                    CswNbtViewRelationship ViewRelationship = CswNbtView.Root.ChildRelationships[0];

                    if (CswTools.IsPrimaryKey(NodeId))

                    foreach (CswNbtNodePropWrapper CurrentCompoundUniqueProp in CompoundUniqueProps)
                        //case 27670 - in order to reserve the right for compound unique props to be empty, it has to be explicitly stated when creating the ForCompundUnique view
                        CswNbtViewProperty   CswNbtViewProperty = CswNbtView.AddViewProperty(ViewRelationship, CurrentCompoundUniqueProp.NodeTypeProp);
                        ICswNbtFieldTypeRule ftRule             = CurrentCompoundUniqueProp.NodeTypeProp.getFieldTypeRule();
                        ftRule.AddUniqueFilterToView(CswNbtView, CswNbtViewProperty, CurrentCompoundUniqueProp, true);

                    ICswNbtTree NodeTree = _CswNbtResources.Trees.getTreeFromView(_CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser, CswNbtView, true, false, false);

                    if (NodeTree.getChildNodeCount() > 0)
                        CswNbtNode DuplicateValueNode = NodeTree.getNodeForCurrentPosition();

                        CswCommaDelimitedString CompoundUniquePropNames  = new CswCommaDelimitedString();
                        CswCommaDelimitedString CompoundUniquePropValues = new CswCommaDelimitedString();
                        foreach (CswNbtNodePropWrapper CurrentUniqueProp in CompoundUniqueProps)

                        string ExotericMessage = "The following properties must have unique values:  " + CompoundUniquePropNames.ToString();
                        string EsotericMessage = "The " + CompoundUniquePropNames.ToString() +
                                                 " of node " + NodeId.ToString() + " are the same as for node " + DuplicateValueNode.NodeId.ToString() + ": " + CompoundUniquePropValues.ToString();

                        if (false == _CswNbtNode.IsTemp && false == DuplicateValueNode.IsTemp)  //only throw an error if we're comparing two REAL nodes
                            throw (new CswDniException(CswEnumErrorType.Warning, ExotericMessage, EsotericMessage));
                    }//we have a duplicate value situation

                    foreach (CswNbtNodePropWrapper CurrentPropWrapper in CompoundUniqueProps)
                } //if-else we're not a copy and not overridding
            }     //if we have at leaste one modified compound unique prop

            // can't do this here, because we miss some of the onBeforeUpdateNodePropRow events
            // we do it in writer now instead
        } // beforeWriteNode()
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void _validateCompoundUniqueProps(bool IsCopy)
            List <CswNbtNodePropWrapper> CompoundUniqueProps = new List <CswNbtNodePropWrapper>();

            if (false == IsCopy)
                //check for other compound unique props that were _not_ modififed
                foreach (CswNbtNodePropWrapper CurrentProp in _CswNbtNode.Properties)
                    if (CurrentProp.NodeTypeProp.IsCompoundUnique())
                if (CompoundUniqueProps.Count > 0 && NodeId != null)
                    CswNbtView CswNbtView = this.NodeType.CreateDefaultView();
                    CswNbtView.ViewName = "For compound unique";

                    CswNbtViewRelationship ViewRelationship = CswNbtView.Root.ChildRelationships[0];

                    if (CswTools.IsPrimaryKey(NodeId))

                    foreach (CswNbtNodePropWrapper CurrentCompoundUniqueProp in CompoundUniqueProps)
                        //case 27670 - in order to reserve the right for compound unique props to be empty, it has to be explicitly stated when creating the ForCompundUnique view
                        CswNbtViewProperty   CswNbtViewProperty = CswNbtView.AddViewProperty(ViewRelationship, CurrentCompoundUniqueProp.NodeTypeProp);
                        ICswNbtFieldTypeRule ftRule             = CurrentCompoundUniqueProp.NodeTypeProp.getFieldTypeRule();
                        ftRule.AddUniqueFilterToView(CswNbtView, CswNbtViewProperty, CurrentCompoundUniqueProp, true);

                    ICswNbtTree NodeTree = _CswNbtResources.Trees.getTreeFromView(_CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser, CswNbtView, true, false, false);

                    if (NodeTree.getChildNodeCount() > 0)
                        CswNbtNode DuplicateValueNode = NodeTree.getNodeForCurrentPosition();

                        CswCommaDelimitedString CompoundUniquePropNames  = new CswCommaDelimitedString();
                        CswCommaDelimitedString CompoundUniquePropValues = new CswCommaDelimitedString();
                        foreach (CswNbtNodePropWrapper CurrentUniqueProp in CompoundUniqueProps)

                        string ExotericMessage = "The following properties must have unique values:  " + CompoundUniquePropNames.ToString();
                        string EsotericMessage = "The " + CompoundUniquePropNames.ToString() +
                                                 " of node " + NodeId.ToString() + " are the same as for node " + DuplicateValueNode.NodeId.ToString() + ": " + CompoundUniquePropValues.ToString();

                        if (false == _CswNbtNode.IsTemp && false == DuplicateValueNode.IsTemp)  //only throw an error if we're comparing two REAL nodes
                            throw (new CswDniException(CswEnumErrorType.Warning, ExotericMessage, EsotericMessage));
                    }//we have a duplicate value situation
            else//[9:55:20 AM 11/21/2013] Steven Salter: I can't think of any other situation [that unique props should be blanked]
                foreach (CswNbtNodePropWrapper CurrentPropWrapper in CompoundUniqueProps)
            } //if-else we're not a copy and not overridding