Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static CurrencyViewModel CreateViewModel(
            CurrencyConfig currencyConfig,
            bool subscribeToUpdates)
            var result = currencyConfig.Name switch
                "BTC" => (CurrencyViewModel) new BitcoinCurrencyViewModel(currencyConfig),
                "LTC" => new LitecoinCurrencyViewModel(currencyConfig),
                "USDT" => new TetherCurrencyViewModel(currencyConfig),
                "TBTC" => new TbtcCurrencyViewModel(currencyConfig),
                "WBTC" => new WbtcCurrencyViewModel(currencyConfig),
                "ETH" => new EthereumCurrencyViewModel(currencyConfig),
                "TZBTC" => new TzbtcCurrencyViewModel(currencyConfig),
                "KUSD" => new KusdCurrencyViewModel(currencyConfig),
                "XTZ" => new TezosCurrencyViewModel(currencyConfig),
                _ => throw new NotSupportedException(
                          $"Can't create currency view model for {currencyConfig.Name}. This currency is not supported.")

            if (!subscribeToUpdates)


Ejemplo n.º 2
        public TransactionViewModel(IBlockchainTransaction tx, CurrencyConfig currencyConfig, decimal amount, decimal fee)
            Transaction = tx ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tx));
            Id          = Transaction.Id;
            Currency    = currencyConfig;
            State       = Transaction.State;
            Type        = GetType(Transaction.Type);
            //Type = Transaction.Type;
            Amount = amount;

            TxExplorerUri = $"{Currency.TxExplorerUri}{Id}";

            ToastService = DependencyService.Get <IToastService>();

            var netAmount = amount + fee;

            AmountFormat = currencyConfig.Format;
            CurrencyCode = currencyConfig.Name;
            Time         = tx.CreationTime ?? DateTime.UtcNow;
            CanBeRemoved = tx.State == BlockchainTransactionState.Failed ||
                           tx.State == BlockchainTransactionState.Pending ||
                           tx.State == BlockchainTransactionState.Unknown ||
                           tx.State == BlockchainTransactionState.Unconfirmed;

            Description = GetDescription(
                type: tx.Type,
                amount: Amount,
                netAmount: netAmount,
                amountDigits: currencyConfig.Digits,
                currencyCode: currencyConfig.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static async Task <Result <byte[]> > IsRedeemedAsync(
            Swap swap,
            CurrencyConfig currency,
            int attempts,
            int attemptIntervalInSec,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var attempt = 0;

            while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested && attempt < attempts)

                var isRedeemedResult = await IsRedeemedAsync(
                    swap : swap,
                    currency : currency,
                    cancellationToken : cancellationToken)

                if (isRedeemedResult.HasError && isRedeemedResult.Error.Code != Errors.RequestError) // has error

                if (!isRedeemedResult.HasError)

                await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(attemptIntervalInSec), cancellationToken)

            return(new Error(Errors.MaxAttemptsCountReached, "Max attempts count reached for redeem check"));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static Symbol SymbolByCurrencies(
     this IEnumerable <Symbol> symbols,
     CurrencyConfig from,
     CurrencyConfig to)
     return(SymbolByCurrencies(symbols, from.Name, to.Name));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <bool> SignAsync(
            IAddressBasedTransaction tx,
            WalletAddress address,
            CurrencyConfig currencyConfig,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            if (tx == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tx));

            Log.Verbose("Sign request for transaction {@id}", tx.Id);

            if (IsLocked)
                Log.Warning("Wallet locked");

            var signResult = await tx
                             .SignAsync(KeyStorage, address, currencyConfig, cancellationToken)

            if (signResult)
                Log.Verbose("Transaction {@id} successfully signed", tx.Id);
                Log.Error("Transaction {@id} signing error", tx.Id);

Ejemplo n.º 6
 public Fisher(BaseBot Bot, Command command, _userInfo User, CurrencyConfig currency)
     this.Bot      = Bot;
     this.command  = command;
     this.User     = User;
     this.currency = currency;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public static ICurrencySwap Create(
            CurrencyConfig currency,
            IAccount account)
            return(currency switch
                BitcoinBasedConfig _ => new BitcoinBasedSwap(
                    account: account.GetCurrencyAccount <BitcoinBasedAccount>(currency.Name),
                    currencies: account.Currencies),

                Erc20Config _ => new Erc20Swap(
                    account: account.GetCurrencyAccount <Erc20Account>(currency.Name),
                    ethereumAccount: account.GetCurrencyAccount <EthereumAccount>("ETH"),
                    currencies: account.Currencies),

                EthereumConfig _ => new EthereumSwap(
                    account: account.GetCurrencyAccount <EthereumAccount>(currency.Name),
                    currencies: account.Currencies),

                Fa12Config _ => new Fa12Swap(
                    account: account.GetCurrencyAccount <Fa12Account>(currency.Name),
                    tezosAccount: account.GetCurrencyAccount <TezosAccount>(TezosConfig.Xtz),
                    currencies: account.Currencies),

                TezosConfig _ => new TezosSwap(
                    account:   account.GetCurrencyAccount <TezosAccount>(currency.Name),
                    currencies: account.Currencies),

                _ => throw new NotSupportedException($"Not supported currency {currency.Name}")
 public FA2SendViewModel(
     IAtomexApp app,
     IDialogViewer dialogViewer,
     CurrencyConfig currency)
     : base(app, dialogViewer, currency)
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public WalletAddress GetAddress(
            CurrencyConfig currency,
            uint account,
            uint chain,
            uint index,
            int keyType)
            using var securePublicKey = KeyStorage.GetPublicKey(
                      currency: currency,
                      account: account,
                      chain: chain,
                      index: index,
                      keyType: keyType);

            if (securePublicKey == null)

            using var publicKey = securePublicKey.ToUnsecuredBytes();

            var address = currency.AddressFromKey(publicKey);

            return(new WalletAddress
                Currency = currency.Name,
                Address = address,
                PublicKey = Convert.ToBase64String(publicKey),
                KeyIndex = new KeyIndex {
                    Account = account, Chain = chain, Index = index
                KeyType = keyType
        public static IWalletViewModel CreateViewModel(
            IAtomexApp app,
            IDialogViewer dialogViewer,
            IMenuSelector menuSelector,
            IConversionViewModel conversionViewModel,
            CurrencyConfig currency)
            return(currency switch
                BitcoinBasedConfig _ or
                Erc20Config _ or
                EthereumConfig _ => new WalletViewModel(
                    app: app,
                    dialogViewer: dialogViewer,
                    menuSelector: menuSelector,
                    conversionViewModel: conversionViewModel,
                    currency: currency),

                Fa12Config _ => new Fa12WalletViewModel(
                    app: app,
                    dialogViewer: dialogViewer,
                    menuSelector: menuSelector,
                    conversionViewModel: conversionViewModel,
                    currency: currency),

                TezosConfig _ => new TezosWalletViewModel(
                    app: app,
                    dialogViewer: dialogViewer,
                    menuSelector: menuSelector,
                    conversionViewModel: conversionViewModel,
                    currency: currency),

                _ => throw new NotSupportedException($"Can't create wallet view model for {currency.Name}. This currency is not supported."),
Ejemplo n.º 11
    /// <summary>
    /// 消耗货币
    /// </summary>
    public void costCurrency(int type, long value, int way)
        if (value <= 0)

        long[] currencies;

        long v = (currencies = _d.currencies)[type];

        if ((v -= value) < 0)
            value = v;
            v     = 0;

        currencies[type] = v;

        toLogCostCurrency(type, value, way);

        me.dispatch(GameEventType.RefreshCurrency, type);

        if (CommonSetting.isClientDriveLogic && CurrencyConfig.get(type).needAddRecord)
            me.quest.taskEvent(TaskType.TotalCostCurrency, type, (int)(_d.totalAddCurrencies[type] - _d.currencies[type]));

        onCostCurrency(type, value);
        public static async Task <Result <IBlockchainTransaction> > TryToFindPaymentAsync(
            Swap swap,
            CurrencyConfig currency,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            var tezos = currency as TezosConfig;

            if (swap.PaymentTx is not TezosTransaction paymentTx)
                return(new Error(Errors.SwapError, "Saved tx is null"));

            var lockTimeInSeconds = swap.IsInitiator
                ? CurrencySwap.DefaultInitiatorLockTimeInSeconds
                : CurrencySwap.DefaultAcceptorLockTimeInSeconds;

            var refundTime = new DateTimeOffset(swap.TimeStamp.ToUniversalTime().AddSeconds(lockTimeInSeconds))

            var rewardForRedeemInMtz = swap.IsInitiator
                ? swap.PartyRewardForRedeem.ToMicroTez()
                : 0;

            var parameters = "entrypoint=initiate" +
                             $"&parameter.participant={swap.PartyAddress}" +
                             $"&parameter.settings.refund_time={refundTime}" +
                             $"&parameter.settings.hashed_secret={swap.SecretHash.ToHexString()}" +

            var api = tezos.BlockchainApi as ITezosBlockchainApi;

            var txsResult = await api
                from : paymentTx.From,
                to : tezos.SwapContractAddress,
                parameters : parameters,
                cancellationToken : cancellationToken)

            if (txsResult == null)
                return(new Error(Errors.RequestError, "Can't get Tezos swap contract transactions"));

            if (txsResult.HasError)

            foreach (var tx in txsResult.Value)
                if (tx.State != BlockchainTransactionState.Failed)

            return(new Result <IBlockchainTransaction>((IBlockchainTransaction)null));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static Task StartSwapInitiatedControlAsync(
            Swap swap,
            CurrencyConfig currency,
            long refundTimeStamp,
            TimeSpan interval,
            Func <Swap, CancellationToken, Task> initiatedHandler = null,
            Func <Swap, CancellationToken, Task> canceledHandler  = null,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            return(Task.Run(async() =>
                    while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        if (swap.IsCanceled)
                            await canceledHandler.Invoke(swap, cancellationToken)


                        var isInitiatedResult = await IsInitiatedAsync(
                            swap: swap,
                            currency: currency,
                            refundTimeStamp: refundTimeStamp,
                            cancellationToken: cancellationToken)

                        if (isInitiatedResult.HasError && isInitiatedResult.Error.Code != Errors.RequestError)
                            await canceledHandler.Invoke(swap, cancellationToken)

                        else if (!isInitiatedResult.HasError && isInitiatedResult.Value)
                            await initiatedHandler.Invoke(swap, cancellationToken)


                        await Task.Delay(interval, cancellationToken)
                catch (OperationCanceledException)
                    Log.Debug("StartSwapInitiatedControlAsync canceled.");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Error(e, "StartSwapInitiatedControlAsync error.");
            }, cancellationToken));
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public static bool AddFisher(BaseBot Bot, Command command, _userInfo User, CurrencyConfig currency)
     if (FisherMen.Count(x => x.Key.User.user.user.Equals(User.user.user) && x.Key.currency.Id == currency.Id) == 0)
         FisherMen.Add(new Fisher(Bot, command, User, currency), DateTime.Now); return(true);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public static Type OutputType(this CurrencyConfig currency)
            if (currency is BitcoinBasedConfig)

            throw new NotSupportedException($"Not supported currency {currency.Name}");
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static async Task <decimal> EstimateAsync(
            IAccount account,
            ICurrencyQuotesProvider quotesProvider,
            Func <string, Quote> feeCurrencyQuotesProvider,
            CurrencyConfig redeemableCurrency,
            WalletAddress redeemFromAddress     = null,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            if (redeemableCurrency is BitcoinBasedConfig)

            var feeCurrency = redeemableCurrency.FeeCurrencyName;

            var feeCurrencyAddress = redeemFromAddress != null
                ? await account
                                     .GetAddressAsync(feeCurrency, redeemFromAddress.Address, cancellationToken)
                : null;

            var redeemFee = await redeemableCurrency
                            .GetRedeemFeeAsync(redeemFromAddress, cancellationToken)

            if (feeCurrencyAddress != null && feeCurrencyAddress.AvailableBalance() >= redeemFee)

            var feeCurrencyToBaseQuote = redeemableCurrency.FeeCurrencyToBaseSymbol != null
                ? quotesProvider?.GetQuote(redeemableCurrency.FeeCurrencyToBaseSymbol)
                : null;

            var feeCurrencyToBasePrice = feeCurrencyToBaseQuote != null
                ? feeCurrencyToBaseQuote.GetMiddlePrice()
                : 0m;

            var feeCurrencyQuote = redeemableCurrency.FeeCurrencySymbol != null
                ? feeCurrencyQuotesProvider.Invoke(redeemableCurrency.FeeCurrencySymbol)
                : null;

            var feeCurrencyPrice = feeCurrencyQuote != null
                ? feeCurrencyQuote.GetMiddlePrice()
                : 0m;

            return(await redeemableCurrency
                       maxRewardPercent : redeemableCurrency.MaxRewardPercent,
                       maxRewardPercentInBase : redeemableCurrency.MaxRewardPercentInBase,
                       feeCurrencyToBaseSymbol : redeemableCurrency.FeeCurrencyToBaseSymbol,
                       feeCurrencyToBasePrice : feeCurrencyToBasePrice,
                       feeCurrencySymbol : redeemableCurrency.FeeCurrencySymbol,
                       feeCurrencyPrice : feeCurrencyPrice,
                       cancellationToken : cancellationToken)
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public Task <byte[]> SignAsync(
            byte[] data,
            WalletAddress address,
            CurrencyConfig currency,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            if (data == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));

            if (address == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(address));

            Log.Verbose("Sign request for data {@data} with key for address {@address}",

            if (IsLocked)
                Log.Warning("Wallet locked");
                return(Task.FromResult <byte[]>(null));

            if (address.KeyIndex == null)
                Log.Error($"Can't find private key for address {address.Address}");
                return(Task.FromResult <byte[]>(null));

            var signature = KeyStorage.SignMessage(
                currency: currency,
                data: data,
                keyIndex: address.KeyIndex,
                keyType: address.KeyType);

            Log.Verbose("Data signature in base64: {@signature}",

            if (!KeyStorage.VerifyMessage(
                    currency: currency,
                    data: data,
                    signature: signature,
                    keyIndex: address.KeyIndex,
                    keyType: address.KeyType))
                Log.Error("Signature verify error");
                return(Task.FromResult <byte[]>(null));

            Log.Verbose("Data successfully signed");

Ejemplo n.º 18
        public static void MessageRewardUser(_userInfo User)
            CurrencyConfig C = CacheHandler.FindCurrency(User.currency);

            if (CanReward(User, C))
                User.balance += C.MessageReward;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public GamblingConfig()
     BetRoll        = new BetRollConfig();
     WheelOfFortune = new WheelOfFortuneSettings();
     Waifu          = new WaifuConfig();
     Currency       = new CurrencyConfig();
     BetFlip        = new BetFlipConfig();
     Generation     = new GenerationConfig();
     Timely         = new TimelyConfig();
     Decay          = new DecayConfig();
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public WalletAddress GetAddress(
     CurrencyConfig currency,
     KeyIndex keyIndex,
     int keyType)
                currency: currency,
                account: keyIndex.Account,
                chain: keyIndex.Chain,
                index: keyIndex.Index,
                keyType: keyType));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public SecureBytes GetPublicKey(
     CurrencyConfig currency,
     KeyIndex keyIndex,
     int keyType)
                currency: currency,
                account: keyIndex.Account,
                chain: keyIndex.Chain,
                index: keyIndex.Index,
                keyType: keyType));
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public Task <byte[]> SignHashAsync(
            byte[] hash,
            WalletAddress address,
            CurrencyConfig currencyConfig,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            if (hash == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hash));

            if (address == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(address));

            Log.Verbose("Sign request for hash {@hash}", hash.ToHexString());

            if (IsLocked)
                Log.Warning("Wallet locked");
                return(Task.FromResult <byte[]>(null));

            if (address.KeyIndex == null)
                Log.Error($"Can't find private key for address {address.Address}");
                return(Task.FromResult <byte[]>(null));

            var signature = KeyStorage.SignHash(
                currency: currencyConfig,
                hash: hash,
                keyIndex: address.KeyIndex,
                keyType: address.KeyType);

            Log.Verbose("Hash signature in base64: {@signature}", Convert.ToBase64String(signature));

            if (!KeyStorage.VerifyHash(
                    currency: currencyConfig,
                    hash: hash,
                    signature: signature,
                    keyIndex: address.KeyIndex,
                    keyType: address.KeyType))
                Log.Error("Signature verify error");
                return(Task.FromResult <byte[]>(null));

            Log.Verbose("Hash successfully signed");

        public static async Task <Result <byte[]> > IsRedeemedAsync(
            Swap swap,
            CurrencyConfig currency,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
                Log.Debug("Ethereum: check redeem event");

                var ethereum = (Atomex.EthereumConfig)currency;

                var api = new EtherScanApi(ethereum);

                var redeemEventsResult = await api
                    address : ethereum.SwapContractAddress,
                    fromBlock : ethereum.SwapContractBlockNumber,
                    toBlock : ulong.MaxValue,
                    topic0 : EventSignatureExtractor.GetSignatureHash <RedeemedEventDTO>(),
                    topic1 : "0x" + swap.SecretHash.ToHexString(),
                    cancellationToken : cancellationToken)

                if (redeemEventsResult == null)
                    return(new Error(Errors.RequestError, $"Connection error while getting contract {ethereum.SwapContractAddress} redeem events"));

                if (redeemEventsResult.HasError)

                var events = redeemEventsResult.Value?.ToList();

                if (events == null || !events.Any())

                var secret = events.First().ParseRedeemedEvent().Secret;

                Log.Debug("Redeem event received with secret {@secret}", Convert.ToBase64String(secret));

            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error(e, "Ethereum redeem control task error");

                return(new Error(Errors.InternalError, e.Message));
        public static async Task <Result <ConfirmationCheckResult> > IsTransactionConfirmed(
            this CurrencyConfig currency,
            string txId,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
                var txResult = await currency.BlockchainApi
                               .TryGetTransactionAsync(txId, cancellationToken : cancellationToken)

                if (txResult != null && txResult.HasError)
                    if (txResult.Error.Code == (int)HttpStatusCode.NotFound ||
                        txResult.Error.Code == (int)HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout ||
                        txResult.Error.Code == (int)HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable ||
                        txResult.Error.Code == (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError ||
                        txResult.Error.Code == HttpHelper.SslHandshakeFailed ||
                        txResult.Error.Code == Errors.RequestError)
                        return(new ConfirmationCheckResult(false, null));

                    Log.Error("Error while get {@currency} transaction {@txId}. Code: {@code}. Description: {@desc}",


                var tx = txResult.Value;

                if (tx != null && tx.State == BlockchainTransactionState.Failed)
                    return(new ConfirmationCheckResult(false, tx));

                if (tx == null || tx.BlockInfo == null || tx.BlockInfo.Confirmations < NumberOfConfirmations)
                    return(new ConfirmationCheckResult(false, null));

                return(new ConfirmationCheckResult(true, tx));
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error(e, "Transaction confirmation check error");
                return(new Error(Errors.InternalError, e.Message));
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public static async Task <List <BigInteger> > GetTransferValuesAsync(
            CurrencyConfig currency,
            string from,
            string to,
            string blockNumber,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
                Log.Debug("Ethereum ERC20: check transfer event");

                var erc20 = (EthereumTokens.Erc20Config)currency;

                var api = new EtherScanApi(erc20);

                var transferEventsResult = await api
                    address : erc20.ERC20ContractAddress,
                    fromBlock : (ulong)new HexBigInteger(blockNumber).Value,
                    toBlock : ulong.MaxValue,
                    topic0 : EventSignatureExtractor.GetSignatureHash <ERC20TransferEventDTO>(),
                    topic1 : "0x000000000000000000000000" + from,
                    topic2 : "0x000000000000000000000000" + to,
                    cancellationToken : cancellationToken)

                if (transferEventsResult == null)
                    return(new List <BigInteger>());

                if (transferEventsResult.HasError)
                    return(new List <BigInteger>());

                var events = transferEventsResult.Value?.ToList();

                if (events == null || !events.Any())
                    return(new List <BigInteger>());

                return(events.Select(e => e.ParseERC20TransferEvent().Value).ToList());
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error(e, "Ethereum ERC20 get transfer value task error");

                return(new List <BigInteger>());
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public SecureBytes GetPrivateKey(
            CurrencyConfig currency,
            KeyIndex keyIndex,
            int keyType)
            using var extKey = GetExtKey(
                      currency: currency,
                      purpose: Bip44.Purpose,
                      keyIndex: keyIndex,
                      keyType: keyType);

Ejemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Whether the provided <paramref name="record"/> matches the given <paramref name="matchType"/>/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="record">Record to be matched</param>
        /// <param name="matchType">Match Type to check against</param>
        /// <param name="config">Currency configurations that defines all matching rules</param>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Type of Plugin Record we are dealing with</typeparam>
        /// <returns>Return true if match is successful.</returns>
        public static bool Matches <T>(this T record, MatchType matchType, CurrencyConfig config) where T : IContainerGetter
            // TODO : Just do exact name matches as proof of concept for now.
            var matchName = config.MatchCriteria.Name;
            var query     = record.Name?.String;

            return(matchType switch
                MatchType.Normal => matchName.GetMatchType(query) == MatchType.Normal,
                MatchType.Dwemer => matchName.GetMatchType(query) == MatchType.Dwemer,
                MatchType.Nordic => matchName.GetMatchType(query) == MatchType.Nordic,
                _ => false
Ejemplo n.º 28
 public LitecoinCurrencyViewModel(CurrencyConfig currency)
     : base(currency)
     Header              = Currency.Description;
     IconBrush           = new ImageBrush(new BitmapImage(new Uri(PathToImage("litecoin_90x90.png"))));
     IconMaskBrush       = new ImageBrush(new BitmapImage(new Uri(PathToImage("litecoin_mask.png"))));
     AccentColor         = Color.FromRgb(r: 191, g: 191, b: 191);
     AmountColor         = Color.FromRgb(r: 231, g: 231, b: 231);
     UnselectedIconBrush = Brushes.White;
     IconPath            = PathToImage("litecoin.png");
     LargeIconPath       = PathToImage("litecoin_90x90.png");
     FeeName             = Resources.SvMiningFee;
 public EthereumCurrencyViewModel(CurrencyConfig currency)
     : base(currency)
     Header              = Currency.Description;
     IconBrush           = new ImageBrush(new BitmapImage(new Uri(PathToImage("ethereum_90x90.png"))));
     IconMaskBrush       = new ImageBrush(new BitmapImage(new Uri(PathToImage("ethereum_mask.png"))));
     AccentColor         = Color.FromRgb(r: 73, g: 114, b: 143);
     AmountColor         = Color.FromRgb(r: 183, g: 208, b: 225);
     UnselectedIconBrush = Brushes.White;
     IconPath            = PathToImage("ethereum.png");
     LargeIconPath       = PathToImage("ethereum_90x90.png");
     FeeName             = Resources.SvGasLimit;
 public FA2CurrencyViewModel(CurrencyConfig currency)
     : base(currency)
     Header              = Currency.Description;
     IconBrush           = new ImageBrush(new BitmapImage(new Uri(PathToImage("tezos.png"))));
     IconMaskBrush       = new ImageBrush(new BitmapImage(new Uri(PathToImage("tezos_mask.png"))));
     AccentColor         = Color.FromRgb(r: 7, g: 82, b: 192);
     AmountColor         = Color.FromRgb(r: 188, g: 212, b: 247);
     UnselectedIconBrush = Brushes.White;
     IconPath            = PathToImage("tezos.png");
     LargeIconPath       = PathToImage("tezos_90x90.png");
     FeeName             = Resources.SvMiningFee;