public static units getUnitsElement(string unitsID, unitsDataset ds)
            DataRow[] dr = ds.Tables["units"].Select("unitID = " + unitsID);

            if (dr.Length > 0)
                unitsDataset.UnitsRow row = (unitsDataset.UnitsRow)dr[0];
                string uID        = row.UnitsID.ToString();
                string unitType   = String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.UnitsType) ? null : row.UnitsType;
                string unitAbbrev = String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.UnitsAbbreviation) ? null : row.UnitsAbbreviation;
                string unitName   = String.IsNullOrEmpty(row.UnitsName) ? null : row.UnitsName;

                units u = CuahsiBuilder.CreateUnitsElement(null, uID, unitAbbrev, unitName);
Ejemplo n.º 2
            public static UnitsType getUnitsElement(int unitsID, VariablesDataset ds)
                DataRow[] dr = ds.Tables["units"].Select("unitsID = " + unitsID);

                if (dr.Length > 0)
                    VariablesDataset.UnitsRow row = (VariablesDataset.UnitsRow)dr[0];
                    string uID        = row.UnitsID.ToString();
                    string unitType   = row.UnitsType;
                    string unitAbbrev = row.UnitsAbbreviation;
                    string unitName   = row.UnitsName;

                    UnitsType u = CuahsiBuilder.CreateUnitsElement(unitType, uID, unitAbbrev, unitName);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to generate a list of offset (from OD OffsetTypes table) in a ValuesDataSet
        /// This is done as a separate method since Values can could contain other VariableValue Types
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ds">ValuesDataSet with the values used in the timeSeries</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List <OffsetType> datasetOffsetTypes(ValuesDataSet ds)
            /* generate a list
             * create a distinct DataSet
             * - new data view
             * - set filter (no nulls)
             * - use toTable with unique to get unique list
             * foreach to generate qualifiers
             * */
            string            COLUMN    = "OffsetTypeID";
            string            TABLENAME = "offsetTypes";
            List <OffsetType> list      = new List <OffsetType>();

                DataView view = new DataView(ds.DataValues);
                view.RowFilter = COLUMN + " is not Null";
                DataTable ids = view.ToTable(TABLENAME, true, new string[] { COLUMN });

                foreach (DataRow r in ids.Rows)
                        Object aId = r[COLUMN];
                        // edit here
                        ValuesDataSet.OffsetTypesRow offset = ds.OffsetTypes.FindByOffsetTypeID((int)aId);
                        if (offset != null)
                            OffsetType t = new OffsetType();
                            t.offsetTypeID          = offset.OffsetTypeID;
                            t.offsetTypeIDSpecified = true;

                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(offset.OffsetDescription))
                                t.offsetDescription = offset.OffsetDescription;

                            ValuesDataSet.UnitsRow offUnit = ds.Units.FindByUnitsID(offset.OffsetUnitsID);
                            string offUnitsCode;
                            string offUnitsName         = null;
                            string offUnitsAbbreviation = null;
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(offUnit.UnitsAbbreviation))
                                offUnitsAbbreviation = offUnit.UnitsAbbreviation;
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(offUnit.UnitsName))
                                offUnitsName = offUnit.UnitsName;
                            if (offUnit != null)
                                t.units = CuahsiBuilder.CreateUnitsElement(
                                    null, offUnit.UnitsID.ToString(), offUnitsAbbreviation, offUnitsName);

                    catch (Exception e)
                        log.Error("Error generating a qualifier " + r.ToString() + e.Message);

            catch (Exception e)
                log.Error("Error generating a qualifiers " + e.Message);
                // non fatal exceptions
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public override object  GetTimeSeries(
            locationParam lp,
            variableParamVersion vp,
            if ((endDate.HasValue && startDate.HasValue) && endDate.Value.DateTime < startDate.Value.DateTime)
                throw new WaterOneFlowException("No Data. End Date must be greater than Start Date");

            TimeSeriesResponseType result = null;

            result = CuahsiBuilder.CreateTimeSeriesObject();

            string[] StationsList = new string[] { lp.SiteCode };

            SiteInfoType sit = null;

                sit = DataInfoService.GetSite(lp);
                result.timeSeries.sourceInfo = sit;
            catch (WaterOneFlowException ex)
                log.Info("EPA Bad Site Request" + vp.ToString());
                throw ex;
            catch (WaterOneFlowServerException ex)
                log.Error("EPA  server issued  with Site Request" + vp.ToString());
                throw ex;
            catch (WaterOneFlowSourceException ex)
                log.Error("EPA  source issued  with Site Request" + vp.ToString());
                throw ex;
            catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("EPA  source issued  with Site Request" + vp.ToString());
                throw new WaterOneFlowServerException("Uncaught Exception in EPA Time series site reuqest", ex);

            result.queryInfo.criteria.locationParam = lp.ToString();
            result.queryInfo.criteria.variableParam = vp.ToString();

            // not fully correct, but just choose the first one.
            VariableInfoType[] vits = null;
            try {
                vits = DataInfoService.GetVariableInfoObject(vp);
                result.timeSeries.variable = vits[0];
            } catch (WaterOneFlowException ex)
                log.Info("EPA Bad variable Request" + vp.ToString());
                throw ex;
            catch (WaterOneFlowServerException ex)
                log.Error("EPA  server issued  with variable Request" + vp.ToString());
                throw ex;
            } catch (WaterOneFlowSourceException ex)
                log.Error("EPA  source issued  with variable Request" + vp.ToString());
                throw ex;
            } catch (Exception ex)
                log.Error("EPA  source issued  with variable Request" + vp.ToString());
                throw new WaterOneFlowServerException("Uncaught Exception in EPA Time series site reuqest", ex);

            String variableName = result.timeSeries.variable.variableName;

            string agency   = GetAgencyEpaSiteCode(lp);
            string siteCode = GetSiteIDEpaSiteCode(lp);

            EPAResults.StoretResultFlatDataTable table =
                    agency, siteCode,
                    variableName, startDate, endDate);
            if (table.Rows.Count == 0)
            {  // no retults, just go back
                result.timeSeries.values       = new TsValuesSingleVariableType();
                result.timeSeries.values.count = "0";
            DataRowCollection unitNameRows = EPAResponseUnits(table);

            // for now
            if (unitNameRows.Count > 1)
                //throw new WaterOneFlowSourceException(
                //    " EPA Returned more than one unit for request."
                //    + " This is not supported at the present time" );
                // no longer want an error. return data
                log.Info("EPA STATION WITH MORE THAN ONE UNIT: '" + lp.ToString());

            /* Logic neded for multiple units
             * select one with max count or latest one?
             * if max get count for each unit
             * For the selected unit,
             * * create a subtable,
             * * populate values
             * Future:
             * for each unit
             * *collect a subtable, populate values
             * */

            /* need to creat a units element
             * The units returned, are not necessarily the ones in the series catalog
            //string unitName = unitNameRows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString().Trim();
            //result.timeSeries.variable.units =  CuahsiBuilder.CreateUnitsElement(null, null, unitName, unitName);

            foreach (DataRow row in unitNameRows)
                string unitName = row.ItemArray[0].ToString().Trim();
                result.timeSeries.variable.units = CuahsiBuilder.CreateUnitsElement(null, null, unitName, unitName);

                StringBuilder select = new StringBuilder();
                select.AppendFormat("[VariableUnitsAbbreviation]='{0}'", WaterOneFlowImpl.WSUtils.SqlEncode(unitName));
                if (startDate.HasValue)
                    select.AppendFormat(" AND  [localDateTime] > '{0}' ", startDate.Value.DateTime.ToString("s"));
                if (endDate.HasValue)
                    select.AppendFormat(" AND  [localDateTime] < '{0}' ", endDate.Value.DateTime.AddDays(1).ToString("s"));
                EPAResults.StoretResultFlatRow[] rowsWithUnit = (EPAResults.StoretResultFlatRow[])table.Select(select.ToString());
                result.timeSeries.values = DataValuesBuilder.CreateValuesElement(rowsWithUnit);

                result.timeSeries.values.unitsAbbreviation = unitName; // abbreviated name is presently returned

            /* for now, just adding the methods, without the reference to the
             * value they came from. That will take a bit of work.
             * need to generate unique methodID's for distinct methods
             * then populate the methodID in the table,
             * then send to the value generator
             * */
            /***** This can cause more method, if nore than one parameter is returned
             * eg pH presently returns phosphorous
             * */

            DataRowCollection methodNameRows = EPAResponseMethods(table);

            if (methodNameRows != null && methodNameRows.Count > 0)
                List <MethodType> methods;
                if (result.timeSeries.values.method == null)
                    methods = new List <MethodType>();
                    methods = new List <MethodType>(result.timeSeries.values.method);
                foreach (DataRow row in methodNameRows)
                    MethodType method = new MethodType();
                    method.MethodDescription = row.ItemArray[0].ToString();
                result.timeSeries.values.method = methods.ToArray();

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private VariableInfoType RowToVariable(UsgsDbDailyValues.VariablesRow vRow)
            VariableInfoType vit;
            String           vCode = vRow.IsVariableCodeNull() ? null : vRow.VariableCode;
            String           vName = vRow.IsVariableNameNull() ? null : vRow.VariableName;
            //String vDescr =
            String uName   = vRow.IsUnitsNull() ? null : vRow.Units;
            String uAbbrev = vRow.IsUnitAbbreviationNull() ? null : vRow.UnitAbbreviation;
            String uType   = vRow.IsUnitTypeNull() ? null : vRow.UnitType;
            String uCode   = null; // ID is code

            if (!vRow.IsVariableUnitsIDNull())
                uCode = vRow.VariableUnitsID.ToString();

            UnitsTypeEnum uTypeEnum = (UnitsTypeEnum)CoreBuilder.GetTextAsEnum(uType, typeof(UnitsTypeEnum));

            units vUnit = CuahsiBuilder.CreateUnitsElement(
                uCode, uAbbrev, uName);

            /* this needs to be fixed to accept value type and data type
             *  and time options
            vit = CuahsiBuilder.CreateVariableInfoType(
                null,   // don't want variable ID exposed in the NWIS service
                vUnit // units

            CoreBuilder.SetEnumFromText(vit, vRow, "valueType", typeof(valueTypeEnum));
            CoreBuilder.SetEnumFromText(vit, vRow, "dataType", typeof(dataTypeEnum));

            // add usgs statistic code options
            if (!vRow.Isstat_cdNull())
                List <option> opts = new List <option>(1);
                option        opt  = new option();
             = "statistic";
                opt.optionCode = vRow.stat_cd;
                vit.options = opts.ToArray();

            if (!vRow.IsisRegularNull() && vRow.isRegular)
                vit.timeSupport                    = new VariableInfoTypeTimeSupport();
                vit.timeSupport.isRegular          = vRow.isRegular;
                vit.timeSupport.isRegularSpecified = true;

                // add time support

                // check to be sure we've got some vaild stuff
                if (!vRow.IsTimeSupportNull())
                    int timeInterval;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(vRow.TimeSupport, out timeInterval))
                        vit.timeSupport.timeInterval          = timeInterval;
                        vit.timeSupport.timeIntervalSpecified = true;
                if (!vRow.IsTimeUnitsIDNull())
                    vit.timeSupport.unit                  = new UnitsType();
                    vit.timeSupport.unit.UnitID           = 104;
                    vit.timeSupport.unit.UnitIDSpecified  = true;
                    vit.timeSupport.unit.UnitDescription  = "day";
                    vit.timeSupport.unit.UnitAbbreviation = "d";
                    vit.timeSupport.unit.UnitType         = (UnitsTypeEnum)CoreBuilder.GetTextAsEnum("Time", typeof(UnitsTypeEnum));;
