/// <summary>
        /// This is the primary hander for “new” call event’s from the CIT system.
        /// This event is raised by the call state manager after primary translation from the base CTI event.
        /// This event is used to create a Search Request to the system search provider or do other “pre-search” handling
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Call State Manager that raised this request.</param>
        /// <param name="e">New Event call Arguments</param>
        private void OnCallManagerStateNewCall(object sender, NewCallEventArgs e)
            // This is how to determin if the current session has a call
            if (((AgentDesktopSession)localSessionManager.ActiveSession).CtiCallRefId != Guid.Empty)
                // I have a call.
                // Do some alert or compenstation logic here.
                // maybe return ;

            // Form a request to the customer provider to launch a customer lookup with CTI data..
            CtiLookupRequest lookupRequest = new CtiLookupRequest(
                e.CallInfo.GetCtiCallRefId, // Internal UII Call ID
                this.ApplicationName,       // Application Name that is raising the Lookup Request.
                e.CallInfo.CallType,        // Type of call
                e.CallInfo.Ani,             // Number that called me.
                e.CallInfo.Dnis);           // Number that they called.

            //If you would like to add in custom properties that can be access by the search provider, use this construct
            // lookupRequest.AddLookupRequestItem("CUSTOMERID", GetParamFromCallState(e.UiiRefCallID, "custID"));

            // Now Serilize the Request and send it to the UII enviroment.
            string sData = GeneralFunctions.Serialize <CtiLookupRequest>(lookupRequest);

            // This is a custom implemented action sender that uses a threaded approach to send this request.
            // It is very important that you do this in a threaded manner because actions are blocking and
            //      can slow down response to the Cti system.
            SendCommandParams cmd = new SendCommandParams("*", CtiLookupRequest.CTILOOKUPACTIONNAME, sData);

            new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(SendAction)).Start(cmd);
        /// <summary>
        /// The Worker Thread.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">The object.</param>
        private void RequestWorker(object obj)
            while (true)
                // Get request data
                HttpListenerContext httpContext = this.crmListener.GetContext();
                string rawdata = "";
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(httpContext.Request.InputStream))
                    rawdata = sr.ReadToEnd();

                // Get Query parameters
                Dictionary <string, string> qParams   = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                List <LookupRequestItem>    itemsList = new List <LookupRequestItem>();
                NameValueCollection         nvpQuery  = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(rawdata);
                foreach (string s in nvpQuery.Keys)
                    qParams.Add(s, nvpQuery[s]);
                    itemsList.Add(new LookupRequestItem(s, nvpQuery[s]));

                // Process the request
                    if (qParams["eventname"] != null || qParams["eventname"] != "")
                        switch (qParams["eventname"])
                        case "ScreenPop":
                            Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                                CtiLookupRequest data = new CtiLookupRequest(Guid.NewGuid(), base.ApplicationName, qParams["calltype"], qParams["ani"], qParams["dnis"]);
                                base.FireRequestAction(new RequestActionEventArgs("*", CtiLookupRequest.CTILOOKUPACTIONNAME, GeneralFunctions.Serialize <CtiLookupRequest>(data)));
                                SendResponse(httpContext, "");

                            if (qParams.ContainsKey("askresponse") && qParams["askresponse"].ToLower() == "true")
                                lock (eventDataReturn)
                                    eventDataReturn.Add(qParams["eventname"], new HttpReturnContext(qParams["eventname"], httpContext, responseTimeout));
                                Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                                    base.FireEvent(qParams["eventname"], qParams);
                            Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                                base.FireEvent(qParams["eventname"], qParams);
                    // TODO: implement error logging
                SendResponse(httpContext, "");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //The generic listener will listen on this method when a url is hit. You can write or handle your custom
        //logic from this code. When a screen pop happens from the CTI clients (finesse, InContact etc.), this
        //method is triggered.
        private void RequestWorker(object obj)
            while (true)
                HttpListenerContext context = crmListener.GetContext();
                string query = "";
                using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(context.Request.InputStream))
                    query = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
                string ani       = string.Empty;
                string dnis      = string.Empty;
                string callType  = string.Empty;
                string direction = string.Empty;
                List <LookupRequestItem> list = new List <LookupRequestItem>();
                NameValueCollection      nameValueCollection = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(query);
                string[] allKeys = nameValueCollection.AllKeys;
                foreach (string text in allKeys)
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                        switch (text.ToLower())
                        case "ani":
                            ani = nameValueCollection[text];
                            //Custom Code - to remove the incoming phone number prefix "91" from the CISCO Finesse
                            //if (ani.Length.Equals(12) && ani.Substring(0, 2).Equals("91"))
                            if (ani.Substring(0, 2).Equals("91"))
                                ani = ani.Substring(2);
                                Case incident = new Case();
                                //We will pass the IncidentId and the CaseTitle to the CTI replacement parameters.
                                //We can then use these replacement parameters within USD to perform different operations
                                //like opening a case record and creating/opening a new phone call record.
                                Entity entityCase = incident.GetCase(ani);
                                if (entityCase != null)
                                    string IncidentId = Convert.ToString(entityCase.Id);
                                    list.Add(new LookupRequestItem("IncidentId", IncidentId));
                                    if (entityCase.Contains("title"))
                                        string caseTitle = Convert.ToString(entityCase.Attributes["title"]);
                                        list.Add(new LookupRequestItem("CaseTitle", caseTitle));

                        case "dnis":
                            dnis = nameValueCollection[text];

                        case "type":
                            callType = nameValueCollection[text];

                        case "direction":
                            direction = nameValueCollection[text];

                            list.Add(new LookupRequestItem(text, nameValueCollection[text]));
                    if (direction.Equals("outgoing"))
                        using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(context.Response.OutputStream))
                            context.Response.AddHeader("cache-control", "no-cache");
                            context.Response.AddHeader("pragma", "no-cache");
                            context.Response.AddHeader("expires", "0");
                            context.Response.AddHeader("expiresabsolute", "-1");
                        CtiLookupRequest ctiLookupRequest = new CtiLookupRequest(Guid.NewGuid(), base.ApplicationName, callType, ani, dnis);
                        FireRequestAction(new RequestActionEventArgs("*", CtiLookupRequest.CTILOOKUPACTIONNAME, GeneralFunctions.Serialize(ctiLookupRequest)));
                    //CtiLookupRequest ctiLookupRequest = new CtiLookupRequest(Guid.NewGuid(), base.ApplicationName, callType, ani, dnis);
                    //FireRequestAction(new RequestActionEventArgs("*", CtiLookupRequest.CTILOOKUPACTIONNAME, GeneralFunctions.Serialize(ctiLookupRequest)));