Ejemplo n.º 1
        } // getMergeInfo()

        private void _addMergeNodes(MergeInfoData ret, CswPrimaryKey NodeId1, CswPrimaryKey NodeId2, CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp NodeReferenceProp = null)
            CswNbtNode Node1 = _CswNbtResources.Nodes[NodeId1];
            CswNbtNode Node2 = _CswNbtResources.Nodes[NodeId2];

            if (null != Node1 && null != Node2)
                // Make sure there isn't already a node pair for these nodes
                if (false == ret.NodePairs.Any(np => (np.Node1Id == Node1.NodeId.ToString() && np.Node2Id == Node2.NodeId.ToString()) ||
                                               (np.Node1Id == Node2.NodeId.ToString() && np.Node2Id == Node1.NodeId.ToString())))
                    CswNbtMetaDataNodeType Node1NT = Node1.getNodeType();

                    MergeInfoData.MergeInfoNodePair NodePair = new MergeInfoData.MergeInfoNodePair();
                    NodePair.NodeReferences = new Collection <MergeInfoData.MergeInfoNodeReference>();
                    NodePair.NodeTypeName   = Node1NT.NodeTypeName;
                    NodePair.Node1Id        = Node1.NodeId.ToString();
                    NodePair.Node2Id        = Node2.NodeId.ToString();
                    NodePair.Node1Name      = Node1.NodeName;
                    NodePair.Node2Name      = Node2.NodeName;
                    if (null != NodeReferenceProp)
                        NodePair.NodeReferencePropId = NodeReferenceProp.PropId;
                        NodePair.NodeReferencePropId = Int32.MinValue;

                    foreach (CswNbtNodePropWrapper Prop1 in Node1.Properties.Where(p => (null == NodeReferenceProp || p.NodeTypePropId != NodeReferenceProp.PropId)))
                        CswNbtNodePropWrapper Prop2 = Node2.Properties[Prop1.NodeTypePropId];
                        if (null == Prop2 || Prop1.Gestalt != Prop2.Gestalt)
                            NodePair.Properties.Add(new MergeInfoData.MergeInfoProperty()
                                PropName       = Prop1.PropName,
                                NodeTypePropId = Prop1.NodeTypePropId,
                                Node1Value     = Prop1.Gestalt,
                                Node2Value     = Prop2.Gestalt
                        } // if( null == Prop2 || Prop1.Gestalt != Prop2.Gestalt )
                    }     // foreach( CswNbtNodePropWrapper Prop1 in Node1.Properties )

                    // If two nodes that formerly related to each of node1 and node2 now relate to the merged target,
                    // and they now would be compound unique violations, we have to merge those too.

                    // First, find references that point to the merged nodes
                    foreach (CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp thisProp in _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getNodeTypeProps().Where(p => p.IsNodeReference() && p.FkMatches(Node1.getNodeType())))
                        // Find unique key sets for nodes using this reference that point to either node1 or node2
                        Dictionary <CswDelimitedString, CswPrimaryKey> Node1UniqueKeysDict = _getUniqueKeysDict(NodePair, Node1, thisProp);
                        Dictionary <CswDelimitedString, CswPrimaryKey> Node2UniqueKeysDict = _getUniqueKeysDict(NodePair, Node2, thisProp);

                        // Look for redundant keys to indicate a potential unique violation
                        foreach (CswDelimitedString key in Node1UniqueKeysDict.Keys)
                            if (Node2UniqueKeysDict.ContainsKey(key))
                                // unique violation!  gotta merge these too.
                                _addMergeNodes(ret, Node1UniqueKeysDict[key], Node2UniqueKeysDict[key], thisProp);
                        } // foreach( CswDelimitedString key in Node1UniqueKeysDict.Keys )
                    }     // foreach( CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp thisProp in _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getNodeTypeProps().Where( p => p.IsNodeReference() ) )

                    // Special case: UserSelect properties
                    if (Node1NT.getObjectClassValue() == CswEnumNbtObjectClass.UserClass)
                        foreach (CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp thisUserSelProp in _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getNodeTypeProps(CswEnumNbtFieldType.UserSelect))
                            // Create a view of nodes that point to either merged node via this reference
                            CswNbtView             view = new CswNbtView(_CswNbtResources);
                            CswNbtViewRelationship rel1 = view.AddViewRelationship(thisUserSelProp.getNodeType(), false);
                                                          Conjunction: CswEnumNbtFilterConjunction.And,
                                                          FilterMode: CswEnumNbtFilterMode.Contains,
                                                          Value: Node1.NodeId.PrimaryKey.ToString());
                                                          Conjunction: CswEnumNbtFilterConjunction.Or,
                                                          FilterMode: CswEnumNbtFilterMode.Contains,
                                                          Value: Node2.NodeId.PrimaryKey.ToString());

                            // Add nodes with matching UserSelect properties to NodeReferences for later updating
                            ICswNbtTree tree = _CswNbtResources.Trees.getTreeFromView(view, RequireViewPermissions: false, IncludeHiddenNodes: true, IncludeSystemNodes: true);
                            for (Int32 c = 0; c < tree.getChildNodeCount(); c++)
                                NodePair.NodeReferences.Add(new MergeInfoData.MergeInfoNodeReference()
                                    NodeId         = tree.getNodeIdForCurrentPosition().ToString(),
                                    NodeTypePropId = thisUserSelProp.PropId
                            } // for( Int32 c = 0; c < tree.getChildNodeCount(); c++ )
                        }     // foreach( CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp thisUserSelProp in _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getNodeTypeProps( CswEnumNbtFieldType.UserSelect ) )
                    }         // if( Node1NT.getObjectClassValue() == CswEnumNbtObjectClass.UserClass )
                }             // if(false == ret.NodePairs.Any( ... ))
            }                 // if( null != Node1 && null != Node2 )
        }                     // _addMergeNodes()
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a dictionary of the unique key values of related nodes
        /// As a side effect, also populate MergeInfoData.NodePair.NodeReferences
        /// </summary>
        private Dictionary <CswDelimitedString, CswPrimaryKey> _getUniqueKeysDict(MergeInfoData.MergeInfoNodePair NodePair, CswNbtNode Node, CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp NodeReferenceProp)
            Dictionary <CswDelimitedString, CswPrimaryKey> ret = new Dictionary <CswDelimitedString, CswPrimaryKey>();
            char delimiter = '|';

            // Find unique properties for this reference's nodetype
            IEnumerable <CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp> UniqueProps = NodeReferenceProp.getNodeType().getUniqueProps();

            // Create a view of nodes that point to the target node via this reference
            CswNbtView             view = new CswNbtView(_CswNbtResources);
            CswNbtViewRelationship rel1 = view.AddViewRelationship(Node.getNodeType(), false);

            CswNbtViewRelationship rel2 = view.AddViewRelationship(rel1, CswEnumNbtViewPropOwnerType.Second, NodeReferenceProp, false);

            foreach (CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp uniqueProp in UniqueProps)
                view.AddViewProperty(rel2, uniqueProp);

            // Iterate children and store unique property values in a dictionary key
            ICswNbtTree tree = _CswNbtResources.Trees.getTreeFromView(view, RequireViewPermissions: false, IncludeHiddenNodes: true, IncludeSystemNodes: true);

            if (tree.getChildNodeCount() > 0)
                for (Int32 c = 0; c < tree.getChildNodeCount(); c++)
                    CswPrimaryKey thisNodeId = tree.getNodeIdForCurrentPosition();

                    // Populate MergeInfoData.NodePair.NodeReferences while we're here
                    NodePair.NodeReferences.Add(new MergeInfoData.MergeInfoNodeReference()
                        NodeId         = thisNodeId.ToString(),
                        NodeTypePropId = NodeReferenceProp.PropId

                    CswDelimitedString key;
                    if (_AllUniqueKeys.ContainsKey(thisNodeId))
                        // If we've seen this node before, use the existing key but override the merge property
                        // (this will allow us to merge correctly if a nodetype has
                        //  multiple compound unique references that are all involved in the merge)
                        key = _AllUniqueKeys[thisNodeId];
                        for (Int32 u = 0; u < UniqueProps.Count(); u++)
                            if (UniqueProps.ElementAt(u).PropId == NodeReferenceProp.PropId)
                                // This value will be equal after the merge
                                key[u] = "[mergeresult]";
                        } // foreach( CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp uniqueProp in UniqueProps )
                    }     // if( _AllUniqueKeys.ContainsKey( thisNodeId ) )
                        // generate a new key
                        key = new CswDelimitedString(delimiter);
                        foreach (CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp uniqueProp in UniqueProps)
                            CswNbtTreeNodeProp prop = tree.getChildNodePropsOfNode().FirstOrDefault(p => p.NodeTypePropId == uniqueProp.PropId);
                            if (null != prop)
                                if (prop.NodeTypePropId == NodeReferenceProp.PropId)
                                    // This value will be equal after the merge
                        } // foreach( CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp uniqueProp in UniqueProps )
                    }     // if-else( _AllUniqueKeys.ContainsKey( thisNodeId ) )

                    if (key.Count > 0)
                        ret.Add(key, thisNodeId);
                        _AllUniqueKeys[thisNodeId] = key;

                } // for( Int32 c = 0; c < tree.getChildNodeCount(); c++ )
            }     // if( tree.getChildNodeCount() > 0 )
        }         // _getUniqueKeysDict()
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public Node(CswPrimaryKey inNodeId, string inNodeName)
     NodeId   = inNodeId;
     NodeName = inNodeName;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public CswNbtNode(CswNbtResources CswNbtResources, CswNbtNodeWriter CswNbtNodeWriter, Int32 NodeTypeId, CswEnumNbtNodeSpecies NodeSpecies, CswPrimaryKey NodeId, Int32 UniqueId, CswDateTime Date, bool IsTemp = false)
            _CswNbtResources  = CswNbtResources;
            _CswNbtNodeWriter = CswNbtNodeWriter;
            _UniqueId         = UniqueId;
            _NodeId           = NodeId;
            _NodeTypeId       = NodeTypeId;
            _NodeSpecies      = NodeSpecies;
            _IsTemp           = IsTemp;
            _Date             = Date;

            _CswNbtNodePropColl = new CswNbtNodePropColl(CswNbtResources, this);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        } // getViews()

        public CswNbtViewId getViewIdByName(string ViewName, CswEnumNbtViewVisibility Visibility, CswPrimaryKey VisibilityRoleId, CswPrimaryKey VisibilityUserId)
            CswTableSelect ViewsTable  = _CswNbtResources.makeCswTableSelect("CswNbtViewSelect_viewExists_select", "node_views");
            string         WhereClause = "where viewname = '" + CswTools.SafeSqlParam(ViewName) + "'";

            if (Visibility == CswEnumNbtViewVisibility.Role)
                WhereClause += " and visibility = 'Role' and roleid = " + VisibilityRoleId.PrimaryKey.ToString();
            else if (Visibility == CswEnumNbtViewVisibility.User)
                WhereClause += " and visibility = 'User' and userid = " + VisibilityUserId.PrimaryKey.ToString();
                WhereClause += " and visibility = '" + Visibility.ToString() + "'";
            return(new CswNbtViewId(Convert.ToInt32(ViewsTable.getTable(new CswCommaDelimitedString("nodeviewid"), WhereClause).Rows[0]["nodeviewid"])));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void assignPropsToLocations( string LocationNodeKeys, bool UpdateInventoryGroup, string SelectedInventoryGroupNodeId, bool UpdateAllowInventory, string AllowInventory, bool UpdateControlZone, string SelectedControlZoneNodeId, bool UpdateStorageCompatability, string SelectedImages )

            if( false == string.IsNullOrEmpty( LocationNodeKeys ) )

                ///we don't pre-load he allowinventory value because there's no extra expense
                ///to doing so repeatedly in the loop

                CswNbtNode InventoryGroupNode = null;
                if( ( true == UpdateInventoryGroup ) && ( false == string.IsNullOrEmpty( SelectedInventoryGroupNodeId ) ) )
                    CswPrimaryKey IGKey = new CswPrimaryKey();
                    IGKey.FromString( SelectedInventoryGroupNodeId );
                    InventoryGroupNode = _CswNbtResources.Nodes[IGKey];

                CswNbtNode ControlZoneNode = null;
                if( ( true == UpdateControlZone ) && ( false == string.IsNullOrEmpty( SelectedControlZoneNodeId ) ) )
                    CswPrimaryKey IGKey = new CswPrimaryKey();
                    IGKey.FromString( SelectedControlZoneNodeId );
                    ControlZoneNode = _CswNbtResources.Nodes[IGKey];

                CswDelimitedString Images = new CswDelimitedString( ',' );
                if( true == UpdateStorageCompatability )
                    if( false == string.IsNullOrEmpty( SelectedImages ) )
                        Images.FromString( SelectedImages );

                foreach( string CurrentLocationKey in LocationNodeKeys.Split( ',' ) )
                    if( false == string.IsNullOrEmpty( CurrentLocationKey ) )
                        CswNbtNodeKey LKey = new CswNbtNodeKey( CurrentLocationKey );
                        CswNbtObjClassLocation CurrentLocationNode = _CswNbtResources.Nodes[LKey];
                        if( null != CurrentLocationNode )

                            if( true == UpdateInventoryGroup )
                                if( null != InventoryGroupNode )
                                    CurrentLocationNode.InventoryGroup.RelatedNodeId = InventoryGroupNode.NodeId;
                                    CurrentLocationNode.InventoryGroup.RelatedNodeId = null;

                            if( true == UpdateControlZone )
                                if( null != ControlZoneNode )
                                    CurrentLocationNode.ControlZone.RelatedNodeId = ControlZoneNode.NodeId;
                                    CurrentLocationNode.ControlZone.RelatedNodeId = null;

                            if( UpdateAllowInventory )
                                CurrentLocationNode.AllowInventory.Checked = CswConvert.ToTristate( AllowInventory );

                            if( UpdateStorageCompatability )
                                CurrentLocationNode.StorageCompatibility.Value = Images;

                            CurrentLocationNode.postChanges( true );

                        }//if current key yielded a node

                    } //if there is a location keye

                } //iterate locations

            }//if we have location keys

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public bool triggerOnButtonClick(NbtButtonData ButtonData)
            bool Ret = false;

            //1: We have Button Data
            if (null != ButtonData)
                //2: Before the Button Click, Save the Node if any tabs and properties have been provided
                Collection <Int32> TabIds = new Collection <int>();
                if (null != ButtonData.TabIds)
                    TabIds = ButtonData.TabIds.ToIntCollection(ExcludeMinVal: true, ExcludeDuplicates: true);

                if (TabIds.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Int32 TabId in TabIds)
                        _onBeforeButtonClickSaveProps(CswConvert.ToString(TabId), ButtonData);
                    if (_CswNbtResources.EditMode == CswEnumNbtNodeEditMode.Add)
                        //Client-side, we are defining a tabid as EditMode + '_tab'. This isn't great, but it's what we've got right now.
                        _onBeforeButtonClickSaveProps(CswEnumNbtNodeEditMode.Add + "_tab", ButtonData);

                //3: If we're adding, we're always refreshing on add as the default option
                if (_CswNbtResources.EditMode == CswEnumNbtNodeEditMode.Add)
                    ButtonData.Action = CswEnumNbtButtonAction.refreshonadd;

                //4: If this is the Save property, we're done; else execute the click event
                if (null != ButtonData.NodeTypeProp && ButtonData.NodeTypeProp.IsSaveProp)
                    Ret = true;
                    Ret = onButtonClick(ButtonData);

                //5: If we had tabs or props coming in, we should get the current values to send back (they probably changed after the button click)
                if (TabIds.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Int32 TabId in TabIds)
                        _onAfterButtonClickSaveProps(CswConvert.ToString(TabId), ButtonData);
                    if (ButtonData.NodeIds.Count > 1)
                        Collection <CswPrimaryKey> MultiNodePks = new Collection <CswPrimaryKey>();
                        foreach (string CopyToNodeId in ButtonData.NodeIds)
                            CswPrimaryKey MultiNodePk = CswConvert.ToPrimaryKey(CopyToNodeId);
                            if (null != MultiNodePk && MultiNodePk != NodeId)
                        if (ButtonData.NodeIds.Count >= CswNbtBatchManager.getBatchThreshold(_CswNbtResources))
                            if (ButtonData.PropIds.Count > 0)
                                Collection <Int32> NodeTypePropIds = new Collection <Int32>();
                                foreach (string PropIdAttrStr in ButtonData.PropIds)
                                    CswPropIdAttr PropIdAttr = new CswPropIdAttr(PropIdAttrStr);
                                CswNbtBatchOpMultiEdit op    = new CswNbtBatchOpMultiEdit(_CswNbtResources);
                                CswNbtObjClassBatchOp  Batch = op.makeBatchOp(Node, MultiNodePks, NodeTypePropIds);
                                ButtonData.Action        = CswEnumNbtButtonAction.batchop;
                                ButtonData.Data["batch"] = Batch.Node.NodeLink;
                            if (ButtonData.MultiClick && null != ButtonData.NodeTypeProp)
                                CswNbtBatchOpMultiButtonClick op    = new CswNbtBatchOpMultiButtonClick(_CswNbtResources);
                                CswNbtObjClassBatchOp         Batch = op.makeBatchOp(MultiNodePks, ButtonData.NodeTypeProp.PropId);
                                ButtonData.Action        = CswEnumNbtButtonAction.batchop;
                                ButtonData.Data["batch"] = Batch.Node.NodeLink;
                            if (ButtonData.PropIds.Count > 0)
                                CswNbtSdTabsAndProps Sd = new CswNbtSdTabsAndProps(_CswNbtResources);
                                Sd.copyPropValues(Node, ButtonData.NodeIds, ButtonData.PropIds);
                            if (ButtonData.MultiClick)
                                foreach (CswPrimaryKey MultiNodeId in MultiNodePks)
                                    CswNbtNode MultiNode = _CswNbtResources.Nodes[MultiNodeId];
                                    if (null != MultiNode)
                    if (_CswNbtResources.EditMode == CswEnumNbtNodeEditMode.Add)
                        _onAfterButtonClickSaveProps(CswEnumNbtNodeEditMode.Add + "_tab", ButtonData);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 // TODO This is probably a performance problem!
 private CswNbtObjClassRole _getRole(CswPrimaryKey RoleId)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static void makeLocationsTreeView(ref CswNbtView LocationsView, CswNbtResources CswNbtResources, Int32 loc_max_depth = Int32.MinValue, CswPrimaryKey NodeIdToFilterOut = null, bool RequireAllowInventory = false, IEnumerable <CswPrimaryKey> InventoryGroupIds = null, bool DisableLowestLevel = false, CswEnumNbtFilterResultMode ResultMode = null, string FullPathFilter = "")
     _makeLocationsTreeView(ref LocationsView, CswNbtResources.MetaData, CswNbtResources.ConfigVbls, loc_max_depth, NodeIdToFilterOut, RequireAllowInventory, InventoryGroupIds, DisableLowestLevel, ResultMode ?? CswEnumNbtFilterResultMode.Disabled, FullPathFilter);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static void _makeLocationsTreeView(ref CswNbtView LocationsView, CswNbtMetaData MetaData, CswConfigurationVariables ConfigVbls, Int32 loc_max_depth, CswPrimaryKey NodeIdToFilterOut, bool RequireAllowInventory, IEnumerable <CswPrimaryKey> InventoryGroupIds, bool DisableLowestLevel, CswEnumNbtFilterResultMode ResultMode, string FullPathFilter = "")
            if (null != LocationsView)
                CswNbtMetaDataObjectClass     LocationOC                = MetaData.getObjectClass(CswEnumNbtObjectClass.LocationClass);
                CswNbtMetaDataObjectClassProp LocationLocationOCP       = LocationOC.getObjectClassProp(PropertyName.Location);
                CswNbtMetaDataObjectClassProp LocationOrderOCP          = LocationOC.getObjectClassProp(PropertyName.Order);
                CswNbtMetaDataObjectClassProp LocationAllowInventoryOCP = LocationOC.getObjectClassProp(PropertyName.AllowInventory);
                CswNbtMetaDataObjectClassProp LocationInventoryGroupOCP = LocationOC.getObjectClassProp(PropertyName.InventoryGroup);
                CswNbtMetaDataObjectClassProp LocationNameOCP           = LocationOC.getObjectClassProp(PropertyName.Name);
                CswNbtMetaDataObjectClassProp LocationFullPathOCP       = LocationOC.getObjectClassProp(PropertyName.FullPath);


                CswNbtViewRelationship LocReln = LocationsView.AddViewRelationship(LocationOC, true);
                LocationsView.AddViewProperty(LocReln, LocationLocationOCP);

                if (null != NodeIdToFilterOut)

                CswNbtViewProperty InGroupVp = LocationsView.AddViewProperty(LocReln, LocationInventoryGroupOCP);
                InGroupVp.Width = 100;

                if (null != InventoryGroupIds)
                    CswCommaDelimitedString Pks = new CswCommaDelimitedString();
                    foreach (CswPrimaryKey InventoryGroupId in InventoryGroupIds)

                                                        Conjunction: CswEnumNbtFilterConjunction.And,
                                                        ResultMode: ResultMode,
                                                        FilterMode: CswEnumNbtFilterMode.In,
                                                        SubFieldName: CswNbtFieldTypeRuleRelationship.SubFieldName.NodeID,
                                                        Value: Pks.ToString());

                CswNbtViewProperty OrderVPn = LocationsView.AddViewProperty(LocReln, LocationOrderOCP);
                LocationsView.setSortProperty(OrderVPn, CswEnumNbtViewPropertySortMethod.Ascending, false);

                if (RequireAllowInventory)
                    LocationsView.AddViewPropertyAndFilter(LocReln, LocationAllowInventoryOCP,
                                                           Conjunction: CswEnumNbtFilterConjunction.And,
                                                           ResultMode: ResultMode,
                                                           FilterMode: CswEnumNbtFilterMode.Equals,
                                                           Value: CswEnumTristate.True.ToString());

                // Filter on Full Path property
                if (false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(FullPathFilter))
                    LocationsView.AddViewPropertyAndFilter(LocReln, LocationFullPathOCP,
                                                           Conjunction: CswEnumNbtFilterConjunction.And,
                                                           SubFieldName: CswEnumNbtSubFieldName.Value,
                                                           FilterMode: CswEnumNbtFilterMode.Contains,
                                                           Value: FullPathFilter);
                    LocationsView.AddViewProperty(LocReln, LocationFullPathOCP);

                // Add the Name property to the view
                LocationsView.AddViewProperty(LocReln, LocationNameOCP);
            } // if( null != LocationsView )
        }     // makeLocationsTreeView()
Ejemplo n.º 11

        public void update(Int32 NodeTypeId, CswPrimaryKey RelationalId, DataTable PropsTable)
            if (CswTools.IsPrimaryKey(RelationalId))
                CswNbtMetaDataNodeType NodeType = _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getNodeType(NodeTypeId);
                string TableName = NodeType.TableName;
                if (TableName != "nodes")
                    string         PkColumnName   = _CswNbtResources.getPrimeKeyColName(TableName);
                    CswTableUpdate CswTableUpdate = null;
                    DataTable      DataTable      = null;
                    DataRow        DataRow        = null;

                    // horrible special case for Design
                    // We need to use CswNbtMetaDataResources objects, or else we have dirty-write problems
                    if (NodeType.TableName.StartsWith("nodetype"))
                        switch (NodeType.TableName)
                        case "nodetypes":
                            CswTableUpdate = _CswNbtResources.MetaData._CswNbtMetaDataResources.NodeTypeTableUpdate;
                            CswNbtMetaDataNodeType relatedNT = _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getNodeType(RelationalId.PrimaryKey, null, true);
                            DataTable = relatedNT._DataRow.Table;
                            DataRow   = relatedNT._DataRow;

                        case "nodetype_tabset":
                            CswTableUpdate = _CswNbtResources.MetaData._CswNbtMetaDataResources.NodeTypeTabTableUpdate;
                            CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeTab relatedNTT = _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getNodeTypeTab(RelationalId.PrimaryKey, true);
                            DataTable = relatedNTT._DataRow.Table;
                            DataRow   = relatedNTT._DataRow;

                        case "nodetype_props":
                            CswTableUpdate = _CswNbtResources.MetaData._CswNbtMetaDataResources.NodeTypePropTableUpdate;
                            CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp relatedNTP = _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getNodeTypeProp(RelationalId.PrimaryKey, null, true);
                            DataTable = relatedNTP._DataRow.Table;
                            DataRow   = relatedNTP._DataRow;
                    } // if( NodeType.TableName.StartsWith( "nodetype" ) )

                    if (null == DataTable || null == CswTableUpdate)
                        CswTableUpdate = _CswNbtResources.makeCswTableUpdate("CswNbtNodePropCollDataRelational_update", TableName);
                        DataTable      = CswTableUpdate.getTable(null, PkColumnName, RelationalId.PrimaryKey, string.Empty, false);
                        DataRow        = DataTable.Rows[0];

                    if (null != DataRow)
                        CswTableSelect MappingSelect = _CswNbtResources.makeCswTableSelect("PropCollDataRelational_mapping", "jct_dd_ntp");
                        DataTable      MappingTable  = MappingSelect.getTable("where nodetypepropid in (select nodetypepropid from nodetype_props where nodetypeid =" + NodeTypeId.ToString() + ")");

                        foreach (DataRow CurrentRow in PropsTable.Rows)
                            CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp thisNTP = NodeType.getNodeTypeProp(CswConvert.ToInt32(CurrentRow["nodetypepropid"]));
                            if (null != thisNTP)
                                foreach (CswNbtSubField CurrentSubField in thisNTP.getFieldTypeRule().SubFields)
                                    DataRow MappingRow = MappingTable.Rows.Cast <DataRow>()
                                                         .FirstOrDefault(r => CswConvert.ToInt32(r["nodetypepropid"]) == thisNTP.PropId &&
                                                                         r["subfieldname"].ToString() == CurrentSubField.Name.ToString());
                                    if (null != MappingRow)
                                        if (_CswNbtResources.DataDictionary.ColumnName != string.Empty)
                                            if (CurrentRow[CurrentSubField.Column.ToString()].ToString() == string.Empty)
                                                DataRow[_CswNbtResources.DataDictionary.ColumnName] = DBNull.Value;
                                            else if (_CswNbtResources.DataDictionary.ColumnName == CswEnumNbtPropertyAttributeColumn.Defaultvalueid)
                                                // Special case for Default Value: we need to sync the jctnodepropid row, not the value
                                                DataRow[_CswNbtResources.DataDictionary.ColumnName] = CurrentRow["jctnodepropid"];
                                                object value = CurrentRow[CurrentSubField.Column.ToString()];

                                                // Special case for Multi: translate "Single" and "Multiple" to 0 and 1 resp.
                                                if (_CswNbtResources.DataDictionary.ColumnName == CswEnumNbtPropertyAttributeColumn.Multi)
                                                    if (value.ToString() == CswEnumNbtPropertySelectMode.Single.ToString())
                                                        value = 1;
                                                        value = 0;
                                                // Special case for booleans and tristates
                                                else if (thisNTP.getFieldTypeValue() == CswEnumNbtFieldType.Logical)
                                                    value = CswConvert.TristateToDbVal(CswConvert.ToTristate(CurrentRow[CurrentSubField.Column.ToString()]));
                                                // Special case for relationships and locations, if the related entity is also relational
                                                else if (CurrentSubField.Name == CswNbtFieldTypeRuleRelationship.SubFieldName.NodeID &&
                                                         (thisNTP.getFieldTypeValue() == CswEnumNbtFieldType.Relationship ||
                                                          thisNTP.getFieldTypeValue() == CswEnumNbtFieldType.Location))
                                                    CswNbtNode RelatedNode = _CswNbtResources.Nodes[new CswPrimaryKey("nodes", CswConvert.ToInt32(value))];
                                                    if (null != RelatedNode && RelatedNode.getNodeType().DoRelationalSync)
                                                        // Remap the foreign key reference to the relational primary key
                                                        value = RelatedNode.RelationalId.PrimaryKey;

                                                DataRow[_CswNbtResources.DataDictionary.ColumnName] = value; //CurrentRow[CurrentSubField.Column.ToString()];
                                        } // if( _CswNbtResources.DataDictionary.ColumnName != string.Empty )
                                    } // if( null != MappingRow )
                                }     // foreach( CswNbtSubField CurrentSubField in thisNTP.getFieldTypeRule().SubFields )
                            }         // if( null != thisNTP )
                        }             // foreach( DataRow CurrentRow in PropsTable.Rows )

                    } // if( null != DataRow )
                }     // if( TableName != "nodes" )
            }         // if( CswTools.IsPrimaryKey( RelationalId ) )
        }             //update()
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public void HandleLoadReport(CswPrimaryKey ReportId)
Ejemplo n.º 13
        } // _treeNodeJObject()

        public JObject runTree(CswPrimaryKey IncludeNodeId, CswNbtNodeKey IncludeNodeKey, bool IncludeNodeRequired, bool IncludeInQuickLaunch, string DefaultSelect, string AccessedByObjClassId = "")
            JObject ReturnObj = new JObject();

            if (null != _View)  //&& ( _View.ViewMode == NbtViewRenderingMode.Tree || _View.ViewMode == NbtViewRenderingMode.List ) )
                ICswNbtTree Tree = _CswNbtResources.Trees.getTreeFromView(_View, true, false, false);

                if (IncludeNodeId != null && IncludeNodeId.PrimaryKey != Int32.MinValue && IncludeNodeKey == null)
                    IncludeNodeKey = Tree.getNodeKeyByNodeId(IncludeNodeId);
                    if (IncludeNodeRequired && IncludeNodeKey == null)
                        CswNbtMetaDataNodeType IncludeKeyNodeType = _CswNbtResources.Nodes[IncludeNodeId].getNodeType();
                        _View          = IncludeKeyNodeType.CreateDefaultView();
                        _View.ViewName = "New " + IncludeKeyNodeType.NodeTypeName;
                        _View.SaveToCache(IncludeInQuickLaunch);   // case 22713
                        ReturnObj["newviewid"]   = _View.SessionViewId.ToString();
                        ReturnObj["newviewmode"] = _View.ViewMode.ToString();
                        Tree = _CswNbtResources.Trees.getTreeFromView(_View, true, false, false);
                if (IncludeNodeRequired && IncludeNodeKey != null && Tree.getNodeKeyByNodeId(IncludeNodeKey.NodeId) == null)
                    CswNbtMetaDataNodeType IncludeKeyNodeType = _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getNodeType(IncludeNodeKey.NodeTypeId);
                    _View          = IncludeKeyNodeType.CreateDefaultView();
                    _View.ViewName = "New " + IncludeKeyNodeType.NodeTypeName;
                    _View.SaveToCache(IncludeInQuickLaunch);   // case 22713
                    ReturnObj["newviewid"]   = _View.SessionViewId.ToString();
                    ReturnObj["newviewmode"] = _View.ViewMode.ToString();
                    Tree = _CswNbtResources.Trees.getTreeFromView(_View, true, false, false);

                bool HasResults = (Tree.getChildNodeCount() > 0);
                ReturnObj["result"] = HasResults.ToString().ToLower();
                ReturnObj["types"]  = getTypes();
                //ReturnObj["pagesize"] = _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser.PageSize.ToString();

                if (HasResults)
                    // Determine the default selected node:
                    // If the requested node to select is on the tree, return it.
                    // If the requested node to select is not on the tree, return the first child of the root.
                    if (IncludeNodeKey != null)
                        if (Tree.isCurrentNodeDefined())
                            //ReturnObj["selectid"] = _IdPrefix + IncludeNodeKey.NodeId.ToString();
                            ReturnObj["selectid"] = _IdPrefix + IncludeNodeKey.ToString();
                    if (ReturnObj["selectid"] == null)
                        switch (DefaultSelect)
                        case "none":

                        case "root":
                            ReturnObj["selectid"] = _IdPrefix + "root";

                        case "firstchild":
                            CswNbtNodeKey CurrentKey = Tree.getNodeKeyForCurrentPosition();
                            while (CurrentKey != null &&
                                   CurrentKey.NodeSpecies != CswEnumNbtNodeSpecies.Plain &&
                                   Tree.getChildNodeCount() > 0)
                                CurrentKey = Tree.getNodeKeyForCurrentPosition();
                            if (CurrentKey != null && CurrentKey.NodeSpecies == CswEnumNbtNodeSpecies.Plain)
                                // ReturnObj["selectid"] = _IdPrefix + Tree.getNodeIdForCurrentPosition().ToString();
                                ReturnObj["selectid"] = _IdPrefix + CurrentKey.ToString();
                        } // switch( DefaultSelect )
                    }     // if( ReturnObj["selectid"] == null )
                }         // if( HasResults )
                    ReturnObj["selectid"] = _IdPrefix + "root";

                ReturnObj["root"]                     = new JObject();
                ReturnObj["root"]["data"]             = _View.ViewName;
                ReturnObj["root"]["attr"]             = new JObject();
                ReturnObj["root"]["attr"]["id"]       = _IdPrefix + "root";
                ReturnObj["root"]["attr"]["rel"]      = "root";
                ReturnObj["root"]["attr"]["disabled"] = false == Tree.getNodeIncludedForCurrentPosition();
                //ReturnObj["attr"]["nodekey"] = Tree.getNodeKeyForCurrentPosition().ToString();
                ReturnObj["root"]["state"]    = "open";
                ReturnObj["root"]["children"] = new JArray();

                if (HasResults)
                    _runTreeNodesRecursive(Tree, (JArray)ReturnObj["root"]["children"], true);
                    JObject NoResultsObj = new JObject();
                    NoResultsObj["state"] = "leaf";
                    NoResultsObj["data"]  = "No Results";
        } // runTree()
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Restore search from row in 'search' table
 /// </summary>
 public void FromSearchRow(DataRow SearchRow)
     SearchId = new CswPrimaryKey(CswNbtSearchManager.SearchTableName, CswConvert.ToInt32(SearchRow["searchid"]));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public CswNbtAPIGenericRequest(string MetaDataNameIn, string Id)
     NodeId       = new CswPrimaryKey("nodes", CswConvert.ToInt32(Id));
     MetaDataName = MetaDataNameIn;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        private void _initPermissionInfo(CswNbtObjClassRole CswNbtObjClassRole, ICswNbtUser CswNbtUser, CswNbtMetaDataNodeType NodeType, CswEnumNbtNodeTypePermission Permission, CswPrimaryKey CswPrimaryKey = null, CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeProp PropType = null)
            if (null == CswNbtObjClassRole)
                CswPrimaryKey RoleId = null;
                if (null != CswNbtUser)
                    RoleId = CswNbtUser.RoleId;
                    if (null != _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser)
                        CswNbtUser = _CswNbtResources.CurrentNbtUser;
                        RoleId     = CswNbtUser.RoleId;
                }//if the user we got is null

                if (null != RoleId)
                    CswNbtObjClassRole = _getRole(RoleId);
                } //if we were able to get a roleid
            }     //if the role we got is null

            if (null != CswNbtObjClassRole)
                CswNbtPermitInfoKey CswNbtPermitInfoKey = new CswNbtPermitInfoKey(CswNbtObjClassRole, NodeType);
                if (_PermitInfoItems.ContainsKey(CswNbtPermitInfoKey))
                    _CswNbtPermitInfo = _PermitInfoItems[CswNbtPermitInfoKey];

                    //must reset these per-request because they change per request for the same role and nodetype (e.g., see allowAny() )
                    if (null != CswPrimaryKey)
                        _CswNbtPermitInfo.NodePrimeKey = CswPrimaryKey;

                    if (null != PropType)
                        _CswNbtPermitInfo.PropType = PropType;

                    _CswNbtPermitInfo.NodeTypePermission = Permission;
                    _CswNbtPermitInfo = new CswNbtPermitInfo(_CswNbtResources, CswNbtUser, CswNbtObjClassRole, NodeType, Permission, CswPrimaryKey, PropType);
                    _PermitInfoItems.Add(CswNbtPermitInfoKey, _CswNbtPermitInfo);
            else //the permit info in this case is not catalogued, and permit info won't allow any ops to proceed
                _CswNbtPermitInfo = new CswNbtPermitInfo(_CswNbtResources, CswNbtUser, CswNbtObjClassRole, NodeType, Permission, CswPrimaryKey, PropType);
            } //if we were able to retrieve a role
        }     //_initPermissionInfo()
        private CswNbtObjClassContainer _createChildContainer(string ContainerNodeTypeId, CswPrimaryKey UnitId, string Barcode)
            CswNbtObjClassContainer ChildContainer = null;
            CswNbtMetaDataNodeType  ContainerNT    = _CswNbtResources.MetaData.getNodeType(CswConvert.ToInt32(ContainerNodeTypeId));

            if (ContainerNT != null)
                _CswNbtResources.Nodes.makeNodeFromNodeTypeId(ContainerNT.NodeTypeId, delegate(CswNbtNode CopyNode)
                    ChildContainer = CopyNode;
                    if (false == String.IsNullOrEmpty(Barcode))
                        ChildContainer.Barcode.setBarcodeValueOverride(Barcode, false);
                    ChildContainer.ReceiptLot.RelatedNodeId      = null;
                    ChildContainer.ExpirationDate.DateTimeValue  = _SourceContainer.ExpirationDate.DateTimeValue;
                    ChildContainer.SourceContainer.RelatedNodeId = _SourceContainer.NodeId;
                    ChildContainer.Quantity.Quantity             = 0;
                    ChildContainer.Quantity.UnitId  = UnitId;
                    ChildContainer.Disposed.Checked = CswEnumTristate.False;
Ejemplo n.º 18
        } // _CanNodeTypeImpl()

        #endregion NodeType

        #region Tabs

        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the User has permission on this Tab (and only this Tab)
        /// </summary>
        public bool canTab(CswEnumNbtNodeTypePermission Permission, CswNbtMetaDataNodeType NodeType, CswNbtMetaDataNodeTypeTab NodeTypeTab, ICswNbtUser User = null, CswPrimaryKey NodeId = null)
            _initPermissionInfo(null, User, NodeType, Permission, NodeId);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Get a DataTable with a single view, by name and visibility
        /// </summary>
        public DataTable getView(string ViewName, CswEnumNbtViewVisibility Visibility, CswPrimaryKey VisibilityRoleId, CswPrimaryKey VisibilityUserId)
            CswTableSelect ViewsTable  = _CswNbtResources.makeCswTableSelect("CswNbtViewSelect_viewExists_select", "node_views");
            string         WhereClause = "where viewname = '" + CswTools.SafeSqlParam(ViewName) + "'";

            if (Visibility == CswEnumNbtViewVisibility.Role)
                WhereClause += " and visibility = 'Role' and roleid = " + VisibilityRoleId.PrimaryKey.ToString();
            else if (Visibility == CswEnumNbtViewVisibility.User)
                WhereClause += " and visibility = 'User' and userid = " + VisibilityUserId.PrimaryKey.ToString();
                WhereClause += " and visibility = '" + Visibility.ToString() + "'";
        } // getViews()