Ejemplo n.º 1

        #region Add definitions

        /// <summary>
        /// Declare a new import sheet in IMPORT_DEF and set that sheet as the default for new orders and bindings
        /// with this ImportMgr. (Unnecessary for CAF imports -- all imports use the "CAF" sheet)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SheetOrder">The order of this sheet relative to other sheets</param>
        /// <param name="SheetName">The name used to identify this sheet</param>
        /// <param name="OverrideImportDefId">Manually set the ImportDefId for this import. Use only when a sheet
        /// has been deleted with removeImportDef and a new one must be defined with the same importdefid.</param>
        public void importDef(int SheetOrder, string SheetName, int OverrideImportDefId = int.MinValue)
            DataRow row = _importDefTable.NewRow();

            if (OverrideImportDefId != int.MinValue)
                row["importdefid"] = OverrideImportDefId;
            row["sheetname"]      = SheetName;
            row["sheetorder"]     = SheetOrder;
            row["definitionname"] = _DefinitionName;
            _SheetDefinitions = SchemaModTrnsctn.createImportDefinitionEntries(_DefinitionName, _importDefTable);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Public accessor for the _CAFOrder dictionary so we can use it to change the order in the future
        /// </summary>
        //public Dictionary<string, Int32> CAFImportOrder
        //    get { return _CAFOrder; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Build a new UpdateImportMgr for a particular definition
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="SchemaModTrnsctn">The schema script resources class</param>
        /// <param name="DefinitionName">The IMPORT_DEF definition (use "CAF" for caf imports)</param>
        /// <param name="CafDbLink">Legacy: this should probably change/go away after case 31124</param>
        /// <param name="ImporterSetUpMode">NbtExe or NbtWeb - depending on where you are using the Imp mgr</param>
        public CswNbtSchemaUpdateImportMgr(CswNbtSchemaModTrnsctn SchemaModTrnsctn, string DefinitionName, string CafDbLink = null, CswEnumSetupMode ImporterSetUpMode = CswEnumSetupMode.NbtExe)
            _CAFDbLink            = CafDbLink ?? CswScheduleLogicNbtCAFImport.CAFDbLink;
            _NbtImporter          = new CswNbtImporter(SchemaModTrnsctn.Accessid, ImporterSetUpMode);
            this.SchemaModTrnsctn = SchemaModTrnsctn;

            _importDefTable           = SchemaModTrnsctn.makeCswTableUpdate("Import_getDefs", "import_def").getTable();
            _importOrderTable         = SchemaModTrnsctn.makeCswTableUpdate("Import_getOrder", "import_def_order").getTable();
            _importBindingsTable      = SchemaModTrnsctn.makeCswTableUpdate("Import_getBindings", "import_def_bindings").getTable();
            _importRelationshipsTable = SchemaModTrnsctn.makeCswTableUpdate("Import_getRelationships", "import_def_relationships").getTable();

            _DefinitionName = DefinitionName;
            _SourceColumns  = new CswCommaDelimitedString();

            _SheetDefinitions = SchemaModTrnsctn.createImportDefinitionEntries(DefinitionName, _importDefTable);