public static void MakeCsvClass(string outPaths, string fileCsv, CsvHeader[] headers, string[] typeStrs) { string classStr = TemplateClass; string headerfile; Header typeHeader; if (TryGetHeader("_BaseHeader", out typeHeader) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeHeader.path)) { headerfile = typeHeader.path; } else { headerfile = string.Empty; } string templateSimpe = TemplateSimpeCase; StringBuilder propertyBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder methodBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder simpleBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder nodeBuilder = new StringBuilder(); string classKey = ""; int defineFieldIndex = -1; List <string> flagKeys = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i++) { CsvHeader header = headers[i]; if (header.skip) { continue; } bool isSimple = false; string paramName = string.Empty; string fieldName = string.Empty; switch (header.type) { case eFieldType.Primitive: fieldName =; paramName = "text"; isSimple = true; break; case eFieldType.Array: if (flagKeys.Contains(header.baseName)) { //Debug.Log(file + " Array skip:" +; continue; } flagKeys.Add(header.baseName); fieldName = header.baseName; paramName = "node"; break; case eFieldType.Class: if (flagKeys.Contains(header.baseName)) { //Debug.Log(file + " Class skip:" +; continue; } flagKeys.Add(header.baseName); fieldName = header.baseName; paramName = "node"; break; default: break; } string typeStr = typeStrs[i]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeStr)) { continue; } if (typeStr == "define") { defineFieldIndex = i; continue; } if (typeStr[0] == CsvConfig.comment) { typeStr = typeStr.Substring(1); } string[] subTypes = typeStr.Split(CsvConfig.classSeparator); string typeName = GetSysType(subTypes[0]); subTypes = typeName.Split(CsvConfig.arrayChars); typeName = GetSysType(subTypes[0]); string baseTypeName = GetSysType(subTypes[0]); string funcName = string.Empty; if (subTypes.Length == 1) { funcName = "Base"; } else { int arrayNum = (subTypes.Length - 1) / 2; for (int num = 0; num < arrayNum; num++) { funcName += "Array"; typeName = ComposeTypeName(typeName); } } string template; template = templateSimpe.Replace("@funName", funcName).Replace("@name", fieldName) .Replace("@type", initCap(baseTypeName)).Replace("@paramName", paramName); if (isSimple) { simpleBuilder.Append(template); } else { nodeBuilder.Append(template); } if ( == CsvConfig.primaryKey) { classKey = typeName; if (classKey == "int") { classKey = "Integer"; } } propertyBuilder.Append(TemplateProperty.Replace("@type", typeName).Replace("@name", fieldName)); methodBuilder.Append(TemplateMethod.Replace("@type", typeName).Replace("@name", fieldName).Replace("@MethodName", initCap(fieldName))); } string fileCsvUpper = fileCsv.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + fileCsv.Substring(1); string className = fileCsvUpper + CsvConfig.classPostfix; classStr = classStr.Replace("@className", className); classStr = classStr.Replace("@classKey", classKey); classStr = classStr.Replace("@class", fileCsvUpper); classStr = classStr.Replace("@fileName", fileCsv); classStr = classStr.Replace("#headerfile#", headerfile); classStr = classStr.Replace("#property#", propertyBuilder.ToString()); classStr = classStr.Replace("#method#", methodBuilder.ToString()); classStr = classStr.Replace("#BaseCase#", simpleBuilder.ToString()); classStr = classStr.Replace("#NodeCase#", nodeBuilder.ToString()); string fileName = className + mSuffixName; string[] outPathArrray = outPaths.Split(';'); foreach (string outPath in outPathArrray) { if (!Directory.Exists(outPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outPath); } string filePath = Path.Combine(outPath, fileName); File.WriteAllText(filePath, classStr); Debug.Log("MakeCsv:" + fileCsv + "\nOutput:" + filePath); string raderClassStr = TemplateReader.Replace("@classname", fileCsvUpper).Replace("@classcsv", className).Replace("@classKey", classKey); string readerFileName = fileCsvUpper + "Reader" + mSuffixName; string readerFilePath = Path.Combine(outPath, readerFileName); File.WriteAllText(readerFilePath, raderClassStr); } }
public PscCsv ComposeCsv(CsvHeader csvHeader, CsvLines CsvLines, CsvFooter csvFooter) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private bool ReadExcel(string filePath, char type, Action headAction, Action <char, IRow> rowAction) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(fs); //只读取第一张表 ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheetAt(0); if (sheet == null) { Debug.LogError("ReadExcel Error Sheet:" + filePath); return(false); } m_sheetName = sheet.SheetName; //第一行为表头,必定是最大列数 IRow nameRow = sheet.GetRow(0); int cellCount = nameRow.LastCellNum; //表头 IRow headRow = sheet.GetRow(1); //导出类型 IRow typeRow = sheet.GetRow(2); //导出服务器客户端 IRow exportRow = sheet.GetRow(3); ICell cell = exportRow.GetCell(0); if (cell == null || cell.StringCellValue == null) { Debug.LogError("导出配置错误:" + filePath); return(false); } if (cell.StringCellValue != "A" && !cell.StringCellValue.Contains(type)) { Debug.LogWarning("跳过导出:" + filePath); return(false); } //Debug.Log("导出:" + filePath); string[] exportSettings = new string[cellCount]; for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) { cell = exportRow.GetCell(i); if (cell == null) { exportSettings[i] = string.Empty; continue; } exportSettings[i] = cell.StringCellValue; } m_defineIndex = -1; m_rawTypes = new string[cellCount]; m_cellTypes = new string[cellCount]; //第一列为id,只支持int,string cell = typeRow.GetCell(0); string value = cell.StringCellValue; if (value[0] == CsvConfig.skipFlag) { m_rawTypes[0] = value; m_cellTypes[0] = value.Substring(1); } else { m_rawTypes[0] = CsvConfig.skipFlag + value; m_cellTypes[0] = value; } for (int i = 1; i < cellCount; i++) { cell = typeRow.GetCell(i); if (cell == null) { continue; } value = cell.StringCellValue; m_rawTypes[i] = value; int pos = value.LastIndexOf(CsvConfig.classSeparator); if (pos > 0) { m_cellTypes[i] = value.Substring(pos + 1); } else { m_cellTypes[i] = value; } } m_headers = new CsvHeader[cellCount]; for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(exportSettings[i])) { m_headers[i] = CsvHeader.Pop(string.Empty); continue; } if (exportSettings[i] != "A" && !exportSettings[i].Contains(type)) { m_headers[i] = CsvHeader.Pop(string.Empty); continue; } cell = headRow.GetCell(i); if (cell == null) { m_headers[i] = CsvHeader.Pop(string.Empty); continue; } var cellType = m_cellTypes[i]; if (cellType == "define") { m_defineIndex = i; m_defineName = cell.StringCellValue; m_headers[i] = CsvHeader.Pop(string.Empty); continue; } m_headers[i] = CsvHeader.Pop(cell.StringCellValue); if (m_headers[i].type == eFieldType.Array && cellType.Length > 2 && cellType.EndsWith("[]", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && m_headers[i].name == m_headers[i].baseName) { //去除结尾的[] m_cellTypes[i] = cellType.Substring(0, cellType.Length - 2); } } int slot; List <string> nodeSlots = new List <string>(1); List <CsvNode> nodes = new List <CsvNode>(1); for (int i = 0; i < m_headers.Length; i++) { CsvHeader header = m_headers[i]; if (header.type == eFieldType.Primitive) { header.SetSlot(-1); continue; } slot = nodeSlots.IndexOf(header.baseName); if (slot < 0) { nodeSlots.Add(header.baseName); header.SetSlot(nodeSlots.Count - 1); var node = CsvNode.Pop(header.baseName, header.type); var subTypes = m_rawTypes[i].Split(CsvConfig.arrayChars, CsvConfig.classSeparator); node.cellType = subTypes[0]; nodes.Add(node); } else { header.SetSlot(slot); } } if (nodeSlots.Count > 0) { m_nodes = nodes.ToArray(); } else { m_nodes = new CsvNode[0]; } headAction(); m_rawIds.Clear(); int startIndex = 4;// sheet.FirstRowNum; int lastIndex = sheet.LastRowNum; for (int index = startIndex; index <= lastIndex; index++) { m_curIndex = index; IRow row = sheet.GetRow(index); if (row == null) { continue; } //跳过id为空,或者#号开头的行 cell = row.GetCell(0); if (cell == null) { continue; } var obj = getCellValue(cell); if (obj == null) { continue; } string id = obj.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) || id[0] == CsvConfig.skipFlag) { continue; } if (m_rawIds.IndexOf(id) >= 0) { Debug.LogError(m_filePath + " 重复id, index:" + index + " id:" + id); continue; } m_rawIds.Add(id); try { rowAction(type, row); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(m_filePath + " 转换错误, index:" + index + " info:" + obj + " \n" + e); } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="header">We ref this simply for performance reasons.</param> /// <param name="memberName"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <param name="classType"></param> private static void GetTypeFromHeader(ref CsvHeader header, ref string memberName, out Type type, out string classType) { classType = ""; if (memberName.Contains("(")) { // The user is defining the type for this property classType = CsvHeader.GetClassNameFromHeader(header.Name); bool shouldBeNewed = false; if (classType.StartsWith("List<")) { classType = "System.Collections.Generic." + classType; shouldBeNewed = true; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(classType)) { // We can get here if the class is (required) type = typeof(string); } else { if (classType.Contains("<")) { ParsedType parsedType = new ParsedType(classType); type = TypeManager.GetTypeFromParsedType(parsedType); } else { type = TypeManager.GetTypeFromString(classType); } } memberName = StringFunctions.RemoveWhitespace(memberName); memberName = memberName.Substring(0, memberName.IndexOfAny(new char[] { '(' })); if (shouldBeNewed) { // The user probably wants these new'ed: memberName += " = new " + classType + "()"; } } else { memberName = StringFunctions.RemoveWhitespace(memberName); type = typeof(string); } }
public void FromTypeWithAliasTest() { var header = CsvHeader.FromType <Person2>(); Assert.AreEqual(CsvHeader.FromValues("first_name", "age"), header); }
public void FromTypeTest() { var header = CsvHeader.FromType <Person1>(); Assert.AreEqual(CsvHeader.FromValues("Name", "Age"), header); }
public void EqualsTest() { var header = new CsvHeader(new string[] { "id", "name", "age" }); Assert.AreEqual(CsvHeader.FromValues("id", "name", "age"), header); }
public void ToStringTest() { var header = new CsvHeader(new string[] { "id", "name", "age" }); Assert.AreEqual("id,name,age", header.ToString()); }
public static void MakeCsvClass(string outPaths, string fileCsv, CsvHeader[] headers, string[] typeStrs, string headExtend, string csvExtend, string readerExtend) { //string fileCsv = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file); string classStr = TemplateCsv; string headerfile; Header typeHeader; if (TryGetHeader("_BaseHeader", out typeHeader) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeHeader.path)) { headerfile = typeHeader.path; } else { headerfile = string.Empty; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(headExtend)) { headerfile += headExtend; } StringBuilder propertyBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder simpleBuilder = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder nodeBuilder = new StringBuilder(); List <string> flagKeys = new List <string>(); List <string> importKeys = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < headers.Length; i++) { CsvHeader header = headers[i]; if (header.skip) { continue; } bool isSimple = false; string fieldName = string.Empty; string paramName = string.Empty; bool isEnum = false; switch (header.type) { case eFieldType.Primitive: fieldName =; paramName = "Text"; isSimple = true; break; case eFieldType.Array: if (flagKeys.Contains(header.baseName)) { //Debug.Log(file + " Array skip:" +; continue; } flagKeys.Add(header.baseName); fieldName = header.baseName; paramName = "Node"; break; case eFieldType.Class: if (flagKeys.Contains(header.baseName)) { //Debug.Log(file + " Class skip:" +; continue; } flagKeys.Add(header.baseName); fieldName = header.baseName; paramName = "Node"; break; default: break; } string typeStr = typeStrs[i]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeStr)) { continue; } if (typeStr == "define") { //define文件生成标志 continue; } if (typeStr[0] == CsvConfig.comment) { typeStr = typeStr.Substring(1); } string[] subTypes = typeStr.Split(CsvConfig.classSeparator); string typeName = GetSysType(subTypes[0]); subTypes = subTypes[0].Split(CsvConfig.arrayChars); string baseTypeName = GetConvertType(subTypes[0]); string funcName = string.Empty; if (subTypes.Length == 1) { funcName = "Base"; } else { int arrayNum = (subTypes.Length - 1) / 2; for (int num = 0; num < arrayNum; num++) { funcName += "Array"; } } if (TryGetHeader(baseTypeName, out typeHeader)) { isEnum = typeHeader.isEnum; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeHeader.path) && !importKeys.Contains(baseTypeName)) { headerfile += typeHeader.path; importKeys.Add(baseTypeName); } } string template; if (isEnum) { template = TemplateCsvCase_Enum.Replace("@funName", funcName).Replace("@name", fieldName) .Replace("@type", baseTypeName) .Replace("@paramName", paramName) .Replace("@lowerParamName", paramName.ToLower()); } else { template = TemplateCsvCase_Simple.Replace("@funName", funcName).Replace("@name", fieldName) .Replace("@type", baseTypeName) .Replace("@paramName", paramName) .Replace("@lowerParamName", paramName.ToLower()); } if (isSimple) { simpleBuilder.Append(template); } else { nodeBuilder.Append(template); } template = TemplateCsvProperty.Replace("@type", typeName).Replace("@name", fieldName); propertyBuilder.Append(template); } string fileCsvUpper = fileCsv.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + fileCsv.Substring(1); string className = fileCsvUpper + CsvConfig.classPostfix; classStr = classStr.Replace("@className", fileCsvUpper); //classStr = classStr.Replace("@class", fileCsvUpper); classStr = classStr.Replace("@fileName", fileCsv); classStr = classStr.Replace("#headerfile#", headerfile); classStr = classStr.Replace("#property#", propertyBuilder.ToString()); classStr = classStr.Replace("#BaseCase#", simpleBuilder.ToString()); classStr = classStr.Replace("#NodeCase#", nodeBuilder.ToString()); classStr = classStr.Replace("#extendCsv#", csvExtend); classStr = classStr.Replace("#extendReader#", readerExtend); classStr = Regex.Replace(classStr, "(?<!\r)\n|\r\n", "\n"); string fileName = className + mSuffixName; string[] outPathArrray = outPaths.Split(';'); foreach (string outPath in outPathArrray) { if (!Directory.Exists(outPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outPath); } string filePath = Path.Combine(outPath, fileName); File.WriteAllText(filePath, classStr); Debug.Log("MakeCsv:" + fileCsv + "\nOutput:" + filePath); } }