Ejemplo n.º 1
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes HTML editor's settings.
    /// </summary>
    protected void InitHTMLeditor()
        htmlEditor.AutoDetectLanguage = false;
        htmlEditor.DefaultLanguage    = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName;
        htmlEditor.ToolbarSet         = "BizForm";

        // Allow metafile attachments in media dialog
        if ((ObjectID > 0) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ObjectType)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ObjectCategory)))
            DialogConfiguration config = htmlEditor.MediaDialogConfig;
            config.MetaFileObjectID   = ObjectID;
            config.MetaFileObjectType = ObjectType;
            config.MetaFileCategory   = ObjectCategory;
            config.HideAttachments    = false;

        // Load CSS style for editor area if any
        if (CssStyleSheetID > 0)
            CssStylesheetInfo cssi = CssStylesheetInfoProvider.GetCssStylesheetInfo(CssStyleSheetID);
            if (cssi != null)
                htmlEditor.EditorAreaCSS = CssLinkHelper.GetStylesheetUrl(cssi.StylesheetName);
    /// <summary>
    /// PreRender event handler.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="e">EventArgs</param>
    protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)

        if (!StopProcessing)
            // Add link to page header
            bool   filePathContainsAbsoluteUrl = !URLHelper.IsLocalUrl(FilePath);
            string url  = filePathContainsAbsoluteUrl ? FilePath : CssLinkHelper.GetPhysicalCssUrl(FilePath);
            string link = CssLinkHelper.GetCssFileLink(url, Media);

            LiteralControl ltlCss = new LiteralControl(link);
            ltlCss.EnableViewState = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the links to CSS files which should be used for displaying the page.
    /// </summary>
    private static string GetCssFileLink()
        // Get stylesheet
        CssStylesheetInfo csi = null;

        if (DocumentContext.CurrentPageInfo.DocumentStylesheetID > 0)
            csi = CssStylesheetInfoProvider.GetCssStylesheetInfo(DocumentContext.CurrentPageInfo.DocumentStylesheetID);
        // If not found, get default stylesheet from the current site
        if ((csi == null) && (SiteContext.CurrentSite.SiteDefaultStylesheetID > 0))
            csi = CssStylesheetInfoProvider.GetCssStylesheetInfo(SiteContext.CurrentSite.SiteDefaultStylesheetID);
        // If stylesheet found, get the URL
        if (csi != null)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var previewState = GetPreviewStateFromCookies(MASTERPAGE);

        // Keep current user
        var user = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

        // Get document node
        tree = new TreeProvider(user);
        node = UIContext.EditedObject as TreeNode;

        // Register the dialog script

        // Register save changes

        // Save changes support
        bool   confirmChanges = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetBoolValue(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName + ".CMSConfirmChanges");
        string script         = string.Empty;

        if (confirmChanges)
            script  = "CMSContentManager.confirmLeave=" + ScriptHelper.GetString(ResHelper.GetString("Content.ConfirmLeave", user.PreferredUICultureCode), true, false) + "; \n";
            script += "CMSContentManager.confirmLeaveShort=" + ScriptHelper.GetString(ResHelper.GetString("Content.ConfirmLeaveShort", user.PreferredUICultureCode), true, false) + "; \n";
            script += "CMSContentManager.confirmChanges = false;";

        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "saveChangesScript", script, true);

            if (node != null)
                DocumentContext.CurrentPageInfo = PageInfoProvider.GetPageInfo(node.NodeSiteName, node.NodeAliasPath, node.DocumentCulture, null, node.NodeID, false);

                // Title
                string title = DocumentContext.CurrentTitle;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title))
                    title = "<title>" + title + "</title>";

                // Body class
                string bodyCss = DocumentContext.CurrentBodyClass;

                if (bodyCss != null && bodyCss.Trim() != "")
                    bodyCss = "class=\"" + bodyCss + "\"";
                    bodyCss = "";

                // Metadata
                string meta = "<meta http-equiv=\"pragma\" content=\"no-cache\" />";

                string description = DocumentContext.CurrentDescription;
                if (description != "")
                    meta += "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"" + description + "\" />";

                string keywords = DocumentContext.CurrentKeyWords;
                if (keywords != "")
                    meta += "<meta name=\"keywords\"  content=\"" + keywords + "\" />";

                // Site style sheet
                string cssSiteSheet = "";

                int stylesheetId = DocumentContext.CurrentPageInfo.DocumentStylesheetID;

                CssStylesheetInfo cssInfo = CssStylesheetInfoProvider.GetCssStylesheetInfo((stylesheetId > 0) ? stylesheetId : SiteContext.CurrentSite.SiteDefaultStylesheetID);

                if (cssInfo != null)
                    cssSiteSheet = CssLinkHelper.GetCssFileLink(CssLinkHelper.GetStylesheetUrl(cssInfo.StylesheetName));

                // Theme CSS files
                string themeCssFiles = "";
                if (cssInfo != null)
                        string directory = URLHelper.GetPhysicalPath(string.Format("~/App_Themes/{0}/", cssInfo.StylesheetName));
                        if (Directory.Exists(directory))
                            foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.css"))
                                themeCssFiles += CssLinkHelper.GetCssFileLink(CssLinkHelper.GetPhysicalCssUrl(cssInfo.StylesheetName, Path.GetFileName(file)));

                // Add values to page
                mHead = FormatHTML(HighlightHTML(title + meta + cssSiteSheet + themeCssFiles), 2);
                mBody = bodyCss;


        // Add save action
        SaveAction save = new SaveAction();

        save.CommandArgument = ComponentEvents.SAVE_DATA;
        save.CommandName     = ComponentEvents.SAVE_DATA;


        if (pti != null)
            // Disable buttons for no-template
            bool actionsEnabled = (pti.PageTemplateId > 0);

            // Edit layout
            HeaderAction action = new HeaderAction
                Text          = GetString("content.ui.pagelayout"),
                Tooltip       = GetString("pageplaceholder.editlayouttooltip"),
                OnClientClick = "EditLayout();return false;",
                Enabled       = actionsEnabled

            string elemUrl = ApplicationUrlHelper.GetElementDialogUrl("cms.design", "PageTemplate.EditPageTemplate", pti.PageTemplateId);

            // Edit page properties action
            action = new HeaderAction
                Text          = GetString("PageProperties.EditTemplateProperties"),
                Tooltip       = GetString("PageProperties.EditTemplateProperties"),
                OnClientClick = "modalDialog('" + elemUrl + "', 'TemplateSelection', '85%', '85%');return false;",
                Enabled       = actionsEnabled

            CMSPagePlaceholder.RegisterEditLayoutScript(this, pti.PageTemplateId, node.NodeAliasPath, null);

            // Preview
            HeaderAction preview = new HeaderAction
                Text          = GetString("general.preview"),
                OnClientClick = "performToolbarAction('split');return false;",
                Visible       = ((previewState == 0) && !PortalUIHelper.DisplaySplitMode),
                Tooltip       = GetString("preview.tooltip")

            headerActions.ActionPerformed += headerActions_ActionPerformed;

        RegisterInitScripts(pnlBody.ClientID, pnlMenu.ClientID, false);
Ejemplo n.º 5
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Set control properties
        editor.AutoDetectLanguage = false;
        editor.DefaultLanguage    = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName;

        if (Form != null)
            editor.DialogParameters = Form.DialogParameters;

        // Get editor area toolbar
        editor.ToolbarSet      = DataHelper.GetNotEmpty(GetValue("toolbarset"), (Form != null) ? Form.HtmlAreaToolbar : String.Empty);
        editor.ToolbarLocation = DataHelper.GetNotEmpty(GetValue("toolbarlocation"), (Form != null) ? Form.HtmlAreaToolbarLocation : String.Empty);

        // Set form dimensions
        editor.Width  = Width;
        editor.Height = Height;

        // Get editor area starting path
        String startingPath = ValidationHelper.GetString(GetValue("startingpath"), String.Empty);

        editor.StartingPath = startingPath;

        // Set current context resolver
        editor.ResolverName = ResolverName;

        // Get editor area css file
        string cssStylesheet = ValidationHelper.GetString(GetValue("cssstylesheet"), String.Empty);

        // If default stylesheet is used, leave the the css property empty, otherwise it fails to fetch the stylesheet
        if (cssStylesheet == DEFAULT_STYLESHEET_NAME)
            cssStylesheet = String.Empty;

        // Set editor area css
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cssStylesheet))
            editor.EditorAreaCSS = CssLinkHelper.GetStylesheetUrl(cssStylesheet);
        else if (SiteContext.CurrentSite != null)
            editor.EditorAreaCSS = PortalHelper.GetHtmlEditorAreaCss(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);

        // Set live site info
        editor.IsLiveSite = IsLiveSite;

        // Set direction
        editor.ContentsLangDirection = CultureHelper.IsPreferredCultureRTL() ? LanguageDirection.RightToLeft : LanguageDirection.LeftToRight;

        // Get dialog configuration
        DialogConfiguration mediaConfig = GetDialogConfiguration();

        if (mediaConfig != null)
            // Override starting path from main configuration
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(startingPath))
                mediaConfig.ContentStartingPath = startingPath;
                mediaConfig.LibStartingPath     = startingPath;

            // Set configuration for 'Insert image or media' dialog
            editor.MediaDialogConfig = mediaConfig;
            // Set configuration for 'Insert link' dialog
            editor.LinkDialogConfig = mediaConfig.Clone();
            // Set configuration for 'Quickly insert image' dialog
            editor.QuickInsertConfig = mediaConfig.Clone();

        // Set CSS settings
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ControlStyle))
            editor.Attributes.Add("style", ControlStyle);
            ControlStyle = null;
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(CssClass))
            editor.CssClass = CssClass;

        CheckRegularExpression = true;
        CheckFieldEmptiness    = true;

        if (ShowAddStampButton)
            //Add stamp button
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads content from specific newsletter template.
    /// </summary>
    private void LoadContent()
        var urlHelper = new URLHelper();

        EmailTemplateInfo emailTemplate = EmailTemplateInfoProvider.GetEmailTemplateInfo(mTemplateID);

        if ((emailTemplate == null) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailTemplate.TemplateBody))

        // Remove security parameters from macros
        string templateText = MacroSecurityProcessor.RemoveSecurityParameters(emailTemplate.TemplateBody, true, null);

        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack() && (issue != null))
            // Load content of editable regions
            IssueHelper.LoadRegionsContents(ref regionsContents, issue.IssueText);

        LiteralControl before;
        int            count           = 0;
        int            textStart       = 0;
        string         toolbarLocation = "Out:CKToolbar";
        string         toolbarSetName  = "Newsletter";

        int editRegStart = templateText.IndexOfCSafe("$$", textStart);

        // Apply CSS e-mail template style

        string domainName = SiteContext.CurrentSite.SiteIsContentOnly ? SiteContext.CurrentSite.SitePresentationURL : SiteContext.CurrentSite.DomainName;

        while (editRegStart >= 0)
            before = new LiteralControl();
            // Get template text surrounding editable regions - make links absolute
            before.Text = urlHelper.MakeLinksAbsolute(templateText.Substring(textStart, (editRegStart - textStart)), domainName);

            // End of region
            editRegStart += 2;
            textStart     = editRegStart;
            if (editRegStart < templateText.Length - 1)
                int editRegEnd = templateText.IndexOfCSafe("$$", editRegStart);
                if (editRegEnd >= 0)
                    string   region = templateText.Substring(editRegStart, editRegEnd - editRegStart);
                    string[] parts  = (region + ":" + ":").Split(':');

                        string name = parts[0];
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name.Trim()))
                            Regex intNumber = RegexHelper.GetRegex("^[0-9]+");
                            int   width     = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(intNumber.Match(parts[1]).Value, 0);
                            int   height    = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(intNumber.Match(parts[2]).Value, 0);

                            CMSEditableRegion editableRegion = new CMSEditableRegion();
                            editableRegion.ID         = name;
                            editableRegion.RegionType = CMSEditableRegionTypeEnum.HtmlEditor;
                            editableRegion.ViewMode   = ViewModeEnum.Edit;

                            editableRegion.DialogHeight = height;
                            editableRegion.DialogWidth  = width;

                            editableRegion.WordWrap = false;
                            editableRegion.HtmlAreaToolbarLocation = toolbarLocation;
                            editableRegion.RegionTitle             = name;
                            editableRegion.UseStylesheet           = false;
                            editableRegion.HTMLEditorCssStylesheet = EmailTemplateInfoProvider.GetStylesheetUrl(emailTemplate.TemplateName);

                            if (!mReadOnly)
                                editableRegion.HtmlAreaToolbar = toolbarSetName;
                                editableRegion.HtmlAreaToolbar = "Disabled";

                            CMSHtmlEditor editor = editableRegion.HtmlEditor;
                            editor.AutoGrowMinHeight = height;
                            editor.ResolverName      = "NewsletterResolver";

                            DialogConfiguration dialogConfig = editor.MediaDialogConfig;
                            dialogConfig.MetaFileObjectID   = (issue != null) ? issue.IssueID : 0;
                            dialogConfig.MetaFileObjectType = (issue != null) && issue.IssueIsVariant ? IssueInfo.OBJECT_TYPE_VARIANT : IssueInfo.OBJECT_TYPE;
                            dialogConfig.MetaFileCategory   = ObjectAttachmentsCategories.ISSUE;
                            dialogConfig.HideAttachments    = false;

                            editableRegion.LoadContent(ValidationHelper.GetString(regionsContents[name.ToLowerCSafe()], string.Empty));


                            textStart = editRegEnd + 2;
            editRegStart = templateText.IndexOfCSafe("$$", textStart);

        before      = new LiteralControl();
        before.Text = urlHelper.MakeLinksAbsolute(templateText.Substring(textStart), domainName);
