Ejemplo n.º 1
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // --- HELPERS ---

        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a secure token which will be sent to the users
        /// e-mail address together with account and instance information.
        /// This token is also set to cache as key together with the users
        /// UID as value to re-identify this token.
        /// After that, teh value for <see cref="UserModel.EmailConfirmStatus"/>
        /// will be set to <see cref="EmailConfirmStatus.UNCONFIRMED"/>.
        /// If the user has no valid e-mail address set, no mail will be sent
        /// and this function returns nothing without an error.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">user model</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task SendMailConfirm(UserModel user)
            if (publicAddress.IsNullOrEmpty())

            var token = CryptoRandomUtil.GetBase64String(32);

            cache.Put($"{Constants.MAIL_CONFIRM_CACHE_KEY}:{token}", user.Uid, TimeSpan.FromHours(1));

            var content =
                $"To confirm your mail address of your voidseeker account, please open the link below.\n" +
                $"\n" +
                $"Username:  {user.UserName}\n" +
                $"UID:  {user.Uid}\n" +
                $"Instance Host:  {publicAddress}\n" +
                $"\n" +
                $"Confirmation Link:\n" +

            await mailService.SendMailAsync("voidseeker", user.EmailAddress, "E-Mail Confirmation | voidseeker", content, false);

            user.EmailConfirmStatus = EmailConfirmStatus.UNCONFIRMED;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <DeadlinedToken> GenerateAsync <T>(T ident, TimeSpan lifetime) where T : AuthClaims
            var token = new DeadlinedToken()
                Token    = CryptoRandomUtil.GetBase64String(64),
                Deadline = DateTime.Now.Add(lifetime),

            var dbToken = await database.GetRefreshTokenByUserUid(ident.UserUid);

            Func <RefreshTokenModel, Task> addOrUpdate = database.Update;

            if (dbToken == null)
                dbToken     = new RefreshTokenModel(token, ident.UserUid);
                addOrUpdate = database.Put;

            await addOrUpdate(dbToken);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // --- HELPERS ---

        /// <summary>
        /// TODO: Summary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">user model</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task SendPasswordResetMail(UserModel user)
            if (publicAddress.IsNullOrEmpty())

            var token = CryptoRandomUtil.GetBase64String(32);

            cache.Put($"{Constants.MAIL_PWRESET_CACHE_KEY}:{token}", user.Uid, TimeSpan.FromHours(1));

            var content =
                $"To reset your password, please follow the link below.\n" +
                $"\n" +
                $"Username:  {user.UserName}\n" +
                $"UID:  {user.Uid}\n" +
                $"Instance Host:  {publicAddress}\n" +
                $"\n" +
                $"Password Reset Link:\n" +

            await mailService.SendMailAsync("voidseeker", user.EmailAddress, "Password Reset | voidseeker", content, false);