Ejemplo n.º 1
 public ODataControllerData(
     CrudBase <TApiSecured, TApiUnsecured, TModel> crud,
     IEdmModelAccessor modelAccessor,
     UserManager <TUser> userManager,
     TApiSecured context,
     IRevisionKeyGenerator revisionKeyGenerator)
     Crud                 = crud;
     ModelAccessor        = modelAccessor;
     UserManager          = userManager;
     Context              = context;
     RevisionKeyGenerator = revisionKeyGenerator;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// We might have a class property accidentally propogated to us,
        /// in which case Entity Framework will try to insert this class
        /// into the database. Clear all of these, for now.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="patchEntity"></param>
        protected virtual void ClearClassProperties(T patchEntity)
            if (patchEntity == null)
            var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties();

            foreach (var property in properties)
                // If single relationship
                var crud = new CrudBase <TDbContextSecured, TDbContextUnsecured, T>(Services);
                if (property.PropertyType.GetTypeInfo().IsClass&&
                    !property.PropertyType.GetInterfaces().Any(i => i.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType&&
                                                               i.GetGenericTypeDefinition() ==
                                                               typeof(IEnumerable <>)))
                    property.SetValue(patchEntity, null);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static async Task MigrateToVersionCInternal <T>(string tableName, CrudBase <T> crudProvider,
                                                                string step, Action <string> updateLabel) where T : class
            var tempTableName = "TEMP_" + tableName;

            updateLabel(step + "checking database...");

            // drop table before migration (preventing errors).
            await Database.ExecuteAsync("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + tempTableName + ";");

            updateLabel(step + "optimizing...");

            // vacuuming table
            await Database.VacuumTables();

            updateLabel(step + "preparing for migration...");

            await crudProvider.AlterAsync(tempTableName);

            // re-create table
            await Database.ReInitializeAsync(crudProvider);

            updateLabel(step + "migrating database...");

            // insert all records
            await Database.ExecuteAsync(
                $"INSERT INTO {tableName}(Id, ParentId, EntityType, DisplayText, OriginalUrl, UserId, MediaUrl, StartIndex, EndIndex, MediaType) " +
                " SELECT Id, ParentId, EntityType, DisplayText, OriginalUrl, UserId, MediaUrl, StartIndex, EndIndex, NULL " +
                $" FROM {tempTableName};");

            updateLabel(step + "cleaning up...");

            await Database.ExecuteAsync("DROP TABLE " + tempTableName + ";");

            await Database.VacuumTables();
Ejemplo n.º 4
		public async Task EnsureDatabaseAsync()
			await MigrateDatabaseAsync(ServiceProvider);
			_userManager = ServiceProvider.GetService<UserManager<ApplicationUser>>();
			var roleManager = ServiceProvider.GetService<RoleManager<IdentityRole>>();
			await EnsureUsersAsync(false);
			Context = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>();
			//var userStore = new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context);
			////var roleManager = new RoleManager<IdentityRole>();
			//var userManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(
			//	, );
			// Add Mvc.Client to the known applications.
			_productsCrud = new CrudBase<Product, int>(
				Context, Context.Products, p => p.ProductId);
			_ordersCrud = new CrudBase<Order, int>(
				Context, Context.Orders, p => p.Id);
			var customersCrud = new CrudBase<Customer, int>(
				Context, Context.Customers, p => p.CustomerId);

			//Action<string, double, int?, DateTime?, string> prod = (name, price, customerId, dateCreated, cratedByUserId) =>
			//	productId = Prod(productsCrud, productId, name, price, customerId, dateCreated, cratedByUserId);
			Action<string, string, string> cust = (guid, firstName, lastName) =>
					guid, customer =>
						customer.FirstName = firstName;
						customer.LastName = lastName;

			cust("6c13ec25-b9cf-4c99-87e7-13a45a034342", "Harry", "Whitburn");
			cust("0e941f32-8ae1-4eae-875a-f748bae3ce2a", "Nick", "Lawden");
			cust("134bd420-f64a-40db-bbe4-0b9a9ff3eb01", "Emil", "Roijer");
			Prod("00d5c0b0-738d-41ff-86d4-dca84da1d4d5", "Apple number1", 10, null, null);
			Prod("cd4c554d-3ca2-49aa-9286-08abacba3fa0", "Apple number1", 10, 1, null, "1");
			Prod("d100c753-3335-439c-88db-b8d9b6c09cc8", "Orange number1", 20, null, null);
			Prod("da93b8a4-4378-4ce0-918e-653f1bd4acaf", "Peanut butter number1", 25, 2, null);
			Prod("fe208521-4a77-4b09-94c2-2f08a4dd8872", "xApple number2", 10, 1, null);
			Prod("844fbc16-3d77-4421-9498-aa65300bc789", "xOrange number2", 20, 2, null);
			Prod("78509968-0073-4c57-8774-ec0d58ea7ff3", "xPeanut butter number2", 25, 2, null);
			Prod("18b8c4e7-48a2-40c7-bea8-1d1879bf852e", "xApple number2", 10, 1, null);
			Prod("e5ab744c-441c-447b-ae92-055b1bce5541", "xOrange number2", 20, 2, null);
			Prod("3a5476b1-7dd8-40b0-a6ce-b6bd3127da6f", "xPeanut butter number2", 25, 2, null);
			Prod("633a125c-1fe2-4f06-859d-a8d8fd52eb11", "xApple number2", 10, 1, null);
			Prod("27eea6ff-c4aa-44a0-84fe-32b0e13beec4", "xOrange number2", 20, 2, null);
			Prod("dcdc6836-3b44-41c5-8ade-792e39ce2112", "xPeanut butter number2", 25, 2, null);
			Prod("fdc3139d-8585-4b34-b815-13598bf55791", "xApple number2", 10, 1, null);
			Prod("46b058b2-dd55-4741-9ee0-99c63c4bd94a", "xOrange number2", 20, 2, null);
			Prod("11c0e3e5-c5d7-4ff5-ba6c-a54b77f91d1b", "xPeanut butter number2", 25, 2, null);
			Prod("796b6b1d-2d6d-413c-bcab-2659c0fdf02f", "Apple number3", 10, 1, null);
			Prod("5f928f2f-bc1b-4e73-a0d8-20c36f817342", "Orange number3", 20, 2, null);
			Prod("f4fa623d-f412-4b68-8a26-17cfa16cb0a0", "Peanut butter number3", 25, 2, null);
			Prod("8f81d6ab-4c8f-4800-aea0-3cb1ca116fc6", "Apple number4", 10, 1, null);
			Prod("f2b8032f-c8ac-406f-8038-939201771901", "Orange number4", 20, 2, null);
			Prod("dc872dbf-956c-43aa-aba4-e75395af7d83", "Peanut butter number4", 25, 2, null);
			Prod("4ca16ce0-1466-4ba6-a69b-5465ed0a4b1d", "Apple number5", 10, 1, null);
			Prod("66cc487b-2eb1-470b-98c8-03ee913d860e", "Orange number5", 20, 2, null);
			Prod("e77e6589-1dba-4c8b-97b1-1564056ddf10", "Peanut butter number5", 25, 2, null);
			Prod("183946f3-41a9-4140-a1cb-b328e3a778d1", "Apple number6", 10, 1, null);
			Prod("2995edec-ec1b-42ed-aa97-1e68a9ef765c", "Orange number6", 20, 2, null);
			Prod("a78204ae-169a-4d30-936b-034cda5abd0f", "Peanut butter number6", 25, 2, null);
			Order("31d57282-4824-4441-9bd0-49588b952728", "First order", 1);
			Order("fc41cc01-6dc3-4ca5-88a4-c4a463cd6316", "Second order", 1);
			Order("f1379562-c779-43bc-a507-71a8506ca8c9", "Third order", 1);
			await EnsureUsersAsync(true);
			await roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole("Admin"));
			await roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole("User"));
			await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(await _userManager.FindByIdAsync("1"), "Admin");
			await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(await _userManager.FindByIdAsync("1"), "User");
			await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(await _userManager.FindByIdAsync("2"), "User");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static void EnsureEntities(ApplicationDbContext context)
            var productsCrud = new CrudBase <Product, int>(
                context, context.Products, p => p.ProductId);
            var customersCrud = new CrudBase <Customer, int>(
                context, context.Customers, p => p.CustomerId);

            var productId = 0;
            Action <string, double, int?, DateTime?> prod = (name, price, customerId, dateCreated) =>
                    ++productId, product =>
                    product.Name        = name;
                    product.Price       = price;
                    product.CustomerId  = customerId;
                    product.DateCreated = dateCreated;
            var currentCustomerId        = 0;
            Action <string, string> cust = (firstName, lastName) =>
                    ++currentCustomerId, customer =>
                    customer.FirstName = firstName;
                    customer.LastName  = lastName;

            cust("Harry", "Whitburn");
            cust("Nick", "Lawden");
            prod("Apple number1", 10, null, null);
            prod("Apple number1", 10, 1, null);
            prod("Orange number1", 20, null, new DateTime(2015, 12, 1));
            prod("Peanut butter number1", 25, 2, null);
            prod("xApple number2", 10, 1, null);
            prod("xOrange number2", 20, 2, null);
            prod("xPeanut butter number2", 25, 2, null);
            prod("xApple number2", 10, 1, null);
            prod("xOrange number2", 20, 2, null);
            prod("xPeanut butter number2", 25, 2, null);
            prod("xApple number2", 10, 1, null);
            prod("xOrange number2", 20, 2, null);
            prod("xPeanut butter number2", 25, 2, null);
            prod("xApple number2", 10, 1, null);
            prod("xOrange number2", 20, 2, null);
            prod("xPeanut butter number2", 25, 2, null);
            prod("Apple number3", 10, 1, null);
            prod("Orange number3", 20, 2, null);
            prod("Peanut butter number3", 25, 2, null);
            prod("Apple number4", 10, 1, null);
            prod("Orange number4", 20, 2, null);
            prod("Peanut butter number4", 25, 2, null);
            prod("Apple number5", 10, 1, null);
            prod("Orange number5", 20, 2, null);
            prod("Peanut butter number5", 25, 2, null);
            prod("Apple number6", 10, 1, null);
            prod("Orange number6", 20, 2, null);
            prod("Peanut butter number6", 25, 2, null);
Ejemplo n.º 6
		private static void EnsureEntities(ApplicationDbContext context)
			var productsCrud = new CrudBase<Product, int>(
				context, context.Products, p => p.ProductId);
			var customersCrud = new CrudBase<Customer, int>(
				context, context.Customers, p => p.CustomerId);

			var productId = 0;
			Action<string, double, int?, DateTime?> prod = (name, price, customerId, dateCreated) =>
					++productId, product =>
						product.Name = name;
						product.Price = price;
						product.CustomerId = customerId;
						product.DateCreated = dateCreated;
			var currentCustomerId = 0;
			Action<string, string> cust = (firstName, lastName) =>
					++currentCustomerId, customer =>
						customer.FirstName = firstName;
						customer.LastName = lastName;

			cust("Harry", "Whitburn");
			cust("Nick", "Lawden");
			prod("Apple number1", 10, null, null);
			prod("Apple number1", 10, 1, null);
			prod("Orange number1", 20, null, new DateTime(2015, 12, 1));
			prod("Peanut butter number1", 25, 2, null);
			prod("xApple number2", 10, 1, null);
			prod("xOrange number2", 20, 2, null);
			prod("xPeanut butter number2", 25, 2, null);
			prod("xApple number2", 10, 1, null);
			prod("xOrange number2", 20, 2, null);
			prod("xPeanut butter number2", 25, 2, null);
			prod("xApple number2", 10, 1, null);
			prod("xOrange number2", 20, 2, null);
			prod("xPeanut butter number2", 25, 2, null);
			prod("xApple number2", 10, 1, null);
			prod("xOrange number2", 20, 2, null);
			prod("xPeanut butter number2", 25, 2, null);
			prod("Apple number3", 10, 1, null);
			prod("Orange number3", 20, 2, null);
			prod("Peanut butter number3", 25, 2, null);
			prod("Apple number4", 10, 1, null);
			prod("Orange number4", 20, 2, null);
			prod("Peanut butter number4", 25, 2, null);
			prod("Apple number5", 10, 1, null);
			prod("Orange number5", 20, 2, null);
			prod("Peanut butter number5", 25, 2, null);
			prod("Apple number6", 10, 1, null);
			prod("Orange number6", 20, 2, null);
			prod("Peanut butter number6", 25, 2, null);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static async Task ReInitializeAsync <T>(CrudBase <T> crudBase) where T : class
     await crudBase.InitializeAsync(_descriptor);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public async Task EnsureDatabaseAsync()
            await MigrateDatabaseAsync(ServiceProvider);

            _userManager = ServiceProvider.GetService <UserManager <ApplicationUser> >();
            var roleManager = ServiceProvider.GetService <RoleManager <IdentityRole> >();

            await EnsureUsersAsync(false);

            Context = ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ApplicationDbContext>();
            //var userStore = new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context);
            ////var roleManager = new RoleManager<IdentityRole>();
            //var userManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(
            //	, );
            // Add Mvc.Client to the known applications.
            _productsCrud = new CrudBase <Product, int>(
                Context, Context.Products, p => p.ProductId);
            _ordersCrud = new CrudBase <Order, int>(
                Context, Context.Orders, p => p.Id);
            var customersCrud = new CrudBase <Customer, int>(
                Context, Context.Customers, p => p.CustomerId);

            //Action<string, double, int?, DateTime?, string> prod = (name, price, customerId, dateCreated, cratedByUserId) =>
            //	productId = Prod(productsCrud, productId, name, price, customerId, dateCreated, cratedByUserId);
            Action <string, string, string> cust = (guid, firstName, lastName) =>
                    guid, customer =>
                    customer.FirstName = firstName;
                    customer.LastName  = lastName;

            cust("6c13ec25-b9cf-4c99-87e7-13a45a034342", "Harry", "Whitburn");
            cust("0e941f32-8ae1-4eae-875a-f748bae3ce2a", "Nick", "Lawden");
            cust("134bd420-f64a-40db-bbe4-0b9a9ff3eb01", "Emil", "Roijer");
            Prod("00d5c0b0-738d-41ff-86d4-dca84da1d4d5", "Apple number1", 10, null, null);
            Prod("cd4c554d-3ca2-49aa-9286-08abacba3fa0", "Apple number1", 10, 1, null, "1");
            Prod("d100c753-3335-439c-88db-b8d9b6c09cc8", "Orange number1", 20, null, null);
            Prod("da93b8a4-4378-4ce0-918e-653f1bd4acaf", "Peanut butter number1", 25, 2, null);
            Prod("fe208521-4a77-4b09-94c2-2f08a4dd8872", "xApple number2", 10, 1, null);
            Prod("844fbc16-3d77-4421-9498-aa65300bc789", "xOrange number2", 20, 2, null);
            Prod("78509968-0073-4c57-8774-ec0d58ea7ff3", "xPeanut butter number2", 25, 2, null);
            Prod("18b8c4e7-48a2-40c7-bea8-1d1879bf852e", "xApple number2", 10, 1, null);
            Prod("e5ab744c-441c-447b-ae92-055b1bce5541", "xOrange number2", 20, 2, null);
            Prod("3a5476b1-7dd8-40b0-a6ce-b6bd3127da6f", "xPeanut butter number2", 25, 2, null);
            Prod("633a125c-1fe2-4f06-859d-a8d8fd52eb11", "xApple number2", 10, 1, null);
            Prod("27eea6ff-c4aa-44a0-84fe-32b0e13beec4", "xOrange number2", 20, 2, null);
            Prod("dcdc6836-3b44-41c5-8ade-792e39ce2112", "xPeanut butter number2", 25, 2, null);
            Prod("fdc3139d-8585-4b34-b815-13598bf55791", "xApple number2", 10, 1, null);
            Prod("46b058b2-dd55-4741-9ee0-99c63c4bd94a", "xOrange number2", 20, 2, null);
            Prod("11c0e3e5-c5d7-4ff5-ba6c-a54b77f91d1b", "xPeanut butter number2", 25, 2, null);
            Prod("796b6b1d-2d6d-413c-bcab-2659c0fdf02f", "Apple number3", 10, 1, null);
            Prod("5f928f2f-bc1b-4e73-a0d8-20c36f817342", "Orange number3", 20, 2, null);
            Prod("f4fa623d-f412-4b68-8a26-17cfa16cb0a0", "Peanut butter number3", 25, 2, null);
            Prod("8f81d6ab-4c8f-4800-aea0-3cb1ca116fc6", "Apple number4", 10, 1, null);
            Prod("f2b8032f-c8ac-406f-8038-939201771901", "Orange number4", 20, 2, null);
            Prod("dc872dbf-956c-43aa-aba4-e75395af7d83", "Peanut butter number4", 25, 2, null);
            Prod("4ca16ce0-1466-4ba6-a69b-5465ed0a4b1d", "Apple number5", 10, 1, null);
            Prod("66cc487b-2eb1-470b-98c8-03ee913d860e", "Orange number5", 20, 2, null);
            Prod("e77e6589-1dba-4c8b-97b1-1564056ddf10", "Peanut butter number5", 25, 2, null);
            Prod("183946f3-41a9-4140-a1cb-b328e3a778d1", "Apple number6", 10, 1, null);
            Prod("2995edec-ec1b-42ed-aa97-1e68a9ef765c", "Orange number6", 20, 2, null);
            Prod("a78204ae-169a-4d30-936b-034cda5abd0f", "Peanut butter number6", 25, 2, null);
            Order("31d57282-4824-4441-9bd0-49588b952728", "First order", 1);
            Order("fc41cc01-6dc3-4ca5-88a4-c4a463cd6316", "Second order", 1);
            Order("f1379562-c779-43bc-a507-71a8506ca8c9", "Third order", 1);
            await EnsureUsersAsync(true);

            await roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole("Admin"));

            await roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole("User"));

            await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(await _userManager.FindByIdAsync("1"), "Admin");

            await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(await _userManager.FindByIdAsync("1"), "User");

            await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(await _userManager.FindByIdAsync("2"), "User");