Ejemplo n.º 1
        protected void OnGestureTapped(int argsX, int argsY)
            if (surfaceIsValid && !positionIsSelected)
                loadingLabel          = null;
                PlaneDetectionEnabled = false;

                ContinuesHitTestAtCenter = false;
                positionIsSelected       = true;

                var hitPos = cursorNode.Position;                // - Vector3.UnitZ * 0.01f;

                navMesh = Scene.CreateComponent <DynamicNavigationMesh>();
                Scene.CreateComponent <Navigable>();

                navMesh.CellSize               = 0.01f;
                navMesh.CellHeight             = 0.05f;
                navMesh.DrawOffMeshConnections = true;
                navMesh.DrawNavAreas           = true;
                navMesh.TileSize               = 1;
                navMesh.AgentRadius            = 0.1f;


                crowdManager = Scene.CreateComponent <CrowdManager>();
                var parameters = crowdManager.GetObstacleAvoidanceParams(0);
                parameters.VelBias       = 0.5f;
                parameters.AdaptiveDivs  = 7;
                parameters.AdaptiveRings = 3;
                parameters.AdaptiveDepth = 3;
                crowdManager.SetObstacleAvoidanceParams(0, parameters);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        void CreateScene()
            var cache = GetSubsystem <ResourceCache>();

            scene = new Scene();

            // Create octree, use default volume (-1000, -1000, -1000) to (1000, 1000, 1000)
            // Also create a DebugRenderer component so that we can draw debug geometry
            scene.CreateComponent <Octree>();
            scene.CreateComponent <DebugRenderer>();

            // Create scene node & StaticModel component for showing a static plane
            Node planeNode = scene.CreateChild("Plane");

            planeNode.Scale = new Vector3(100.0f, 1.0f, 100.0f);
            StaticModel planeObject = planeNode.CreateComponent <StaticModel>();

            planeObject.Model = (cache.Get <Model>("Models/Plane.mdl"));
            planeObject.SetMaterial(cache.Get <Material>("Materials/StoneTiled.xml"));

            // Create a Zone component for ambient lighting & fog control
            Node zoneNode = scene.CreateChild("Zone");
            Zone zone     = zoneNode.CreateComponent <Zone>();

            zone.SetBoundingBox(new BoundingBox(-1000.0f, 1000.0f));
            zone.AmbientColor = new Color(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f);
            zone.FogColor     = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.7f);
            zone.FogStart     = 100.0f;
            zone.FogEnd       = 300.0f;

            // Create a directional light to the world. Enable cascaded shadows on it
            Node lightNode = scene.CreateChild("DirectionalLight");

            lightNode.SetDirection(new Vector3(0.6f, -1.0f, 0.8f));
            Light light = lightNode.CreateComponent <Light>();

            light.LightType   = LightType.LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL;
            light.CastShadows = true;
            light.ShadowBias  = new BiasParameters(0.00025f, 0.5f);
            // Set cascade splits at 10, 50 and 200 world units, fade shadows out at 80% of maximum shadow distance
            light.ShadowCascade = new CascadeParameters(10.0f, 50.0f, 200.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f);

            // Create randomly sized boxes. If boxes are big enough, make them occluders
            const uint numBoxes = 20;
            Node       boxGroup = scene.CreateChild("Boxes");

            for (uint i = 0; i < numBoxes; ++i)
                Node  boxNode = boxGroup.CreateChild("Box");
                float size    = 1.0f + NextRandom(10.0f);
                boxNode.Position = (new Vector3(NextRandom(80.0f) - 40.0f, size * 0.5f, NextRandom(80.0f) - 40.0f));
                StaticModel boxObject = boxNode.CreateComponent <StaticModel>();
                boxObject.Model = (cache.Get <Model>("Models/Box.mdl"));
                boxObject.SetMaterial(cache.Get <Material>("Materials/Stone.xml"));
                boxObject.CastShadows = true;
                if (size >= 3.0f)
                    boxObject.Occluder = true;

            // Create a DynamicNavigationMesh component to the scene root
            DynamicNavigationMesh navMesh = scene.CreateComponent <DynamicNavigationMesh>();

            // Set the agent height large enough to exclude the layers under boxes
            navMesh.AgentHeight            = 10.0f;
            navMesh.CellHeight             = 0.05f;
            navMesh.DrawObstacles          = true;
            navMesh.DrawOffMeshConnections = true;
            // Create a Navigable component to the scene root. This tags all of the geometry in the scene as being part of the
            // navigation mesh. By default this is recursive, but the recursion could be turned off from Navigable
            scene.CreateComponent <Navigable>();
            // Add padding to the navigation mesh in Y-direction so that we can add objects on top of the tallest boxes
            // in the scene and still update the mesh correctly
            navMesh.Padding = new Vector3(0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f);
            // Now build the navigation geometry. This will take some time. Note that the navigation mesh will prefer to use
            // physics geometry from the scene nodes, as it often is simpler, but if it can not find any (like in this example)
            // it will use renderable geometry instead

            // Create an off-mesh connection to each box to make them climbable (tiny boxes are skipped). A connection is built from 2 nodes.
            // Note that OffMeshConnections must be added before building the navMesh, but as we are adding Obstacles next, tiles will be automatically rebuilt.
            // Creating connections post-build here allows us to use FindNearestPoint() to procedurally set accurate positions for the connection
            CreateBoxOffMeshConnections(navMesh, boxGroup);

            // Create some mushrooms
            const uint numMushrooms = 100;

            for (uint i = 0; i < numMushrooms; ++i)
                CreateMushroom(new Vector3(NextRandom(90.0f) - 45.0f, 0.0f, NextRandom(90.0f) - 45.0f));

            // Create a CrowdManager component to the scene root
            crowdManager = scene.CreateComponent <CrowdManager>();
            var parameters = crowdManager.GetObstacleAvoidanceParams(0);

            // Set the params to "High (66)" setting
            parameters.VelBias       = 0.5f;
            parameters.AdaptiveDivs  = 7;
            parameters.AdaptiveRings = 3;
            parameters.AdaptiveDepth = 3;
            crowdManager.SetObstacleAvoidanceParams(0, parameters);

            // Create some movable barrels. We create them as crowd agents, as for moving entities it is less expensive and more convenient than using obstacles

            // Create Jack node that will follow the path
            SpawnJack(new Vector3(-5.0f, 0.0f, 20.0f), scene.CreateChild("Jacks"));

            // Create the camera. Limit far clip distance to match the fog
            CameraNode = new Node();
            Camera camera = CameraNode.CreateComponent <Camera>();

            camera.FarClip = 300.0f;

            // Set an initial position for the camera scene node above the plane
            CameraNode.Position = new Vector3(0.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f);
            Pitch = 80.0f;
            CameraNode.Rotation = new Quaternion(Pitch, Yaw, 0.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        void CreateScene()
            var cache = GetSubsystem<ResourceCache>();

            scene = new Scene();

            // Create octree, use default volume (-1000, -1000, -1000) to (1000, 1000, 1000)
            // Also create a DebugRenderer component so that we can draw debug geometry

            // Create scene node & StaticModel component for showing a static plane
            Node planeNode = scene.CreateChild("Plane");
            planeNode.Scale = new Vector3(100.0f, 1.0f, 100.0f);
            StaticModel planeObject = planeNode.CreateComponent<StaticModel>();
            planeObject.Model = (cache.Get<Model>("Models/Plane.mdl"));

            // Create a Zone component for ambient lighting & fog control
            Node zoneNode = scene.CreateChild("Zone");
            Zone zone = zoneNode.CreateComponent<Zone>();
            zone.SetBoundingBox(new BoundingBox(-1000.0f, 1000.0f));
            zone.AmbientColor = new Color(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f);
            zone.FogColor = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.7f);
            zone.FogStart = 100.0f;
            zone.FogEnd = 300.0f;

            // Create a directional light to the world. Enable cascaded shadows on it
            Node lightNode = scene.CreateChild("DirectionalLight");
            lightNode.SetDirection(new Vector3(0.6f, -1.0f, 0.8f));
            Light light = lightNode.CreateComponent<Light>();
            light.LightType = LightType.LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL;
            light.CastShadows = true;
            light.ShadowBias = new BiasParameters(0.00025f, 0.5f);
            // Set cascade splits at 10, 50 and 200 world units, fade shadows out at 80% of maximum shadow distance
            light.ShadowCascade = new CascadeParameters(10.0f, 50.0f, 200.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f);

            // Create randomly sized boxes. If boxes are big enough, make them occluders
            const uint numBoxes = 20;
            Node boxGroup = scene.CreateChild("Boxes");
            for (uint i = 0; i < numBoxes; ++i)
                Node boxNode = boxGroup.CreateChild("Box");
                float size = 1.0f + NextRandom(10.0f);
                boxNode.Position = (new Vector3(NextRandom(80.0f) - 40.0f, size * 0.5f, NextRandom(80.0f) - 40.0f));
                StaticModel boxObject = boxNode.CreateComponent<StaticModel>();
                boxObject.Model = (cache.Get<Model>("Models/Box.mdl"));
                boxObject.CastShadows = true;
                if (size >= 3.0f)
                    boxObject.Occluder = true;

            // Create a DynamicNavigationMesh component to the scene root
            DynamicNavigationMesh navMesh = scene.CreateComponent<DynamicNavigationMesh>();
            // Set the agent height large enough to exclude the layers under boxes
            navMesh.AgentHeight = 10.0f;
            navMesh.CellHeight = 0.05f;
            navMesh.DrawObstacles = true;
            navMesh.DrawOffMeshConnections = true;
            // Create a Navigable component to the scene root. This tags all of the geometry in the scene as being part of the
            // navigation mesh. By default this is recursive, but the recursion could be turned off from Navigable
            // Add padding to the navigation mesh in Y-direction so that we can add objects on top of the tallest boxes
            // in the scene and still update the mesh correctly
            navMesh.Padding = new Vector3(0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f);
            // Now build the navigation geometry. This will take some time. Note that the navigation mesh will prefer to use
            // physics geometry from the scene nodes, as it often is simpler, but if it can not find any (like in this example)
            // it will use renderable geometry instead

            // Create an off-mesh connection to each box to make them climbable (tiny boxes are skipped). A connection is built from 2 nodes.
            // Note that OffMeshConnections must be added before building the navMesh, but as we are adding Obstacles next, tiles will be automatically rebuilt.
            // Creating connections post-build here allows us to use FindNearestPoint() to procedurally set accurate positions for the connection
            CreateBoxOffMeshConnections(navMesh, boxGroup);

            // Create some mushrooms
            const uint numMushrooms = 100;
            for (uint i = 0; i < numMushrooms; ++i)
                CreateMushroom(new Vector3(NextRandom(90.0f) - 45.0f, 0.0f, NextRandom(90.0f) - 45.0f));

            // Create a CrowdManager component to the scene root
            crowdManager = scene.CreateComponent<CrowdManager>();
            var parameters = crowdManager.GetObstacleAvoidanceParams(0);
            // Set the params to "High (66)" setting
            parameters.VelBias = 0.5f;
            parameters.AdaptiveDivs = 7;
            parameters.AdaptiveRings = 3;
            parameters.AdaptiveDepth = 3;
            crowdManager.SetObstacleAvoidanceParams(0, parameters);

            // Create some movable barrels. We create them as crowd agents, as for moving entities it is less expensive and more convenient than using obstacles

            // Create Jack node that will follow the path
            SpawnJack(new Vector3(-5.0f, 0.0f, 20.0f), scene.CreateChild("Jacks"));

            // Create the camera. Limit far clip distance to match the fog
            CameraNode = new Node();
            Camera camera = CameraNode.CreateComponent<Camera>();
            camera.FarClip = 300.0f;

            // Set an initial position for the camera scene node above the plane
            CameraNode.Position = new Vector3(0.0f, 50.0f, 0.0f);
            Pitch = 80.0f;
            CameraNode.Rotation = new Quaternion(Pitch, Yaw, 0.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        void OnGestureTapped(int argsX, int argsY)
            // 3 touches at the same time kill everybody :-)
            if (Input.NumTouches == 3)

            if (surfaceIsValid && !positionIsSelected)
                loadingLabel          = null;
                PlaneDetectionEnabled = false;
                //hide planes:

                foreach (var node in anchorsNode.Children.ToArray())
                    // if surface is higher than floor - mark as Obstacle
                    if (Math.Abs(node.WorldPosition.Y - LastHitTest.Value.Y) >= 0.1f)
                        node.CreateComponent <Obstacle>();

                    var model = node.GetChild("SubPlane").GetComponent <StaticModel>();
                    model.Material.SetShaderParameter("MeshColor", Color.Transparent);

                var music = ResourceCache.GetSound("Sounds/theme.ogg");
                music.Looped = true;

                ContinuesHitTestAtCenter = false;
                var hitPos = cursorNode.Position;                // - Vector3.UnitZ * 0.01f;
                positionIsSelected = true;

                navMesh = Scene.CreateComponent <DynamicNavigationMesh>();
                Scene.CreateComponent <Navigable>();

                navMesh.CellSize               = 0.01f;
                navMesh.CellHeight             = 0.05f;
                navMesh.DrawOffMeshConnections = true;
                navMesh.DrawNavAreas           = true;
                navMesh.TileSize               = 1;
                navMesh.AgentRadius            = 0.1f;


                crowdManager = Scene.CreateComponent <CrowdManager>();
                var parameters = crowdManager.GetObstacleAvoidanceParams(0);
                parameters.VelBias       = 0.5f;
                parameters.AdaptiveDivs  = 7;
                parameters.AdaptiveRings = 3;
                parameters.AdaptiveDepth = 3;
                crowdManager.SetObstacleAvoidanceParams(0, parameters);
                armyNode = Scene.CreateChild();


                int mutantIndex = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        SpawnMutant(new Vector3(hitPos.X + 0.15f * i, hitPos.Y, hitPos.Z + 0.13f * j), "Mutant " + mutantIndex++);


            if (positionIsSelected)
                var hitPos = Raycast((float)argsX / Graphics.Width, (float)argsY / Graphics.Height);
                if (hitPos == null)

                cursorNode.Position = hitPos.Value + Vector3.UnitY * 0.1f;
                Vector3 pathPos = navMesh.FindNearestPoint(hitPos.Value, new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f) * 5);
                Scene.GetComponent <CrowdManager>().SetCrowdTarget(pathPos, Scene);

                var sound = ResourceCache.GetSound($"Sounds/go{rand.Next(1, 6)}.wav");
                actionSoundSource.Gain = 0.4f;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void OnGestureTapped()
            var hitPos = Raycast();

            if (hitPos == null)

            NavigationMesh navMesh;

            if (surfaceIsValid && !positionIsSelected)
                positionIsSelected = true;
                positionSelectorNode = null;
                Scene.CreateComponent <SpatialCursor>();

                navMesh = Scene.CreateComponent <NavigationMesh>();

                //this plane is a workaround
                //TODO: build a navmesh using spatial data
                var planeNode = Scene.CreateChild();
                var plane     = planeNode.CreateComponent <StaticModel>();
                plane.Model = CoreAssets.Models.Plane;
                planeNode.Scale    = new Vector3(20, 1, 20);
                planeNode.Position = hitPos.Value;

                Scene.CreateComponent <Navigable>();

                navMesh.CellSize               = 0.2f;
                navMesh.CellHeight             = 0.02f;
                navMesh.DrawOffMeshConnections = true;
                navMesh.DrawNavAreas           = true;
                navMesh.TileSize               = 2;
                navMesh.AgentRadius            = 0.05f;


                crowdManager = Scene.CreateComponent <CrowdManager>();
                var parameters = crowdManager.GetObstacleAvoidanceParams(0);
                parameters.VelBias       = 0.5f;
                parameters.AdaptiveDivs  = 7;
                parameters.AdaptiveRings = 3;
                parameters.AdaptiveDepth = 3;
                crowdManager.SetObstacleAvoidanceParams(0, parameters);
                armyNode = Scene.CreateChild();


                int mutantIndex = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        SpawnMutant(new Vector3(hitPos.Value.X + 0.15f * i, hitPos.Value.Y, hitPos.Value.Z + 0.13f * j), "Mutant " + mutantIndex++);


            if (positionIsSelected)
                Scene.GetComponent <SpatialCursor>().ClickAnimation();
                navMesh = Scene.GetComponent <NavigationMesh>();
                Vector3 pathPos = navMesh.FindNearestPoint(hitPos.Value, new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f));
                Scene.GetComponent <CrowdManager>().SetCrowdTarget(pathPos, Scene);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        void CreateScene()
            var cache = ResourceCache;

            scene = new Scene();

            // Create the Octree component to the scene. This is required before adding any drawable components, or else nothing will
            // show up. The default octree volume will be from (-1000, -1000, -1000) to (1000, 1000, 1000) in world coordinates; it
            // is also legal to place objects outside the volume but their visibility can then not be checked in a hierarchically
            // optimizing manner
            scene.CreateComponent <Octree> ();

            // Create a child scene node (at world origin) and a StaticModel component into it. Set the StaticModel to show a simple
            // plane mesh with a "stone" material. Note that naming the scene nodes is optional. Scale the scene node larger
            // (100 x 100 world units)
            var planeNode = scene.CreateChild("Plane");

            planeNode.Scale = new Vector3(100, 1, 100);
            var planeObject = planeNode.CreateComponent <StaticModel> ();

            planeObject.Model = cache.GetModel("Models/Plane.mdl");

            // Create a directional light to the world so that we can see something. The light scene node's orientation controls the
            // light direction; we will use the SetDirection() function which calculates the orientation from a forward direction vector.
            // The light will use default settings (white light, no shadows)
            var lightNode = scene.CreateChild("DirectionalLight");

            lightNode.SetDirection(new Vector3(0.6f, -1.0f, 0.8f));              // The direction vector does not need to be normalized
            var light = lightNode.CreateComponent <Light>();

            light.LightType = LightType.Directional;

            // Create a DynamicNavigationMesh component to the scene root
            var navMesh = scene.CreateComponent <DynamicNavigationMesh>();

            // Set the agent height large enough to exclude the layers under boxes
            navMesh.AgentHeight            = 10.0f;
            navMesh.CellHeight             = 0.05f;
            navMesh.DrawObstacles          = true;
            navMesh.DrawOffMeshConnections = true;
            // Create a Navigable component to the scene root. This tags all of the geometry in the scene as being part of the
            // navigation mesh. By default this is recursive, but the recursion could be turned off from Navigable
            scene.CreateComponent <Navigable>();
            // Add padding to the navigation mesh in Y-direction so that we can add objects on top of the tallest boxes
            // in the scene and still update the mesh correctly
            navMesh.Padding = new Vector3(0.0f, 10.0f, 0.0f);
            // Now build the navigation geometry. This will take some time. Note that the navigation mesh will prefer to use
            // physics geometry from the scene nodes, as it often is simpler, but if it can not find any (like in this example)
            // it will use renderable geometry instead

            // Create a CrowdManager component to the scene root
            crowdManager = scene.CreateComponent <CrowdManager>();
            var parameters = crowdManager.GetObstacleAvoidanceParams(0);

            // Set the params to "High (66)" setting
            parameters.VelBias       = 0.5f;
            parameters.AdaptiveDivs  = 7;
            parameters.AdaptiveRings = 3;
            parameters.AdaptiveDepth = 3;
            crowdManager.SetObstacleAvoidanceParams(0, parameters);

            CameraNode          = scene.CreateChild("camera");
            camera              = CameraNode.CreateComponent <Camera>();
            CameraNode.Position = new Vector3(0, 5, 0);


            worldInfoText = new Text
                Value = "Waiting for all players to join...",
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left,
                VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Top
            worldInfoText.SetFont(ResourceCache.GetFont("Fonts/Anonymous Pro.ttf"), 15);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        void OnGestureTapped(int argsX, int argsY)
            // 3 touches at the same time kill everybody :-)
            if (Input.NumTouches == 3)

            NavigationMesh navMesh;

            if (surfaceIsValid && !positionIsSelected)
                ContinuesHitTestAtCenter = false;
                var hitPos = cursorNode.Position - Vector3.UnitZ * 0.01f;
                positionIsSelected = true;

                navMesh = Scene.CreateComponent <NavigationMesh>();

                //this plane is a workaround
                //TODO: build a navmesh using spatial data

                var planeNode = Scene.CreateChild();

                var plane = planeNode.CreateComponent <StaticModel>();
                plane.Model = CoreAssets.Models.Plane;
                planeNode.Scale    = new Vector3(100, 1, 100);
                planeNode.Position = hitPos;

                Scene.CreateComponent <Navigable>();

                navMesh.CellSize               = 0.2f;
                navMesh.CellHeight             = 0.042f;
                navMesh.DrawOffMeshConnections = true;
                navMesh.DrawNavAreas           = true;
                navMesh.TileSize               = 2;
                navMesh.AgentRadius            = 0.1f;


                crowdManager = Scene.CreateComponent <CrowdManager>();
                var parameters = crowdManager.GetObstacleAvoidanceParams(0);
                parameters.VelBias       = 0.5f;
                parameters.AdaptiveDivs  = 7;
                parameters.AdaptiveRings = 3;
                parameters.AdaptiveDepth = 3;
                crowdManager.SetObstacleAvoidanceParams(0, parameters);
                armyNode = Scene.CreateChild();


                int mutantIndex = 1;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        SpawnMutant(new Vector3(hitPos.X + 0.15f * i, hitPos.Y, hitPos.Z + 0.13f * j), "Mutant " + mutantIndex++);


            if (positionIsSelected)
                var hitPos = Raycast((float)argsX / Graphics.Width, (float)argsY / Graphics.Height);
                if (hitPos == null)

                cursorNode.Position = hitPos.Value + Vector3.UnitY * 0.1f;

                navMesh = Scene.GetComponent <NavigationMesh>();
                Vector3 pathPos = navMesh.FindNearestPoint(hitPos.Value, new Vector3(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f));
                Scene.GetComponent <CrowdManager>().SetCrowdTarget(pathPos, Scene);