public ActionResult Grade(int assignmentID, int authorTeamID, bool resubmission = false)
            WebClient      client     = new WebClient();
            Assignment     assignment = db.Assignments.Find(assignmentID);
            AssignmentTeam at         = GetAssignmentTeam(assignment, ActiveCourseUser);
            ReviewTeam     reviewTeam = null;

            if (at != null)
                reviewTeam = (from rt in assignment.ReviewTeams
                              where rt.ReviewTeamID == at.TeamID
                              rt.AuthorTeamID == authorTeamID
                              select rt).FirstOrDefault();

            //Send off to Annotate if we have exactly one deliverable and that deliverable is a PDF document
            if (assignment.Deliverables.Count == 1 && assignment.Deliverables[0].DeliverableType == DeliverableType.PDF)
                AnnotateApi api = new AnnotateApi(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AnnotateUserName"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AnnotateApiKey"]);

                AnnotateResult uploadResult = api.UploadDocument((int)assignment.ID, authorTeamID, resubmission);
                if (uploadResult.Result == ResultCode.OK)
                    AnnotateResult createResult = api.CreateAccount(CurrentUser);
                    if (createResult.Result == ResultCode.OK)
                        //instructors get to see everyone, regardless of CR settings
                        CriticalReviewSettings settings = new CriticalReviewSettings();
                        settings.AnonymizeComments = false;
                        api.SetDocumentAnonymity(CurrentUser, uploadResult.DocumentCode, uploadResult.DocumentDate, settings);
                        api.GiveAccessToDocument(CurrentUser, uploadResult.DocumentCode, uploadResult.DocumentDate);

                        //log the user in to annotate
                        string loginString = api.GetAnnotateLoginUrl(CurrentUser, uploadResult.DocumentCode, uploadResult.DocumentDate);

                        //load the annotate url for the view
                        ViewBag.AnnotateUrl = loginString;
                return(RedirectToRoute(new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", area = "" }));

        public ActionResult Index(CriticalReviewSettings model)
            Assignment = db.Assignments.Find(model.AssignmentID);

            //delete preexisting settings to prevent an FK relation issue
            CriticalReviewSettings setting = db.CriticalReviewSettings.Find(model.AssignmentID);

            if (setting != null)

            //...and then re-add it.
            Assignment.CriticalReviewSettings = model;

            //Blow out all previous review teams and readd the ones we get from the view.
            //AC Note: This may have to be changed depending on how we implement the new
            //HTML-based review interface.
            List <ReviewTeam> oldTeams = db.ReviewTeams.Where(rt => rt.AssignmentID == Assignment.ID).ToList();

            foreach (ReviewTeam oldTeam in oldTeams)

            //add new values back in, save again.
            Assignment.ReviewTeams = ParseReviewTeams();
            WasUpdateSuccessful = true;

            //This could have been an edit of the CR, and as a reuslt any CRDs associated with the assignment should be updated.


Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the user should be anonymized for a critical review discussion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentUser">Current users</param>
        /// <param name="poster">Poster's courseuser</param>
        /// <param name="assignment">The Critical Review Discussion assignment</param>
        /// <param name="isAuthor">This value should be true if the poster if an author of the reviewed document</param>
        /// <param name="isReviewer">This value should be true if the poster if a reviewer of the document.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool AnonymizeNameForCriticalReviewDiscussion(CourseUser poster, CourseUser currentUser, Assignment assignment,
                                                                    bool posterIsAuthor, bool posterIsReviewer, bool currentUserIsAuthor, bool currentUserIsReviewer)
            bool Anonymous = false;

            //Only attempt to anomize if current user is NOT an instructor or TA
            if (currentUser.AbstractRoleID != (int)CourseRole.CourseRoles.Instructor && currentUser.AbstractRoleID != (int)CourseRole.CourseRoles.TA)
                CriticalReviewSettings criticalReviewSettings = assignment.PreceedingAssignment.CriticalReviewSettings;
                if (criticalReviewSettings.AnonymizeAuthor && currentUserIsReviewer && posterIsAuthor)
                    Anonymous = true;
                else if (criticalReviewSettings.AnonymizeComments)
                    Anonymous = true;

            //For critical review discussions, we not only want to check the Assignment.PreceedingAssignment.CriticalReviewSettings
            //but additionally, apply any anonmization based off of Assignment.DiscussionSettings
            return(Anonymous || AnonymizeNameForDiscussion(poster, currentUser, assignment.DiscussionSettings));
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a PDF for critical review
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assignmentID"></param>
        /// <param name="authorTeamID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Review(int assignmentID, int authorTeamID)
            WebClient      client       = new WebClient();
            Assignment     CRassignment = db.Assignments.Find(assignmentID);
            AssignmentTeam at           = GetAssignmentTeam(CRassignment, ActiveCourseUser);
            ReviewTeam     reviewTeam   = null;

            if (at != null)
                reviewTeam = (from rt in CRassignment.ReviewTeams
                              where rt.ReviewTeamID == at.TeamID
                              rt.AuthorTeamID == authorTeamID
                              select rt).FirstOrDefault();
            bool canAccessReview = false;

            //Determine whether or not the current user can access the document
            if (CRassignment.Type == AssignmentTypes.CriticalReview)
                //is the user a reviewer?
                if (reviewTeam != null)
                    canAccessReview = true;

                //or, is the user an instructor?
                else if (ActiveCourseUser.AbstractRole.CanGrade)
                    canAccessReview = true;

                //or, has the review been published and the current user is the author of the docment?
                else if (CRassignment.IsCriticalReviewPublished == true)
                    reviewTeam = (from rt in CRassignment.ReviewTeams
                                  where rt.AuthorTeamID == authorTeamID
                                  select rt
                    if (reviewTeam != null)
                        TeamMember tm = reviewTeam.AuthorTeam.TeamMembers.Where(t => t.CourseUserID == ActiveCourseUser.ID).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (tm != null)
                            canAccessReview = true;

            if (canAccessReview)
                //Send off to Annotate if we have exactly one deliverable and that deliverable is a PDF document
                if (CRassignment.PreceedingAssignment.Deliverables.Count == 1 && CRassignment.PreceedingAssignment.Deliverables[0].DeliverableType == DeliverableType.PDF)
                    AnnotateApi    api          = new AnnotateApi(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AnnotateUserName"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AnnotateApiKey"]);
                    AnnotateResult uploadResult = api.UploadDocument((int)CRassignment.PrecededingAssignmentID, authorTeamID);
                    if (uploadResult.Result == ResultCode.OK)
                        AnnotateResult createResult = api.CreateAccount(CurrentUser);
                        if (createResult.Result == ResultCode.OK)
                            //instructors get to see everyone, regardless of CR settings
                            CriticalReviewSettings settings = CRassignment.CriticalReviewSettings;
                            if (ActiveCourseUser.AbstractRoleID == (int)CourseRole.CourseRoles.Instructor)
                                settings.AnonymizeComments = false;

                            api.SetDocumentAnonymity(CurrentUser, uploadResult.DocumentCode, uploadResult.DocumentDate, settings);
                            api.GiveAccessToDocument(CurrentUser, uploadResult.DocumentCode, uploadResult.DocumentDate);

                            //log the user in to annotate
                            string loginString = api.GetAnnotateLoginUrl(CurrentUser, uploadResult.DocumentCode, uploadResult.DocumentDate);

                            //load the annotate url for the view
                            ViewBag.AnnotateUrl = loginString;
                    return(RedirectToRoute(new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", area = "" }));
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a PDF for critical review
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assignmentID"></param>
        /// <param name="authorTeamID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult ReviewGradedDocument(int assignmentID, int authorTeamID, int anonReview = 0)
            WebClient      client       = new WebClient();
            Assignment     CRassignment = db.Assignments.Find(assignmentID);
            AssignmentTeam at           = GetAssignmentTeam(CRassignment, ActiveCourseUser);

            bool canAccessReview = false;

            //Determine whether or not the current user can access the document
            //is the author of the docment?
            TeamMember tm = at.Team.TeamMembers.Where(tms => tms.CourseUserID == ActiveCourseUser.ID).FirstOrDefault();

            if (tm != null)
                canAccessReview = true;

            if (canAccessReview)
                //Send off to Annotate if we have exactly one deliverable and that deliverable is a PDF document
                if (true)
                    AnnotateApi    api          = new AnnotateApi(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AnnotateUserName"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AnnotateApiKey"]);
                    AnnotateResult uploadResult = api.UploadDocument((int)assignmentID, authorTeamID);
                    if (uploadResult.Result == ResultCode.OK)
                        AnnotateResult createResult = api.CreateAccount(CurrentUser);
                        if (createResult.Result == ResultCode.OK)
                            //instructors get to see everyone, regardless of CR settings
                            CriticalReviewSettings settings = CRassignment.CriticalReviewSettings;
                            if (ActiveCourseUser.AbstractRoleID == (int)CourseRole.CourseRoles.Instructor)
                                settings.AnonymizeComments = false;

                            if (settings == null)
                                settings            = new CriticalReviewSettings();
                                settings.Assignment = CRassignment;

                            if (anonReview == 1)
                                settings.AnonymizeComments = true;

                            api.SetDocumentAnonymity(CurrentUser, uploadResult.DocumentCode, uploadResult.DocumentDate, settings);
                            api.GiveAccessToDocument(CurrentUser, uploadResult.DocumentCode, uploadResult.DocumentDate);

                            //log the user in to annotate
                            string loginString = api.GetAnnotateLoginUrl(CurrentUser, uploadResult.DocumentCode, uploadResult.DocumentDate);

                            //load the annotate url for the view
                            ViewBag.AnnotateUrl = loginString;
                    return(RedirectToRoute(new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", area = "" }));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the anonymity settings for the given document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user"></param>
        /// <param name="docCode"></param>
        /// <param name="docDate"></param>
        /// <param name="isAnonymous"></param>
        /// <param name="anonName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public AnnotateResult SetDocumentAnonymity(UserProfile user, string docCode, string docDate, CriticalReviewSettings settings, string anonName = "anonymous")
            AnnotateResult result = new AnnotateResult();

            result.Result = ResultCode.ERROR;
            WebClient client    = new WebClient();
            string    webResult = "";
            long      epoch     = (int)(DateTime.UtcNow - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).TotalSeconds;
            //apiAddUserMapping.php does not exist! it appears to be a custom file...
            //TODO: re-create...
            string apiKey = GenerateAnnotateKey("apiAddUserMapping.php", user.UserName, epoch);

            Dictionary <string, string> mapping = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            mapping["other"]       = "anonymous";
            mapping[user.UserName] = anonName;
            string jsonMapping = (new JavaScriptSerializer()).Serialize(mapping);
            int    enable      = 1;

            if (settings.AnonymizeComments == false)
                enable = 0;
            //TODO: this was changed when helplab went down.
            //string anonString = "" +
            string anonString = AnnotateURL + "/annotate/php/apiAddUserMapping.php?" +
                                "api-user={0}" +            //Annotate admin user name (see web config)
                                "&api-auth={1}" +           //Annotate admin auth key
                                "&api-requesttime={2}" +    //UNIX timestamp
                                "&api-annotateuser={3}" +   //current user (not used?)
                                "&date={4}" +               //date for document
                                "&code={5}" +               //code for document
                                "&mapping={6}" +            //anonymous mapping
                                "&enable={7}";              //enable or disable mapping

            //"&rm={8}";                //add or remove mapping

            anonString = string.Format(anonString,
                webResult = client.DownloadString(anonString);
                //WriteLog("SetDocumentAnnonymity: " + webResult);
                result.RawMessage = webResult;
            catch (Exception)

            if (webResult.Substring(0, 2) == "OK")
                result.Result = ResultCode.OK;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// yc: with a given list of assignments, copy them from one course to another.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="courseDestination"></param>
        /// <param name="courseSource"></param>
        /// <param name="previousAssignments"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool CopyAssignments(Course courseDestination, Course courseSource, List <Assignment> previousAssignments)
                //calculate # of weeks since start date
                double difference = courseDestination.StartDate.Subtract(courseSource.StartDate).TotalDays;
                //for linking purposes, key == previous id, value == the clone course that is teh same
                Dictionary <int, int> linkHolder = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                foreach (Assignment p in previousAssignments)
                    //disabling assignments that are not finished being handled yet
                    if (p.Type == AssignmentTypes.AnchoredDiscussion || p.Type == AssignmentTypes.CommitteeDiscussion ||
                        p.Type == AssignmentTypes.ReviewOfStudentWork)

                    int prid = -1, paid = p.ID;
                    //for insert sake of cloned assigntment we must temprarly hold the list of assignments
                    //whos id links to this assignment for temporary holding
                    List <Assignment> previouslyLinked = (from pl in db.Assignments
                                                          where pl.PrecededingAssignmentID == paid
                                                          select pl).ToList();
                    //remove the links for now
                    foreach (Assignment link in previouslyLinked)
                        link.PrecededingAssignmentID = null;
                        db.Entry(link).State         = EntityState.Modified;

                    //tmp holders
                    if (p.RubricID != null)
                        prid = (int)p.RubricID;
                    //we are now ready for copying
                    Assignment na = new Assignment(p);
                    //na = p;
                    na.CourseID                = courseDestination.ID; //rewrite course id
                    na.IsDraft                 = true;
                    na.AssociatedEvent         = null;
                    na.AssociatedEventID       = null;
                    na.PrecededingAssignmentID = null;
                    na.AssignmentTeams         = new List <AssignmentTeam>();
                    na.DiscussionTeams         = new List <DiscussionTeam>();
                    na.ReviewTeams             = new List <ReviewTeam>();
                    na.Deliverables            = new List <Deliverable>();

                    SetUpClonedAssignmentTeams(p, na);

                    //recalcualte new offsets for due dates on assignment
                    if (p.CriticalReviewPublishDate != null)
                        na.CriticalReviewPublishDate = ((DateTime)(p.CriticalReviewPublishDate)).Add(new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt32(difference), 0, 0, 0));
                    //CourseController cc = new CourseController();
                    // to retain the time incase of in differt daylightsavings .. shifts
                    //DateTime dd = cc.convertFromUtc(courseSource.TimeZoneOffset, na.DueDate);
                    //DateTime dt = cc.convertFromUtc(courseSource.TimeZoneOffset, na.DueTime);
                    //DateTime rd = cc.convertFromUtc(courseSource.TimeZoneOffset, na.ReleaseDate);
                    //DateTime rt = cc.convertFromUtc(courseSource.TimeZoneOffset, na.ReleaseTime);

                    DateTime dd = na.DueDate.UTCToCourse(courseSource.ID);
                    DateTime dt = na.DueTime.UTCToCourse(courseSource.ID);
                    DateTime rd = na.ReleaseDate.UTCToCourse(courseSource.ID);
                    DateTime rt = na.ReleaseTime.UTCToCourse(courseSource.ID);

                    dd = dd.Add(new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt32(difference), 0, 0, 0));
                    dt = dt.Add(new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt32(difference), 0, 0, 0));
                    rd = rd.Add(new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt32(difference), 0, 0, 0));
                    rt = rt.Add(new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt32(difference), 0, 0, 0));
                    //convert back to utc
                    //na.DueDate = cc.convertToUtc(courseDestination.TimeZoneOffset, dd);
                    //na.DueTime = cc.convertToUtc(courseDestination.TimeZoneOffset, dt);
                    //na.ReleaseDate = cc.convertToUtc(courseDestination.TimeZoneOffset, rd);
                    //na.ReleaseTime = cc.convertToUtc(courseDestination.TimeZoneOffset, rt);

                    na.DueDate     = dd.CourseToUTC(courseDestination.ID);
                    na.DueTime     = dt.CourseToUTC(courseDestination.ID);
                    na.ReleaseDate = rd.CourseToUTC(courseDestination.ID);
                    na.ReleaseTime = rt.CourseToUTC(courseDestination.ID);
                    //we now have a base to save

                    //fix the link now
                    foreach (Assignment link in previouslyLinked)
                        link.PrecededingAssignmentID = paid;
                        db.Entry(link).State         = EntityState.Modified;
                    linkHolder.Add(paid, na.ID); //for future assignment links

                    if (p.PrecededingAssignmentID != null)
                        na.PrecededingAssignmentID = linkHolder[(int)p.PrecededingAssignmentID];
                        na.PreceedingAssignment    = db.Assignments.Find(linkHolder[(int)p.PrecededingAssignmentID]);
                        db.Entry(na).State         = EntityState.Modified;

                    //copy assignmenttypes
                    if (p.Type == AssignmentTypes.DiscussionAssignment || p.Type == AssignmentTypes.CriticalReviewDiscussion)
                        DiscussionSetting pds = (from ds in db.DiscussionSettings
                                                 where ds.AssignmentID == paid
                                                 select ds).FirstOrDefault();

                        DiscussionSetting nds = new DiscussionSetting();
                        nds.InitialPostDueDate     = pds.InitialPostDueDate.Add(new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt32(difference), 0, 0, 0));
                        nds.InitialPostDueDueTime  = pds.InitialPostDueDueTime.Add(new TimeSpan(Convert.ToInt32(difference), 0, 0, 0));
                        nds.AssociatedEventID      = null;
                        nds.MaximumFirstPostLength = pds.MaximumFirstPostLength;
                        nds.MinimumFirstPostLength = pds.MinimumFirstPostLength;
                        nds.AnonymitySettings      = pds.AnonymitySettings;
                        na.DiscussionSettings      = nds;
                        db.Entry(na).State         = EntityState.Modified;

                    //copy critical review settings
                    if (p.Type == AssignmentTypes.CriticalReview)
                        CriticalReviewSettings pcs = (from ds in db.CriticalReviewSettings
                                                      where ds.AssignmentID == paid
                                                      select ds).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (pcs != null)
                            CriticalReviewSettings ncs = new CriticalReviewSettings();
                            ncs.ReviewSettings        = pcs.ReviewSettings;
                            na.CriticalReviewSettings = ncs;
                            db.Entry(na).State        = EntityState.Modified;

                    //team eval
                    if (p.Type == AssignmentTypes.TeamEvaluation)
                        TeamEvaluationSettings ptes = (from tes in db.TeamEvaluationSettings
                                                       where tes.AssignmentID == paid
                                                       select tes).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (ptes != null)
                            TeamEvaluationSettings ntes = new TeamEvaluationSettings();
                            ntes.DiscrepancyCheckSize  = ptes.DiscrepancyCheckSize;
                            ntes.RequiredCommentLength = ptes.RequiredCommentLength;
                            ntes.MaximumMultiplier     = ptes.MaximumMultiplier;
                            ntes.AssignmentID          = na.ID;
                            na.TeamEvaluationSettings  = ntes;
                            db.Entry(na).State         = EntityState.Modified;

                    if (p.RubricID != null)
                        CopyRubric(p, na);

                    List <Deliverable> pads = (from d in db.Deliverables
                                               where d.AssignmentID == paid
                                               select d).ToList();
                    foreach (Deliverable pad in pads)
                        Deliverable nad = new Deliverable();
                        nad.AssignmentID    = na.ID;
                        nad.DeliverableType = pad.DeliverableType;
                        nad.Assignment      = na;
                        nad.Name            = pad.Name;
                        db.Entry(na).State = EntityState.Modified;
                    //abet stuff should prolly go here
            catch (Exception ex)