Ejemplo n.º 1
        void Search_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            CrimeSearchCriteria criteria = new CrimeSearchCriteria();

            // If there's a DCN we don't need to bother with rest
            if (DCN.Text != null && DCN.Text.Length > 3)
                criteria.DCN = DCN.Text;
                // Was a neighborhood selected?
                if (Neighborhood.SelectedIndex > -1)
                    string selectedhood = Neighborhood.Items[Neighborhood.SelectedIndex];
                    var    hood         = Global.Neighborhoods.Where(p => p.Name == selectedhood).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (hood != null)
                        criteria.NeighborhoodID = hood.ID.ToString();

                    // Special case if user picked "Entire City"
                    if (Neighborhood.SelectedIndex == 0)
                        criteria.NeighborhoodID = "-1";

                // What about a police district?
                if (PoliceDistrictID.SelectedIndex > -1)
                    criteria.PoliceDistrict = PoliceDistrictID.Items[PoliceDistrictID.SelectedIndex];

                    // And what about a PSA?
                    if (PSA.SelectedIndex > 0)
                        criteria.PSA = PSA.Items[PSA.SelectedIndex];

                criteria.StartDate   = DateStart.Date + TimeStart.Time;
                criteria.EndDate     = DateEnd.Date + TimeEnd.Time;
                criteria.Filter      = currentFilter;
                criteria.OnlyArrests = SwitchArrests.IsToggled;

            // Do we have any selection criteria now?  If not then this query make no sense
            // and we need to train the user.
            if ((criteria.NeighborhoodID == null || criteria.NeighborhoodID == "") &&
                (criteria.PoliceDistrict == null || criteria.PoliceDistrict == "") &&
                (criteria.DCN == null || criteria.DCN == ""))
                DisplayAlert("Incomplete Search", "Please provide a neighborhood or a police district to look for crimes in--or, a District Control Number to " +
                             "retrieve a specific crime", "OK");

            Navigation.PushAsync(new BlotterPage(criteria));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        // For now we're overloading the blotter view to show
        // crime results.  That means (again, FOR NOW) we have to change the configuration of the
        // list view.   If we deviate too far then we'll have to build a new viewer for this.
        public BlotterPage(CrimeSearchCriteria criteria)
            this.ToolbarItems.Add(new ToolbarItem("buttonJump", "Images/map.png", JumpToMap, ToolbarItemOrder.Primary));

            // No panels needed
            warningPanel.IsVisible = false;
            activity.IsVisible     = true;

            // Disable grouping and pull-to-refresh
            blotterListView.IsPullToRefreshEnabled = false;
            blotterListView.IsGroupingEnabled      = false;

            // Data used to execute search in the model.
            _searchResults       = true;
            _crimeSearchCriteria = criteria;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        async void NewCrimePush()
            CrimeSearchCriteria criteria = new CrimeSearchCriteria();

            criteria.StartDate      = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-5);
            criteria.EndDate        = DateTime.Today;
            criteria.Longitude      = Settings.PrimaryLong;
            criteria.Latitutde      = Settings.PrimaryLat;
            criteria.Radius         = Settings.CrimeRadius;
            criteria.Filter         = Filter.Homicide | Filter.Robbery | Filter.Burglary | Filter.Assault | Filter.Rape;
            criteria.NeighborhoodID = "-1";             //Search whole city

            _data = await Data.SearchCrimes(criteria);

            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                blotterListView.ItemsSource = _data;
                warningPanel.IsVisible      = false;
                blotterListView.IsVisible   = true;
                activity.IsRunning          = false;
                activity.IsVisible          = false;