Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Is called if the user begins a drag operation on the canvas and there is no other
        /// mouse handler (eg, AssociationMouseHandler) currently activated.
        /// Otherwise, the OnShapeDragBegin method of the other mouse handler is executed and
        /// this method is completely ignorred for the current drag operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        /// <param name="shape"></param>
        void ICanvasViewMouseHandler.OnShapeDragBegin(Point position, ShapeViewModelBase shape)
            if (shape != null)
                // Activate shape selection if user starts to drag a shape
                if (shape.IsSelected == false)
            else // user starts a drag operation on the canvas so we setup a rubber band adorner command
            { // to implement multi object selection via rubber band
                if (this.mCurrentMouseHandler == this)
                    // Clear current selection if no control key is pressed on the keyboard (which would allow adding selected items)
                    if ((Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftCtrl) == false &&
                         Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.RightCtrl) == false))

                    RubberBandViewModel vm = this.GetRubberBand(position);

                    // Create a new mouse handler command, attach event on completion, and hook it into the system
                    CreateRubberBandMouseHandler handler = new CreateRubberBandMouseHandler(vm, this.CanvasViewModel);
                    handler.RubberBandSelection += handler_RubberBandSelection;

                    // Hook up into frame work system
                    //this.mCurrentMouseHandler = this.CanvasViewModel.CanvasViewMouseHandler;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void handler_RubberBandSelection(object sender, RubberBandSelectionEventArgs e)
            if (this.mCurrentMouseHandler is CreateRubberBandMouseHandler)
                CreateRubberBandMouseHandler handler = this.mCurrentMouseHandler as CreateRubberBandMouseHandler;
                handler.RubberBandSelection -= this.handler_RubberBandSelection;


Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is called when the association drawing mode is cancelled
        /// (either via explicit command [click on Select Mode button] or
        /// because the source or target may be in-appropriate).
        /// </summary>
        public void CancelCanvasViewMouseHandler()
            var handler = this.CanvasViewMouseHandler;

            this.CanvasViewMouseHandler = null;

                CreateRubberBandMouseHandler rbh = handler as CreateRubberBandMouseHandler;

                // Make sure event completion handler is detached when mouse command handler is finished
                //// if (rbh != null)
                ////   rbh.RubberBandSelection -= this.handle_RubberBandSelection;
                DocumentViewModel.dm_DocumentDataModel.EndOperation("CanvasViewMouseHandler session");