public void CowRead_ExceptionThrown_BadRequest()
            var storage    = A.Fake <IStorage>();
            var controller = new CowController(storage);

            A.CallTo(() => storage.Read(A <string> .Ignored)).Throws <ArgumentException>();

            var result = controller.CowRead(A.Dummy <string>()).Result;

            Assert.IsType <BadRequestResult>(result);
        public void CowRead_ValidEarTag_OkResult()
            // We mock the storage because it is an external dependency
            // When unit testing it is very important to mock out external dependencies (Dependencies that are dependency injected).
            // If we dont do it, it is an integration test and not a unit test.
            var storage = A.Fake <IStorage>();

            // In this case we test the CowRead method so we dont need to mock it.
            var sut = new CowController(storage);

            // Here we call the method getting the result for assertion.
            var result = sut.CowRead(A.Dummy <string>()).Result;

            // We test the returned type is correct here, because we are testing an API controller returning http200.
            Assert.IsType <OkObjectResult>(result);