Ejemplo n.º 1
        // Return true if this leg should be included, false if not.
        private bool FilterLeg(CourseView.CourseViewKind kind, ControlPoint from, ControlPoint to, Leg leg)
            if (leg == null)

            if (leg.flagging == FlaggingKind.None || leg.flagging == FlaggingKind.End)

            // Flagged legs that end at the finish or a map exchange are
            // included in the finish control.
            if (to.kind == ControlPointKind.Finish || to.kind == ControlPointKind.MapExchange)

            // Flagged legs that start at a map issue point are included in the map issue point.
            if (from.kind == ControlPointKind.MapIssue)

Ejemplo n.º 2
        // Return true if this control should be included, false if not.
        private bool FilterControl(CourseView.CourseViewKind kind, ControlPoint control, ControlPoint controlPrev, ControlPoint controlNext)
            switch (kind)
            case CourseView.CourseViewKind.AllControls:
                // All controls list shows all kinds.

            case CourseView.CourseViewKind.Normal:
            case CourseView.CourseViewKind.AllVariations:
                // Normal list shows all control kinds.

                // filter out duplicate crossing points.
                if (control.kind == ControlPointKind.CrossingPoint && controlPrev != null && controlPrev.kind == ControlPointKind.CrossingPoint)

                // Don't show map exchange that is the last control being shown.
                if (control.kind == ControlPointKind.MapExchange && controlNext == null)


            case CourseView.CourseViewKind.Score:
                // Score course shows start, normal controls.
                return(control.kind == ControlPointKind.Normal || control.kind == ControlPointKind.Start || control.kind == ControlPointKind.MapIssue);

                Debug.Fail("bad course view kind");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Create a set of description lines for a course. If "createKey" is true, then lines for a key are created based on any symbols
        // that have custom text. This is typically done only if text description are not already being printed.
        public DescriptionLine[] CreateDescription(bool createKey)
            EventDB eventDB = courseView.EventDB;

            CourseView.CourseViewKind kind = courseView.Kind;
            int scoreColumn             = courseView.ScoreColumn;
            List <DescriptionLine> list = new List <DescriptionLine>(courseView.ControlViews.Count + 4);
            string          text;
            DescriptionLine line;

            DescriptionLine[]           lines;
            Dictionary <string, string> descriptionKey = new Dictionary <string, string>(); // dictionary for any symbols encountered with custom text.

            // Get the first title line.
            text = GetTitleLine1();
            Debug.Assert(text != null);
            lines = GetTitleLineFromText(DescriptionLineKind.Title, text);

            // Get the second title line.
            text = GetTitleLine2();
            if (text != null)
                lines = GetTitleLineFromText(DescriptionLineKind.SecondaryTitle, text);

            // Get the header line, depending on the kind of course.
            switch (kind)
            case CourseView.CourseViewKind.Normal:
                line = GetNormalHeaderLine(); break;

            case CourseView.CourseViewKind.AllControls:
                line = GetAllControlsHeaderLine(); break;

            case CourseView.CourseViewKind.Score:
                line = GetScoreHeaderLine(); break;

            case CourseView.CourseViewKind.AllVariations:
                line = GetAllVariationsHeaderLine(); break;

                Debug.Fail("unknown CourseViewKind"); line = null;  break;

            if (line != null)

            // Do all the normal lines
            for (int iLine = 0; iLine < courseView.ControlViews.Count; ++iLine)
                CourseView.ControlView controlView   = courseView.ControlViews[iLine];
                ControlPoint           control       = eventDB.GetControl(controlView.controlId);
                CourseControl          courseControl = controlView.courseControlIds[0].IsNone ? null : eventDB.GetCourseControl(controlView.courseControlIds[0]);

                // CONSIDER: this might need to be updated for relay or split controls.
                ControlPoint controlPrev = (iLine > 0) ? eventDB.GetControl(courseView.ControlViews[iLine - 1].controlId) : null;
                ControlPoint controlNext = (iLine < courseView.ControlViews.Count - 1) ? eventDB.GetControl(courseView.ControlViews[iLine + 1].controlId) : null;
                //Id<CourseControl> courseControlIdNext = (iLine < courseView.ControlViews.Count - 1) ? courseView.ControlViews[iLine + 1].courseControlId : Id<CourseControl>.None;
                //CourseControl courseControlNext = courseControlIdNext.IsNotNone ? eventDB.GetCourseControl(coruseControlIdNext) : null;

                // Do the control.control
                if (FilterControl(kind, control, controlPrev, controlNext))
                    // Text associated with the course or course control (before)
                    AddTextLine(list, control.descTextBefore, controlView.courseControlIds[0], controlView.controlId, DescriptionLine.TextLineKind.BeforeControl);
                    if (courseControl != null)
                        AddTextLine(list, courseControl.descTextBefore, controlView.courseControlIds[0], controlView.controlId, DescriptionLine.TextLineKind.BeforeCourseControl);

                    // The control itself.
                    if (control.kind == ControlPointKind.Finish ||
                        control.kind == ControlPointKind.CrossingPoint ||
                        control.kind == ControlPointKind.MapIssue)
                        line = GetDirectiveLine(kind, controlView, iLine > 0 ? courseView.ControlViews[iLine - 1] : null);
                        line = GetRegularLine(kind, scoreColumn, controlView, descriptionKey);
                    Debug.Assert(line != null);

                    // Text associated with the course or course control (after)
                    if (courseControl != null)
                        AddTextLine(list, courseControl.descTextAfter, controlView.courseControlIds[0], controlView.controlId, DescriptionLine.TextLineKind.AfterCourseControl);
                    AddTextLine(list, control.descTextAfter, controlView.courseControlIds[0], controlView.controlId, DescriptionLine.TextLineKind.AfterControl);

                // Add any map exchange lines.
                if (courseView.Kind == CourseView.CourseViewKind.Normal || courseView.Kind == CourseView.CourseViewKind.AllVariations)
                    if (controlNext != null && controlNext.kind == ControlPointKind.MapExchange)
                        line = GetMapExchangeLine(controlView, courseView.ControlViews[controlView.legTo[0]]);
                    else if (courseControl != null && courseControl.exchange && control.kind != ControlPointKind.MapExchange && controlPrev != null)
                        line = GetMapExchangeAtControlLine(controlView);

                // Do the leg (if any).
                if (controlView.legTo != null && controlView.legTo.Length > 0)
                    Id <Leg> legId = controlView.legId[0];
                    Leg      leg   = (legId.IsNotNone) ? eventDB.GetLeg(legId) : null;
                    if (FilterLeg(kind, control, controlNext, leg))
                        line = GetMarkedRouteLine(controlView, courseView.ControlViews[controlView.legTo[0]], legId);
                        Debug.Assert(line != null);

            // Add the key if desired.
            if (createKey)
                foreach (string symbolId in descriptionKey.Keys)
                    line          = new DescriptionLine();
                    line.kind     = DescriptionLineKind.Key;
                    line.boxes    = new object[2];
                    line.boxes[0] = symbolDB[symbolId];
                    line.boxes[1] = descriptionKey[symbolId];


            // And we're done!
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // Get a directive line for a finish or crossingpoint.
        private DescriptionLine GetDirectiveLine(CourseView.CourseViewKind kind, CourseView.ControlView controlView, CourseView.ControlView controlViewPrev)
            ControlPoint  control = eventDB.GetControl(controlView.controlId);
            CourseControl courseControl;

            if (controlView.courseControlIds[0].IsNone)
                courseControl = null;
                courseControl = eventDB.GetCourseControl(controlView.courseControlIds[0]);

            Debug.Assert(control.kind == ControlPointKind.Finish || control.kind == ControlPointKind.CrossingPoint || control.kind == ControlPointKind.MapIssue);

            DescriptionLine line = new DescriptionLine();

            line.kind  = DescriptionLineKind.Directive;
            line.boxes = new object[2];

            // Figure out the distance in the directive, rounded to nearest 10m.
            float  distance = float.NaN;
            string distanceText;

            if (control.kind == ControlPointKind.MapIssue)
                if (controlView.legLength != null)
                    distance = controlView.legLength[0];
                if (controlViewPrev != null && controlViewPrev.legLength != null)
                    distance = controlViewPrev.legLength[0];

            if (!float.IsNaN(distance))
                distance     = (float)(Math.Round(distance / 10.0) * 10.0);  // round to nearest 10 m.
                distanceText = string.Format("{0} m", distance);
                distanceText = "";

            // Box 1: directive graphics.
            string directiveId = control.symbolIds[0];

            // Based on the leg flagging, we may modify the finish directive symbol.
            if (control.kind == ControlPointKind.Finish && (kind == CourseView.CourseViewKind.Normal || kind == CourseView.CourseViewKind.AllVariations))
                FlaggingKind flagging = FlaggingKind.None;
                if (controlView != null && controlViewPrev != null)
                    flagging = QueryEvent.GetLegFlagging(eventDB, controlViewPrev.controlId, controlView.controlId);
                if (flagging == FlaggingKind.All)
                    directiveId = "14.1";  // If flagging is All, then finish id must be flagging to finish.
                else if (flagging == FlaggingKind.End)
                    directiveId = "14.2";  // If flagging is Partial, then finish id must be flagging to funnel.

            line.boxes[0] = symbolDB[directiveId];

            // Box 2: distance for the control, if any.
            if (control.kind == ControlPointKind.Finish || control.kind == ControlPointKind.MapIssue)
                line.boxes[1] = distanceText;

            // Get the text version of the control using the Textifier.
            Textifier textifier = new Textifier(eventDB, symbolDB, language);

            line.textual = textifier.CreateTextForDirective(directiveId, distanceText);

            // The course control ID, for use in coordinating the selection
            line.controlId       = controlView.controlId;
            line.courseControlId = controlView.courseControlIds[0];

Ejemplo n.º 5
        // Get a regular 8-box line for a start or regular control.
        private DescriptionLine GetRegularLine(CourseView.CourseViewKind kind, int scoreColumn, CourseView.ControlView controlView, Dictionary <string, string> descriptionKey)
            Event         ev      = eventDB.GetEvent();
            ControlPoint  control = eventDB.GetControl(controlView.controlId);
            CourseControl courseControl;

            if (controlView.courseControlIds[0].IsNone)
                courseControl = null;
                courseControl = eventDB.GetCourseControl(controlView.courseControlIds[0]);

            Debug.Assert(control.kind == ControlPointKind.Normal || control.kind == ControlPointKind.Start || control.kind == ControlPointKind.MapExchange);

            DescriptionLine line = new DescriptionLine();

            line.kind  = DescriptionLineKind.Normal;
            line.boxes = new object[8];

            // Box A: ordinal or start triangle or points.
            if (control.kind == ControlPointKind.Start || control.kind == ControlPointKind.MapExchange)
                line.boxes[0] = symbolDB["start"];
            else if (kind != CourseView.CourseViewKind.AllControls && controlView.ordinal > 0)
                line.boxes[0] = Convert.ToString(controlView.ordinal);
                line.boxes[0] = null;

            // Box B: code of the control
            if (control.kind == ControlPointKind.Normal)
                line.boxes[1] = Convert.ToString(control.code);

            // Boxes C-H, from the symbols
            for (int i = 2; i < 8; ++i)
                String symbolID = control.symbolIds[i - 2];
                if (symbolID != null)
                    line.boxes[i] = symbolDB[control.symbolIds[i - 2]];

                    // See if we need to add this to the key.
                    bool addToKey;
                    if (ev.customSymbolKey.TryGetValue(symbolID, out addToKey) && addToKey && Symbol.ContainsLanguage(ev.customSymbolText[symbolID], language))
                        descriptionKey[symbolID] = Symbol.GetBestSymbolText(symbolDB, ev.customSymbolText[symbolID], language, false, "", "");

            // Box F -- may be text instead of a symbol.
            if (control.columnFText != null)
                Debug.Assert(line.boxes[5] == null);
                line.boxes[5] = control.columnFText;

            // Put points in the score column, for a score course.
            if (control.kind == ControlPointKind.Normal && scoreColumn >= 0 && courseControl != null)
                int points = courseControl.points;
                if (points > 0)
                    line.boxes[scoreColumn] = Convert.ToString(courseControl.points);
                    line.boxes[scoreColumn] = null;

            // Get the text version of the control using the Textifier.
            Textifier textifier = new Textifier(eventDB, symbolDB, language);

            line.textual = textifier.CreateTextForControl(controlView.controlId, "");

            // The course control ID, for use in coordinating the selection
            line.controlId       = controlView.controlId;
            line.courseControlId = controlView.courseControlIds[0];
