Ejemplo n.º 1
        private async Task TestOrderyByQueryAsync()
            var jsonSerializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
                ConstructorHandling = ConstructorHandling.AllowNonPublicDefaultConstructor,
                Converters          =
                    new ObjectStringJsonConverter <SerializedObject>(_ => _.Name, _ => SerializedObject.Parse(_))

            CosmosClient    cosmosClient = TestCommon.CreateCosmosClient((cosmosClientBuilder) => cosmosClientBuilder.WithCustomJsonSerializer(new CustomJsonSerializer(jsonSerializerSettings)));
            CosmosContainer container    = cosmosClient.Databases[databaseName].Containers[partitionedCollectionName];

            // Create a few test documents
            int documentCount   = 3;
            var numberFieldName = "NumberField";

            for (int i = 0; i < documentCount; ++i)
                var newDocument     = new MyObject(i);
                var createdDocument = await container.CreateItemAsync <MyObject>(newDocument.pk, newDocument);

            CosmosSqlQueryDefinition cosmosSqlQueryDefinition1 = new CosmosSqlQueryDefinition("SELECT * FROM root");
            FeedIterator <MyObject>  setIterator1 = container.CreateItemQuery <MyObject>(cosmosSqlQueryDefinition1, maxConcurrency: -1, maxItemCount: -1);

            CosmosSqlQueryDefinition cosmosSqlQueryDefinition2 = new CosmosSqlQueryDefinition("SELECT * FROM root ORDER BY root[\"" + numberFieldName + "\"] DESC");
            FeedIterator <MyObject>  setIterator2 = container.CreateItemQuery <MyObject>(cosmosSqlQueryDefinition2, maxConcurrency: -1, maxItemCount: -1);

            List <MyObject> list1 = new List <MyObject>();
            List <MyObject> list2 = new List <MyObject>();

            while (setIterator1.HasMoreResults)
                foreach (MyObject obj in await setIterator1.FetchNextSetAsync())

            while (setIterator2.HasMoreResults)
                foreach (MyObject obj in await setIterator2.FetchNextSetAsync())

            Assert.AreEqual(documentCount, list1.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(documentCount, list2.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < documentCount; ++i)
                Assert.AreEqual("Name: " + (documentCount - i - 1), list2[i].SerializedObject.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///  The function demonstrates migrating documents that were inserted without a value for partition key, and those inserted
        ///  pre-migration to other logical partitions, those with a value for partition key.
        /// </summary>
        private static async Task MigratedItemsFromNonePartitionKeyToValidPartitionKeyValue(CosmosContainer container)
            // Pre-create a few items in the container to demo the migration
            const int ItemsToCreate = 4;

            // Insert a few items with no Partition Key
            for (int i = 0; i < ItemsToCreate; i++)
                string itemid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                DeviceInformationItem itemWithoutPK = GetDeviceWithNoPartitionKey(itemid);
                ItemResponse <DeviceInformationItem> createResponse = await container.CreateItemAsync <DeviceInformationItem>(
                    partitionKey : PartitionKey.NonePartitionKeyValue,
                    item : itemWithoutPK);

            // Query items on the container that have no partition key value by supplying NonePartitionKeyValue
            // The operation is made in batches to not lose work in case of partial execution
            int resultsFetched = 0;
            CosmosSqlQueryDefinition             sql         = new CosmosSqlQueryDefinition("select * from r");
            FeedIterator <DeviceInformationItem> setIterator = container.CreateItemQuery <DeviceInformationItem>(sql, partitionKey: PartitionKey.NonePartitionKeyValue, maxItemCount: 2);

            while (setIterator.HasMoreResults)
                FeedResponse <DeviceInformationItem> queryResponse = await setIterator.FetchNextSetAsync();

                resultsFetched += queryResponse.Count();

                // For the items returned with NonePartitionKeyValue
                IEnumerator <DeviceInformationItem> iter = queryResponse.GetEnumerator();
                while (iter.MoveNext())
                    DeviceInformationItem item = iter.Current;
                    if (item.DeviceId != null)
                        // Using existing deviceID for partition key
                        item.PartitionKey = item.DeviceId;
                        Console.WriteLine("Migrating item {0} to Partition {1}", item.Id, item.DeviceId);
                        // Re-Insert into container with a partition key
                        // This could result in exception if the same item was inserted in a previous run of the program on existing container
                        // and the program stopped before the delete.
                        ItemResponse <DeviceInformationItem> createResponseWithPk = await container.CreateItemAsync <DeviceInformationItem>(
                            partitionKey : new PartitionKey(item.PartitionKey),
                            item : item);

                        // Deleting item from fixed container with CosmosContainerSettings.NonePartitionKeyValue.
                        ItemResponse <DeviceInformationItem> deleteResponseWithoutPk = await container.DeleteItemAsync <DeviceInformationItem>(
                            partitionKey : PartitionKey.NonePartitionKeyValue,
                            id : item.Id);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static async Task QueryWithSqlParameters(CosmosContainer container)
            // Query using two properties within each item. WHERE Id == "" AND Address.City == ""
            // notice here how we are doing an equality comparison on the string value of City

            CosmosSqlQueryDefinition query = new CosmosSqlQueryDefinition("SELECT * FROM Families f WHERE f.id = @id AND f.Address.City = @city")
                                             .UseParameter("@id", "AndersonFamily")
                                             .UseParameter("@city", "Seattle");

            List <Family>         results           = new List <Family>();
            FeedIterator <Family> resultSetIterator = container.CreateItemQuery <Family>(query, partitionKey: new PartitionKey("Anderson"));

            while (resultSetIterator.HasMoreResults)
                results.AddRange((await resultSetIterator.FetchNextSetAsync()));

            Assert("Expected only 1 family", results.Count == 1);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private static async Task QueryPartitionedContainerInParallelAsync(CosmosContainer container)
            List <Family> familiesSerial = new List <Family>();
            string        queryText      = "SELECT * FROM Families";

            // 0 maximum parallel tasks, effectively serial execution
            QueryRequestOptions options = new QueryRequestOptions()
                MaxBufferedItemCount = 100

            FeedIterator <Family> query = container.CreateItemQuery <Family>(
                maxConcurrency: 0,
                requestOptions: options);

            while (query.HasMoreResults)
                foreach (Family family in await query.FetchNextSetAsync())

            Assert("Parallel Query expected two families", familiesSerial.ToList().Count == 2);

            // 1 maximum parallel tasks, 1 dedicated asynchronous task to continuously make REST calls
            List <Family> familiesParallel1 = new List <Family>();

            query = container.CreateItemQuery <Family>(
                maxConcurrency: 1,
                requestOptions: options);

            while (query.HasMoreResults)
                foreach (Family family in await query.FetchNextSetAsync())

            Assert("Parallel Query expected two families", familiesParallel1.ToList().Count == 2);
            AssertSequenceEqual("Parallel query returns result out of order compared to serial execution", familiesSerial, familiesParallel1);

            // 10 maximum parallel tasks, a maximum of 10 dedicated asynchronous tasks to continuously make REST calls
            List <Family> familiesParallel10 = new List <Family>();

            query = container.CreateItemQuery <Family>(
                maxConcurrency: 10,
                requestOptions: options);

            while (query.HasMoreResults)
                foreach (Family family in await query.FetchNextSetAsync())

            Assert("Parallel Query expected two families", familiesParallel10.ToList().Count == 2);
            AssertSequenceEqual("Parallel query returns result out of order compared to serial execution", familiesSerial, familiesParallel10);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static async Task QueryItems()
            // 1.4 - Query for items by a property other than Id
            // NOTE: Operations like AsEnumerable(), ToList(), ToArray() will make as many trips to the database
            //       as required to fetch the entire result-set. Even if you set MaxItemCount to a smaller number.
            //       MaxItemCount just controls how many results to fetch each trip.
            Console.WriteLine("\n1.4 - Querying for a item using its AccountNumber property");

            CosmosSqlQueryDefinition query = new CosmosSqlQueryDefinition(
                "select * from sales s where s.AccountNumber = @AccountInput ")
                                             .UseParameter("@AccountInput", "Account1");

            FeedIterator <SalesOrder> resultSet = container.CreateItemQuery <SalesOrder>(
                partitionKey: new PartitionKey("Account1"),
                maxItemCount: 1);

            List <SalesOrder> allSalesForAccount1 = new List <SalesOrder>();

            while (resultSet.HasMoreResults)
                SalesOrder sale = (await resultSet.FetchNextSetAsync()).First();
                Console.WriteLine($"\n1.4.1 Account Number: {sale.AccountNumber}; Id: {sale.Id} ");

            Console.WriteLine($"\n1.4.2 Query found {allSalesForAccount1.Count} items.");

            // Use the same query as before but get the cosmos response message to access the stream directly
            FeedIterator streamResultSet = container.CreateItemQueryStream(
                maxConcurrency: 1,
                partitionKey: new PartitionKey("Account1"),
                maxItemCount: 10);

            List <SalesOrder> allSalesForAccount1FromStream = new List <SalesOrder>();

            while (streamResultSet.HasMoreResults)
                using (CosmosResponseMessage responseMessage = await streamResultSet.FetchNextSetAsync())
                    // Item stream operations do not throw exceptions for better performance
                    if (responseMessage.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                        dynamic           streamResponse = FromStream <dynamic>(responseMessage.Content);
                        List <SalesOrder> salesOrders    = streamResponse.Documents.ToObject <List <SalesOrder> >();
                        Console.WriteLine($"\n1.4.3 - Item Query via stream {salesOrders.Count}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Query item from stream failed. Status code: {responseMessage.StatusCode} Message: {responseMessage.ErrorMessage}");

            Console.WriteLine($"\n1.4.4 Query found {allSalesForAccount1FromStream.Count} items.");

            if (allSalesForAccount1.Count != allSalesForAccount1FromStream.Count)
                throw new InvalidDataException($"Both query operations should return the same list");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public async Task  TestJsonSerializerSettings(bool useGateway)
            CosmosClient cosmosClient = TestCommon.CreateCosmosClient((cosmosClientBuilder) => {
                if (useGateway)
                    cosmosClientBuilder.WithCustomJsonSerializer(new CustomJsonSerializer(CustomSerializationTests.GetSerializerWithCustomConverterAndBinder())).WithConnectionModeGateway();
                    cosmosClientBuilder.WithCustomJsonSerializer(new CustomJsonSerializer(CustomSerializationTests.GetSerializerWithCustomConverterAndBinder())).WithConnectionModeDirect();
            CosmosContainer container = cosmosClient.Databases[databaseName].Containers[partitionedCollectionName];

            var rnd   = new Random();
            var bytes = new byte[100];

            var testDocument = new TestDocument(new KerberosTicketHashKey(bytes));

            //create and read
            ItemResponse <TestDocument> createResponse = await container.CreateItemAsync <TestDocument>(testDocument.Name, testDocument);

            ItemResponse <TestDocument> readResponse = await container.ReadItemAsync <TestDocument>(testDocument.Name, testDocument.Id);

            AssertEqual(testDocument, readResponse.Resource);
            AssertEqual(testDocument, createResponse.Resource);

            // upsert
            ItemResponse <TestDocument> upsertResponse = await container.UpsertItemAsync <TestDocument>(testDocument.Name, testDocument);

            readResponse = await container.ReadItemAsync <TestDocument>(testDocument.Name, testDocument.Id);

            AssertEqual(testDocument, readResponse.Resource);
            AssertEqual(testDocument, upsertResponse.Resource);

            // replace
            ItemResponse <TestDocument> replacedResponse = await container.ReplaceItemAsync <TestDocument>(testDocument.Name, testDocument.Id, testDocument);

            readResponse = await container.ReadItemAsync <TestDocument>(testDocument.Name, testDocument.Id);

            AssertEqual(testDocument, readResponse.Resource);
            AssertEqual(testDocument, replacedResponse.Resource);

            CosmosSqlQueryDefinition    sql          = new CosmosSqlQueryDefinition("select * from r");
            FeedIterator <TestDocument> feedIterator =
                container.CreateItemQuery <TestDocument>(sqlQueryDefinition: sql, partitionKey: testDocument.Name, maxItemCount: 1);
            FeedResponse <TestDocument> queryResponse = await feedIterator.FetchNextSetAsync();

            AssertEqual(testDocument, queryResponse.First());

            //Will add LINQ test once it is available with new V3 OM
            // // LINQ Lambda
            // var query1 = client.CreateDocumentQuery<TestDocument>(partitionedCollectionUri, options)
            //            .Where(_ => _.Id.CompareTo(String.Empty) > 0)
            //            .Select(_ => _.Id);
            // string query1Str = query1.ToString();
            // var result = query1.ToList();
            // Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count);
            // Assert.AreEqual(testDocument.Id, result[0]);

            // // LINQ Query
            // var query2 =
            //     from f in client.CreateDocumentQuery<TestDocument>(partitionedCollectionUri, options)
            //     where f.Id.CompareTo(String.Empty) > 0
            //     select f.Id;
            // string query2Str = query2.ToString();
            // var result2 = query2.ToList();
            // Assert.AreEqual(1, result2.Count);
            // Assert.AreEqual(testDocument.Id, result2[0]);